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Rays Through The Eclipse [Closed]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
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My Interest Check
“Can the sun set already?”

It was a complaint voiced, half-jokingly, by the pale blonde woman as she leaned against a tree. A black hat was positioned on her head to help more with the problem of the sun, and very little of her skin could be seen beneath the long leather coat, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it.

Gwendolen Anjou did suffer the pains of heat, too. “Soon,” Dean said, leaning against a tree opposite her. Gwen considered the brunette her second-in-command, if only because he’d been around since her father and didn’t fear her at all. A sigh parted her lips. “I can carry you.”

“Haha,” the sarcastic laugh escaped her lips, “No need. We won’t be moving until night anyway.”

“So are you impatient or are you in pain?” Dean wasn’t sure.

“Both.” She answered honestly, and then tipped the brim of her hat further down to hide her blue eyes from Dean. She took a glance away from the town, hardly alive since it was day, and back towards camp. “I’m worried.”

Many ex-slaves had been sent into the town, since they bore the markings of servitude. Their goals were simple. They were told to enter the town and set things up for the attack. Bombs, UV spotlights, and weapons were to be strategically placed. When night fell, their goal would be to meet those slaves at three points, and be moved into the city, and taken to where the meeting was. There, all the vampires would burn—and this would not be just any simple strike. Plenty of the world’s most powerful vampires were meeting in this area.

If even half of them could be executed, it would be a huge blow to their morale. “Do you need anything to eat?”

She shook her head. “Are you lying?” Again, she shook her head, “I’ve seen what happens when you lie.”

“I’m fine,” she snapped.

“Want a Snickers?”

None of them knew where that joke came from, but Dean had heard it from his parents, and so it carried on. “Screw your Snickers, Dean. Go get me water if you’re bored.”

And so, she waited. Nightfall did come, to the dhampirs eternal relief. People began to mobilize, and fall into their groups. Dean had to go lead his own apart from Gwen, but they would meet up again soon.

Gwen’s group would follow her right to the front gates—Gwen had always made a promise to those who followed her, and that was she would take on the most dangerous of the jobs. The front gate was the most likely place for the plan to all go to hell, but she had faith in her followers. They would have secured their own people at the gates, to make sure they all got in.


“You’re insane.”

This was a comment the tanned Egyptian was used to hearing as he leaned in the doorway of the hotel, letting the rays of the setting sun strike and burn his body. Smoke rose up, “Please, please come back in!” The human, Fenuku, was all but yelling at him.

Ahmose ignored the human, and closed his silver eyes, feeling the sensation of the heat and trying to remember what it used to feel like. He remembered he had loved the feel of the sun, but he couldn’t remember just how it felt anymore. “You’re going to kill yourself!” Fenuku cared deeply for him, and as soon as he started to slip down, as soon as his skin took fire, he felt that bold human pull him inside and slam door shut.

A pillow beat the fire out, and then slammed Ahmose in the face. He laughed aloud. “Why do you do this, why?”

“You know,” Ahmose said softly, “Two thousand years ago, I couldn’t have even stood out that long,” he smiled, just a little, “I think I am becoming more tolerant.”

“You’re an idiot,” the human dared to say, and Ahmose cracked open one eye to watch the olive-skinned man storm away, and then throw clothes at him, “You have a meeting to get to, about those rebels—”

“You sound upset,” he sat up, then snapped his fingers. Fenuku didn’t turn, but a cat came running out from under the bed to jump into Ahmose’s lap.


“With the rebels,” he clarified.

Fenuku took a breath, “Their activity endangers me,” he answered and turned, “The more harm they do, the more likely I’m to be assaulted for being human.”

Ahmose gave a half-smile, “They think of you as mine,” they being other vampires, “They know I would kill them if they hurt you.”

“Still…I don’t like their methods.”

“No one likes their methods,” that was a lie, plenty of humans actually liked it and hoped the rebels would soon come to free them. “But that is how these things go.” He rose, and then began to dress himself. He hadn’t adopted modern styles. All of his styles held a note of Egyptian flare to them, particularly the bottom which was basically just a long, pleated black skirt with a gold belt. He wore a vest for modesty’s sake, but didn’t close it. Golden bangles clinked on his arms, and soon enough, he and Fenuku left together to attend the meeting that had been called.
"Stand still." Snapped a commanding voice. An olive skinned woman asserted her self into the tree line beside the other revelers gathered there. They all went rigidly still following her with their eyes. She crouched and used the scope of her rifle to peer into the town. All was still except the burst of bustle from slaves her chocolate brown eyes caught every now and then. Those half-bloods she hated, but there plan was still a damn good plan. The town would burn and those night crawlers would finally be dead. She settled on her haunches, she was used to sitting still for eons, to stalk a deer or to kill a vampire. If you didn't make the first shot count you were dead before you even thought about taking another. The men around her also settled into the foliage. They were all wearing camo and there faces were streaked with mud and green paint. They were the silent killers, the special forces of the human sector of the rebellion if you will. They were positioned at the tip of the spear. First ones in and the last ones out. Alys Cobalt was their leader and she was pretty damn good at her job. She watched and waited as the sun beat down on her back. The sun didn't bother her. Her dark thick hair and her olive skin protected her from its rays.


Boredom seemed stretch on forever as the Greek tossed his knife in the air over and over again. He had a lot on his mind, mostly the rebels, but then again they were usually there at the forefront of his brain. He didn't want them to take back power. They had miss used it enough already they were inferior and ment to be crushed under his boot. He caught the knife blade and his anger tightened his fist around the grip breaking it into pieces his ice blue eyes darkened into a raging sea of midnight blue. He sighed and stood running a hand over his buzzed head. This meeting was pivotal it seemed, war or peace was to be desired. Either to put an end to this terrorism or to negotiate with these terrorists. Walking over to his dresser he slipped on his shoes and a thick coat. The sun would be going down soon, but this would protect just in case. He had never been one to stick with fashion but he found no sense in reliving his past. So he dressed simply in a tailored suit and wing tipped shoes. As soon as the rays of the Sun no longer pierced his window he buttoned up his coat and left for the town where the council would meet.
The gates had been secured. Gwen saw her own at them when they approached, and they were all welcomed in. Maria informed Gwen on the best path towards the building hosting the meeting, talking as if the humans were merely there to be food for the vampires. That was the cover, after all.

Everything would move at a strict schedule. ‘Five minutes to the building.’ But Gwen would be going there alone.

Those who had come with her began to split off into groups of two or three to get into better positions to surround the building.

She found herself walking right into the building, and nodded to Marcus when she laid eyes on him. He buzzed her in, and she took a keycard from him and went to the stairs, sliding it through a scanner so she would get roof access. The meeting was taking place at the top floor, conveniently. There would be bombs already set on the roof, but they wouldn’t be activated. Gwen had the codes to turn them on, so that they’d go off at the proper time.

When they went off, the flaming debris that fell onto the gathered might kill some. What would be more fatal were the UV lights. Dean was in charge of switching those out, with a few others—he’d have to move very quickly. Unfortunately, those couldn’t have been done earlier. Vampires would notice being scalded when they stepped under the light. The building itself was illuminated to bring attention to it.

The vampires would run. They’d be picked off in the chaos by the other humans, and by those few who stayed outside the town, but were near enough to snipe them.

Up the stairs she went, and onto the roof where she did see Dean up and changing out the lightbulbs, as if it were just his job. They had managed to make a few of them start to flicker beforehand, so that it would appear as if it were a necessary task.

Gwen began to set the timers on the bombs then.


Ahmose had made it to the building before the UV lights were put in, and thought nothing of the humans around. He saw one light flickering as he walked up the steps and shook his head a bit at how illuminated this building even was. ‘Leave it to Matthew.’ His city, his rules. He was hosting this meeting even though he was a vampire many years younger than Ahmose, and many of his guests.

He came from the period of chivalry and knights.

Ahmose entered the building after a blonde woman, but they went in separate directions. He thought something was off about her, but couldn’t linger to find out. “This way,” Fenuku told him when he stared, and pulled him towards the elevators. He followed quickly and Fenuku pressed the button to get him to the proper floor.

When he arrived, he was right in the room where the meeting was taking place. He found that a bit odd, but shook it off. He approached Matthew, “Long time no see,” he greeted him with a smile.

“Helios,” he joked, and Ahmose took it with a smile. “You don’t smell like fire today.” Fenuku rolled his eyes, and Matthew noticed. “Ah, is he…necessary?” He didn’t want humans here, considering the topic.

“Yes,” Ahmose answered, “He is,” ‘Try and order me, boy.’

Matthew didn’t. He sucked it up. “Very well.”
Alys was postioned on the roof top four other snipers with her. Some vampires would try to run and they would take them out when they did if they somehow escaped the hell of fire the bombs would create. At this caliber a shot to the heart would incapacitate while someone took the damn things head off. She peered down the scope watching the half-bloods winter and then the vampires after them. The plan was going just right.

She had been laying here with her boys for a couple hours now. They had to get used to sitting still and they were perfectly positioned. She looked out the corner of her eye at her second Damien. His fingers twitched and he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. She signaled him that it was almost time and then rested back on her scope. Her other men were positioned with the others just invade the suckers didn't burn alive or somehow escaped the bombs .

Aiden entered the room quite as always. He didn't remove his coat he just integrated with the others not saying a word he was the last to arrive. He had no with to talk to Matthew the young vampire who was running this meeting. There was one human and his nose had screamed as soon as he walked in. Ahmose 's pet.

He scowled he hated humans with a passion. He mad his way to the table and sat folding his hands on the table top. The others soon followed taking their seats and quieting down. Curtis sat next to him, they had the same position on this issue and vampire from the Victorian Era like himself was sophisticated in the way he let his position known. He ripped his head to the Greek and folded his hands in a similar way.
Everything was in place. It was too easy. That thought kept repeating over and over in Gwendolen’s head as she looked over the timers, the placement, and the lights which were now rather annoying to her. She walked to the edge of the building and looked down at Dean as he removed the straps that had kept him safely up on the light.

Straps weren’t a necessity for her. She didn’t even bother taking the stairs (there would be no time for that, now), but instead took a jump from the roof and landed on her feet, a smug expression on her lips as Dean gave her a glare for showing off. “One day you’re going to break your legs,” he noted as she straightened up.

“Probably,” she agreed. She didn’t know how much she was really capable of. More than humans, less than vampires—and she had no dhampir to teach her how these things worked. “C’mon,” she motioned for him, and those who could see, to pull back a bit.

Her hand moved not towards a gun, but to a blade. There were few humans who could, or even dared, to take on vampires in melee range but, as Dean well knew, she used that to her advantage. She’d suffer some of the same hindrances as them under the sun lights, and the fire would be just as necessary to avoid, but Gwendolen was going to make sure that the vampires died. Mostly she imagined her job would be clean-up of those shot, but there would likely be a few encounters that wouldn’t be so easy to deal with.


The bombs went off, blowing a hole in the ceiling.


Ahmose led Fenuku over to the table and chatted with a few of the vampires there that he recognized. A few minutes passed, and the last of the invitees arrived. Aiden. Ahmose was a few centuries older than him, and always wondered if Aiden’s black-and-white views were an indication of his youth, or if it was something he would never grow out of.

He saw the way that Aiden scowled, the worst reaction of the bunch, and smiled to himself. ‘Don’t you remember what you were?’ It was one way to needle him, but they weren’t here for that. They were here to discuss how to handle the growing rebel threat, in particular, Gawain.

Matthew soon called the meeting to order now that everyone was here, “Well, good evening, all,” he said with a pleasant smile on his lips. He reached down for his glass of blood, one of those who thought taking it from the vein was too messy, “As you know, we’re starting to face a rebel threat that is a bit more organized than it has been in the past. I—”

His words were cut off by an explosion from above. Ahmose reacted quick, grabbing Fenuku and pulling them both against the nearby wall as the roof fell upon them, lit on fire. Matthew was crushed—poor, stupid Matthew.

Others screamed for a reason easily discerned, though Ahmose had pulled himself into the shadow of a wall. The lights that beat down on the building were Uvs. ‘So they can’t be far.’ Ahmose deduced, remembering he felt no pain on entering. He cursed his own lack of weapons, thinking this would be a peaceful ordeal, but knew he couldn’t let this threat escape so easily. “Go downstairs and wait!” Ahmose ordered Fenuku before he made a break for the stairs.

He was used to the pain of the sunlight, since he tried to stay in it daily. He didn’t crumple to the ground when it fell on him, but ran right through it and to the shade of the stairs, quickly moving down them to get out of the building and find the cause.

He started to hear gunshots.
Alys smiled and the kill calm came over her. Her eyes tracked every single movement being the best marksman and the leader she was to be the first to fire. They all tracked the targets in there sectors and fired. She pulled the trigger more than once. These night crawlers didn't like to die but a few 50 cals to the heart and they had no choice. She moved the gun to her next target feeling the air she calculated roughly in her head. They were about 2 buildings over from the meeting but their scopes put them right in the action. Her partner let off three shots then the rest of her boys shot. Rebels came spiling in keeping there distance and firing. Most just fired wildly, not all the humans were trained and that was a deathly mistake as the night crawlers who survived attacked.


Aiden was moving out of way of a giant beam in seconds. Curtis moved with him but the other vampires scattered. He cursed himself for not carrying the sword that usually never left his side and the armor he usually wore, his gladiator days had never quite left him.

He caught sight of the young vampire being crushed and shooting up in flames. Poor stupid Matthew, one of the young vampires who brokered for peace and asked for no weapons. He hissed as the Uvs flickered on. He pulled the heavy coat over his head, his skin smoking. He looked over and Curtis went up in flames screaming and falling over.

"Damn!" He hissed watching as one of his only supporters turned to ash. Curtis had even come close to being a friend. Aiden turned, he couldn't think about that now. He was out of the building and into the chaos in seconds. Rebels were gathered firing wildly into the crowd of vamps that exited the building and louder shots echoed over the roof tops.

He watched as a few Vampiers clutched there chests and fell to the ground only to be hit two more times with high caliber Bulets. His eyes scanned the horizon then he reacted jumping to the first rebel wishing ten feet of him. He grabbed the humans head and twisted with a pleasurable snap.
Gwendolen was faster than humans, and in the chaos of smoke and sunlight, plenty of the vampires who staggered out didn’t see her coming. Those who were hit with the lesser bullets were taken down as they tried to figure out where to run to, or who to massacre. Her blades took off their heads, and she danced in and out of the sunlight, seeming to live on her tip-toes during combat.

With one turn around, she saw a rather recognizable vampire, known for his tan skin and insanity when it came to the sun. She watched him stop in the middle of it all and assess the building. Then, without a thought, he ran back in. ‘Huh?’

Gwen was almost caught by a vampire’s attack, distracted by Ahmose, but Dean managed to get behind the vampire and put a stake through his back, and through his heart. Gwen turned in surprise as she heard the gasp before the body became ash. “Head. Game.” Dean chastised.

The building collapsed, and both sets of eyes turned towards it. Ahmose was barely out, a human under his arm. Gwen blinked in surprise, understanding dawning on her. “Come,” she told Dean and ran towards Ahmose as he seemed to assess direction from the shade.

Ahmose bared his fangs when he saw Gwen and set Fenuku down, taking on the posture of one prepared to fight. She, however, stopped short and lifted her blade, but didn’t strike. “On your knees, hands behind your back, and you and the human will live,” Gwen ordered. She wasn’t accustomed to taking prisoners, but she would make an exception.

Vampires who were like her mother—who didn’t despise humans—had every right to live. They could help change this world.

Ahmose hesitated. Fenuku grabbed his arm and he growled, grit his teeth, but took to a knee. Fenuku followed suit as Dean came up behind the rebel. “Bind them and get them to safety,” Gwen ordered Dean.


“I’ll explain later,” she answered, and then turned on her heel to let Dean deal with it.

Dean expected the vampire to rise up then and there, but to his surprise, he didn’t. ‘Weird.’ He still had the straps that had held up on the light pole, so he was quick to use them to start to bind the vampire’s hands behind his back, always keeping an eye out for any vampire who might try to attack him while he was busy with this.
Alys let out a few more burst then she stood shouldering her weapon. Time to clean up the rest. Her boys finished up then rounded up behind her. They ran down the stairs and down the street to the very edge of the resistance. Alys pulled a hand gun from her pocket and left the bowey knife in her hip holster. She pushed through the crowd of humans to the front Gwen her contact on this mission was pointing her sword in the face of a night crawler. He had a human sheltered under his arm and she was confused. She stood in the crowd just watching she was far enough back that the vampires hadn't got through to him just yet. The tan vampire on his knees had a face that was not easy to forget. She knew who he was as soon as she saw the way he dressed.


Aiden searched for the person in charge. His eyes landed on the blond who had taken control of Ahmose. He had gone back for his pet human. Stupid man, he was stuck in his ways even after they had almost been assisnatited. Soon the vampire police force would show up and the Rebels would burn. He watched the blond give orders to take Ahmose. He thought maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.

He moved with quite a bit of speed as he converged on the blond. The world around him was chaos as the screams of vampires and humans alike filled the night air.
Dean saw the snipers start to fill the area as he went around Fenuku and tied his hands, as well. “To your feet,” he ordered, though his voice shook a little. He did not like this, he did not like this at all. He kept his stake firmly in his grasp.

Ahmose rose, as did Fenuku. He saw the rush of others into the area, and noted one woman with dark hair and skin like Fenuku looking at him. She seemed more like a soldier from a time long lost, but he didn’t linger on where she might have gotten her training. A shove directed him away from the combat situation, to this so-called ‘safety’.

‘Why?’ Not even Ahmose understood, until he took a glance out at the battlefield once more and realized something.

The scent of the blonde woman wasn’t human.


Gwendolen did not plan to run from the combat situation, since she knew her own skills were good enough. Otherwise, she would have escorted Ahmose away herself. As it was, Dean could do that job just as well. He was more proficient then he allowed himself to believe.

As she moved back off the sidelines, she caught sight of a blue-eyed vampire rushing towards her. She pivoted, and made to position herself so that he’d end up impaled on her own blade.
Lucyfer said:
“Can the sun set already?”
It was a complaint voiced, half-jokingly, by the pale blonde woman as she leaned against a tree. A black hat was positioned on her head to help more with the problem of the sun, and very little of her skin could be seen beneath the long leather coat, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it.

Gwendolen Anjou did suffer the pains of heat, too. “Soon,” Dean said, leaning against a tree opposite her. Gwen considered the brunette her second-in-command, if only because he’d been around since her father and didn’t fear her at all. A sigh parted her lips. “I can carry you.”

“Haha,” the sarcastic laugh escaped her lips, “No need. We won’t be moving until night anyway.”

“So are you impatient or are you in pain?” Dean wasn’t sure.

“Both.” She answered honestly, and then tipped the brim of her hat further down to hide her blue eyes from Dean. She took a glance away from the town, hardly alive since it was day, and back towards camp. “I’m worried.”

Many ex-slaves had been sent into the town, since they bore the markings of servitude. Their goals were simple. They were told to enter the town and set things up for the attack. Bombs, UV spotlights, and weapons were to be strategically placed. When night fell, their goal would be to meet those slaves at three points, and be moved into the city, and taken to where the meeting was. There, all the vampires would burn—and this would not be just any simple strike. Plenty of the world’s most powerful vampires were meeting in this area.

If even half of them could be executed, it would be a huge blow to their morale. “Do you need anything to eat?”

She shook her head. “Are you lying?” Again, she shook her head, “I’ve seen what happens when you lie.”

“I’m fine,” she snapped.

“Want a Snickers?”

None of them knew where that joke came from, but Dean had heard it from his parents, and so it carried on. “Screw your Snickers, Dean. Go get me water if you’re bored.”

And so, she waited. Nightfall did come, to the dhampirs eternal relief. People began to mobilize, and fall into their groups. Dean had to go lead his own apart from Gwen, but they would meet up again soon.

Gwen’s group would follow her right to the front gates—Gwen had always made a promise to those who followed her, and that was she would take on the most dangerous of the jobs. The front gate was the most likely place for the plan to all go to hell, but she had faith in her followers. They would have secured their own people at the gates, to make sure they all got in.


“You’re insane.”

This was a comment the tanned Egyptian was used to hearing as he leaned in the doorway of the hotel, letting the rays of the setting sun strike and burn his body. Smoke rose up, “Please, please come back in!” The human, Fenuku, was all but yelling at him.

Ahmose ignored the human, and closed his silver eyes, feeling the sensation of the heat and trying to remember what it used to feel like. He remembered he had loved the feel of the sun, but he couldn’t remember just how it felt anymore. “You’re going to kill yourself!” Fenuku cared deeply for him, and as soon as he started to slip down, as soon as his skin took fire, he felt that bold human pull him inside and slam door shut.

A pillow beat the fire out, and then slammed Ahmose in the face. He laughed aloud. “Why do you do this, why?”

“You know,” Ahmose said softly, “Two thousand years ago, I couldn’t have even stood out that long,” he smiled, just a little, “I think I am becoming more tolerant.”

“You’re an idiot,” the human dared to say, and Ahmose cracked open one eye to watch the olive-skinned man storm away, and then throw clothes at him, “You have a meeting to get to, about those rebels—”

“You sound upset,” he sat up, then snapped his fingers. Fenuku didn’t turn, but a cat came running out from under the bed to jump into Ahmose’s lap.


“With the rebels,” he clarified.

Fenuku took a breath, “Their activity endangers me,” he answered and turned, “The more harm they do, the more likely I’m to be assaulted for being human.”

Ahmose gave a half-smile, “They think of you as mine,” they being other vampires, “They know I would kill them if they hurt you.”

“Still…I don’t like their methods.”

“No one likes their methods,” that was a lie, plenty of humans actually liked it and hoped the rebels would soon come to free them. “But that is how these things go.” He rose, and then began to dress himself. He hadn’t adopted modern styles. All of his styles held a note of Egyptian flare to them, particularly the bottom which was basically just a long, pleated black skirt with a gold belt. He wore a vest for modesty’s sake, but didn’t close it. Golden bangles clinked on his arms, and soon enough, he and Fenuku left together to attend the meeting that had been called.
Alys watched Dean, he looked really uncomfortable she made her way over sniper rifle slung over her shoulders. She weaved through the chaos to make her way over. "What are you doing?" She asked pulling on Dean. "This is not part of the plan." Her hands rested on her dual Bowie knives. Her dark brown eyes burned into the night crawler. "He's a higher up." She looked at dean. Her second in command was taking advantage of the fight and attacking blood suckers.


Aiden stopped short of her blade ice blue eyes gleaming. "Are you the one in charge?" He took a step back when her scent hit his nostrils. She most definitely wasn't human. "A half blood in charge of rebels? Strange." He said mostly to himself he had a Greek accent that he just couldn't shake no matter how long he lived. He balled his hands in to fists half bloods were even worse than humans to him. "Your coming with me." He said firmly wishing more than anything he had his sword.
Dean knew what he was doing, but he knew not why. He looked to Alys, one of those who doubted Gwendolen’s work despite how she’d arranged this, and been at vampire hunting since she was 12. He answered, “Gwen’s orders. She wants him for some reason, alive. I’m taking him back to camp.” That would be the safe place, the place everyone would eventually retreat to whether or not they were successful in taking the town.

There were people left behind in the camps that would need to be moved, food and supplies there.

Ahmose dared to take a look at the one who approached, and wondered how well Gwen’s order would remain enforced when this Gwen wasn’t around to order it. He didn’t speak, though he considered hypnotizing both to get out of this mess. Somehow, he didn’t think that would go over well. Fenuku just drew closer as they kept walking at the pace Dean dictated, for Dean didn’t stop to chat. If Alys wanted to continue the conversation, she could walk alongside him.

Ahmose averted his gaze back to the front and kept his calm front in place.


‘As if I would tell you.’ Gwendolen would never admit to being in charge. That was for ‘Gawain’, after all, a personless entity who could never be caught, because he didn’t exist. All the better for her, even if she was ever taken or killed, the act of Gawain could live on to inspire others.

He didn’t run into the blade, so she took a step back and shifted her posture. He declared she was coming with him, and she smirked, “Really now?” He had no weapons. Given, for some vampires that didn’t matter, but she’d yet to be captured so she was willing to play the odds. “Good luck,” and she took two quick steps forward to attempt to thrust the blade through his heart.

She’d not go without a fight, that was certain.
Alys said nothing but she did follow hands remaining on her knives. "It is strange for her to change her plans all the sudden." Alys said mostly to herself. She followed behind Dean just to make sure the blood sucker didn't pull anything. "What's with the human anyhow?" She asked curiously. It was strange to see a vampire care for a human the way Ahmos seemed to care for this one. She didn't like going against plans and they would have to retreat soon and fast, because the force would be here any second.


He knocked the blade away with his open palm with enough speed that he turned his hand so the blade just slid over his skin. He grabbed her other arm twice as fast and pulled her in close so she couldn't use the long blade against him in the fight. "You seem to have a lot to say seeing as I have no weapon and you have many." He hissed snaking out his fist aiming for her temple.
“I don’t know,” Dean answered in regards to the human.

Ahmose spoke up then, “He’s my friend.” It was more for Fenuku’s sake that he wasn’t fighting this. Gwen had promised Fenuku’s life as well as his own. “His name is Fenuku.”

“Hi….” Fenuku wasn’t sure where he stood in this situation, considering he would call Ahmose a friend as well.

“Yeah…,” Dean chanced a look away to look back at Alys, “I saw him running out of the building with uh, Fenako?”

Fenuku let out a long-suffering sigh. Somehow his name was the difficult one to pronounce, not Ahmose. “That’s when Gwen seemed to have made the decision,” he remembered following her to where Ahmose was, and her intent hadn’t been to fight and kill—it was to capture.

The sounds of combat were getting further and further away as Dean kept walking.


It was a surprising rarity for Gwen to face a vampire that actually knew how to fight. Most could, and would, boast of the many human rebels they’d killed, but few actually knew how to fight. They just relied on their natural boosts.

Gwen had taken those down. Today, many of those bodies littered the battlefield, the so-called great and ancient vampires destroyed. So, Gwen was a little surprised when her hand was knocked aside and the blade didn’t connect with its target. She was yanked forward before she could get her bearings.

Then her vision blurred as pain exploded from a punch. She had enough sense to step backwards rather than forward, and she tried to shake it off, tried to pull her arm free of his grip, but she could feel the futility of it. She could hear the reinforcements for the vampires arriving. Time was up.
Alys' mouth almost dropped open, how could a vampire and a human be friends. It was impossible humans were just cattle or slave labor to them. She stayed quiet after that. The rebels were retreating now with hooting and hollering about their somewhat victory. Ash of the fallen ancients streaked their faces, some of them had been that close to death and some just wore it as a memento. She moved her hands from her knives to the sniper sling over her chest. The adrenaline was running its course and she thanked God for her training. She was a soldier at heart but that didn't mean she didn't get tired, and she was exhausted.


Aiden grabbed the girl, a shot like that to the temple should incapacitate her for a couple hours. It would hurting hell when she came to, but it did no damage. The force swarmed taking out the last of the rebels who stayed to fight. They seemed to be covering the others escape. He scooped the blond up in his arms with eyes and walked her over to another escaped council member.

"Liam," he called out to the younger vampire. His bronze eyes turned toward Aiden and he raised his eyebrow curiously.

"What's with the girl?" He asked walking over he grabbed her hair and turned her head examining her. Aiden watched as the vampires face went dead still. "She's one of them." Aiden nodded.

"She knows where the leader is I'm sure of it."
It was much easier for Dean to believe, but then, he had believed what Gwendolen said, and what her father had said, about his love for a vampire woman. It was always Dean’s hope that somehow, they could reconcile. He didn’t know how and admittedly, his stomach did turn at the thought of considering them equals, but he tried to be an idealist.

“We’ll be at camp soon,” Dean wasn’t sure who he was speaking more to, the vampire or Alys. “Then Gwen will see to you.”

‘A dhampir leading humans.’ Ahmose found that interesting, but put two-and-two together. Her parents must not have hated each other—not a case of rape. He wondered how these humans managed to trust her, when certainly they must have been worried that a dhampir would jump to the other side.

Soon enough, the camps did come into sight, and Dean reached out and grabbed the straps that held the vampire’s hands. He wasn’t too concerned about the human, “Can you go find Gwen, Alys? I’ll go ahead and take this vampire and this human to the command tent.”


The struggle certainly didn’t last. Her vision kept blurring, and before she realized it, she was falling forward and seeing nothing but black. Gwendolen didn’t feel herself lifted, but knew at some point, that she was. Consciousness came in and out. Conversations flickered around her, but she didn’t recall any of the words.

Just one thought kept surfacing, and it was the vain hope she’d be killed rather than as a hostage or for information.
Alys nodded she took one last look at Ahemos and walked off in search of the first in command. She looked around the injured and the survivors. Some where mortally wounded and some were just covered in ash. She griped the strap on her rifle in relief when she saw Damien. Then she continue d sifting through the crowd. She stopped by a lot of rebels asking if they'd see her. They all said they hadn't. She began to worry as she reached the stragglers still coming in from the raid.


Aiden carried her to the desecrated building he looked over the ashes. He shook his head thinking of Curitis. He looked down at the blond and barred his fangs in anger. Then he turned walked her over to the remaining council members. The all registered him with curious looks. "She's our key to finding the leader and stopping these riots before more of us die." They all looked at her smelling the mixed blood.

"You'll get the information out of her then?" Asked Liam. Aiden just nodded.

"I think it is best if we all go to the capital." Gillian spoke, he was now the oldest among them. "There we will be safe, the rebellion has reached there yet"
The command tent was heavily clothed, since their dhampir leader was not the hugest fan of the sun. It would be safe enough to keep the vampire, and Dean went about tying Ahmose to a chair, as well as Fenuku.

He waited, then, variously sitting on the desk or pacing for Alys to return with information. The more time that passed, the more worried he became. ‘This isn’t like her.’ Could Gwen have been wounded?

Dean wouldn’t allow himself to think the worst—that she was dead.

Ahmose broke the silence, “Why do you think this Gwen captured me?” Dean paused in his pacing and turned to look at Ahmose, “This is atypical, is it not?” He gathered that from Alys and Dean.

Dean took his hands out of his pocket, “Honestly?” Dean said, “I think she wants your help.” He didn’t presume to know Gwendolen’s mind, but he bet he knew it better than anyone there.


“To the capital.”

Gwendolen awoke with a throbbing headache, on hard concrete. She understood before she even opened her eyes the type of place she would see, and she stretched out on the floor to make sure she could move everything. Indeed, it seemed nothing was bound.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the silver bars of her cells, and the cot to her left. She almost laughed at the fact she hadn’t been set there. However, this wasn’t much of a laughing matter. ‘Caught. Damn it.’ And of course, all her weapons were taken from her. She sat up, stood, and dared to walk right up to the bars so she could look down the hallway her cell was in to try and figure out how best to proceed.

One hand did go to her head, as if the touch would help to lessen the ache. It didn’t, of course.
Alys made her way back to the tent she entered with a somber expression. The rifle on her back was safely tucked away in her own tent and dark waves were loose falling down her back. She had searched every where and talked to every one she knew even some of the half bloods. She regarded Ahmose for a second, she was hesitant to share information in front of him but it seemed she had no other choice.

"Gwen is gone. Nobody has seen her since you took in the night crawler." Her nosey knives were still strapped to her thighs but other than that she looked almost casual.


Aiden was above Gwen with the council, the vampires from his council and the one stationed in the city. The older vampires had been shouting at each other for an hour now. They were deciding her fate. He was the third oldest here but he just kept his mouth shut.

"The rebels will come for her!" Shouted a dark skinned Amazonian women. Her dreads sloshed over her shoulder as she turned her head to eye the eldest. He gave her a silent snarl. He looked to be some type of native American. Aiden had never met the man before but he seemed to be leaning toward his point of view.

"The girl is valuable, and since when have we been afraid of rebel humans?" Liam piped up beside him. All the vampires in the room nodded to this.
Alys walked in, and Dean turned his full attention to her. His worry only became more evident as it was mentioned that Gwen hadn’t been located—not among the wounded. “Then…,” he could only imagine that it meant Gwendolen was dead, for he didn’t know of vampires who took captives. ‘Or she’s done herself in.’ He remembered she’d mentioned she would sooner bite her tongue off and choke to death.

Ahmose slumped in his chair, apparently as disheartened with this news. “So, am I to be executed then?” He asked, imagining that was how this would go.

“Please don’t!” Fenuku was speaking to both Ahmose and the new woman in the room, hoping that Ahmose would cease being pessimistic, and that the humans would reconsider just killing Ahmose outright.


There were a few guards in the hallway, as Gwen suspected. Vampires, not humans, so talking her way out of this would be a bit difficult. As one vampire laid eyes on her, she slipped back into the cell and examined how it was made. She heard the whispered chatter and then steps away, and imagined it was going to be reported she was awake. ‘Now is that good or bad?’ It would depend on if this cell door was going to be opened or not, and who showed up.

She pushed her fingers through her short hair and did, briefly, consider biting off her tongue. It wouldn’t be difficult. ‘Not yet. Not yet….’ She didn’t know their plans yet, didn’t know if she couldn’t manage to escape or not yet. Suicide was always to be a last resort, when she knew she would break and there was no other option.
Alys looked at Dean she was ranking personnel now that Gwen had vanished. She turned her eyes to Ahmose and then to the human beside him. Lots of thoughts bloomed in her brain at once. Ultimately though, she had two options. To kill the night crawler or to let him live. She tried to think what her Father would have done. The man had not hated the Vampires only the way they treated us, the war was only a necessary evil to him. Alys looked back at Dean.

"He will not be executed. Obviously Gwen saw something in him. Something good." She let her eyes flash to the vampires though she was still talking to Dean. "Plus Gwen will be home soon, and she will wish to see the vampire she spared unharmed." Alys crossed her arms. That was the hardest thing she had ever done. She hated vampires with her whole being. They had taken from her the only thing she held dear in the whole world. Not only her parents, but the man she loved. She tightened her muscles not allowing the tears to flow. She turned back to Dean. "Give them provisions then we need to tend to our wounded, a lot of good rebels are hurting. They need medical attention, and only a few of us our qualified. Us being two of them." She patted Dean's arm and retreated from the tent keeping her tears in check.


Aiden looked around for the reactions then he finally spoke up. "She probably won't give up any information, but she can be used as leverage." He looked around the room pausing before he continued. "The humans numbers are dwindling and a rebel this powerful is hard to come by, and I am willing to bet that she is higher up in the chain of comand." The ancient among them nodded, Aiden tipped his head in thanks as he began to speak.

"Aiden is right, she can be used as leverage. This war must end. Before our world is undone." The ancient turned his eyes to Liam. "And the young one is also right, we have nothing to fear of the humans, they are only playing with fire, and in time they will be burned." Some nodded including Liam, but others like the huge Amazonian women just shook there heads with outraged expressions.

"She's awake!" A young vampire yelled stumbling into the room." He could be no older than a few centuries. The older vampiers hissed at his disrespect but Aiden rose from his chair. He now had his sword strapped to his hip and his armor in place. He had nothing to fear of this half blood.

"I will take care to keep her out of reach of the rebels." The ancient nodded and Aiden tipped his head respectfully to the council before he walked with the young vampier down to the blond woman's cell.

(hope you don't mind I added the thing about vampires killing the man she loved. :) )
Dean was relieved to hear the words from Alys, both on the fate of Ahmose and about Gwen. He tried to hold on to the hope that Gwen would be back soon. Perhaps she had to lose a tail. He tried to think positively, “Right, I’ll be out in a bit,” he agreed. His medical skills weren’t the best, but they were better than a lot of others.

It was another thing that this group needed—time to train people how to be medics. Gwen had planned to organize it, since she somehow found time to make many of them literate.

When Alys left, he asked, “Do you need anything?” Right to Ahmose.

“I doubt….” But as he started to say it, he recalled the dhampir, “Actually, I suppose you might have blood on hand.”

“Yeah,” he walked to the cooler, constantly refilled with ice to keep the blood good. He took out a bag, noted how much of the ice was water and made a mental note to refill it. Usually, Gwen took care of that herself, but she was running late.

He undid Fenuku’s bonds and gave the blood bag to him, “Feed him, then you can come with us.” He wouldn’t trust Fenuku with Ahmose alone, lest he undo Ahmose’s bonds and run off. Fenuku nodded, massaging his wrists before taking the blood bag and then holding it out to Ahmose.

The fangs lengthened, and Ahmose had no problem puncturing the bag. He didn’t seem to care that the blood was cold, either, though Dean had noticed that Gwen usually did. It had to be stored cold, but she usually preferred it warmed up some before ingesting. When Ahmose had been fed, Dean grabbed Fenuku’s wrist and pulled him out.

“Do you know anything about tending the wounded?”


“Okay, then just do everything I tell you.” Two sets of hands would still be useful for some jobs.


Gwendolen concluded there was no decent way to escape the cell as it was, and by the time the young vampire’s steps could be heard, she was sitting on the cot, leaning back against the wall and staring at the ceiling. There was another set of steps with him this time.

Gwen tilted her head towards the bars when the pair drew close enough, and her lips curved up in a smirk when she recognized the one with the younger vampire. ‘Ah, of course. You.’ Gwen wasn’t sure if she had honestly expected to see another vampire or not. It seemed like someone else would take control of the situation, but perhaps the vampire before her was older than she thought.

Gwen didn’t speak, though, as the younger vampire passed the other the keys, and then tried to make his escape from the area, as if he still thought Gwen dangerous even behind bars. She took it for a compliment.

(Not at all, your characters, your backstory!)
Alys was no medic but she had plenty of field training from her dad. She was pretty proficient with stitches and splints. She made her rounds, she wasn't used to being the sole leader but she bore it on her shoulders with grace. Her father had taught her to lead all her life. She knew how to take care of people and how to treat them. She was kind to those who had the same heart for the rebellion as she did. By the time she reached her tenth wounded she was stitching wounds like a pro. She looked up to see Dean exit the tent with the vampires human.

She wondered about their relationship, how had it come to be? Was the old man hypnotized or did he really just enjoy Ahmose company. I mean the night crawler had risked his neck to save him after all. They had to have some fondness for each other.


Aiden stepped forward ice blues catching her smirk. He shall his head the confidence of this little dhampir. He opened the cell door and stepped in. "Yesme again." He scowled at the young vampire who just decided to tuck tail and run. What a weekingly, no wonder the ancient had him as an errand boy. He loomed out side the cell looking at the girl he calculated all her possible moves in his head."You can either come with me or I can knock you out again and drag you." He gave her a stiff smile.
It was clear to see where the wounded were, and Dean didn’t hesitate to go right up to one that was bleeding rather profusely from the leg. “Hold the leg down,” he told Fenuku, as he knelt besides the rebel. Fenuku did as told, and Dean used his knife to cut the pant leg off, revealing how severe the wound was as well as giving him room to work with.

He cut off the other pant leg and quickly soaked it in alcohol so that he could clean the area. He asked, “How long have you been with him?”

“Uh, about seven years now,” Fenuku answered.

“How did you meet?” Dean’s eyes never left the wounded on as he cleared up the area so that the wound no longer as intimidating with all the blood around it.

“His cat—!” Fenuku’s eyes looked up, suddenly worried, “Oh, his cat is in that hotel! She’s going to starve.”

Dean scoffed, “She’ll be fine, she’s a cat. You were saying?”

Fenuku looked a bit more deflated and cast his eyes to the ground, “His cat found me, actually. I was a slave to someone else and they’d cast me out to die,” he’d been all but drained of blood, and beaten quite severely. He still didn’t know what he’d done wrong. He’d been perhaps fifteen at that time—his master hadn’t kept good track of how old he was or when his birthday was. He never knew his parents so he just didn’t know how old he was. “He took me in, made me a part of his household.”

“A slave.”

“No,” Fenuku denied. “Family.”

“Can you leave?”

“Yes,” he said, “but it wouldn’t do me any good.” Not in this world. It was better to stay with Ahmose. He watched as Dean started to knit a wound together, before wrapping a bit of cloth tightly around it to hold it all in place.


‘Decisions, decisions.’

Gwen really didn’t want to be knocked out again, so she rose from the cot. “I’ll follow,” she consented, wondered if she’d actually be given free reign to follow without being bound up. She hoped. There might be an escape she could run to.

It was certainly a better option than being unconscious, either way. She would get to see some of the structure of the building that she was in. That could be useful later, even if she couldn’t manage an escape this time around.
Alys moved on to the next after she finished that one. This human had his arm broken and a chunk of meat missing from his shoulder. She had some people restrain him as she reset the bone. The man screamed in agony but she continued wrapping cloth around the arm tightly to keep the bone in place. Then she moved on to the shoulder. There was my much she could do but keep it from getting infected. It had already stopped bleeding for the most part. Some humans were squeamish about this kind of thing but she had grown up in the middle of a war. She cleaned the man's shoulder with spirits and then bandaged it up.


"Best decision I think." He smiled stiffly and walked forward bounding her hands vampire tight. He grabbed her bound hands and pulled her forwarding of the cell. "Try to run and I will not hesitate to separate hour head from your body." He didn't look at her when he said it he just kept walking, rather quickly. He escorted her to where he would be residing. He had taken her under his charge and he would have to take car of her now and make sure the rebels didn't get their hands on her again.

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