Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

Highland Academy

David nodded,and said, "I can't really do much yet. But apparently when I was born,I teleported out. I'm trying to learn that,mainly,as well as bending light and the natural elements." He spotted the figurine,and said, "Now that's impressive. Molding metal with magic to get such a detailed statuette. Juliet Butler,correct? I have the entire Artemis Fowl series. Great read." He looked around the hall,and asked,'"So why was this gathering called? Didn;t they say we had free reign until Monday?"


Steven was dumbstruck. Is this guy telling the truth? No...Impossible. Instead,Steven stumbled forward,despite the enormous hole in his chest. Hell or high water...He's going to pay. His steps quickly lost any semblance of grace,but he stumbled on anyways,straight for this idiot who sought to unleash Borghen on the unsespecting world. Steven tried to say something,but with his lungs blown out,he couldn't. Realizing this,Steven stopped,and extended to his assailant both of his middle fingers with extended thumbs,the prosthetic arm hovering to it's joint to achieve the effect,and mouthed an unsavoury,but universal insulting phrase,and began to glow. His ultimate coup de grace. He was splitting every atom in his body once more.

Borghen spoke up.

"If you intend to survive,and see me free,get us out of here!"

If Steven is to be erased from existance,he might as well take Borghen with him.

"Well, i didn't make this, this really cool girl made it for me, we were showing the kinds of magic we could use, i showed her my "fire puppet" and she made this using a coin" he said as he held up the small statue in front of David "so, light magic huh? i've heard about that, its like flame magic, on of the "old magics" from before even the time of the founders, right? nothing like Metal magic or anything like that..." then something came to him "yeah, light magic was used by one of them wasn't it? as like, a fool-proof method of Illusion magic... right?"
Appearing in the Grand Hall before the assembled first-year students in a burst of light, stood the Headmaster and Professor Nexter. Headmaster Nilast seemed cheerful as always, while Professor Nexter wore his signature frown.

"Alright students, time for our opening weekend activities!" The Headmaster bellowed out with a jovial and good-natured tone. "We're gonna play a few games."

"You'll need to partner up. Make it snappy." Professor Nexter quipped, apparently unimpressed and apathetic to the entire premise.


The figure stood still, entirely uncaring that Steven was attempting to destroy himself and bring it and Borghen down with him.

"Quite a poor loser, Steven." It spat, it's grin widening as it's eyes became unfocused on Steven, and on something behind him.

Appearing behind Steven was a swirling portal of light, a voice ringing out from the portal. Steven Adams, you are hereby invited to join eternity in the Akashic Realm. The voice rang out soundlessly to all the beings present.

The figure dashed forward, leaping over Steven and trying to reach the portal. Suddenly, a flash of lightning erupted from the portal, much deeper in hue and larger in size than the lightning used by the figure itself. It hit it directly in the chest, hurling it back with a smoking injury on it's chest. It squirmed it's way up to it's feet, shock on it's face.

"I'd recommend stopping there." A voice familiar to Steven and Borghen spoke, a grinning jerk with a mess of dark brown hair stepping out of the portal, one eye a deep green and the other demonic and yellow. He came up and put his hand on Steven's shoulder amiably.

"If you knew what was good for you." Yet another voice spat, a stern and unapologetic young man with lengthy platinum hair coming from the portal behind the first man, wearing a white suit with a gold shirt and tie underneath.

Before the figure and all present and watching, stood Vent Aterus and Hope Astrumregis. It seemed Hell rippled, maybe in fear as these two made their presence known once more.

The figure swore under it's breath, standing up, it's smoking chest wound seemingly non-existent now. It stayed quiet, shaking it's head.

"We're here to escort you, Steve-O." Vent said, licking his lips, revealing demonic fangs. "And destroy anyone trying to get in." He added, his gaze turning to the figure and narrowing dangerously.

The figure's angry expression turned to a grin. "Using it's best assets early, I see. The Akashi are desperate, knowing I've become a threat. Too bad you're only a defence mechanism, and nothing more." It theorized, it's bloody red eye glinting with cunning, a plan already forming.

"The best damn defence mechanism this side of the universe. That only got stronger just now. Steven, let's make haste. We'll explain on the other side." Hope spoke up, eyeing the strange figure with curiosity and fury mixed in an even, controlled amount.
Lucian watched as Nexter and the headmaster spoke "Activities huh?... hey David, wanna partner up?" he was already getting more and more excited at the prospect of what crazy things they could be doing...
Jace stood alone now not knowing who to partner up with. Sitting in the corner he watched as the other first years got up and began to partner up. Beggining to doubt himself and wether he should even be here he jsut sat alone by a pillar watching everyone and waiting to see who would partner with who, as for these games, he never was fond of games and didnt know how well this would go either which made him wonder if these so called games were manditory.
The students had been standing around waiting for what seemed like forever to Lux, but the headmaster and the professor appeared just as she expected them too. It seemed like she was right, the headmaster was inviting them to play games and the professor told them to hurriedly get into teams.

Lux immediately straightened up, looking around for the people who looked open, but it seemed to happen too fast for her liking. Deciding to pick a person at random, she ran up to a girl in ceremonial robes, her gut flipping in her stomach, she wasn’t sure if it was nerves or a bad choice.

Sticking out her hand, she offered, “Partners?”
Vative watched as Lux went to find a partner, scanning the room for herself. A boy stood off to the side, with yellow eyes. He looked...interesting. A soft smile claimed her lips as she moved carefully around hurrying students. Adjusting her grip on her books as she approached, she tilted her head softly to the left, a strand of blue falling over her teal eyes. "You wouldn't happen to have a partner already, would you?" She was careful about eye contact, not wanting to make him nervous or get rudely dismissed like she'd heard some other kids get. Sliding her eyes over, she noticed another girl was already there, and she had a feeling the answer would be a quickly done yes.


Cyr stood up from the table of girls she'd been chatting with. They were nice, really nice, actually, but they had paired off together, and she was the odd one out. Giving a nod of the head to their apologizes, she waved lightly before wandering through the mess of people to find someone to work with. She wanted someone on her skill level, and most certainly not annoying. She didn't know how well she could handle doing these games with someone who would grate on her nerves. Bumping into another girl, she paused,
(Okay, I did a lottery which consisted of me picking names out of a hat to choose who I'd try being partners with. So I got Bane and Tybalt. Feel free to say no.)

Gray was still running about with Anya on his back as the headmaster began the announcement. As the students were all told to partner up, he tried to skid to a stop. Unfortunately, the smoothness of the floor and that worn out treads of his shoes weren't cooperating with his plan. Instead, he slipped and the two slid across the floor until they crashed into the wall by Tybalt. Gray got up rubbing the back of his head. There was going to be a huge bump there pretty soon. He quickly checked his reflection in his mirror. Yes. Still looking fabulous.

"So, Anya, I guess I can be your p-" "Hey, my name's Anya, short for Titania. You want to be partners?" Gray's jaw dropped. While he was recovering from the little crash, Anya had already went to another boy? Gray began tearing up. "Anya, why?" The white haired girl pointed to Gray in the Phoenix Wright objection style. "Punishment. For being a sucky horse."

Gray was taken aback. Anya had just told him he sucked at something. Was the world ending? Was this not the Anya he knew? Then a flame lit up within him, a defense mechanism. "I wasn't being a sucky horse. You were being a sucky driver. How could you do this to me, Anya? After all that we've been through? I carried your child in my womb for nine long months only to have him ripped from me and taken away. I never even got to hold him." At this point, everything he said didn't even make any sense to himself but he didn't care.

Anya looked at her old friend and somehow was able to match the same wavelength of crazy as him. "You were not the only one who suffered. After you disappeared from my life I was forced to wed someone I could not love. Even as I said 'I do' all I could remember was the thought of raising our son in that small house on the hill like we always planned." Then feeling tired of their little soap opera fight, she gave a sigh. "Okay, Gray, if you wish . . . you can have him as your partner," she said while pointing to Tybalt.

Gray's eyes began watering again and he ran off yelling, "I don't need your sloppy seconds!" Gray began looking around the room trying to find another person to partner up with. He spotted a boy with green hair standing off on his own (Bane). He reminded Gray of a carrot. Gray liked carrots. They were yummy. He walked up to the boy and then flipped his hair back with his hand. Using his magic, a soft light was reflected off his wrist mirror and fell on him to give himself a glow like he was as beautiful as he felt. "I see you're alone here. I suppose I shall give you the privilege of being my partner for these games."
Before anything could happen, Tybalt had someone ask to be his partner, the boy and the girl from earlier crash into the wall and then put on quite a display, and then the girl asked to be his partner too. It all happened too fast for him to react, but now he had two different people asking to be his partner. He swallowed a lump that sprung up in his throat, glancing between the girl with blue hair, and Anya.

Celestine cackled like a witch from inside the pendant, audible only to Tybalt's mind.

My word, it seems you're suddenly quite popular! Maybe the loner attitude is working? Tybalt you sly dog, you could have told me that was the angle you were working! She exclaimed to him, along with more laughter. Tybalt, being quite an average fourteen year-old boy, went slightly red as his guide/mentor/contractor began to tease him about girls. Biting his lower lip slightly, he resolved to end this as quickly as possible and save himself from further embarrassment.

Turning his gaze to Anya, he looked a little disappointed.

"Sorry... Uhm... The girl here asked me first." He noted in an awkward manner, referring to the girl with light blue hair, still not knowing her name. He felt bad turning down Anya, based on the display she'd just put up with her friend. They must have been speaking in inside jokes, Tybalt reasoned, or else they were both stir-crazy...

Casting a glance at Amaya as well, who Tybalt felt would have asked to be his partner had the other two not, Tybalt immediately found great interest in his shoes, still slightly red and biting his lower lip, waiting for the thick air to clear before doing anything else. Celestine continued to chuckle.


Connie had just gotten into the hall, having missed the announcement. She bumped into someone accidentally in all the commotion. Hmm, she thought, eyeing up the girl who bumped into her.

"Can you tell me what's going on? I missed any sort of announcement, I only just got in." Connie asked the girl, glancing around in the chaos. She smiled sheepishly.
Teal eyes shifted between people, before settling back on the boy she had asked. She was an utter fool sometimes, she really was. Tilting her head down, moving her hands around her pile of books in almost a shielding manner, she shook her head. "I, uh, I think it might be best if I ask someone else...I'm sorry I bothered you." She stated in a rushed voice, before ducking back into the throng of people.

Shaking her head, she glanced at the people who already had partners, failing at finding one alone that didn't look terrifying. She was so stupid, the other girl should have been a clear sign that she was just going to be getting in the middle of things, and then the other person he'd clearly known before hand, simply foolish. A soft sigh left her, unheard by the noise around.


Looking at the other girl, Cyr raised an eyebrow. The kid didn't know what was going on then, which would mean she wasn't part of something yet.
"Uh, their going to have us do some warm up games, and told us to pair off." Rocking back onto her heels, she gave the other girl a crooked smile, extending her hand, "You wouldn't happen to want a kid who knocked into you as a partner, would ya?"

Ayama looked down, and walked away. She had wanted to be Tybalt's partner. That was not going to happen, so, she simply sat down and waited to be the last one left without a partner.


Aphrodite smiled, now was a better chance to be better friends with Elle, so, she simply asked her, "Shall we be partners?" She actually wanted to be this girl's friend. For one, she was different, and needed a new fashion sense, to, she didn't hit her when she had down wrong, and three, she thought she was just plain cool.

Ellessa looked at the girl who held her hand out towards her. She couldn't help but find her attention drawn inextricably towards her hair. Unlike the boy Jace Valenheart who only had blue tipped hair, this girl possessed a full head of pale blueish green hair that seemed to flow unruly down her form. Her violet eye's also seemed to shine as illuminated by it's own inner light.

"I..." Ellessa began to stammer out.

"Shall we be partners?" Aphrodite suddenly let out, seemingly disengaging with her other conversation.

"Partners...?" Ellessa muttered a bit shell-shocked.

Aphrodite had been through the same hardship's as herself. Just like her, her mother had been removed from her....but unlike her, she had no one else to rely upon. Ellessa began to turn towards Aphrodite when memories of the last day again flooded back towards her. She looked down at her freshly recovered hand as the images reeled around her heavily confused mind.

"She is like the flame she controls...." She finally thought to herself. "...One can flick their fingers through if they move quickly enough, but linger and you are bounded to feel it's sting... Perhaps that is why she can control it so much better than I..?"

Ellessa slowly turned her attention back towards the girl with the hair that reminded her of a gently flowing creak before bowing politely to Aphrodite.

"I...I think I will partner with her for this endeavour this time." Ellessa said as politely as she could manage, even as so much of her told her it was wrong and that she should pick her. "Please accept my deepest apologies...and...might we have time to talk when we return to our quarters?"
(Okay . . . um . . . I'm not quite sure the exact details about what's going on. It seems three girls asked Tybalt to be partners and all three are leaving? And I think Ty chose Vative but I guess she didn't know that? . . . So I'm going to be as vague as I can with this. Whatever happens next, I'll just roll with it.)

Anya was unfazed at Tybalt's rejection. She smiled brightly at the red faced boy. "It's okay. I'm sure I can find someone else. Bye-bye." She then disappeared off into the crowd after the girl who had left as well. (Amaya or Vative, I'm not sure . . . ) She soon caught up to the girl and instead of slowing down, sped up, tackling the girl to the ground. Sitting on top of the girl, Anya extended a hand out to the person she just attacked. "Hi there. My name is Titania Fullbuster. You can call me Anya though. Wannna play with me?"
In reaction to the teacher's words, one might have presumed that Eeliphas, barely capable of social interaction as he was, would simply fall into a fear-induced state of apathy and just wait until all the others had grouped themselves into pairs. And certainly, the boy himself would have preferred nothing more. However, if he was to be the last one left without a partner, then that would, most likely, mark him as a failure to the teacher - the superior - of this Academy. And if he was marked a failure...

"For the Lady..." he whispered to himself, trying to gather up his few remnants of courage as he stood up and slowly moved to the middle of the hall, where he, upon arrival, turned to face the throng of students trying to find a suitable partner.

His crimson eyes looking at no one in particular, he coughed once, trying to clear the organic remnants of his throat, before raising his voice, which still retained its artificial undertone akin to a metallic grating to a volume audible to everyone in the hall "Who..." he coughed again, "Who wants to be my..." he paused for a moment, trying to find the right word "... partner?"

He would have loved nothing more than to shrink back from the stares he was receiving.
Walling precariously around other students, Vative kept her head low, her books her shield from the odd looks some of the other first years shot her. From time to time, she would stop, scanning out for someone who looked like they would be suitable. What she had so far was three denials, and a death glare that stopped her from even coming close enough to ask. It was starting to look like her first day was going to be worse than her first official knife practice, and that had ended up pretty bloody. Literally.

Dropping into an empty chair, she watched the kids mull around. Setting her books up on the table, she shook her head. At some point, there would either be a person left over, or an odd amount. Either way, her choice would be more easily decided, and after that last dumb move... She didn't know if she really wanted to take the forward step in this. Pulling the top book down, she cracked it open and resumed reading.
Lucas was completely lost among the crowd. His morning pick-me-up was almost worn off, and the glassy mirrors of his eyes had faded to his almost natural silvery-grey hue. He still had to find a partner, and quick, if he didn't want to get left behind by the rest of the class. And that was something he wasn't willing to risk, not quite so soon anyways. Glancing quickly around the room, he noticed most of the students were already mostly paired off, save a few. The closest one to him was some blue-haired guy -or was it a girl?- In one of the chairs reading, back turned to him.

"Hey!" He called out in his best impression of a cheerful, friendly voice. First impressions and all that. His voice sounded pained and grated, even in his own ears and he winced to himself as he approached. "Is that a intermediate text on magical residue of mineral deposits, or are you just happy to see me?"

Worst into ever.

Well, with the horrible formalities out of the way, At least it couldn't get any worse. He held out his hand in a friendly-ish sort of way as a greeting. "Name is Lucas, are you still lacking in a partner?"
Someone yelled, and at first, Vative assumed it had nothing to do with her. As the voice got closer, and named her book, she blinked, and then the words meaning settled in. Shoving the book back on top of her pile quickly, she felt her face going pink. Turning around in her chair, she looked up at the boy. He seemed around her age, at least.

Glancing down at his hand as he stuck it out, she raised an eyebrow. Funny to think kids her age actually greeted people like that. Accepting the hand briefly, before dropping it back to the back end of the chair she pushed herself up.
"Yes, I would be without the key part to this duo. Quite an unfortunate situation to be in. "
Bane grinned wide when he heard the headmaster announce that they had to partner up. This was a perfect chance to get to know his fellow students. He looked around wondering who might be the best to approach and asked when someone else did it for him.

Bane turned towards their voice. It was a guy which didn't bother Bane in the slightest. He gave him a wide smile and nodded. "Certainly. I am Bane by the way. Bane Valentine." He stuck his hand out to shake. He wondered,vaguely, why they had to partner up. It was certainly going to be interesting. He just hoped his partner was interesting as well.


Eroria could understand the guy's nervousness although him avoiding looking at her kind of offended her. Maybe people could just sense the evil on her. Maybe that was why Ayama didn't stick around to walk with her. Maybe people knew that she was bad and came from a bad family and she was already being hated and fear and...

Eroria shook her head. No she was over-thinking it. She was sure it was just because this guy was shy or something. No need to jump to conclusions right? When he spoke asking if anyone wanted to be his partner, Eroria looked at him.

"I'll...I'll be your partner. If that is okay?"
Lucas slid up alongside Vative, slightly more confident in netting himself a partner. "Wonderful! Finally I-" He cut himself short "I mean... That's unfortunate. Too bad really. ...But, if you want, I can cover that for you!"

He flourished and dipped his head in a sort of formal greeting. "Lucas Silverstream, At your service. There aren't many of us left, so count yourself lucky!"

He looked Vative up and down, as if examining her for the first time. "And you... You aren't from around here, are you?"
A soft chuckle bubbled out of her. A smile flashed across her face as she bobbed her head in greeting. "I would be more than happy to let you fill the role." Tucking a strand of rebellious hair back behind her ear, before looking at him. Leaning back against the table, she shrugged lightly, ignoring his eyes on her.

"Well, no. I'm not, I'm not from anywhere really, since I've been just about everywhere." She gave a nervous chuckle, before realizing she had never reciprocated one of the simplest rules of manners. Stupid. "I'm Vative Deluser, very pleased to meet you."
Noting the voice of the girl, Eeliphas turned to face her, then immediately averted his gaze onto the ground beneath his feet. It took him a few moments before he was able to gather up his courage again to answer, struggling to find the words all the while "Very... well. I will be your...partner.", the cloth covering the lower half of his face moving as he spoke.

It took another few moments of awkward silence until he again was able to follow up his answer with a question "May I... look at you?", nervosity apparent even in his artificial voice
Aphrodite nodded, "Alright." She then walked away, looking around. Sure, she did wanna partner with one of the better looking guys, but knew that wasn't likely. She noticed another person simply standing by a door. A bow on her back, and looking fairly young. Obviously another student, so, Aphrodite walked over, and smiled, "Do you have a partner?"


Ayama had walked to a wall, waiting to be the last one left. She had really wanted to partner with Tybalt, but there where too many people wanting to partner with him, so she had left him alone. Plus, he had acted like he wanted her to leave him alone. She jumped a little when the girl with the red hair came over to her.

"Oh, um, hai!" She exclaimed, excited.

"Hi? What's that?" Aphrodite asked, confused.

"Oh, it's Japanese for yes, okay, and similar words. Sorry, I thought you'd know that, and, I don't have a partner, but I'll be your's" Ayama said, her normal, bubbly self again.

"Oh, okay. You seem very, excited. What's with that?" Aphrodite asked.

"Simple," Ayama said, then said something in Japanese that Aphrodite didn't even know what it meant.

"Um, English?" Aphrodite asked.

The two girls continued their discussions of Japanese-English words.
Ty fumed silently, slightly upset things hadn't worked out. He hadn't been very decisive, so the fragile seeming nature of the situation collapsed around him, leaving him standing alone as other people went about finding partners. Ty turned glancing into the crowd for someone who wasn't already involved. He spotted Cyr, the girl he met last night, but she was talking to another girl. Damn, Ty thought, biting his bottom lip. He was going to be the awkward one who was last without a partner.

Celestine on the other hand was having a blast, thoroughly amused by Tybalt's social ineptitude and overall dorkyness. She continued to cackle like a witch, audible only to him though the pendant.

Oh boy, you shan't find a partner at this rate. One would think such a bright young boy like you would have no trouble simply talking to someone, or being social. Celestine barked sarcastically, chuckling at her own snark. Ty walked on past Cyr and the girl she was talking to, a regular sized girl, a bit on the thicker and taller side for a young lady, with light brown hair and simple blue eyes. She seemed quite happy to be talking to Cyr.

Spotting Anya from earlier, still seeming alone, Ty's eyes widened slightly. Opportunity, thy time hast arrived, he thought, before face palming. Celestine's olden tongue was starting to rub off on him. But she'd been quite good about adapting to modern slang and the like... Ty walked up to Anya, his hands stowed tightly in his pockets.

"Uhm... I-I think there was a lot of confusion earlier, Anya. If you're still without a partner, I'd like to be yours." He said, before kind of making a face while glancing down at his shoes, at how awkward his sentence had sounded. Celestine made such inhuman noises with renewed laughing it was starting to bother Tybalt a little.


Connie smiled wider, nodding her approval.

"Of course I would. Nice to meet you, I'm Connie Bergen." She said to Cyr quite amiably, her gaze being drawn away as Tybalt walked past. She recognized him almost immediately, her eyes widening, while grabbing Cyr's hand. "C'mon, we're gonna follow that kid for a sec!" She whispered to Cyr, while it was painfully obviously to pretty much anyone except Tybalt that he was being watched by Connie.
Eroria looked at him confused. Well that was an interesting question. Why would he ask if he could look at her? Maybe... Well Eroria couldn't really think of anything reasonable. Unless, of course, the rumors of her families had gotten so bad and so wild that people thought they couldn't even look at them.

"Of course you can," Eroria told the boy. She was just glad that he had said yes to her, as odd as he was. "I am Eroria. Eroria Sheol." She looked at him waiting for him to give her his name. His nervousness calmed her a bit in a funny way. It seems that she was not the only one who was on edge around here. Although she didn't know his reasons. Eroria pushed away her earlier thoughts. It was probably more personal than it was about her.
Cyr's smile widened, showing just how crooked it actually was. As she opened her mouth, her gaze was caught by Tybalt as well. He seemed, well, better than when she had met him, actually, not at all like he'd gotten involved in her problems. As her hand was grabbed, she blinked before getting pulled after him. "Why do you want to follow him?" She asked, not understanding. Was he some big shot and she hadn't realized it? Her stomach knotted as she realized she could have really insulted the kid the other night if that was the case.

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