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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Lust walked out of her room and saw Pride and Gluttony. "Hey guys.." She sighed, jumping into her armchair, curling up. "What are ya talkin bout?" She asked, tilting her head
“....Huh?.....Where Am I?..” Sabrin Asks himself as he slowly opens his eyes looking above a rotting ceiling.

Sabrin slowly sat up from an old mattress on the floor, his Armor stripped off of him, he's entire chest and arms are covered in Bandages, even his right eye is covered with bandages, he then tries to get up, but fails to, feeling numbness on his legs. He looks around him to find himself inside an old clinic, room covered in old white paint slowly peeling off the wall, an old ceiling fan spins around above him on the rotting ceiling, sounds of civilians pass by a boarded window, beams of light passes through the holes and empty spaces on the wooden planks, illuminating most of the room.

((What The Heck just happened Yesterday?, And why did Kazu Kun's Character committed suicide?))
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Sabrin Quickly looks at a door in front of him slowly creeping open, As it opens an old man peeks his head, then he enters the room, standing more than 8 feet tall, having a Santa long beard, wearing glasses, an old Pharmacist coat, soldier pants, and large brown boots. He smiles at Sabrin as he approaches Him.
“Feeling any better sonny?” He asks as he squats down, eye leveling Sabrin. “And don't be afraid, I won't hurt, I'm just here to help you.” He added in a calm and gentle low voice.

“...Yeah...” Sabrin replied nervously, “..Who are you?... And where am I?..” He asked while holding the right side of his template, feeling an uneasy pain.

The Old man stood up and went to a Wooden glass cabinet on the wall, “I'm Doctor Heindraike Lazzarus.” He replied while grabbing medicine and a syringe, “You're Inside an Old Military Clinic.” He Then squat down beside Sabrin, who's nervously shaking from the untrusting feeling on the Old man, The old man then begins removing a Small portion of bandages on his arm and begins injecting him with medicine.
Sabrin sat there quietly as the old man replaces his bandages, as he took them off, it revealed a portion of his skin burned and pale, dark vains grown like roots around his body, the old man was amused by this as he patched him up. Feeling too quiet, Sabrin asked the old man on how he ended here to brake the silence.

“...What happened?.... Why am I here?...” He asked, forgetting what happened with him during the fight with Sloth.

“Soldiers found you collapsing on the street, bleeding, so they brought you to me, when they brought you in, you were rigged with gunshots, So they stripped your armor off and began repairing and cleaning it, then they took your weapons and equipment away. While I took care of you for a couple of days.” The man replied whilst finishing replacing Sabrin's bandages, then continuing to inject Sabrin with more medicine.

“.....I see.... Thank you...” Sabrin uttered while looking at the man with gratitude.

The Old Man smiled at his thanks, “Don't mention it kiddo, we wouldn't leave you to die in the streets, people at your age are the only people who might re-tell the story of what happened to this world to the next generation of children.” The old man chuckled. “Well, their you go!” He shouted after giving Sabrin medicine, “You should rest now, you'll be back on your feet by tomorrow.” He finished.

Sabrin thanked Dr. Heindraike before he left one more time. Sabrin proceeded to rest his head on the pillow slowly, he then covers half of his body with an old blanket near him. His eyes slowly began to close, few seconds pass, Sabrin is fast asleep from the medications.
Once everyone was out of the cell rooms, Yulier hurried out of hiding and went to check if Revnoir was awake.

Before Yulier could touch him, he grabbed her wrist tightly. He looked enraged now. His emotions were a mess.
As soon as Revnoir grasped Yulier's wrist in what looked like a death grip, Leah's own hand shot forward. Could he not see Yulier was trying to help him? Perhaps he had been tortured to the point of insanity...
Gluttony hoped he was able to give the two enough time to get that man out. He was helping to distract the sins. That was good..... Right? Was going against Cain wrong? What had Cain not told him about his past life? All these questions raced threw his head at once.
Vayne gets out of his room and slammed his door closed and sighed, he puts his hand on his pocket and watches outside the window.
Sloth walked in on gluttony,pride, and lust holding Apex in her hand. "Gluttony! She said hugging him tight "I missed you so much! Where have you been? " she asked as Apex licked his face

@Aurath Moonblood
Yulier quickly pulled her hand away and watched as Revnoir crawled backwards away from them.

"Useless... So useless..." he mumbled, his eyes staying on Leah now. He didn't seem like he was saying it about her though.
Leah's gaze became focused and began wandering aimlessly around the room as she tried to wonder what Revnoir's words could mean. After only a few moments of finding no solution, she snapped back into reality with a shrug she turned to Yulier to whisper a few words,

'Whatever he means by this, we can find out back at the base. Now, we have to find out how to get him there.'
"I'm not familiar with the layout of the building, plus I think there are a few Sins just outside this room." She said, a little worried.

Revnoir pressed his back up against the walls of the corner, still mumbling variations of the words spoken previously.



Waste of time




'So what? Have a bit of faith in Aura that he'll keep them distracted. And I have a map.'

Leah dug through her bag, forgetting she had left the map outside, charting the 'casualties' and 'captures'.

'Dang it... Never mind, I don't.' She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, remembering where the map actually was.
"Dammit... But Aura's only so concentrated on actually distracting them. It may not even work..! And if Cain realizes that Revnoir's gone before we can get back to the base, we're all dead." Yulier muttered, keeping her eyes on the maddened Weaver.

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