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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

(welp, I gtg in like 20 mins. Yay! Timing!)

Revnoir was oddly silent, but he was shaking. He was watching Cain with hate-filled eyes.
Leah nodded.

'You are. Well, a different version of you. You were one of the most powerful people at the Weave, right alongside Revnoir. Later, Scourge and Cain led a massive invasion. After that, Scourge was killed, by you, actually. Then, after a couple days, Cain and the sins kidnapped you and Rev. They tried to drown you, if I recall correctly. By then, you were the Director of Weave. Pretty high position.'

As she recounted as much as she could recall, her gaze wandered away, toward the window, around the rest of the room.... When her mind wandered, her eyes tended to do the same.

Now, though, she had forgotten to disguise her characters, using their names.
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(Gluttons not smart enough to mute her and didn't know we had soundproofing lol) "So what now cain," pride asked a blade still in his hand.
zen was actually on the inside of the gate and could hear kano banging his head on the wall he hadn't noticed the wall cracking but the sound was annoying him"the hell is that?" he shouted over the wall
( wait what's happening?)

Sloth remained silent and leaned on the side of the wall. She found it funny how he didn't know how involved he was.
Slowly, Leah nodded.

'It's as true as I could bear to recount it. And now, it continues. If you want to hear it, though....'

(Erp... Sloth/Robyn.... We're not in, like, the main room of the base...)

(Dang, I keep calling people by their character's names....

Except for Umbra. She's got too many characters.)
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"Fucking hell, bored as hell, i want to do some thing please some one damn thing"

Kano said monotone. He paused after each word with boredom. The cracks kept on growing and growing.
"Be sure that the damage won't be permanent. It would be a shame to ruin the whore's good looks~" Cain grinned, crossing his arms.
'Right then. After practically all of Weave found you two, half dead, the sins attacked again,' She emphasized the word, rolling her eyes with it, 'Bashed up my face and leg, but for some odd reason failed to do much to Kano... But we somehow came on the prevailing end and were taken into the medbay. I was knocked out by the doctors, but I woke up to sirens. You were pretty beat up too, but you were missing entirely. Everyone was absolutely insane. Once things calmed down, I convinced Eve to let me leave to carry out some mission or another. Yulier wanted to come too, but Echo, that weird weaver, only took one passenger. Me. That's how I came to be here. By the time I got... here... You were... already' She chuckled. 'Please pardon the pun, but you were already sin-thesized.'

She added to her weak joke with unenthusiastic jazz hands.
"Don't worry boss I'll make sure he stays looking good enough to eat," he smiled.Pride then Began to cut into revnoir more and more."Hmm this is getting old I need new inspiration I need ideas for how to torture him,"pride said dramatically.
Again, Leah nodded, but not totally aware that they had a spectacular and adorable ship between them.

'She's also a Sin, surprisingly. She turned on Cain, though. She hates him, based on what I can tell. Very formal, though.'
zen eye twitched as he heard kano's voice over the wall. he leaped over it landing behind kano and placing a hand on his shoulder"could you pleas...for everloving fuck STOP BANNGING YOUR HEAD ON THE WALL!" shouted zen
(Wait someone tried to eat my puppy!?)

Sloth looked bored as ever.still leaning on the wall. She also thought it was weird that none of the others weavers haven't come to save the day. I guess weavers aren't as great as they used to be."why don't you just try shocking of drowning him for a bit? That might be fun."

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Oh! Leah hadn't noticed that Aura had calmed down considerably.

'Perhaps, if we can get out of here and back to Weave without anyone wondering why I'm not dead, you could see her. Have you any idea how that could happen? Oh, and if we leave, could we take Revnoir with us?'

( xD Yep. 'cause Yulier has not been alarmed in the least since Leah left. I'm imagining her just standing here, not having moved an inch while Zen and Kano argue in the distance...)
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Aura shook his head "you..m stay her... You live and tell me stories so I remember..... Bit if you can bring person here I will let go."
'I'm... I'm afraid there's not much more I can tell... And even if I wanted to bring Yulier here, if I stay, I won't be able to go find her. And even if I could, I highly doubt she'll come here. If we go to her, though, she may be willing to meet you. Otherwise... I'm not sure she'll come...' As she said the last sentence, Leah shrunk back the slightest bit. It seemed she was running out of story. And with that, she was admitting her defeat.
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'I can't. I lost my earpiece, I think it was broken...'

She admitted. This was not rolling in a good direction.

(Do do doo

And nobody is noticing Leah is gone from the medbay. Bada da doo, do doo)


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