RecRoom (OOC) [Operation: X-Com]

Yo...I tried that and I just don't understand it, or was I able to get it to work.
Would you be able to help with a step by step?

I just dont understand DOS. I am so glad they iced it over with Windows cuz if Computers were still in DOS, I'd be bald.
Did you try dragging the file (that is, the one that starts the game) onto the DOSBox icon? I believe that works in newer versions, at least some of the time...
Fear not, brave and valorous men of the Cadian 12th...

Wait, wrong speech.

Fear not, ignorant and semi-competant rookies of X-Com 1st-and-Only, your fearless commander will return to active duty within the month. Until then, please enjoy your shore leave and try not to besmirch the force by losing any drinking contests.
Yeah, well, the character that inspired Carl once killed a major NPC before we had a chance to learn he was on our side!

Its a new MMO by Cryptic, the makers of CoH/V. It's still rough around the edges, and there can definitely be more content and a higher level cap, but it is still a pretty decent game. Once polished, I can see the game doing very well. The customization is freakin sick.
Mortal Online was here, Champions are noobs.

Alright, I can commence postan again a few times a day.

Back to the front, boys.
Maybe we should send up a signal flare via pm or e-mails or some such so everyone knows things are happening here?
Er, sorry.

I'm back now, I just forgot you were set to return at the end of the month. Though my post may be delayed a bit, since I've been through a lot today, what with the false heart attack alarm with my father and all...

EDIT: ...Though, what do I need to do? Should I wait for an interview topic, or just join in with the others?
Feel free to have been bundled into the Skyranger. No time for faffing about with interviews anymore.

I vote me.


In DnD...I wear the "Always get Crit'd in every game atleast once Cap"

So if I get goo'd I wouldn't be surprised.
Another vote for the puking kid. Scorp, you're gonna be first to be horribly maimed and you know what that means. That's right, experimental cyborg time.
Galen said:
Another vote for the puking kid. Scorp, you're gonna be first to be horribly maimed and you know what that means. That's right, experimental cyborg time.
My character can't wait. :D
So... assuming my connection to this forum is going to behave, would it be a good idea to join in now, or should I wait?
...Well, just let me know when I should make my first post, and how to go about doing it.

Sorry about not posting before, but I believe that was around the time I couldn't access this site, so I didn't have a chance...
Well damn, its off and popping and we already got our pile of goo.

But besides that. What are the rules? What do you roll for Initiative? Awareness? What's the target number? Is it set or does it vary? I have no idea about this game system. If you don't mind, maybe you can explain what to roll when you want a certain action done.

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