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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution


He heard an shotgun shoot a shell. He took out his Necrochasm and a corrupting ice arrow. He was on the upper floor on the stairs. He had sight of the group. His threads took over all of the inside of the house with extreme and blinding light. He adjusted it to not blind Aura and Revnoir and himself, the light was brighter than looking at the sun without sunglasses. Kano shot the corrupting arrow at the the two enemies. Quickly it formed extremely thick ice from their feet to their mid torso. The ice rooted to the ground.

(Dammit Umbra!!!!!)
"I can smell your reached stintch a mile away you can't decieve me," as I say this the ceiling your clinging to collapses.
Aura lept for the new pride, and isolated them within a soundproof box of his own threada. "Come... Let's talk for a moment before we kill each other. Indulge me."
"Tch! Damn you Aura!"

Kano was aggrovated. Cain disappeared so he couldn't fight. His insanity level slightly increased. He was seperated from his fight. He couldn't cut open Aura's box because he probably could have harmed, wounded or killed Aura.
"Very well I shall indulge you but if this is a trick I shall cut you down immediately," he said as his threads wrapped around his arm forming a large blade.
(Thats what I mean Cain is untouchable so in Kano's vision he disappeared and new pride is in the box, the only thing Kano can fight)
Aura formed two chairs and a table in the middle of them. He then pulled out two plastic wine glasses and a bottle of wine. He poured up both glasses and sat down.
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Aura sipped his wine then looked up at pride. "Tell me... And I mean no offence.... But you say that your path is the right path.... The path of good. Is that correct?"
"Yes what I do is just and I will not stop I have slainany many in the name of good," he says keeping his eyes on the enemy.
"And yet you are working for a man who is worse than his father... And his father created the reapers... Who killed all our families." Aura said.

Echo threw another cheeze wedge at the man who ignored him and sat on a couch. "How dare you ignor CHEEZE!"
He cursed, surging up from his seat, catching the wedge of cheeze (...wtf.) and crush it between his fingers. He stood at 6'1, his eyes narrowed. "What... Was that?" Jay said lowly, taking a deep breath, an almost animalistic growl rumbling from deep within his chest.
"What? Don't like cheeze?hmmmm.... This has never happend before.... HOLY SHIT! THATS NEVER HAPPEND BEFORE! Stay calm.... Stay calm.... Maybe he is a potato guy... You a Potato guy?" Echo said.
His lip curled up in a snarl, his iris' contracted into slits. He took a few steps forward, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, knuckles turning white. He tried to remain calm, but his voice echoed around the room with anger. "Are you being for real right now, bro?" He almost yelled, his heart racing within his chest. Jay was surprised the other couldn't hear it for it was so loud. But something about this unknown male, made Jay interested.

Hey. This might be a friend, you need to calm down. He thought, his fists slowly unclenching, his eyes returning to normal.
He flicked the male with cheese. "No. I don't. Now, kindly leave me alone." He said, placing his hand on the other male's cheek, softly, gingerly. "Please?" Jay asked, a smirk forming on his lips as he leaned closer, "Or else... I will get angry."
"Hmmmm......" Echo thought for a moment before shouting "CHEEZE!!" And throwing more cheeze up in the air, making it rain cheeze.
Pride seemed unaffected by the words of his enemy." Humans must be cleansed it is the only way to purify this world I shall slaughter you all if it means saving this world from being damned,"he said his eyes locking with his enemy's
"I see. So there is no making you see the truth... I am sorry. Please... Drink the wine at least. I believe in civility among true warriors. Drink... Then fell me of yourself. Then we shall fight. I hope you don't die... I would hate that. You have so much potential." Aura said calmy.
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"I agree I hope you don't die either you seem like a honorable man," he said drinking the wine then he stood up."Shall we,"he asked as he waited for his enemy's next move.(going to sleep later we can finish this upon my awakening)

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