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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution


Revnoir and the others soon arrived at the base, and Revnoir enthusiastically crawled out of the car and dragged himself out of the vehicle room / garage.
zen walked back into the base as if coming back from a leisurely stroll"well that was interesting to say the least"
"if something's wrong you can tell me...i don't like having my squad members in an annoyed state its not good for team work"
zen sighed"look its not because i dont like you or anything but i kinda figured you had a thing with Gunther and my concept of love is extremely skewed and abstract" zen paused for a second trying to think of a way to explain 'what 'love' meant to him." love for me..would be an arch nemesis you could say. someone that i in truth have a hatred for that runs deeper than any other..and that person has a mutual hatred for me...i guess..." zen made a face as if he was trying to figure out if he had expressed himself accurately"anyway its complicated so don't worry about it i have nothing against you"

(your ship building has unfortunately FAILED please try again some other time=_=)
Arya stared at Zen blankly. "I did... Have a thing with Gunther...... Sort of..... But I have felt strongly for you since I first met you. You were the only person that was actualy nice to me..... Sorry I've wasted your time... Sir...." Arya said in a flat tone. Her face and voice betrayed nothing. She walked away slowly after dropping the bag of supplies at Zen's feet. She whent to her quarters to be alone with the one thing she knew she could still count on.... Her pistol. She started cleaning it as quiet tears streamed down her cheeks.
zen sighed as she left and pinched the bridge of his nose"and this is exactly the reason i prefer mutual hatred over love..."
zen made his way back to his office. "great now next time i see her it going to be really awkward.." he plopped down in his office chair and let out a long aggravated sigh while rubbing his hand through his hair furiously. "this is once again bad for teamwork..."

(i typed this like an 30 minutes ago and FORGOT TO CLICK THE 'post' BUTTON!)
zenreaper said:
(i typed this like an 30 minutes ago and FORGOT TO CLICK THE 'post' BUTTON!)
(you have no idea how relatable that is for me. And aura, hurry and make that character xD I wanna seeeeeeeeeeee!
Do that while I take my first ever selfie and cry about how I have so may flaws just like every girl does ever!)
Ashen quietly curled up against him and slept soundly.

Revnoir knocked quietly on Aura's door to tell him that they were back and had the supplies they needed.
Revnoir peeked in, and saw Yulier sleeping. He looked a little worried when he saw the wine bottle. "Please tell me you didn't..."
Revnoir grumbled as he rubbed the sides of the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Did you seriously get her


..? Is that why she's passed out..?!"
"Well... Maybe if I shoot another arrow from where I came from! Yes!"

Kano laughed nervously. He held his bow again, pulling the arrow on the string. He aimed slightly up from where he needed to go. He was ignorant of the fact that it could crack the wall of the base and make a giant web. But he hoped it didn't. The bow glowed Red again and Kano shot. The arrow connected a tread trail which seemed to go on forever. It connected to the bow and Kano follow. Soon the arrow reached the base. But that was the bad thing. Luckily though, it hit glass. It breached Scourge's old office or Aura's office. It broke the glass and took the desk with it to the ground. After a while, Kano appeared with the thread connected to the arrow.
"She only had three glasses...." Aura said. "And besides... Cut her some slack. She just found out about.... Her sister..."

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