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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Hm?" Yato spotted the burned out electronic plate at Squad 8's barracks while passing by. He walked over into the barracks. It was the same format as Squad 9's and all the others. Yato had his name plate he took back from the floor above and replaced Kano Kiritsu's with his own. He went to the boys area and fell asleep on a empty bed he claimed his own.
Leah thought she heard noise by the lockers, but thought nothing of it. She stared out at the sky through a window, the horizon a crimson display, but just above it, a thick strip of bland yellow. It looked as if it were the color of squished, unripened blueberries.

(Has anyone else noticed in really early mornings how.... How much like a giant fruit the sky seems? It's a dark blue in the center, like a blue watermelon, but then at the horizon, the color of the sky looks like the inside of the watermelon rind. :P )
(Sadly no... I live in a crowded suburbs :P )

"What to do, What to do." Yato sighed depressingly. He sat up on his bed with nothing to do. He didn't know all the aspects of the base since it was still his first day. Also, he was too lazy to get up. Yato made small wind threads making tiny tornados around the room. However the thread tornadoes made annoying whistling sounds Yato ignored.
(Ah. Well, it's a really..............

Pretty but dislikeable color all at once....)

From the other side of the barracks, Leah heard a loud, low whistling, like someone blowing across the top of a pot. She groaned, sat up and threw her pillow at the wall from behind which the sound was coming.

'What is that noise?' She complained loudly. 'It's annoying...'

It was then that she realized her fatal mistake.

She didn't have a pillow any more.
I rotated my left shoulder, then my right, as I sat on a green quad bike, taking a small break from my travels, wearing my notorious armor, that I've worn in battles filled with horror. I was halfway back to base, It's been a quite a while since I last heard from the place, they must have thought by now I was dead.... Well almost was.... My body wasn't feeling well, but now I'm feeling swell!

However, My body took on a new form, something out of uniform... Pale white skin, Sharp fingernails, crimson red Iris with some black growing on the sclera, blue like veins growing in my body like roots, some of my skin is slowly shedding, and For some reason, I could feel as if though my body is extending. It must be my condition, oh how I hate my current situation.

But I shouldn't waste my time, the quad bike was old and out of shine, it might give up on me at any given moment. I turn the engine of the ATV on and continued my journey back to base, Where I hope JAX's AI computer system in my Plane is still in its proper place.
Revnoir had been looking nervous for the past while, holding his sleeve tightly as he went to leave.

"Just call me Zero, alright?" He growled, and they soon found themselves outside the base.

Yulier stood in Aura's office as usual, cheerfully sitting on every chair in the room in turn.
Leah wondered if perhaps finding more comfortable clothes would be helpful... she was still in her original outfit, which by now had a few tears and singed marks. She wandered over to her locker, wondering if there was miraculously something pajama-like already there... and there was. It was still clean and untouched, so she redressed herself and on her way back to her side of the barracks, retrieved her pillow.

By then, the whirring and whistling noises hadn't stopped, and if she desired sleep, anything could easily get on her nerves. The simplest thing could irritate her more efficiently than the worst when she was in a good mood. She leaned into the other side of the barracks and hauled her pillow at whatever seemed to be the cause of the disturbance, which happened to be Yato, playing with wind threads. When Leah saw to it that her pillow landed squarely in his face, she closed the door and took another pillow from another bed and returned to her effort of sleep.
"Hm? Hph!?" Yato squirmed a bit when he got hit. The threads stopped producing tiny hurricanes and Yato took the pillow off his face. By the time he took off the pillow the door to the room was closed and Yato was confused. He sighed and rolled over on his bed and fell asleep.
When the whirring finally stopped, Leah sighed and finally fell asleep, her new pillow held over her ears just in case it restarted.

(Timeskip to le next day, I assume? @Umbra Regalia)

Revnoir could be found in his office, staring at things at random. He had a blank expression, holding onto his sleeve. His eyes darted from corner to corner as he watched the room as a whole all at once.
Leah woke, the second pillow having fallen onto the floor. She blearily rose and realized she had nothing to wear. Her outfit would still be as torn and such as a was yesterday.

A teenage girl's worst nightmare.

Right next to a world invasion of reapers.

She took her outfit from the floor in the middle of the barracks, where she had left it earlier and inspected the tears. She was surprised that she had so little to do in the apocalypse that she was worrying over her outfit. She shrugged decided she'd go about all day in her pajamas, then pulled her boots on and stuffed the legs of her new outfit into them. It'd do.
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Alessia sat on the edge of her bed, honing the edge of her combat knife on a whetstone. Though it was already sharp enough to shave the hairs off a fly, the blade produced a sliding rasping noise that was music to Alessia's ears. It was all she ever did in her downtime and all she needed to keep her calm. As long as she had her most prized possession for company and the song that it sang, she could forget for a moment that she was not somewhere out in the wilderness right now, ridding the world of Reapers.

Lost in the shining steel of her blade, she saw but did not see her reflection staring emptily back at her, with bright hazel eyes shaded by a shock of scarlet hair and underscored by dark rings in an otherwise porcelain face, as pale as the moon. Like an automaton, her features were without expression as she continually drew her knife along the stone, from point to heel and then back again. Such a soothing sound, like a metallic heartbeat.

Hush, it seemed to say. Yes, hush. Just be still and enjoy the peace. No people around to disturb the tranquility. No comrades squawking for help or needing to be looked after, no. They have all died a long time ago. Anyone and anything after are just mere shadows now, beneath notice and as pointless as forgotten memories. Please, let me forget.

Alessia paused for a moment as she remembered being expelled from her previous squad. Something about neglecting and endangering a squad mate or some such, she hadn't been paying much attention. Looking around at the barracks of the second squad where she had been reassigned to, she saw that it was much like any other and shrugged as she continued sharpening her knife. The only difference was that, for the moment, she was entirely alone and she sought to enjoy it while it lasted.

Briefly, she wondered what the squad leader would be like, but when she tried to remember his name, it was drowned out by the rasp of steel upon stone and she resigned herself to not knowing until he made an appearance, which was just as well since she had already forgotten the names of her former squad mates.
Revnoir sat on the small sofa in his Squad office, his eyes wandering around the room as if watching something. His golden gaze darted around the room, his emotionless face unmoving despite his eyes traveling. He looked exhausted, too exhausted to think properly.

Useless... So useless... I wonder how many people see me that way. Do I even care how many? I already know it's true. Useless. Nothing but useless. I want to be normal. I want people to see me as a person, not as a bother.

I wonder... Would they notice? He looked at the fallen framed picture of Xillia, scowling. What made them notice her..? Was she really that different from me?
Once Leah had both her boots on properly, she stepped out of the barracks, just barely noticing Yato having replaced Kano's nameplate with his. She started down the hallway, then down several floors.

'Hey! Revnoir!' She yelled abruptly, just remembering to knock in the stead of barging in. 'I was hoping you could help me train some more. If I'm going to have to put threads between myself and Aura's blade, I'm going to need to.'

Revnoir snapped out of his thoughts, hearing Leah's voice at the door. She wants me to help her train..?! He hesitantly stood up, and went to open the door. When he did, he looked at the girl in the doorway. He kept his emotionless look, his gaze distant but still.
'So...' She blinked a few times. Revnoir looked... totally expressionless. 'You okay?' Her own face was one of puzzled concern.
"Yeah, don't worry about me..." He muttered under his breath, taking a step out of his office and closing the door behind him. "You said you wanted me to help you train?" He asked, watching her closely. Would she care?
(Yato was squad 9 not squad 8. Leah is squad 8s leader...) Aura sat in his office chair with his head and arms srawled out over his desk.
'Yes, please! If you wouldn't mind. You're the next best person than Aura himself.' She gave a shrug as if she were stating the obvious. Speaking of obvious, she was still dressed in boots and pajamas.

He really didn't look too good... like he was a shell of a person. Or at least like he couldn't move his face.
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"Right... Well, we should head to the training rooms then..." He seemed so distant, mindless, and off. He wasn't different. He had lost his mind during the few weeks he was off medication and the sudden switch back onto it was obviously affecting him more than it should.
'Thanks! I'll meet you there. I'm just gonna see if anyone knows how to sew, my actual outfit is an atrocious mess.'

Yeah, fine excuse. Not her best, but it'd work. She trotted down the hallway toward the medbay and stepped in, looking for either Günther or Eve.

(Haha! My phone can do the little dot thingy!)
Revnoir watched her go, his face as expressionless as before. He made his way towards the training room, left to his thoughts. Useless. So useless. Does she not see how useless I am? She wouldn't care. Revnoir found himself staring at the exit to the building. Maybe they'll find me after a week... Maybe even two... Maybe they'll never find me. Who knows? Who cares? He started making his way outside, straying away from the training room.
James walked his squad to the barracks and gave out a loud yawn. He headed towards his office, the door making a loud slam as he entered the room where he took a seat and relaxed.

"Eh? I have the odd feeling I am forgetting something" "He says while playing the classical music his squad mate enjoyed.
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