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Fantasy Rebirth of a World Long Dead [IC][OPEN]


Four Thousand Club

Pittsburgh, PA
19th of August, three weeks after supernatural reappearance
10:15 AM

It may be early for some people, but not for him. William was often up before the sun rose just to see it come up from a roof top. He was genuinely surprised he'd come to enjoy a city. Maybe it was the view, or the historic sites, whatever it was he didn't know, but he was loving Pittsburgh. After being stalked by the press and by more than a few people who want him dead, Pittsburgh seemed to keep William hidden. About a week or so after him settling down here he started to go out a little more. Today he is sitting on a bench in Riverview Park, watching as more and more people, but too many, make their way to their next destination. William was half-waiting for something to happen. He did here that there were a couple dragons somewhere in the city. People seem to have a bigger reaction the bigger the being gets.

He wasn't enjoying what had happened to the old town that used to sit here. Karan had once called this place place home, and he still does, but he dislikes it. Apparently the place he lived in was now named Schenley Park. Who went by the name of Schenley? Karan thought to himself. At least it was still forested. A giant wolf who could talk was not a common sight let alone a normal one. Also, the park was much quieter than the city itself. Karan was walking along some of the trails at the time.

OoC - https://www.rpnation.com/threads/rebirth-of-a-world-long-dead-ooc-open.335073/
Kendra was awkwardly perched atop a towering skyscraper, sharpening her ashen claws on the metallic edge of the structure while Dri lingered in the alleyway below, digging through trash cans in search of food. The two had returned to the city after a lengthy three weeks, each day spent scouring the earth in search of Towres. They had come back to his homeland in the hope of finding him, praying that he, too, had returned. Alas, they had spent all day slinking through alleyways and avoiding humans, searching for him all the while, and had not seen a single hint as to where the drake might be hiding. While Dri was beginning to lose hope, Kendra remained optimistic.

"Found anything?" The redscale called lazily, her raspy voice booming through the air. Dri swiftly turned her blue gaze toward her companion, the silvery white dragoness letting out an exasperated sigh. "No," She huffed. "And we'll NEVER find anything if you stay up there, in plain sight, and get us caught! Do you want a stampede of humans shooting our hides out of the sky?" She exclaimed fearfully.

Kendra rolled her eyes, ripping a chunk of stone out of the building and tossing it at Dri playfully. "Oh, come on, I can handle a couple of humans," She snorted. "You know, I used to rule an entire VILLAGE back before this shitstorm ha-"

"Yes, I know,"
Dri grumbled in agitation, dodging the rock with graceful ease. "You've only told me, like, three times now." Her fluffy tail lashed, knocking over a trash can to reveal a handful of cheap plastic jewelry, accompanied by a variety of miscellaneous junk.

"Ohhh," Kendra gasped, her emerald eyes widening at the sight. Her muscular frame rose, the roof of the building she lurked atop crumbling as she stood. The dragoness shook her mighty head before leaping into the alley, the surrounding land shaking as she hit the ground, her feet leaving massive potholes where they struck. She loomed forward, snatching up the shiny beaded necklaces and fake diamond rings.

"These are beautiful!" Kendra exclaimed in awe, holding the jewelry up to the light as Dri groaned in frustration. She tossed one of the necklaces over her horns, decorating her ridged head with shining silver and turquoise. "It's a shame my hoard is gone," She sighed wistfully, turning a pair of earrings over in her claws. "These would have made for a wonderful addition."

Dri muttered as she pulled a plastic bucket labelled "KFC" out of the fallen trash can, sniffing it warily. A grin crossed her maw as she turned it over, watching victoriously as a plethora of rotting chicken limbs tumbled out. "Ha! Kendra, look! Food!" She cried, her smile widening.

Kendra lowered her head to sniff the meat charily, wincing at the smell. "It's rotten," She mumbled in distaste, a disgusted frown forming on her face.

"Everything in these bins is rotten, Kendra," Dri explained as she lifted a wing to her jaw, nibbling on it thoughtfully. "It's either this or humans, and I already told you what would happen if we so much as prod one of them."

"Yes, yes, I know," Kendra sighed, grabbing a talonful of chicken and tossing it into her mouth reluctantly. "They'll capture and torture us... I know." She turned her head toward a crowd passing the alleyway hungrily. "But, y'know, I could totally beat them up. No one could capture someone like me! Do you know how many dragonslayers I've slaughtered?! And, plus, they just look so tasty..."

"Kendra, no." Dri cautioned her with narrowed eyes. Her companion nodded and sighed, an almost amusing amount of sorrow clouding her expression as she returned her gaze to the rotting chicken.

The two finished eating in silence, devouring the chicken ravenously despite its filthy taste. They were both still hungry afterwards, considering a measly portion of chicken isn't very filling for one massive dragon, let alone when it is shared by a pair of massive dragons. It was enough to hold them off, however, and so they took to the sky to continue their search for Towres.

"Where to now?" Dri asked, turning to face Kendra midair as they hovered above the skyline. Kendra shrugged, her eyes trailing the sprawling city beneath them. "I guess we should just keep looking around," She replied. "I'm pretty sure he's around here. i just don't know where."

"Maybe we could find some more supernatural and ask them if they'd seen him," Dri suggested hopefully. Kendra was usually too self-reliant to listen to the whitescale, but every now and then, she would actually take what she said with more than a grain of salt. This appeared to be one of those rare occasions.

"That's a good idea," She rumbled with a regal nod. Dri smiled, her tail lashing in pride. "Alright, great!" She chirped, batting her wings. "Let's try that park over there." And with that, she turned, winging towards her destination. Kendra rushed after her, barely able to keep up with the dragoness. Whitescales were built for flying fast, after all - they were some of the most renowned speed demons back in the day.

Dri landed near an earthy path, looking up at the trees surrounding her with a smile. There hadn't been any parks here back before the artifact was activated. There had been a zoo, filled with unicorns and dragons who had dared attack the city as well as a variety of other mythical beasts, but that didn't really count. Everyone had just headed out to the forest whenever they longed for a taste of nature, though Dri supposed the wilderness was quite a trek away from here for anyone without wings.

Kendra landed beside her with a noisy thud, smoke rising from her nostrils. "Which way are we going?" She asked, swiveling her head around curiously. "You go right, I go left," Dri commanded with a twitch of her tail before trotting in the direction she had granted herself. Kendra frowned, traipsing after her.

"I don't think we should split up," She said, a note of concern lilting her voice, much to Dri's amusement. "What if someone attacks you? I won't be here to protect-"

"Kendra, I'm fine," Dri cut her off with a sigh. "I can take care of myself. If I really need help, I'll roar for you, okay?" Her blue eyes stared into Kendra's green gaze.

"Fine," She grumbled in defeat. "But if you die, I swear, I'm gonna kill you..." The redscale snorted, prompting a laugh from Dri as she turned and headed to the right.

Almost immediately after Kendra romped out of sight, Dri stumbled upon a massive wolf, her eyes widening at the sight. He was much smaller than her, but he could probably do some damage if he wanted to. The dragon approached cautiously, lowering her head and dragging her feathered wings along the ground in submission. "Um... Hello," She greeted him with a nervous smile, trying not to panic.

Meanwhile, Kendra wandered along the path mindlessly, hoping to find someone to talk to. Alas, she saw no one - until she eventually found the park entrance. Humans infested the streets surrounding it, chattering noisily and putting about in their smelly metal monsters. Kendra's lip curled at the sight, disgusted by the beasts that had turned her world upside down.

One human stuck out to her, however - a man resting atop the edge of a building, sitting on the roof. He smelled.... different. Inhuman. Kendra figured he must have been a vampire or something, maybe a werewolf. He was definitely supernatural, anyway. Intrigued, she stomped out of the park despite Dri's constant warnings that they must stay hidden.

Most of the crowd panicked and ran, screaming, their cries irritating Kendra to a great degree. The few who didn't flee still eyed Kendra, well aware of how much damage she could do if she willed it. Fortunately for them, she meant no harm.

The dragoness leaped forward, pouncing atop the roof William was sitting on, landing directly behind him. Cracks spread through the ceiling as it began to shatter under her weight, though it was strong enough that it didn't completely cave in.

"Hello." She said simply, as though she hadn't nearly destroyed his home just now. The dragoness sat, her spiked tail curling around her clawed feet. "Who are you?"

And almost as if his prayers had been answered, he began to sense something. It's scent was different than any of the other supernaturals of the city. William could tell it was approaching him before it was near. It's scent growing stronger and stronger, indicating it was closing the gap. People screamed and ran in the street below. Then, hang. It was behind him. Cracking audible as it now rest on the ceiling, telling William that it was big. From what they said he could tell many things. First of all, their attitude. Secondly, feminine. Though the voice was deep, for something of that size a masculine voice would be much deeper. Without turning to face what was behind him, he stuck a finger in the air. "First of all, wow. Where'd you get your breakfast from? Cause it smells like rancid chicken. Secondly, hello" he said. Turning around to face her, he now saw that it was a dragon. Must have been one of the two people have been seeing lately. "Oh, you're one of those dragons people have been going on about. Damn, where are my manners? I'm William, William Hollen. You are?" he asked while standing up and brushing off his jeans and vest.

Karan could smell something coming closer to him. As it slowly, and rather shyly, came into view he could see it was a dragon. He was confused why it was approaching him so shyly. It was much larger than him. Not quite twice the size but still bigger. He lifted his head a little higher as he looked at it. It said hello. It sounded feminine, and definitely shy. He couldn't help but notice she was dragging her white feathery wings along the ground. "Please, lift your wings. You are only dirtying them" he asked in a polite tone. "And hello" he responded to her greeting. His tail swished slightly as a light breeze blew down the trail, rustling leaves on the branches of trees. A couple of yellow leaves fell to the ground. It was getting closer to fall.
astrodrak astrodrak
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←Madison Lane →

Her heels clicked against the pavement as the female left the alleyway. She was licking her lips, stained with blood making it look like she wore lipstick but only she would know what it really was. The body lay within a cardboard box look home, her victim had been homeless after all.

She was still parched, she had been imprisoned upon waking from her slumber and just recently escaped. Even though she had drained everyone in that 'facility' she was still thirsty. Humans were food to her, none would survive her wrath. She hated humans with a passion for what that lot had done to her beloved.

Ahead of her humans were screaming and running in all directions, one having the balls to bump into her making her stumble back. Instantly her fangs sprang free again but she restrained herself from launching herself at the human to drain dry. Too many around and the last thing she needed was to be thrown into another cell and experimented on again. Instead she slipped out her leg to make humans trip causing her some amusement.

The sun peaked out behind a building cause her to shrink back into another alley, "I should've gone home before the sun arrived." The sun hadn't been a bother to her since buildings were protecting her from its rays, it was almost noon so she should leave now but she couldn't go back to where she lived until she had more blood.

A human stumbled into the alley stopping mid scream when he saw her. Madison couldn't stop the smile that slowly spread across her face, "Hello, there." Before the man, who looked to be about mid thirties dressed in a business suit could utter a word, Madison had covered his mouth with her hand to stop his screams. She clamped her teeth into his neck, shoving him down to the ground. She straddled his legs and drank from him, he smelled of liquor and cigarettes making her cringe but his blood tasted like wine.

Conall had woke up after his little nap a bit later than he wanted to. He was supposed to meet up with Kyle and Ryan at 10:45. It was almost 10:30 by the time he got out of the house. Pulling out his phone, he called Kyle while he started walking. After a few seconds he picked up. "Yup?""Hey Ky, I'm gonna be a little late. Had to do a little overtime and ended up over sleeping""Yeah, Ryan's gonna be late too. See you at 11 I guess""Yeah. Sounds good. What happened t-" the conversation was cut off as Conall went to turn into the alleyway he uses as a shortcut. In the alley was two people, a woman and a man, and needless to say, it wasn't what he was used to seeing. The girl seemed to a vampire as her teeth were dug into the man's neck. Conall's face was a mixture of fear and confusion. He could here Kyle on the other end of the phone call, asking what was going on. "I-I'm gonna have to call ya back man""Wait, what the fuc-" Conall hung up before his hand lowered slowly. His hands were shaking as he backed away slowly. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm fucked he thought. Fear was gripping him on the inside, but on the outside he seemed relatively calm. Other than the fact he was trembling at this point as he continued to back away at sloth-pace

Abana Abana
←Madison Lane →

Engrossed in her task, she didn't hear the shuffle of feet to her right until a clock could be heard. She withdrew her fangs as the click sound register to her as a phone, she licked her lips feeling somewhat sated but she needed at least one more drink. Her victim was still breathing but she was feeling generous so she licked his neck, her saliva closing the wound. He was unconscious and would think what happened had been a nightmare.

She slowly stood and turned a bit so the new appearance was within her view. Blonde, tall, built. He was actually quite handsome, she would love to sink her fangs into this one but then she looked at his face and froze. Bright blue eyes, eyes that seemed too old for him. Eyes that looked like her deceased husband's. Her features became saddened as that memory came. And he had to be human, she inwardly groaned.

She then realized he was backing away, should she stop him or let him go? She couldn't bring herself to feed from him let alone go near him. This was quite the situation. "Why," was all she could get out from still being shocked about his eyes. Raku Raku
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Alandra was packing her items in her bag "today is the day" she told herself as she place her bag onto her shoulder and walk out of her room.it took her about an hours for her t arrive n the dead world while looking onto the maps and pictures to what it looks like in her laptop. upon arriving there El Alandra said farewell to her team and headed over the dark forest "well..." she stop and look around the place "this is it..." she then took out a picture of her when she was a little kid and her father along with her mother hugging her. "wait for me father im coming" she said as she started walking.

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Alandra was packing her items in her bag "today is the day" she told herself as she place her bag onto her shoulder and walk out of her room.it took her about an hours for her t arrive n the dead world while looking onto the maps and pictures to what it looks like in her laptop. upon arriving there El Alandra said farewell to her team and headed over the dark forest "well..." she stop and look around the place "this is it..." she then took out a picture of her when she was a little kid and her father along with her mother hugging her. "wait for me father im coming" she said as she started walking.

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Rio senses some one near his cave in the forest and comes out and teleports near the women and says" i'm not going to harm you but if you want to get out of here quickly i suggest you follow me, there's many creatures that lurk in the darkness, next time i advise talking the stone hills it's much safer but were here now so we'll make do the exits about two miles from here if we go north east".
Alandra gasp and almost stumble back into position but she stop tract and look at him from quite a moment before making a smile and a giggle "you too kind" she said with a smile then shooking her head "but no ill be staying here for quite some time, im here to search for my missing father have you seen him lurking around here before?" she ask reaching to her pockets and showing him the picture of her father.

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Alandra gasp and almost stumble back into position but she stop tract and look at him from quite a moment before making a smile and a giggle "you too kind" she said with a smile then shooking her head "but no ill be staying here for quite some time, im here to search for my missing father have you seen him lurking around here before?" she ask reaching to her pockets and showing him the picture of her father.

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Rio paused for a minute after looking at the picture then says" Well miss that depends on a number of things what is his skill set or sets because that plays a huge part, the woods are split of into several territories you see mine is the cave not far from here and the domain that's linked to it, so with that said do you have any clue where he was last because my powers as a demon can't read mind and such but i do have power over wind and ice but i can only share my ability's with the one i'm contracted with".
Alandra look at him "well my father has no skills... he was just none other human like me" she said as she look up at him "and contract? what do you mean contract sir?" she said as she look at him and look around. hearing his information make her heart beat with worry and fear that she might not see her father alive

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Alandra look at him "well my father has no skills... he was just none other human like me" she said as she look up at him "and contract? what do you mean contract sir?" she said as she look at him and look around. hearing his information make her heart beat with worry and fear that she might not see her father alive

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Rio sighed and says" i'll only explain it one last time. as you are now the chance of you being killed are pretty high because from what i can tell you don't have any magic or magic weapons etc, so even if he is dead as long as you have a contract with me i'll protect and do my best to slay all those that stand in your way". "Of course wielding a weapon like me will drain you and make you ill and such at first, and unlike other demons i don't need you life energy i can get that from the ice and wind not a bad deal if i say so myself". Rio opens his hands and wind comes out and starts to look for her father as it travels.

The next words that slipped into Conall's mind were Wait, what?. The vampire that he just watched drink another man's blood was now backing away from him. He was sure that he was going to be her next victim, but now he wasn't sure. Was she scared of him? If so, what for and why? Conall hadn't had anything with garlic in it for a long time, so that was out of the picture. What she said was a little more confusing, "Why?". Why what? What was it about him that she was so disturbed by? He had all these questions, but he didn't want to ask them nor did he have the time. Taking this as an opportunity, he moved slowly towards a lowered fire escape. He kept eye contact and walked very slowly. "Uh, I'm gonna act like I didn't see that. I-I won't tell anyone" he said so it didn't seem like he was going to run to the police or something.

Abana Abana
←Madison Lane →

Her mind was hazy but she came to when he began to move, her eyes never leaving his. She tilted her head as he spoke about not telling anyone making her brain register what was going on. "You aren't him but your eyes are.", she mumbled and reacted. She used her speed to blur her way to the ladder in which the human was backing towards, "I can't trust you, I can't trust humans. Not after..", she shut up mouth tight and gritted her teeth. She didn't want to hurt him but she couldn't let him live if he was going to tell anyone, "I will not be held as an experiment again!!!", she all but screamed at him. She felt like a cornered child, wanting to hide from the outside world again. Weak and helpless, unable to protect herself.

"I can't.. Tell someone, I don't care. They won't find me even if you did tell." She moved away from the ladder and pulled her hoodie over her curls to hide her face as she made her way out of the alley. She needed to get home before the sun was too high, it would hurt her if too high in the sky.

Raku Raku

Alandra look at him "but there is hint on this right?" She ask as she look at him "and im in the contract already?" She said as she look up at him as he watch him search for her father

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Alandra look at him "but there is hint on this right?" She ask as she look at him "and im in the contract already?" She said as she look up at him as he watch him search for her father

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Rio sighed and says" we have to exchange vows of partnership through a magic circle for that, as for his lifeforce i can't feel it but for now i'll cut you a break and take you to him after all it would be wrong not to", He walks up to her and quickly chanting a spell, " By the wind of the wind demon god i call forth your power as a decent, take us to the place where the souls of the falle are son to rest so my soon to be contractor can say goodbye". The wind picks up and teleports them and then it disperse one can now see a human body and he gives her time to say good bye to him because he understands the pain of losing close ones all too well.
Alandra look at Rio as she listen to his word then flash came to her mind when he mention 'Good bye' at first she was confused but now when they arived in their destination

She almost stumble down the ground from the scene before her unfold and tears started to fall into her eyes like fountain "father.."

"Aladra why are you here. How did you get here" said a word from concerned father

Aladra explained to her father about what happen as she join the army to see him once again

"Im sorry you have to know Alandra" he said with a frown but even to death i have a job to do... please... leave this place and start something new" he said with concern as he started to fade "good bye..." he said

Alandra look at her father as he started to fade "w-wait father!" She said as she stand up to reach her father for a hug but once he faded she stumble falling to the ground as tears comes freely to her eyes and sniffing sound.

She take a sit in the ground and wipes all her tears as she turned to Rio "t-thank you" she said managing to spill her words and made a smile to her contractor

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Alandra look at Rio as she listen to his word then flash came to her mind when he mention 'Good bye' at first she was confused but now when they arived in their destination

She almost stumble down the ground from the scene before her unfold and tears started to fall into her eyes like fountain "father.."

"Aladra why are you here. How did you get here" said a word from concerned father

Aladra explained to her father about what happen as she join the army to see him once again

"Im sorry you have to know Alandra" he said with a frown but even to death i have a job to do... please... leave this place and start something new" he said with concern as he started to fade "good bye..." he said

Alandra look at her father as he started to fade "w-wait father!" She said as she stand up to reach her father for a hug but once he faded she stumble falling to the ground as tears comes freely to her eyes and sniffing sound.

She take a sit in the ground and wipes all her tears as she turned to Rio "t-thank you" she said managing to spill her words and made a smile to her contractor

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Rio gently smiles and then makes a hole big enough for her dad with his wind then says" I'll b back with a make shift tombstone from the cave i'll be back in about one hour in the meantime do what you have to do and in a few days or so we can talk about making the contract official". Rio then vanishes and the reapers in the back of his cave, ' why is't these fools always go places they shouldn't be going when i'm not around it could of been one of the demons humans are often so stupid and i don't always get why they do what they do'. After about half an hour rio finds what he's looks for then puts it over his shoulder and starts to walk back out of the cave towards the area where he he left her.
Alandra look over to rio as he dissapeard "thank you" she said as she faced her father grave and sitting silently. She coudnt thank Rio enough for showing her. Her father's sight and he was kind enough to even get a tombstone.

She just wonders what she wpuld do now that she has found her father. She look around and waited for Rio to come back and with a yawn she heard foot step and she look around if there was danger in the area

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Zero sat there on the roof top with his sword on his back look at the sky "It's almost noon...." he said in his mind he knew he had to find the strongest werewolf and vampire ever so he can learn how to control his power forever.... well atleast for now. He begins to find this foul sense the sense of blood as he looks he see this person with a hoodie on he quickly decides to grab his overcoat that was red and also had a hoodie and followed the hoodied person
Ignis took flight, that rooftop wouldn't do. The wilted mess of plants far too tropical for Pittsburgh were sickly and unfit for fairy inhabitants. Not to mention the sickly succulents nestled in pots on a windowsill down below. This place was a nightmare, Ignis did not see himself waking up anytime soon. Shrinking to a glowing green orb he accelerated over the streets.

There had to be something, somewhere with vegetation in this wasteland, where was the sustenance for all these people coming from?

He caught a glimpse of a scuffle in the alley below but did not interfere. Instead he landed safely on the rooftop next door to safely judge the foliage of this ram-shackled garden. Displeased with his findings, he stuck his head over the front of the building to see the hooded figure ( Abana Abana ) leaving the alleyway. But even better, a pocket of color, flowers!

A glowing green orb, he dove off the roof straight to the flower shop in the first floor commercial space of this classic apartment building. He landed in a bouquet of sunflowers. Like a cat he stretched out and collapsed on the freshly cut flower. It felt amazing to be that close to nature again despite the life seeping out of its' wounded stalk. He nodded to himself, he would rest here for now, if not forever.
←Madison Lane →

She had turned by a flower shop when a shadow blew over her, diving for the flowers making her groan and quicken her pace away. She wanted out of this city and back to her home just out of the city noise. She passed more humans, having to sink her teeth into her bottom lip.

It took her a while to reach the edge of the city, her home within sight. It was a big home, abandoned and condemned. Cliche, she thought to herself. She pulled her hood tighter over her face as she felt the dun hit her neck causing her to hiss and jump back under a building's shade. "How am I to get there if there's no cover from here to there and I've only this hoodie?" She spoke to herself as if she had answers to everything.

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