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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

(OMG I just read this and I'm just screaming on the inside..... 'Do something shippy, Aura!!!'

xD anywhale, Leah will be out soon. As in one RP-day and then le typical teenage drama shall ensue, but with an added touch of weaver... HEHEHEHEHEHEHE.)
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(I dunno.


Oh, yeah, it was Leah's impending teenaged-weaver drama. Things shall be burnt.)
"well if you say so...come on arya lets go gather supplies...i guess" zen said as he walked foward looking for any store that might have what they needed
"Three streets over. There is a stoor that has food and supplies. Use to be a hold up for survivers. They all got killed so stuff is still there." Arya said. Seems she was here before.

Aura looked over at Ashen. "Tell me more about yourself."
Revnoir nodded, and signaled for Zen and whoever else to go there, that he'd look for another store to cover more ground.

"Well whaddya wanna know~?" Ashen asked, smiling mischievously.
"oh have you come here before...well im guessing you have by your knowledge on this place" he said as he walked over to the store and stepping in. the inside was decrepit and bark with a horrid smell.."ugh"
"well lets get what we need so we can hurry and go back..." said zen as he began to gather some supplies and foodstuffs
"Hmmm..... Well.... What and who were you before all of... This?" Aura asked.

Arya seemed to know we're everything was. She stepped over the decaying corpses that were half eaten by animals, gathering medical supplies.
zen had finished gathering supplies. he had found an empty suitcase and filled it to the brim with supplies. he stood by the door "you ready arya?" he called out
zen made his way back to the car putting the suitcase in the back"hope its enough"...said zen noticing that revnoir wasn't around"he must have went to look for other supplies..well while we wait im going to see if i can cut one of these old buildings in half" zen explained as he walked over to a nearby building and put his hand on its wall"sturdy..well lets give it a try" he reached down grabbing the hilt of his katana and crouching down low after a few second of this he drew te katana in a horizontal slashing motion but instead of slicing straight through the building it only cut partly leaving a giant gash all the way across the wall and about 5 to 6 inches deep"not all the way...but still powerful"
Revnoir found himself in the downtown area, stepping over the rubble and the corpses. It reeked of decomposing bodies and disease. He covered his nose and mouth with his sleeve and dragged along the duffel bag he found, which he had already filled with food, medicine, and other things they needed. He looked around as he headed back. It was as if the color had faded from everything. The dust had laid thin sheets of itself all over the town, remaining untouched by the lack of life.

"Well... I was human before all this. My name had been Yulier Lucis, I'm sure you know my sister Xillia. We used to live in Windsor, we were Revnoir's neighbours. We only met when everything started with the Reapers and all that." Ashen said, smiling at the wine bottle in her arms.
"Arya sighed as she watched Zen. She was glad the building didn't fall, because it would have fallen on both of them. Arya could have gotten away because of how far away she was, but Zen would have been hurt bad.
zen sighed and walked back to to the car standing beside arya"well it was surely a powerful attack" zen was a bit reckless when it came to testing out his skills he had completely forgotten any possibility of the building falling over on top of him.
Yulier just laughed. "It's probably the hair color, huh?"

Revnoir soon arrived back at the truck, and threw the bag into the back of the vehicle. He looked a little disturbed.
"Yes sir..... And with all do respect.... You need to be more careful... You could have been crushed by that building! Please.... Just be more cautious." Arya said.

"Yeah maybe..." Arya said calmly.
Revnoir nodded, and got into the drivers seat.

Yulier suddenly got quiet. "I haven't seen her since we parted ways a few years ago... Is she alright?"
Aura's face turned sad and dark. "Well.... No.... Scourge...... Well he got what he deserved." Aura said.

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