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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Yulier glared at them. "Both of you are inexperienced compared to Aura, Kano and Revnoir, so shut up and get cleaning." She was losing her patience. She was already on edge that Aura was off in a dangerous situation, and this wasn't helping.

Seira cleaned up silently.
"Respect? What a big word. " Daichi sighed when he heard Yulier talk, he then sheathed back his sword. "Well, it's not like I'm planning to hurt an old man. After all.. I respect OLD people." He smirks at the man and turns to face Yulier with a more calm look. "Sorry. " He said without any hesitation.
Echo seemed to be off more so than usual. His eye was twitching and his threads were glowing around him. "No! NO! NO IN FIGHTING! I WILL MAKE YOU BOTH START MAKING OUT NOW DONT START FIGHTIMG AGAIN YOU MOLDY POTATO SHITS!"
"Stop saying disgusting things Echo, and what the heck is wrong with you?" Daichi asked as he slowly stepped back away from Echo, because it smell dangerous.
"Then Quit with your petty bickering damnit. Im a veteran weaver. Im no feeble old man and im no rookie!" Echo said. his voice echoed as though 100 of him were speaking at once.
Yulier was infront of Echo in a split second, an angry look in her brown eyes. "I thought I told you to get cleaning!"
Echo cocked his head as he looked at Yulier. "You.... You are not fighting.... I like you. Do you like cheeze?" He asked calmly.
"I'm giving you the chance to work like a civilized adult, or you can go sit in the corner eating cheese like a child. Your choice." She said, and continued on with her cleaning.
Daichi then calmly sighed and get to cleaning. "This is some weird first day. and I don't even know the names of half the people in this room." He sighed one more as he took a long drag from his cigarette finishing it. He put the bud on his pocket. He looked at the girl who seems pretty annoyed now. "You act like a mother." He didn't mean to say that, he just blurted it out without thinking.
Yulier looked at Echo with a frown. "Not if you're offering them." She said sharply then looked at the other man. "Do I really? I've never thought of myself that way..."
Daichi smiled at the both of them doing their thing, as he felt another person's presence "Uh oh. People are coming."
{James ran towards the source of the explosion arriving exhausted and breathing heavily} *Looking around windily* "What happened is every okay' *Holding a First aid kit in one hand and his pistol in the other*
"Hey, Echo, Sorry for fighting a minute ago. I was just really annoyed by whatshisnameagain? Chai Tea?" Lucius laughed at his own joke. "Anyway, I normally don't like playing with people's minds, but that guys is just sleeping over there. Could you wake him up? I'll continue cleaning up this mess"
echo was still in his threads, not comming out.

Arya asked again, since no one had answerd her. "What happend? is anyone hurt? I can go get Gunther. he is the head doctor."

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