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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

zen wondered his way to the training room. whenever he did things like this he always either ended up at the armoury or the training rooms. he decided to step in seeing revnoir using one of the simulations"you having fun there? asid zen
Revnoir's movements showed he was already much better than any normal Weaver. He looked over at Zen for a split second before returning his focus to the high-leveled simulation's enemies. "Not at all. This place is boring as hell, and training barely lifts the boredom." He grumbled, slashing through an Elite with his scythe. "What about you, how're you holding up with this?"
"pretty much the same. there's one part of me that enjoys the calm but the other half is a psychopath who only wants to be on the battlefield" replied zen "but even so there's not much i can do about that"

(happy halloween! i'm going to a halloween party at 1:30 and im staying the night at my friend's house so i wont be back on till tomorrow after that)
Auna quickly shook her head, eyes wide. "I'm sure I'm fine, just not used to this place yet."

Revnoir chuckled, the simulations coming to an end when he ripped apart a Noble. He had a grin glued to his lips. "It's a little strange that I can relate." He sighed, his scythe disappearing. "Did you need something? You never come to me unless there's something wrong, it's worrying." He looked at the other, scowling now.
She thought for a moment, making sure she was remembering correctly. "I think it said Squad 8..? (Kano's)"
Revnoir raised an eyebrow. "You do know we're on different levels, right..?" He asked quietly, not wanting to sound full of himself. He was simply worried that maybe Zen would get hurt if he made one wrong step.
he sighed..."look.. im bored your bored any fight is a good fight right now i couldn't care if i was beaten, put me in a full body cast for all i care as long as its a good fight im cool with it"
"Well... Alright, but I'll be going somewhat easy on you. It'd be a shame to lose your trust, too." He said, smiling a little then forming his scythe again.
(@Aurath Moonblood

I have a friend who likes coffee, so one time, on a school trip (during the summer?????? O.o ) she bought some coffee. Before she put her usual five packets of sugar in, I asked if I could try a tiny sip before and after. At that point, I had only smelled coffee, but not tasted it. But the smell is dang strong >.< So I had a sip, and it was incredibly bitter. And then, after the sugar, (and by that point it looked like hot chocolate xD ) she let my try another tiny sip, and it was much sweeter. There was this weird little aftertaste, though, that didn't change. That's the weird part that I can't get over....

Hmm..... I know what'd be fun! Researching the causes of aftertastes! I mean, it's often different from the original taste and occurs after the actual food and original taste is gone, so it's probably a reaction in the brain... This'll be fun!)

(Dang... What a word-wall. :\)

Leah was still stuck in the medbay, and she was beginning to get a little sick of it. She had already stared at every object that could be stared at, studied every ceiling of floor patter that could be studied. It felt like the melting of something new and different into the ordinary grey background after the initial rush of excitement. She still, to her annoyance, hadn't healed entirely, so there was absolutely nothing to do whatsoever. The dullness made her want to scream, just to break the silence.
The door to the medbay opened and steps could be heard in the medbay. The steps stopped after a while. It was Günther he checked the list of patients inside. He yawned and saw Leah's name on it. He walked over to her bed and looked at her. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
'Bored. Bored, bored, bored. I can't get over how bored I am. Otherwise, I'm kinda' fine. Better than I was. Far better than I was.' Leah sat up as much as she could, which was remarkable competed to her state earlier, but not a sign of full recovery.
'I don't even know. It wasn't even more than a day before the invasion... I guess, try to figure out what my threads are? Train? Not quite much I can do for either of those when I'm strapped to a hospital bed.'

Leah flopped gently back down with a small poof as she hit the pillow. She took a deep breath, exhaling with exasperation at the uselessness of her current self.

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