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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Mmmm." Scarlett bit her lip and said, "I guess not. We were driving to our new house and my parent's car was hit by a drunk driver. The car flipped and I foolishly tried to push the door open to get out and as we landed the force damaged my cerebral cortex. Now when I go to sleep I forget what happened the previous day as my brain goes to sleep. When I wake up I think its the day I lost my memory. That's why I sleep with my journal so when I wake up I won't freak out about being in a weird place. If that makes sense."
[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]"Okay..." Arya whispered happily

Günther wrapped his arms around Arya, giving her a gentle squeeze. "I love you Arya." He said.
"Love you too....." Arya said as she slowly fell asleep.

Aura nodded. "That does make sence..... Strange though.... Your a Weaver now so that should started to heal......"
Günther stroke Arya's hair for a while before closing his own eyes and alling asleep next to her.
Scarlett nodded. She felt relieved.

"I haven't been a Weaver very long. I hope it gets better." She felt afraid very suddenly, "It will heal, right?!"
Sabrin Sat on a lawn chair above the roof, listening to old country folks songs, looking at the sky with his binoculars.... Counting Birds... And slowly losing what remains of his sanity.

“...2085...2086....2087....2088....2089....2090!............. Wait.... Have I been counting the same bird for the past hours?...”
Scarlett began drawing his facial features. She giggled, "I'm jealous. My hair isn't as long as yours."
“Well, since I'm not doing anything... Other than counting that single bird.... While as well do something productive, Like hacking to the base's network system!” Sabrin Gives out a huge smirk on his face, then grabs his laptop and begins hacking.

“JAX, help me out.” He asks.

“But Sir, you're already out, outside that is,” JAX Responded.

“Don't make go over there and pull out your system Cables JAX...” Sabrin threatens JAX in a friendly way, “..But good joke by the way..”

“As you ask Sir.... And thank you Sir, I've been downloading the 'Humor Software's recently.”

With that, both begin to hack the base's network.

Alphard was shooting the bottles that she hung on a tree . She was bored then started to drift off. Her old job was more appealing than this. If this was what it was like to be hero . it was overrated. She knew she had to do everything differently .have morals she never that were important and so on.
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Aura tapped on his earpiece and looked irritated. "Excuse me..... We have someone trying to hack into the baces mainframe. " Aura swiftly stood and left in a swish of black coat. He used the AI talking to him on his com to track the source to the roof. "Who is out here! Come out now." Aura called. He sounded pissed off as all hell.
Casually sitting and hacking, like the good old military days, Sabrin drinks from can of a strangely named beverage called 'Wizards' CaFizzle', that has the most offensive smell, yet the most sweetest and refreshing taste of all drinks... For Sabrin that is...

Minutes pass as the two successfully hack the base's network system, Sabrin puts on his headset, while JAX keeps them both from being traced, Sabrin Hacks into the Base's speakers, and their he plays his Old Country West Folks Songs for everyone to hear.
“Ah!, Mr. Aura!, glad you're here, Come, have a seat, and have some cool and refreshing 'Wizards CaFizzle!” Sabrin Utters to Aura in surprise of him so quickly getting to the rooftop.
"Disconnect and don't hack into the system again. However....... That skill may come in handy...." Aura said, slowly forming a plan.
"By the way..... You interrupted my meal....... That's why I'm irritated with you...." Aura said. "Don't ever interrupt my meals again." Aura said, his face turning dark and Scarry, like that of a reapers.
"No excuse.... The bace ai's wanted me to put the bace on lockdown and come up here with a whole team." Aura said.
Alphard walked back into the building. with her two hands in her pocket then walked up to the refrigerator grabbed something random then closed the door. "Why doesn't anything happen here?" She said to herself. She plopped on the couch then turned on the T.V.

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