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Fantasy Realms of Nymserine: OOC

I'm glad you asked. Well for one is a tank, and as all gamer know tanks are naturally slower than all the other roles. He has leaps and charges but no real dashes or quick attacks. But if he hits you lol.... He is also a bit dim. Aside from his battle sense he isn't out smarting anyone. Also he has personal flaws that might end him as well like too much pride and such. I tried to keep in line with Roland's character. Didn't want to be to strong or too weak. Think I found a sweet spot.
Skyward Sword Skyward Sword okay but how does one murderhim? And what does he like to eat?

Lol, should I really be telling the rouge character how to murder him ? You might have to get creative on that one. Also if I were writing him, he would probably enjoy meats and booze. His favorite dish could be roasted boar, and his favorite drink is Dwarven Bruichladdich...
Hey, just a quick note:
I am still alive, its just been a very stupid week. I might need a quick update at this point, but perhaps I'll ask for it on Friday when rl is less stupid.
Ok hope everything is moving ok: We are going to keep pushing the story along, and when you are ready just jump back in.

I.... managed... to... read erything... *faints*@-@
The Circle Tests (aka The Gauntlet):
Many adventurers dream to one day be a member of the Circle. It's one of the highest honors and a career with many benefits. Circle members are often known as heroes across the lands of Nymserine. However, the trails are grueling and not for the faint of heart.People are lead to a building close to the castle at the center of Aeredale, separate from the Circle's guild hall. A senior member takes the group deep within the ruins of this ancient building and they are locked in a stone room lit by dim mana torches. Then they are left alone with a spirit clad in heavy armor, his palms resting on the hilt of a sword stuck into the ground. The spirit is called the Guardian. He's an ancient being with no other name or title and his sole purpose is to guard the ruins and supervise the gauntlet. He will talk to each person, bringing up their past and point out their single most greatest weakness. If he deems you worthy, you may begin the Gauntlet.

The First Trial- Test of Wisdom
At this point each person is split up and go through each test individually. In the first trial, the player will step out into an dream-like space, the setting seemingly outdoors. There's a large mountain in the distance and two paths that fork of around opposite sides of the mountain. At the fork stand two twin boys. You are told that one path leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other will get you lost forever. Two twins know the path that leads to the other side. You can ask only one question per twin. However, one twin lies and one tells the truth, and you don't know which is which. The player must find a way to solve this riddle and find the right way around the mountain. After passing the first test the player will proceed down the correct mountain path until they come to a freestanding door, which leads to the second trial.

The Second Trial- Test of Strength
Upon opening it, they are lead to a plain grey room with a large mirror taking up all of one wall. The door closes and vanishes behind the player, leaving them to stay in the room alone and look at the mirror. The mirror matches the players movements at first and then starts to move on it's own and then the whole surface ripples and their reflection steps out of the mirror and the two have to fight one another. If the player can win against their clone/reflection then they pass the test. The clones are slightly more powerful in the fact they are a little quicker and a little stronger. They are also more aggressive, but they only know what the player knows. This is bad as well as good. They will know all of your moves and have all the same training/abilities/weapons/weaknesses/strengths. But the reflections do not speak or react to words.

The Third Trial- Test of Self
So, the third trial is going to be different from the first two. The player walks into a room and their physical body falls asleep/ into a trance. The player is suddenly in some scenario from their past, or maybe a place they envision themselves to be in the future and you can make it start out positive or negative depending on your preference. In this "hallucination" they player genuinely believes they are there in that dream/situation. They may eventually guess it isn't real, but the illusion is very convincing. The main part of this test is the player having to face a very difficult decision. They have to confront the hardest/ scariest thing imaginable to that character, confront it and overcome it.This can be anything that involves a hard choice for your character but all correlates with values of the circle. (Chivalry, Justice, Strength, Loyalty, Bravery, Courage, Wisdom, Goodwill, Honesty etc.) These choices can be put up against vices like Cowardice, Greed, Dishonesty, Weakness, Betrayal for a benefit, or any of the 7 deadly sin and things of that nature. I provided an example with Verity a while ago, if you need to see that again or struggle with coming up with ideas for your character's third trial, just ask.

Other Guidelines:
Other than the layout explained above, you have free reign over your characters and their passing/failing of the test or reacting in whatever way needed within reason. There will be no character interaction with other players during the trials so you can probably just fit the whole Gauntlet into one post if you want (it will go by quicker that way instead of waiting on a bunch of individual posts).

This was all posted in the Discord chat, but I'll just reiterate here so no one is left out <3

BugDozer73 BugDozer73 SilverFlight SilverFlight Zazz Zazz Melon Bomb Melon Bomb Lekiel Lekiel Brendanfp Brendanfp C.C. C.C.
Thank you thank you thank you. If you'll give me a quick update as to where Pyrrhus should be standing when the new scene starts I will read and get a post up. What's been going on since I've been away?
Lol pretty much. Just waiting on Pyrrhus, Tieve, Morrigan, and Ali to get to breakfast, but CC and Brendan poofed, so...
Yeah it was kinda surprising, so we are just trying to get things rolling today. Purize will post the time skip and depending on where she posts us will let you know where to have Pyrrhus.
Will be posting within half a day :o gonna plonk Fernwe right up to the current point. Would that be okay?
Lekiel Lekiel !!! Good to have you back! I’m sorry we left you in the dirt ;o; It seems that Brendan and CC left the RP, so it’s just the six of us now. If you have any questions about the gauntlet or the upcoming plans, just pm me or Bug. Most of our planning and chit chat is in Discord....

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