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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Auna had been able to escape Aura's office unharmed, but was still a bit shaky. She wandered the halls, wondering where to go next. She figured she'd never get the hang of the identical halls enough to navigate the place. She would have to make some friends who knew what they were doing.

Yulier, as well, ambled through the halls with nothing to do. She had slept fairly well, so she couldn't take a nap, and she wasn't hungry at all so she couldn't go eat... What to do, what to do.
Günther sat in the medbay's office, reading. It was a different book than what he was reading before. He yawned as he hadn't slept well in almost a year.
A mans silluet stood ontop of a building watching a smile appeared on the silluets face."Hehehe this is going to be fun I shall make quick work of them. I do hope they appreciate getting to see me as there last sight before they pass away onto the next world hahahahaha,"he said letting out a loud laugh. He then leapt off the building and disappeared.
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Daichi is walking around in the halls of the unfamiliar building, that he will now be his workplace starting today. He walks around with his hands inside his pockets, his sheathed katana hanging down attached at a belt around his waist.He stopped walking as he lean on a wall. With a cigarette in his mouth, smoke came out from his nostril as he let out a sigh.

'What an unwelcoming workplace.' He thought to himself, as he slid down on the floor as he sat like just a thug and stretch his arms forward. "So tired of walking.." He said with a lazy sounding voice.
Auna noticed the man on the floor, and raised an eyebrow.

Why's he sitting in the hallway..?

She wondered about the man silently as she slowly approached him.

Yulier decided to go spend some time with Aura, seeing as Revnoir was busy and Aura was the only other person she really knew. Her and Envy didn't really get along, after all.

Zero walked through the dark halls of the building they were using temporarily. He stopped when he passed Deus' room. He peeked in, as the door was left open. He sighed when he saw him staring at his own reflection. "Hey narcissist, don't you have anything better to do?" The raven haired Sin growled, stepping into the room.

@Tylor guillory
"Hahaha what could possibly be better than looking at such a image of perfection oh besides showing that image of perfection to others. So how can I help you zero have you come to gaze at me or do you want something," he said smiling and turning to zero. He enjoyed being a sin and as much as he enjoyed his looks he still took time to do what needed to be done
"Corvus was killed and you're sitting here staring at yourself..?!" He snapped, crossing his arms. Cain had killed Lust for even mentioning the idea of siding with Weave. Cain was outraged at his father's death, and even the strongest Sins feared his anger. Even Wrath himself.

He grumbled under his breath. "Oh, and you look like shit." Zero walked up to the mirror and slapped a sticky note onto it. It was in Cain's writing. "We've got a meeting in an hour. Be there, or you know what he'll do." He said as he left the room with his usual scowl plastered to his lips.
Yulier peeked inside the office of the silver-haired director. "Hey, when was the last time you left this room..?" She asked quietly as she stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her.
Deus gasped at zeros comment offended but he understood the note and decided its best not to anger Cain so he decided to go to there meeting site ahead of time. He took his favorite mirror with him and even changed clothing and fixed his hair slightly irritated by Zeros comment about his looks."Now lets grace them with my presence shall we, "he said to his reflection as he left his room and headed towards the meeting area.
In the meeting room was already Cain with a bunch of pictures and papers spread out on a table. He was pacing back and forth, muttering something under his breath about disembowelling someone and ripping out their eyes. He was pissed. More than pissed. He was enraged. It was as if he were about to kill every living being with a single glare.

Yulier sighed. "You need to get some fresh air, Aura. It's not good for you to stay cooped up in your office for too long or you might end up like Revnoir. You don't want to end up like Revnoir."
Deus came walking into the room with applauding following."Oh no pleas your to much thank you thank you I love you all,"he said as he waved at none existing fans of his."Umm what's wrong with Cain,"he asked noticing cains anger.
Daichi heard footsteps coming his way, as he stood up from the floor, guardedly, Just in case, he thought, as he look at the origin of those footsteps. He tilt his head to the side, curiously as look at the person.

"Finally, someone I can talk to." He said aloud.
"Umm are you OK Cain? Is the something I can assist you with maybe kill someone for you," he asked a tad but nervous by how cain might reply. He usually admired Cain even respected him but was perfectly aware of what Cain was capable of so he tried to stay on his good side.
Cain stopped pacing, then glared at Pride with bright blue eyes. "Am I




?! Are you


!?" He yelled at the Sin, a crunched up paper in his grip. "What gave it away, c'mon

tell me

!" He said with a huge, insane grin. He was now inches away from Deus, holding himself back from ripping into his chest and crushing his Core. "You've got good eyes, tell me how you figured I wasn't OK!"

Sloth was walking at that moment, and saw the scene. He decided to stay out of it and just watched from the doorway.

"Aura, come on, let's go outside. You can bring your alcohol with you, just get some fresh air." Yulier said with a sympathetic smile.

Auna looked at the man, a little scared again. "U-Uhm... Are you ok..? Did you hurt your legs or something, why were you sitting on the floor?" She asked, obviously not someone who could hurt him in any way.
"I don't know maybe the throbbing vain on your forehead or the hideous look of anger your giving me. How about instead of throwing a tantrum you tell me how I can help that's what I'm hear for isn't it?!" Pride replied he was to prideful to allow himself to be yelled at like a imbacle.He wasnt worried about Cain true cain might be strong but Deus was always on alert and was no slouch himself. Deus might not win but he can handle his own and avoid danger if he must. Besides all that pride was one of cains strongest Allies and he was positive whatever Cain was mad about wasn't worth killing him for.
Aura slowly got up and whent over to Yulier, leaving his wine on his desk. He then hugged her tightly
Cortana watched with bright red eyes, a faint smirk on her perfect lips. She sighed and leaned on a wall, watching quietly. She liked it when men got angry, then their true animal came out. That made it much more fun for her. Maybe Lust could interfere and calm him down...or she could get comfy and watch on. The latter was most likely so she stuck with it
Daichi inspected the girl for a moment, he took his cigarette off his lips as he tried to smile but it appeared as a grin. "Well, I'm not hurt . It's just that I am new here and I don't know where I'm supposed to go."
"A tantrum you say? A tantrum? Really..?" He snapped. In an instant he had pulled his pistol out of his holster and was pointing it at Pride's chest. If he pulled the trigger, it would go straight through his Core. "Did you want another go at that, Deus? Don't forget, you're new here. Don't act as if you own the place." He growled before pulling his gun away and walking over to the table with pictures and pages. He was reading over them over and over, reading faster than anyone could expect. He was furious. He wanted to rip into something. He wanted Aura dead. It wasn't even about getting Revnoir anymore, he wanted to rip Aura's spine out through his ass and decorate a Christmas tree with his intestines.

Yulier smiled a bit, hugging him back. She could tell he wasn't alright. As much as she wanted to comfort him, she didn't know much on the subject. She only knew that if she stayed by his side he's eventually get better. It worked for Revnoir with Xillia, so why not her with Aura?

Auna laughed nervously a little. "I uh... I'm new too, so I don't really know what to do either. I just handed the head of the company my papers, and he asked me a few questions..." She scratched the back of her head, still laughing nervously. She was obviously scared as hell of all these people she's never met before.

(sry Unamed, none of my characters can do that right now l: )
"Yo Deus..shouldn't act like your the boss. He barks at you, you take the beating, k? A big strong guy like yourself shouldn't get in such trouble" Cortana flirted, walking over to Pride and smirking, her white teeth visible. Her body was perfectly curvy, busty and beautiful. No wonder she was Lust. She twirled some bright pink hair around a finger and looked up at him. "Cmo.. Wanna go have some fun?"she flirted gently, her long lashes fluttering as she blinked.

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