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Kano sighed. He looked up in annoyance. All the recuits mostly disappeared through the base or quit. Kano got up and stretched.

"Lets go hunting..."

Kano grabbed his weapons and walked out of the base slowly. He went towards the direction where the guards saw Aura and Zen go.
"Children these days, too impatient for their own good." Belle muttered harshly under her breath, hovering over the form of the girl she first met after such a long time of inactivity. It was a shame that they had to meet in such circumstances, but then again she made pretty good, if not fragile, bait. If she was enough to send those conniving cowards running, than Belle was sure she would be enough to take them on in a straight up fight. One of them at least. "Come on, little one, let's get you back to base." She crouched down, picking the lithe form of the silver haired girl with the gentleness of a mother before he threads came over her, propelling her back to her office when she could begin healing the poor fool. "Your brother should know better." She spat over the wind, her pace tiptoeing between dangerously fast and safely brisk as she glided through the landscape.
Günther came slowly walking out from the canteen. He had not eaten anything and walked towards the med-bay. He was mumbling something in German and seemed to be thinking. He looked a bit meager and sleep deprived.
Reaching the base too less time than she expected, and soon she was walking the halls with a half dead girl in her arms. "Günther, stop cursing and help me with this." Belle commanded callously as she passed her subordinate by, knowing that if it was him, he at least wouldn't be useless in the operating room. "We need to repair a cracked core, it would be best of you knew the procedure just in case I am not in the immediate area when something like this happens." With that, she continued her walk towards her operating room, not even waiting for the taller man to keep in step. He knew the way there, no need to waste time.
Günther looked at Belle. "Yes! What happened?" He said it before belle could mention the cracked core. "Okay..." He followed Belle closely as she walked.

"Do you need any special tools?" Günther asked.
"A scalpel, preferably the single-use glass one somewhere on my desk, it's sterile. A few threads, ice, from the department, have Arcadia get them though. Sedative, would be great if she's twitchy, just a precaution though. Finally, grab the experimental serum under my desk, code alpha, gamma, theta, phi. Just a warning, try to grab anything else from the desk, I can't guarantee your safety. Go." She deftly gave instructions before changing into her coat, not missing a single step after laying the girl down on the table. She had to run the real time scan before anything else, great way to pass the time while Gunther followed her instructions.
sayla felt hands around her, though it confused her. she was almost shure she was dead... so why was she in such pain...? She still felt the blood on her from the hole in her chest. Why does beinng dead hurt...? She wondered absantly.
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Günther pulled a scalpel from a little bag at his belt, handing it over to Belle. "Alpha, Gamma, Theta, Phi. Right..." He repeated the code and walked away to get the special serum. He was away for a fem minutes before he was back with the serum and some sedative. He went to hand them to Belle. "Only the thread left..."

Günther yawned once and called for Arcadia. "I need some threads, Ice type."
"Great, now take a nap somewhere, I think you need it." She spoke as close to gently as she got in that state, handing him the sedative as her own threads took bound the girl to the table, leaving no way for her to struggle just is case she was still awake. There was a strange, almost sadistic reason why no one willingly volunteered to be operated on by her, she never really used sedative, not when she was strong enough to make sure no accidents happened while hey suffered through the operation fully conscious. "Now, let's begin shall we?" She smiled lightly, coating the scalpel in her own special serum before going to work and cleanly cutting away skin and fat.

(Do you guys want a detailed operation or I just gloss over it?~)
Sayla now heard voices shouting something. Alpha... gamma...theta.... and Phi...? Whats that mean...? She wondered
(Let's go with the detailed.)

"I'll stay and help..." Günther said. He placed the sedative on a table nearby and moved closer to watch. He took a facemask from his pocket and placed it on his face.
The first incision was the easiest, of course, the reason they were doing this in the first place was because there was a gaping hole in her chest, so not much a surprise there. Clearing away torn muscle and some bone fragments, keep in mind this was the rib area, was a bit more difficult, but with the serum and usual regenerative powers of a weaver, she could make some space trimming off some bone if need be. She was good enough with the threads not to require such measures, though she did so anyway just in case anything acted up.

The core was in sight by then, close to the still beating heart, just a few degrees from the lung cavity, the small space beside the lungs and the windpipe, glowing with strange cold light, that was strange in itself, further emphasizing the massive crack the ravaged the strange crystalline surface. It was strange that a rock was the source of their powers, but that was a lecture for another time, she needed to focus on the current situation for the most part. She used her hands to deftly move some of the warmer, bloodier organs away, she could take it, before putting some more serum on the scalpel and....

There was no subtle way to put this.

She stabbed the core with force that knocked the air out of the lungs of her patient, she knew, she could see those organs. Even before her patient could inhale reflexively, she filled the crack with the supplied threads, to the untrained individual, messily stuffing the mystery element into the ravaged artificial organ before emptying the strange liquid around it. This was when it began, the race against time where literally, life and death hung in the balance. Just the way she liked it,

The lungs began filling up.

Her own threads intertwined with the those of the ice, the new ones Gunther supplied, and like minuscule fingers, they did what she was made to do. They weaved. Into the very substance of the crystalline organ, into the muscle, the tissue of the organs around it, she weaved the threads into them, splitting them into strands no more visible than a fraction of a needle's eye and she made them one with the threads that made up her being. Cells were enveloped in Threads, and tissue was made into something no longer entirely human in a fraction of a second.

She had taken a breath,

Next thing she did, with all the serum used up, was she cleared away the blood, heartlessly burning it away with a blast of heat, before she withdrew and sutured the girl up without so much as a by your leave. The entire process took a few seconds at most, from the stabbing, to the actual operation itself, perfected by using her own body as a practice dummy.

She turned to her companion with a proud smile, the first happy expression she made since she 'killed' Xillia. "Did you get all that?"
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Sayla had the misfortune of compleatly waking up as her core was stabed. She screamed the entire time, feeling a pain she had only felt once befor.
(they literally asked for it~)

Gunther had yet to reply, she was fine with that, though Sayla should have been awake through that entire, painful ordeal. She even smiled when she heard the scream, they always did that, and it was a pretty good sign that they were still alive. That should teach the girl not to mess with things way above her pay grade. She prodded at the body for good measure, checking the vitals to make sure the girl hadn't died from the shock. "Before you ask." She turned to her assistant once more. "No there was no other way to reincorporate the threads quickly enough."
Sayla lay on the table panting. Gods that hurts... She looked around weakly and tried to get an idea of who was here and where Here was.
(omg! I forgot I have Cinder! my poor bby, I forgot!)

Cinder wandered around, scowling deeply. He had absolutely nothing to do, and didn't feel like approaching Revnoir for a little while. He still hadn't been told about Xillia's death, so he wasn't in the worst moods ever.
Günther looked at Sayla and then at Belle. "That.. was too fast..." He pulled his facemask off and scratched the back of his head.

>No way I can do that< he thought.
Sayla still couldnt see anything. her vision was way too blurry to make anything out. and her hearing seemed o be muffled. Sayla started to freak out becaue she couldnt see anythin, was still restrained, and couldnt tell who was there. she asumed the worst and started to scream for help
Günther moved instinctively and tried to calm Sayla down. "You're in the med-bay of the HQ. No need to panic."
Cinder heard the screaming from the med bay and hurried over guessing that it was someone that the doctors couldn't get to right away. He went to help, but poked his head into the med bay and saw the scene. He just stared, wondering to himself if he should even be able to get there without having to negotiate and blackmail his way in. This WAS similar to a hospital surgery room, after all.
"Hush." Sayla was an ice user, so there was little surprise when the temperature of the room dropped significantly. Of course no one would have thought that Belle was capable of that with just a word, or maybe it was just their imagination. "Really, is it too much to ask for some peace and quiet or do I have to remove a few vocal chords." Belle muttered, completely serious with her threat. "Oh, and another is here eh? Need something, Cinderella?"
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