• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Realm of Villainy OOC

Okay, alright.

A) This thread is in Extra Pages, meaning it is for add-ons to roleplays and not for roleplaying.

B) You're not a part of this roleplay, Realm of Villainy, as far as I can tell. If you're interested in joining, talk to Zaxs Zaxs about creating a character.

C) What? How did you even end up in this forum? Shouldn't you be looking for roleplays somewhere else?
Oh my god I am so sorry! I’ll go! I am so so sorry! I don’t get how this works yet... I’m new, I’m only used to chat room rps... I’ll go, i deeply apologize!
Don't sweat it, I had the same problems too when I first started out on a site like this. If you're looking for a quick rp try the Looking for Partner forums.
If anyone here is somehow still interested in being in a Rp like this, it recently got rebooted under the name "Kingdom of the Wicked"

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