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Fantasy Reaper

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Rev scowled, giving her a worried look. The girl was transferred so she wasn't a newbie. She's be able to hold her own out there.

"Rogue tracked Sayla and Belle out near where Scourge is. I need you to come with. Think of it as... Your first mission at the main branch." He said, a grim tone covering his voice.
"Alrighty. I don't know who those people are but I'm up for a challenge. Got nothing to do anyways."
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"Just be ready for a cat fight, alright?" He said, almost jokingly. It was true that a fight would surely break out if Grim was with Scourge. He hurried downstairs and went to get one of the trucks in the base's garage. They left towards where Rogue was getting the signal from.
Auna arrived at the scene and saw the worn down building with light threads coming out. She formed a large glaive with her threads and followed Revnoir.
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Revnoir led the younger girl into the building, already having a good idea of what was happening. He walked in on Belle doing something with her Threads. He wasn't familiar with what it was, but he had an idea of it. He looked at Scourge, who gave him a pleased look.
Auna looked at the guy Revnoir was looking at. She had no idea who anyone here was and was really confused but she followed along.
They had given her enough time to set up, this should be over even before they knew exactly what she wrought.

The light in the room around them bent, turning the room dark for a single instant while Belle worked her magic, she would no longer hold back this time, taking everything to the extreme as she fought the first weaver and whatever decided to follow him. Light simply refused to escape a single area, not due to gravity mind you, her threads guiding it into a coil so tight that it would not even register to them, form any spectrum everything was just 'dark' for a moment, light as it was nonexistent.

"Let there be light." She whispered in some disturbed jest of creation as a single beam flew forth, from where she last saw the two figures she faced down an instant before. There was no way for illusions to take hold, not when light itself was under her control as well, not when she could see just as well as Isaac could. There was no escape as light, concentrated and focused to such an extent that it was only visible in a single direction, a true linear vector, flew forth into where the heart of the first weaver should have been.
Grim immediately used his own elementless Threads to block the attack to the best of his abilities. Scourge took the opening to get out of the way in case Grim's Threads gave out. Revnoir frowned.

"What the hell's going on here?" He yelled loudly, taking a few steps closer. He gave Grim the dirtiest look of the century then looked at Belle. "And you say the ones with Hysteria are Hysterical." How did he know she said that? His earpiece. Rogue recorded every conversation for anyone to hear.
"That was just a greeting, old friend. I'm simply returning the favor against Xillia." She teased him lightly, fully aware that the first strike was never going to impact when there were two of them around. It was a test after all, just to find the bare minimum attack power she could muster in such a small amount of time. She simply bent the light inside the small area they were confined in, drawing strength from the very room they would battle in; that wasn't even a fraction of what she truly had under control.

Let's put things into perspective for a bit. Let's begin with the sun first, the most massive source of light, visible light, relative to the earth. It, supposedly, could send as much energy the world spends in a year, in an hour. To take a second and putting the relatively small area into consideration, that would be quite a small amount of the world's energy consumption, but most likely enough to rival a thunderstorm in terms of pure power. All that energy, focused into a space just as small as a thimble, and focused so that it wasn't even visible laterally, she had a lance of pure power could easily break threads, assuming they had the durability less than stone quarter of a mile thick.

She could fire those continuously, at will, as long as her Threads could access the light of the sun, and seeing as they were visible even outside the building, she was walking artillery. No one could see it, probably, but the outside of the building turned dark as the light was once more siphoned and used, this time to fire a monsoon of beams directed towards the murderer who dared use her as a weapon.

All who could see would swear that the leader of Squad 2 had been possessed by the Reaper himself.

"Just die already."
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(hmm~? We agreed that anything light could do, right? I did my research, solar power is quite the renewable resource after all~ But sure, just don't expect me to roll over, I've been waiting for this fight for days after all~)
(I mentioned not to be TOO OP with the solar power shit xD it's just getting close to the edges of what I'm gonna deal with ok? Sry. )
(The sun isn't that strong if not on the equator. It weakens pretty fast the more you go north or south)
(So the suns power is around half as powerfull as at the equator... asuming it is fall or spring)
(near end of winter I believe... but ok back to rp)

Revnoir formed a wall between Grim and Belle.

"Is no-one listening to me, pay attention already! If you kill the son of a bitch, you'll lose info even I don't have! Listen to Sayla already." He growled, then added another comment. "Aura's the replacing director of the base, so you should be listening to whatever he says. Are you new to the company?" His short little dialogue was directed towards the female Light Weaver.
Auna's wishes were answered as something interesting indeed happened. When she leaned on the wall, it collapsed and pieces fell on top of her.
Auna quickly got out from under the pile of rubble and glared at the wall and muttered something under her breath and just sat in front of the pile of bricks.
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"Again people are so weird." People could never understand her when she says things. She didn't blame them really. At least one of them, the newbie she believed was calm, acting bored when two of the most powerful weavers in the base were engaged in combat. She found a wall for her troubles, not exactly poetically just but she would take it. She didn't even bother to explain how it would be possible to access the brain post mortum, the core was able to be interpreted by the brain after all, she could, already did actually, made it so that the human brain could be a CPU as well as a Database, though she still had to figure out how to create files instead of just accessing. Story for another time.

(Brain cells could survive post as long as cultured properly, hooking them up to a core, weave manipulation is a personal assumption though)

She used her light again, going for the more indirect approach and lowering the wavelength, visible turned small, micro in fact, as the raw heat of the air began acting up, aimed for the extremities more than anything. She wouldn't kill them immediately, she could make the suffer as much as possible before she granted them the mercy of death. Microwaving his arms and legs, boiling him alive from the inside was just another way to do something like that. For safety, she extended her threads outside further, allowing her to access more energy, not to use yet. She expended a lot just with the first and second salvo. It's not like she could sustain them for as long as she wanted, she had a few minutes of charging time, turning invisible, before the battle started, that energy was gone now.

(also of note, guys, I can miss, you can dodge ( ;) ))
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Günther woke up inside squad 2's barracks and got up from the chair he had slept on. He rubbed his eyes and walked down to the canteen. He wasn't hungry but had to force himself to eat so he wouldn't die. He got a sandwich to eat and walked out of the canteen, heading towards the med-bay where he would most probably eat.
Salyla had slipped away from the the trouble inside the building. She was now on the roof were none could see her, looking down on her target. Scourge was off limits for now, but the moment he became useless, she would strike.

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