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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Leah stepped past Yato, then out into hallway. She hoped the time it took to reach the hallway would be long enough to let her cool down. As she continued down the hall, she let a few threads extend from her fingertips, heat waves ruffled her hair and she exhaled a small cloud of heat. That helped.
Leah finally entered the training room, having retracted her threads and did what she could to appear as un-flustered she could without a mirror for reference. She was a squad leader now, she had to put a little mor effort into appearing respectable now.
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'Yes, please. I've not been able to do much in the way of intentionally... Anything really.'

Leah lifted her hands into the air as if she was unsure of what to do with them.
"Okay. Think about it this way..... The threads are like an extension of yourself. Once you know of their preasance...... You can make them do just about anything." Aura said.
Leah nodded, but slowly. She was well aware of the presence of her threads, but unsure of how to do much more than make them appear.
"Just picture them in your mind. Once you do, make them do something your threads should do what they are told. Try making a sword from them." Aura said
Leah extended a few threads from her hands, but struggled to form them into any feasible shape. She was distracted. Her mind was wandering. Outside the Sins' base and in the barracks, Kano and Yato had practically done the same thing. Their names sounded similar as well. Yato even had even mentioned the base being familiar to him. How odd.

Leah couldn't focus on a sword.
"*sigh* Well lets check back to my floor..." Yato said slowly. He went down to floor 1 and went into Squad 9's office. He spotted the electronic plate on the door.

Yatomi Aragami

Demoted to Squad 8 non-leader

Yato was surprised. He didn't do anything wrong. He just got here. Well maybe because he stole from this Kano Kiritsu guy. But still! He died right? Wait a second... Yato thought. Kano Kiritsu... Familiar... Maybe he has something to do with my past... Yato sighed. He started to wander around the base in depression.
(Kaaaaaanoooooooo reeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnncccaaaaaarrrrnnnnnaaaaattteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The ship shall sail)

Leah prompted herself to forget everything for the moment. She visualized a sphere, representing all her thoughts for the moment, and let it evaporate.

Then she brought to her mind a detailed blade, glowing with a single shade of flaming red. She felt her threads move, an elegant pattern form around her hand and extend into a thin, sharp point. As soon as she looked down to observe what she had created, it loosened again and fell apart.
Cain ignored what Deus had said and threw him to the ground, leaving him there. Use my Threads..? Has he not noticed..?! He looked pissed beyond belief as he cracked his shoulders.

Revnoir stood up from his desk, grumbling and massaging his temples. After being away from the screen for so long, it hurt his eyes like hell. "Regalia, fill in an average template for an AI three times, but don't save them. Leave them open for me when I get back." He ordered the AI under his command, just remembering that Rogue was no longer his. He was Aura's now. He sighed and made his way out into the hall to go for a walk. He ended up infront of the training rooms, peeking in to see Aura teaching Leah to use her Threads. It brought quite a bit of nostalgia, seeing people being taught in the training room.
Leah repeated the process, but when she felt the threads arrange themselves around her hand, she waited several moments before looking. She kept highlighted in her mind the image of the blade, and when she looked down, there was a poor rendition of the image. It was there, nonetheless.
"Hmmmm..... Not bad. Not bad. But it needs work. Your threads are too lose. Try to tighten them up a bit. When they can stop one of my swords..... Then your ready." Aura said. "But your making good progress." Aura complemented.
"Oh Rev.... You can come in if you want. Your more experienced... So you may have some tips to help her." Aura said.
Revnoir jumped at his name being called. It didn't happen often, after all. "U-Uh..." He started, having been completely caught off guard. "Sure..." He really meant no, but his social awkwardness was only worse since he hadn't spoken to many people for awhile now. He walked over, looking at Leah. "I think he means try to keep the Threads solid and defined. You have to imagine what you're doing strongly the whole time. From what I'm seeing, your mistake here is that you don't keep the image detailed in your mind. Think of video qualities, you're thinking of 360p while you should be thinking in 2000p. Make sense?"
Leah blinked cluelessly, not having studied videos very much in her life. She did, however, understand the word 'detail'. She morphed the blade in her mind to instead be made of real materials instead of flame, and extended her arm forward, imagining the weight of a steel rapier in her hand, the leather grip against her palm. Her replica seemed to solidify more, and no longer appeared to be on the verge of melting.
Pride was waiting for Cain to let go of him."So may I actually help you sir? It isn't like I have any reason to harm you or the sins in any way.Anything I say or do shall be only for the good of the sins and you sir." Pride said. He was done pretending to be a idiot it had lost its touch he was still a battle hungry maniac when it came to it, and still terrified of cars but he was no longer going to act like a fool.
Leah's expression portrayed a single word; 'shit'.

She brandished her feeble fencing blade, and considering Aura comparing it to fencing, she tried to pull the threads tighter in the stead of attempting to condense them in place. She knew, however, that with any blade, she'd not be able to bring to a stop twenty pounds of force coming at her with Aura fueling the swing.

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