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Fantasy Reaper

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Kano finished charging his light now and put away his flashlight. The light threads swarmed the room lighting it up.

"I wonder..."

Kano poked the door with the gunblade lightly.
"Several things. particularly..." She stepped forward behind Kano, knocking on the metal door a few times, as if unafraid of what could happen as they touched it. "Cores, Reaper cores. Maybe even some Reapers themselves if we get lucky. Not too much data on this place is lying around other than the fact it exists. If ever we can't hack for entrance, I need you two to help me take this place apart, though that comes later. Anyone want to volunteer for being the first one to the scanner?"
"Oh Oh! Me!"

Kano said like a little kid with an answer in class. He wanted to get inside fast just in case there is more information. He wanted to know the deep secrets. But then he heard Aura say it before himself.

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"Try general access codes, Squad Leader Clearance of course, first. Assuming Rogue updates this place as much as it does the rest of the base, those would work from the get-go. The biometric data should be included in the databases as well." She suggested before pointing to the terminals as well as the array of scanners. "If that doesn't work, we tunnel though and home that data inside doesn't compromise."
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"I uh... I'm confused... What are you saying?"

Kano was very dumb about technological things. He sighed in embarrassment.
"Enter the place like you locked yourself out of your room and forgot the key." She explained, careful not to let her impatience show. "Type in your own password, the one you use to get files, and scan your thumb, hand, eye, whatever applies, on the set of scanners." She tried to guide him as much as possible, pointing at the involved pieces of equipment as she continued her explanation. At this rate maybe they would have the break the thing down. "I don't see any microphones though try speaking to see if it could recognize voices too. If it works the way I think it works, we can get it without too much of a mess."

Kano did all the procedures to unlock each lock mechanism. He sighed and waited for the locks reactions.
"Alright, plan B. As far as I see it, we can tear down the wall supporting the door, after the turrets of course, or we could just poke a hole though the door itself. Aura, Kano, If you two have any suggestions I'm all ears, if not, then brace yourselves." She gave them fair warning, summoning her threads in a shower of prismatic light as they coalesced around her in an everflowing dance. She didn't want to have to blow the door immediately, but if it had to be done, then she just hoped that whatever was inside would stay intact.

Maybe the other two had better ideas, it was always better to have a second, in this case also a third, opinion on the subject.
"Uhm... Uh... Is it possible for us to pull off the wall instead of blow it up? Because I would rather have what is inside in contact..."

Kano frowned a bit. He was still desperate for answers and until he finds them he won't act like he has before.
"Yes!! Drill a hole but try no to make much collateral!"

Kano's face turned bright. He thought Aura's plan might work. Might...
"Of course it would put a hole in Squad 2's floor. But that can be repaired. And if I use my Threads, I can drill and catch rubble befor it falls on the contents of the room." Aura said.
"Hmm, destroy the floor, or destroy the wall? Tempting offer, but not on my floor." She replied quite easily before her own threads went forth and began probing the door for any obvious weaknesses. Sliding mechanisms, no matter how air tight, could be circumvented one at a time, hinges were easily found and if worst came to worst, there was always a way to wreck the locking systems enough to force the door ajar. Of course, she planned to rip the very door from the wall to save them some time, her own threads beginning to wander around the area, penetrating the wall and floor alike to find a good enough anchor before she started puling. "Give me a few minutes."
Revnoir had left the training room, and had been told by a little artificial birdy that someone needed to get into the squad 1 rooms. As an old member of squad 1, it brought back memories of his old friends.

He headed up to that floor and showed up behind all of them as they started to talk about pulling the wall out or whatever.

"That's really unnecessary, you know." He said, visibly in a better mood.
"Mmmmmnot exactly." He said, looking a little proud.

"I have a key card Isaac gave me, though." He muttered, despiseing even the sound of the man's name.
Revnoir said nothing of the comment, and walked up to the door. He paused for a moment, staring at the machine that would take the card.

"Just a heads up... There's something entirely different from what you're expecting.

Whenever Scourge wasn't doing paperwork, he was up here in this room." He said as he swiped the card and waited for an unnamed AI to accept the identification.

It took just a few seconds until the doors unlocked.

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