GryphonABLaZ(E). Lawful chaotic good
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia] Stay up until like... 9 pm, then go to sleep. Set an alarm for say 7 am and go like that.
Seven won't work.... I have to be up by six, and if I go to bed at eight, then I'll probably miss both half this RP and still not be able to sleep until, like, ten. It's so weird, no matter when I go to bed, my brain refuses to recognize that I'm supposed to be asleep until around an hour or two from midnight. ;; I'll try it, though. I've gotta try something, don't I?
Seven won't work.... I have to be up by six, and if I go to bed at eight, then I'll probably miss both half this RP and still not be able to sleep until, like, ten. It's so weird, no matter when I go to bed, my brain refuses to recognize that I'm supposed to be asleep until around an hour or two from midnight. ;; I'll try it, though. I've gotta try something, don't I?