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Fantasy Realm of Villainy OOC

I want to be done by then but I didn't get any proper suggestions on what role my character should be so...
I said diplomat? But you shouldn't let that stop you from getting it on time. And if you want a "proper" answer. Why not give them a role like a Warden? So they can inflict pain on prisoners. Basically they will give the same pain they took once they have captured their prisoner?
I was thinking of going for a Gatekeeper/Guardian of something but the more I think about it the funnier I find having an insane emissary. Since the roles work like that I assume my guy (or girl) can be an Emissary but also a Guardian/Gatekeeper? Like he's only an Emissary when the Emperor needs him to be or something like that.
I was thinking of going for a Gatekeeper/Guardian of something but the more I think about it the funnier I find having an insane emissary. Since the roles work like that I assume my guy (or girl) can be an Emissary but also a Guardian/Gatekeeper? Like he's only an Emissary when the Emperor needs him to be or something like that.
I was thinking Major and Minor in terms of roles as well! Like I wanted my guy to be a Knight, and a Village Guardian ^u^
I was thinking of going for a Gatekeeper/Guardian of something but the more I think about it the funnier I find having an insane emissary. Since the roles work like that I assume my guy (or girl) can be an Emissary but also a Guardian/Gatekeeper? Like he's only an Emissary when the Emperor needs him to be or something like that.
Well think what else am emissary does? Not only do they have to be a diplomat, they have to manage the trade coming in and going out, along with managing protecting and what kind of minions should be sent to keep an eye on the villages near our kingdom. Oh plus taking to other kingdom that usually don't agree with us and finding some kind of common ground otherwise we'd get invaded by everybody.
Uhh, an emissary is just a person that gets sent as a diplomatic representative on missions for a higher power like a government. I highly doubt any sane person would put an insane guy in charge of trade and troop movements. I'd say he could be in charge of things like greeting dudes that try storming the Castle, collecting the resources and food from the villages near the mountains, other stuff like that. Tasks for the Emperor.
Uhh, an emissary is just a person that gets sent as a diplomatic representative on missions for a higher power like a government. I highly doubt any sane person would put an insane guy in charge of trade and troop movements. I'd say he could be in charge of things like greeting dudes that try storming the Castle, collecting the resources and food from the villages near the mountains, other stuff like that. Tasks for the Emperor.
Well you will have more then one job at least.
Whatever happens please have it done around Monday as I will be spending as much time as I can to make the starter and finish the emperor details and NPC page.
Yo Zaxs Zaxs is it okay for you to add 'Knife Thrower' to the Rogue classes? I've just about finished my character and that's one of his levels, but if it's a no-no I'll edit it later after I post him.
Excuse me... am I too late? *Looks in gently, a little nervous* Or... can I come in? *its raining outside and I’m wet, my outfit clinging to my skin* I’m freezing... I’m looking for employment... I was a barmaid... my tavern just closed... I’m sorry if I’m too... I can’t think of the word... May I come in sir or miss? My name is Alice... I’m 17
Okay, alright.

A) This thread is in Extra Pages, meaning it is for add-ons to roleplays and not for roleplaying.

B) You're not a part of this roleplay, Realm of Villainy, as far as I can tell. If you're interested in joining, talk to Zaxs Zaxs about creating a character.

C) What? How did you even end up in this forum? Shouldn't you be looking for roleplays somewhere else?

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