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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"I'll pass on the offer..." He sighed, cracking his neck. At that point, he saw stars. He tried his very best to make it look like he was fine, as he desperately wanted to leave that room. It reeked of chemicals and medicine, and it made him light-headed.
"Plus they trust me over at Weave..... I can be a most.....profitable..... Friend." Echo said with a sadistic grin.
Günther walked to Vayne, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. Take your time." He said with a grin.
"And what made you want to be... Friends..?" Cain asked, frowning.

"I'll be fine, thanks..." Revnoir mumbled, weakly making his way out of the Med Bay. He had passed Gunther and Arya, but paid no attention to them. He had been out of commission for more than two weeks now, ever since that mission in Windsor. He had to get it together.
( @Alternated u know we don't have our own rooms right? We have barracks.... Not doorm rooms.) Echo Chuckled. "I go where the madness is. My whole point is to spread chaos and Madness."
Aura continued to follow Rev. "Are you shure? We both got it pretty bad..... I know how extensive your wounds were.... They can't all be healed up..... Let me help you."
Günther laughed and looked at Arya. "Guess he needs his time. I wonder how Eve will react."

Eve was still in the medbay, reading one of the books. She like to study when she wasn't having fun with someone else.
(@Aurath Moonblood OOpsies better delete it lol)

Vayne sighed "I better go back you guys have a good day" he said as he stands up and walks out the canteen.

(I'm gonna log out soon)
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Cain adopted a grin to his lips and snickered. "In that case... I look forward to working with you."

Revnoir ignored Aura's offer, frowning. "Are there any AIs that need working on? Papers I need to fill?" He asked, as if leaving the option of whether to help him or not to Aura. It may have also been a no. Nobody can really tell with Revnoir.
Sloth walked around the premises of the sin's base bored as every. It wasnt the same with Apex and none of her fandoms were coming on until later. There was nothing to do at all so she decided to go into he kitchen and binge eat on something.
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Echo grinned a grin that matched Cain's. "Oh what fun. I can't wait to see the chaos we cause."

Aura sighed. "We have a few new squad leaders so you will have three AIs to work on. Also there are some papers. And from what I can tell you have a squad member missing."
(Cain fixed the dog though oh bte really not cool that's like killing off someone's character without asking lol) pride yawned." Hey Cain what are we suppose to do if you haven't noticed where kind of short on soldiers and the weavers seem to have plenty." Pride said as he leaned against the wall. He was in the mood to kill something.
Günther picked Arya up and smiled to her. He looked into her eyes, feeling warm and comfortable with just her near him.
Revnoir grumbled and went to his office. "Alright..."

Cain glared at Pride, his grin now gone. "Deus. Shut. The fuck. Up."
(@Umbra Regalia, 'plant plot twisty' time? xD )

Leah took Yato's hand and pulled herself up from the ground, still pretending to mess with her hair to try and hide her now even more furiously red face.

'...Thank you... For snapping me out of whatever. It was worse than being bored to death.'

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Aura headed to the training room. By now Leah would have control of her threads. He taped on his earpiece. "Leah.... Come to the training room for your personal training now."

(Umbra just left for a bit.)
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(@Spazzycat101 I forget what that was but since I said yes, go ahead)

Revnoir sat silently in his office, staring at the picture he had on his desk of Xillia. He slammed it down, not wanting to see it anymore. He went ahead and read through the AI requests.
(There was a PM of it- you could retread that.)

Leah startled at the sudden noise from her earpiece. She clicked her own into function and replied,

'Y-yessir. I'll be there in a moment.'
"Go fuck yourself Cain, maybe If you actually listened to me we might be better off than we are. Damn weavers just walking into our base like it was nothing. Oh and I was also thinking maybe we should move to a new base since the weavers know where our current location is. Pride was in no mood to deal with Cains disregard of everything that they should be doing, he had enough of things happening that shouldn't have happened. Like the weavers finding there base with such ease, or Aura coming to his senses and escaping with the weavers, and so many of the past sins either turning against them or being slaughtered off like live stock.
Cain growled and walked up to Pride. He grabbed him by the throat, slamming him into the wall and sticking the barrel of his gun to his chest. "Did you want your core blown to pieces? Maybe that brain of yours got corrupted along with your Core..."
"Cain something occurred to me I don't believe I've ever seen you use threads.Now I could just have not witnessed it but every time you threaten one of use you do the same crap. Push us against a wall and threaten to blow our cores to pieces. If your really insist on killing me then go ahead I'll enjoy watching you get torn to shreds by the weavers once I'm gone.I mean I guess you could create a new pride but he wouldn't be as strong as I currently am. Sometimes I think I'm working for Cain because he knows what he's doing, I don't t care if he tends to kill more of his allias than he does friends. But it seems to me like you want to lose or are you just not telling us something." Pride said leaning in real close to Cain's ear."I'm not as idiotic as I act Cain, and if you trust me to help I will, and can but your going to need to lower that gun and actually listen to me for once."

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