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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Auna hurried to Aura's office, then knocking on the door and waiting for a response. Yulier was still fast asleep on the couch in the man's office.

Revnoir sighed and decided to give it a break. He made his way back inside, not taking notice of the man watching him.

(0///0 stahp Kazu, that's weird.

but no sadly my only lemon juice is expired. went bad a year ago xD Ice cream'll do for now)
Auna peeked in, giving him a tiny smile. "H-Hi..! I was told to come see you when I got here, but I'm not sure why." She stepped inside the room, keeping the door within reach in case she was attacked. She had been told the director here was crazy, but had never heard his name so she didn't know that the crazy one had been Scourge. The news hadn't been spread all across the area yet.
Aura looked up at her and gave her a kind smile. "Yes.... Come in and have a seat." Aura said motioning towards one of the chairs across the desk from him.
She hesitantly made her way to the chair, shakily sitting down. "Did I need t-to do something..?" She asked quietly, scared for her life at this point.
"Hmm? What do you mean?" Aura asked. He then got out a glass and some more wine, as the last bottle was empty. "Care for some wine?"
She quickly shook her head. It was definitely drugged. She quickly made an excuse. "I uuh... I'm underage, I shouldn't."
"Hm... Suit yourself." Aura said with a shrug. He poored himself a glass and started sipping on it. If it was drugged, then he was gonna die. But he LIVED! "So... Have your papers?"
She immediately handed him her papers. She now knew he hadn't tried to drug her, but she wasn't any less scared of this man.
She stared at him for a quick second before figuring he was saying he wouldn't hurt her.

(aaaaand I gtg... To try to sleep. If I can't, I'll come right back but I'm super tired)

Pineapple strawberry orange smoothie? Sorta melty chocolate? Peanut butter?

Okay, I'm just taking these off the top of my head based theoretically on texture. But still, it's an idea.

*eye twitches madly while standing above Umbra with tazers of varying degrees*

EXPERIMENT!!!!! Hehehehehehehehehe--)

(EDIT: And returning now to fix my pathetic typos. Ah, my fingers are too cold to be using a phone's screen)
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(C-coffee? *staggers around, choking on breath and then collapsing in a corner*

Sooooooooo biiiiiiiitteeeeer......... *begins shivering wildly*)
zen was back in his office spinning around in his chair. he really didn't know what to do anymore. he had tried everything he could think of. running exercising sleeping, even the simulator had gotten boring. he thought about asking someone to spar but aura seeme to busy and he hadn't really spoken to anyone else, besides aura, except Gunther and renoir . Gunther most likely wouldn't wish to fight him he is a doctor fighting is not his specialty and revnoir was probably too afraid he'd end up killing someone if they sparred. he let out a shigh"...maybe i should go see who else is around that might want to spar...echo?...arya?" said zen as he stopped himself from spinning"im just going to wonder for now" he stood up and left his office with a face that displayed nothing but boredom and eyes that were lost in the distance of his thoughts as he wandered around the base>
Revnoir could be found in one of the training rooms sparring with one of the simulations. He was bored out of his mind. No Reapers meant nothing happening. There was no reason to do anything but pass time. He used to be a huge gaming fan, but nowadays he just couldn't get back into it. They brought back too much nostalgia. All he could do now was train.

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