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Fantasy Reaper

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"Yea... I'm alright..." Günther didn't even look at Zen and just continued to stare into the sky.
Torra had finished in the training center and was making her way to the cafeteria when she saw Aura and another person heading towards what seemed like level two storage. Torra frowned to herself, she thought level two had been locked off from everyone. Her curiosity getting the better of her she followed after them but did not follow after they entered a door.
( @SpazztastiCat101 sorry for the late reply! (*^*) )

Before the reaper could reach him, it was knocked back by the... Staff Leah was holding? She was using a staff to fight?

It is a weapon, yes, but Aidan hasn't seen many weavers actually using it. Most of them are using swords, knives, spears or guns. It's rare to see somebody fight with a quarter staff.

Maybe she was just trying it out like he was with the short sword.

The beast let out a cry and stepped back, recovering from the hit he received from Leah.

Aidan strenghtened his flaming threads, and they grew larger on his arm, crawling up to his shoulder as the short sword glew brighter.

He darted to the beast while it was stunned, and shoved the smoldering blade into it's chest, and a sharp, hissing noise was audible as the hot copper blade dug it's way into it's flesh.

It let out a loud cry as smoke emitted out of the fresh wound. Surprised by his actions, Aidan started to smile. He was better than he thought! However, this was just the beginner's course.

He stepped back from the beast, waiting to see if it was going to attack again or not. He looked at Leah and nodded, pointing at the simulated reaper. It needed a finishing blow, and he decided to let Leah do that, because... Well...

He looked at the blade he was holding and was met with the usual problem when fighting with swords or the like;

His fire threads heat the metal up until they're pliable. That might be a good thing when forging swords, but not in combat.

The short sword looked like an accordion at this point.
After Aiden had preformed a little of what seemed like "magic" to Leah, he nodded to her and she nodded back. Running forward, she vaulted over the simulated beast, one hand pushing off from it's body. She snatched her staff from the back of the room and twisted it in her grip. A moment later, two long and thin blades sprung out of each end, causing her to nearly drop it. Oh well, she'd use this to her advantage if she could. She swung the weapon horizontally, slicing a long and deep gouge along the creature's body, then stopped the swing after her staff was facing back again. She leaped straight up and swung the thing underneath her, then lunged forward and plunged it into the thing upon her landing, watching it writhe and roar.

(@Skychild )
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zen sighed and sat beside Günther, he looked around for a bit before saying look i know everything's been a bit hard and stressful with everything going on but you have to push through" he put a hand on Günther's shoulder "but just power through" zen stood up hopping atop the main gate and perching himself there " if you need someone to talk to you can find me in the training room or just ask aura where i am" he jumped over the gate walking inside to the armoury he was on his way to see if he could find a gun to suit his needs
Günther was silent until Zen left and then let out a loud sigh. "I need to collect my thoughts... I'm not depressed or worn out..." He mumbled to himself continuing to stare at the sky.
The creature eventually stopped moving and a strange noise resounded in the room.

The simulation ended, and the reaper disintegrated into thin air.

"-Beginner's course: Successfully completed. The simulation is over.-"

"You're good!" Aidan said with a smile as he walked to the door to leave the room. Leah didn't use her thread, but she was doing great without it.

Again, this was just the beginner's course, but that doesn't change the fact that she was incredibly well-trained. He was curious to know what her thread was, though. Why didn't she use it? Aidan put the deformed short sword back on the weapon rack and let out a sigh. Being a fire weaver sucks sometimes.

( @SpazztastiCat101 )

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Kano pointed his flashlight around the dark areas where his threads couldn't illuminate from his body. He spotted a dusty laptop with files. The laptop looked a bit broken but he could get Yuriko to fix it. He grabbed the computer and put it near the entrance.
"Thanks. You too."

She spun the staff around in her hands a few times, eventually finding the activation of the blades--twisting each end clockwise and back. She smiled, hearing the smooth noise of whatever arrangement was concealed. How useful, but interesting at the same time, such small mechanisms hidden in such a thin thing.
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Yuriko happily walked around the halls childishly like she always does. She had her new profound weapon, a broad sword, however it had a hook connected from under it which can extend about 10-15 yards. She customized it herself from one of the bigger swords from the weaponry and a harpoon gun. She found it more befitting for a stealth squad. Though she thought it would be a problem with her headphones but luckily it wasn't. She went to the Training rooms and saw two other recruits. She smiled and waved, luckily her headsets were off beforehand. She walked over to them and while doing so she saw a fellow fire weaver.
In the corner of his eye, Aidan saw a woman walking into the training room. She waved, and walked over to Leah and him. Who was this woman? One of his fellow recruits?

He waved back, smiling.

"Hello! Another recruit?" He asked, reaching out his hand. He greets everybody with a handshake.
zen walked into the armoury looking for a base model for his gun. he would need to customize it to fit his needs. he decided on a sniper for the base and began looking for a decent one he knew it would be a hard task to downsize a sniper into about the size of the hilt of his blade but he needed the extra fire power
Revnoir was in another training room, poking a code into the training control panel. Regalia had been keeping a close eye on the shadow weaver, making sure he didn't collapse from fatigue or malnourishment.

The Squad Leader chose a decent difficulty for his strength, seeing as he had to get back into fighting because of his long absence on the field. He seemed a little distant, but not in a bad mood. He was visibly better, but still not willing to eat much.

The simulation started, and Revnoir went along with it. It's been awhile.
Leah turned as saw another person over Aidan's shoulder, a girl holding a broadsword. She nodded in quick recognition, too interested in the mechanism of the staff and wondering how and if she should be able to disassemble it.
"Hey Kano. There is something back here!" Aura says, standing in front of a giant door with what looked like about the most high tech Security mesures. Not even threads would get through it. there were turrents above the door and at least 30 different locks.... including a thumb scanner, and a few pass code termanals.
zen had finally found one, a sniper that fit his specifications. it was an anti-tank rifle about almost tall as zen himself and around 30lb. he sighed realizing he chose the hardest thing to downsize but he would have to deal with it
Once finished with his simulation Sebastian headed towards the cafeteria. Seeing the door still partially open to the second floor, Sebastian peeked in then decided he'd better not do anymore so walked off.
zen had finished taking apart the gun he decided to cut the barrel in two as he would now be making instead of one gun two, duel guns to be precise be bagan work constructing the guns immediately it would take almost all night but zen was determined
Kano walked over to Aura illuminating the area around himself. He looked over and saw the many locks and related.

"I wonder if I can blow it up without getting blown up with it from the security..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e968f8917e3b19285bff27f65e90aa07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e968f8917e3b19285bff27f65e90aa07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Forgot to show Yuriko's weapon)



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"No... Judging by the look of the door... and Knowing scourge.... we would have to pass all the codes and scanners to open it.... Unless...."
"I wonder who might be the best in Weave to crack codes... Yuriko is good at forging but not lockpicking... Belle researches but doesn't hack... So i'm not sure how to get this open."

Kano poked the locks a bit annoyed.
"I can pick the normal locks, but i cant pass the code termanals... or thethumbprint scanner. but i have an idea of how to. Now we just need someone to hack into the termanals...."

Kano sighed. His light slowly faded so he retracted the threads to let them charge up again. He turned on his flashlight annoyed.
"Did you guys, try the scanner?" Bell drawled lazily from behind the two weavers. Observations were somewhat boring most of the time, and as expected, not much happened whenever she was too passive about things. "You know that you wouldn't need to hack it totally if part of it is general access right?" The terminals looked somewhat familiar, and while she wasn't exactly sure it would work, there was never any harm in trying.

She didn't see why they were so dejected though. While mostly intimidating, the metal door, the gun turrets and the somewhat over the top security that came with the door, wasn't exactly that... useful per se, when correctly circumvented. The door could be busted, hinge destruction, focused single point attack, destroying the wall were some methods. The turrets weren't exactly much of a threat either since visual contact, or any detection via transmission was something she could circumvent.

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