• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Name: Johnathan Laurence

Nickname: Johnny

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Gift: Teleportation

Abilities: I'm able to teleport to any location i think of,but i have to be able to see the location.

Personality: I'm shy and funny. I don't really talk much

Bio: I was born in a family of teleportering beasts except my dad he was has the abilty to objects with his mind. My brothers and sisters are dead due to the hunters killing them. My mom sent me in hopes of being safe and not getting into trouble while my dad disappeared.

Dorm mate:N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance: I have Jet black skin with red stripes. I have Mid-long black hair with Red tip. I'm tall and skinny with small round eye also i have a small nose with sharp pointy teeth. I have claws that only comes out when im angry. I also have pointy ears .

Other:I also have a pet wolf which can transform into a huge man eating beast.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Name: Johnathan Laurence
Nickname: Johnny

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Gift: Teleportation

Abilities: I'm able to teleport to any location i think of,but i have to be able to see the location.

Personality: I'm shy and funny. I don't really talk much

Bio: I was born in a family of teleportering beasts except my dad he was has the abilty to objects with his mind. My brothers and sisters are dead due to the hunters killing them. My mom sent me in hopes of being safe and not getting into trouble while my dad disappeared.

Dorm mate:N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance: I have Jet black skin with red stripes. I have Mid-long black hair with Red tip. I'm tall and skinny with small round eye also i have a small nose with sharp pointy teeth. I have claws that only comes out when im angry. I also have pointy ears .

Other:I also have a pet wolf which can transform into a huge man eating beast.

Accepted. Dorm and class assignments are in the Overview Tab.
Name: Damon Siskind

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Your Gift: He has the ability to suppress any sort of noise in his immediate area. He can be silent when walking, talking, or he just uses the power to block out the noise going on around him.

Abilities: He's pretty much a petty thief, stealing mostly sweets and pretty jewelry. Due to his power, he's become amazing at remaining undetected, knowing how to effectively pickpocket, pick locks, and swipe things when nobody is looking. He's skilled with daggers, but would never dare use them unless it's a dire situation.

Personality: Damon is rather aloof, caring little about people's opinions of him. He's level headed and unphased by any.sort of conflict coming his way, even if it threatens his life. The only thing he cares about is food, especially food that raises his blood sugar levels to staggering heights. It's painfully obvious this man has a sweet tooth, and he can be manipulated by even a simple chocolate bar. Otherwise, forget getting any other emotion out of him. When he does talk, however, he's incredibly charming with a smooth voice and saying what people want to hear. He's not dangerous, per say, but bad news.

Bio: Damon moved out by himself at the age of 16, being a cocky teenager with nothing better to do than to pursue a rogue-like ideal. He figured he was going nowhere with his life like that, and decided to seek out the academy after running into danger with hunters more than a couple of times.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Majarkhon said:
Name: Damon Siskind
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Your Gift: He has the ability to suppress any sort of noise in his immediate area. He can be silent when walking, talking, or he just uses the power to block out the noise going on around him.

Abilities: He's pretty much a petty thief, stealing mostly sweets and pretty jewelry. Due to his power, he's become amazing at remaining undetected, knowing how to effectively pickpocket, pick locks, and swipe things when nobody is looking. He's skilled with daggers, but would never dare use them unless it's a dire situation.

Personality: Damon is rather aloof, caring little about people's opinions of him. He's level headed and unphased by any.sort of conflict coming his way, even if it threatens his life. The only thing he cares about is food, especially food that raises his blood sugar levels to staggering heights. It's painfully obvious this man has a sweet tooth, and he can be manipulated by even a simple chocolate bar. Otherwise, forget getting any other emotion out of him. When he does talk, however, he's incredibly charming with a smooth voice and saying what people want to hear. He's not dangerous, per say, but bad news.

Bio: Damon moved out by himself at the age of 16, being a cocky teenager with nothing better to do than to pursue a rogue-like ideal. He figured he was going nowhere with his life like that, and decided to seek out the academy after running into danger with hunters more than a couple of times.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Accepted. Class and Dorm arrangments are in the overview tab
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Age: 16

Gender: Female

Abilities: She also exceed in everything where intelligence, wisdom, and/or logic are needed more than physical attributes. On the other hand, she fails miserably on things where speed, agility, strength, etc is needed more than mental attributes.

Your Gift: Omnipotient Author - She was given a book which is actually a portal to another world. Whatever she writes in that book starts happening in that world that the book is a portal to. Also, using a special pen that has a flashlight connected to it, if she uses that pen and writes down something, on ANY surface, and she scans the words with the light, then whatever she wrote will appear right in front of her.


Although she is usually nice and friendly, she can be a manipulative, seductive, mean, strategic, lying, backstabbing, two faced, bipolar, meanie as well if she has to. She is very introverted and shy, never initiating conversations or such. She gets nervous very easily, especially when she has to do something physical. Despite her nice demeanor, her favorite types of movies are action and horror movies, so it's like another side of her altogether


She never met her biological parents, as they sent her down a river with only a book and a pen when she was born because it was against the law for their family to have children. One day, a rich lady, who happened to be longing for kids, went to her backyard river and saw a basket. in that basket was Choscha. The lady raised her as her own.

One day, when Choscha was 10, Choscha decided to write in the book that was in the crib. She accidentally "fell in" and was teleported to another world. The locals there told her all about the book, many prophecies, her powers, her family, etc, etc. That's when she first learned about her powers. She told her mother and her mother was very approving of it.

When Choscha turned 15, her mother decided to send her to Raven Wing Academy so she could learn more about her powers and other people who had powers.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single (Unless someone would be up for RPing one)

Other : The wings are real. She created them when she was in the book world and they kinda stuck to her skin and are a part of her. Another reason why she was sent to Raven Wing Academy.

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[QUOTE="Anime King Kaleb] Choscha

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Abilities: She also exceed in everything where intelligence, wisdom, and/or logic are needed more than physical attributes. On the other hand, she fails miserably on things where speed, agility, strength, etc is needed more than mental attributes.

Your Gift: Omnipotient Author - She was given a book which is actually a portal to another world. Whatever she writes in that book starts happening in that world that the book is a portal to. Also, using a special pen that has a flashlight connected to it, if she uses that pen and writes down something, on ANY surface, and she scans the words with the light, then whatever she wrote will appear right in front of her.


Although she is usually nice and friendly, she can be a manipulative, seductive, mean, strategic, lying, backstabbing, two faced, bipolar, meanie as well if she has to. She is very introverted and shy, never initiating conversations or such. She gets nervous very easily, especially when she has to do something physical. Despite her nice demeanor, her favorite types of movies are action and horror movies, so it's like another side of her altogether


She never met her biological parents, as they sent her down a river with only a book and a pen when she was born because it was against the law for their family to have children. One day, a

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single (Unless someone would be up for RPing one)

Other: (Also Optional)

It looks like your Bio isn't finished, but other than that it looks good. Accepted! Also, Dorm and Class Assignments are in the Overveiw Tab, and Teachers and Staff are in the Neutral Characters Tab. If you want to be a teacher too, then Pm me and we'll work something out. Enjoy!!
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@Daggora Keket Yeah, it wasn't finished yet. I just posted it as a way of saving because I thought I needed to get off the site for a little bit. Life turned out differently though, but I'm going to finish first then start. ^-^
Anime King Kaleb] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22230-daggora-keket/ said:
@Daggora Keket[/URL] Yeah, it wasn't finished yet. I just posted it as a way of saving because I thought I needed to get off the site for a little bit. Life turned out differently though, but I'm going to finish first then start. ^-^
That's cool.
Name: Aedus

Nickname: None

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Pyroportation/Fire Manipulation

Abilities: Aedus has control over fire and can teleport using fire and can increase or decrease the size fire when he teleports. Can form fire into a near solid form and create weapon. Uses Matches as a way to summon fire as he can't summon fire himself

Personality: Energetic and loves to talk to people and can't really take a hint, Is easily excited and cares about people's Opinion of him. dislikes people who pick on weaker/defenceless people

Bio: Aedus was living a normal life though he hid his powers in fear of what people would think of him for having powers, One day Aedus was walking past a burning building, not wanting to stand by and let people die Aedus used his powers in public for the first time in his life to teleport into the building and save everyone who was trapped inside, once he had got everyone out he noticed everyone looking at him in disgust, even his friend. When he went to school the next day, everyone started calling him a freak, after school a group of people including his 'Friends' ganged up on him and started beating him up to the point of unconsciousness, When his Parents found out about this they decided to Home school him, most of time was spent learning how to defend himself. After a while Aedus got bored and wanted to go to a school and interact with people, his parents had been searching for a place to teach him as they were struggling to help him control his powers, Aedus and his Parents both thought it would be a good idea to send him to Raven-Wing Academy.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status:Currently in a relationship with Ent (not ready to mingle)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60c6aee1_Aedusmaybe.png.74063cc737bc37ff4d8e46570f185f3b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60c6aee1_Aedusmaybe.png.74063cc737bc37ff4d8e46570f185f3b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Is trained in sword and minorly in Hand-To-Hand combat.

Hates rain. Doesn't have all the powers from fire manipulation but will probably learn them over time

@Daggora Keket<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Nagisa-Hazuki-free-34930230-640-476.png.74adbb13c096ad3a8a8552ef114717a6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Nagisa-Hazuki-free-34930230-640-476.png.74adbb13c096ad3a8a8552ef114717a6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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GingerBread said:
Name: Aedus
Nickname: None

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Pyroportation

Abilities: Aedus has control over fire and can teleport using fire and can increase or decrease the size fire when he teleports. Can form fire into a near solid form and create weapon. Uses Matches as a way to summon fire as he can't summon fire himself

Personality: Energetic and loves to talk to people and can't really take a hint, Is easily excited and cares about people's Opinion of him. Hates people who pick on weaker people

Bio: Aedus was living a normal life though he hid his powers in fear of what people would think of him for having powers, One day Aedus was walking past a burning building, not wanting to stand by and let people die Aedus used his powers in public for the first time in his life to teleport into the building and save everyone who was trapped inside, once he had got everyone out he noticed everyone looking at him in disgust, even his friend. When he went to school the next day, everyone started calling him a freak, after school a group of people including his 'Friends' ganged up on him and started beating him up to the point of unconsciousness, When his Parents found out about this they decided to Home school him, most of time was spent learning how to defend himself. After a while Aedus got bored and wanted to go to a school and interact with people, his parents had been searching for a place to teach him as they were struggling to help him control his powers, Aedus and his Parents both thought it would be a good idea to send him to Raven-Wing Academy.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status:Single (And ready to mingle)

Appearance:View attachment 197307

Other: Is trained in sword and Hand-To-Hand combat.

Hates rain.

@Daggora Keket
Accepted! Class and Dorm Assignments are in the overview tab. Teachers and staff are in the Neutral Character's Tab. If you also want to be a teacher then just PM me. Enjoy!
Name: Kyoshi Takita

Nickname: Kyo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Illusions, Portal Magicks (form of transportation)


Copycat- Using illusions any ability ever seen being used can be "copied" in a way that will seem as if actually being used but does not physically harm the victim of this trickery

Doppelganger- Using illusions Kyo makes a dummy of whomever he has seen and can control this copy of the person. The doppelganger can imitate every aspect of the copied person but will dissipate after a specified duration.

Teleportal- Summoning a portal from nowhere Kyo can use it to transport himself and whatever else he chooses to a location of his choice within certain boundries.

Personality: Silent, Kind, Musical, Easily Irritable, Deceptive

Bio: Kyo was always a strange child, throughout his life he never had very many friends due to his silence and "odd" behaviors. He was always seen as a surprising person due to his odd capabilities to be anywhere without anyone noticing till he showed himself or spoke. Now days he always has his headphones on listening to something and enjoys music very much as he plays a violin as well as a guitar. He can read lips easily and constantly seems to be in multiple places at once for an unknown reason.

Dorm Mate: Akinari Sugimura

Martial Status: Single


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1c647a_KyoshiTakita.jpg.8473281c481e256f5df4eadccf37e968.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1c647a_KyoshiTakita.jpg.8473281c481e256f5df4eadccf37e968.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Akinari Sugimura

Nickname: Nari

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Shadow Manipulation, Morphs (Animals), Magical Armor


Shadow Dash- Becoming a living shadow Nari can dash a short distance across shadows to a close by location.

Shadow Possession- Using shadow manipulation Nari can posses a creature, controlling what they do for as long as he wishes until dusk.

Morph- Nari morphs into an animal of his choice (Normally a cat) and... well... does whatever that animal normally does?

Magic Armor- Using magicks Nari materializes armor allowing him to be protected during combat. Nari can materialize specific pieces of armor if he wishes to do so and can materialize it on anyone he chooses with their consent.

Personality: Aggressive, Manipulative, Cunning, Quick Thinking

Bio: Nari grew up in an abusive home and because of this he developed... "dark" abilities throughout his childhood. Always keeping closer to the darker places he is an aggressive person who can be manipulative and can easily get himself out of a bad situation. Being this way his only friend is Kyoshi, as for why Kyoshi is his friend he will not tell.

Dorm Mate: Kyoshi Takita

Martial Status: Single


Human Form-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1da06e_AkinariSugimura.jpg.0386674ec39a5b71a3a66eb480731d71.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1da06e_AkinariSugimura.jpg.0386674ec39a5b71a3a66eb480731d71.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cat Form-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1dd4e8_AkinariCat.gif.dd62f1922eac37b0cf4b396b5d6d6002.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1dd4e8_AkinariCat.gif.dd62f1922eac37b0cf4b396b5d6d6002.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1e07bd_AkinariArmor.jpg.72358eec6adc88e08f94d81e0cfc34df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f1e07bd_AkinariArmor.jpg.72358eec6adc88e08f94d81e0cfc34df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Dnaleri017 said:
Name: Kyoshi Takita
Nickname: Kyo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Illusions, Portal Magicks (form of transportation)


Copycat- Using illusions any ability ever seen being used can be "copied" in a way that will seem as if actually being used but does not physically harm the victim of this trickery

Doppelganger- Using illusions Kyo makes a dummy of whomever he has seen and can control this copy of the person. The doppelganger can imitate every aspect of the copied person but will dissipate after a specified duration.

Teleportal- Summoning a portal from nowhere Kyo can use it to transport himself and whatever else he chooses to a location of his choice within certain boundries.

Personality: Silent, Kind, Musical, Easily Irritable, Deceptive

Bio: Kyo was always a strange child, throughout his life he never had very many friends due to his silence and "odd" behaviors. He was always seen as a surprising person due to his odd capabilities to be anywhere without anyone noticing till he showed himself or spoke. Now days he always has his headphones on listening to something and enjoys music very much as he plays a violin as well as a guitar. He can read lips easily and constantly seems to be in multiple places at once for an unknown reason.

Dorm Mate: Akinari Sugimura

Martial Status: Single


View attachment 197387

Name: Akinari Sugimura

Nickname: Nari

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Shadow Manipulation, Morphs (Animals), Magical Armor


Shadow Dash- Becoming a living shadow Nari can dash a short distance across shadows to a close by location.

Shadow Possession- Using shadow manipulation Nari can posses a creature, controlling what they do for as long as he wishes until dusk.

Morph- Nari morphs into an animal of his choice (Normally a cat) and... well... does whatever that animal normally does?

Magic Armor- Using magicks Nari materializes armor allowing him to be protected during combat. Nari can materialize specific pieces of armor if he wishes to do so and can materialize it on anyone he chooses with their consent.

Personality: Aggressive, Manipulative, Cunning, Quick Thinking

Bio: Nari grew up in an abusive home and because of this he developed... "dark" abilities throughout his childhood. Always keeping closer to the darker places he is an aggressive person who can be manipulative and can easily get himself out of a bad situation. Being this way his only friend is Kyoshi, as for why Kyoshi is his friend he will not tell.

Dorm Mate: Kyoshi Takita

Martial Status: Single


Human Form-

View attachment 197392

Cat Form-

View attachment 197393


View attachment 197394
Accepted! Class and Dorm Assignments are in the overview tab. Teachers and staff are in the Neutral Character's Tab. If you also want to be a teacher then just PM me. Enjoy!
Name: Nubia Summers

Nickname: Nu-Nu, Summer

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Emotion Manipulation


Emotion Empowerment/Detection- ability to become stronger, faster, etc from others or one's own emotions (even produce energy blasts)/ able to sense another's emotions

Emotion Illusion- ability to turn into the person the target loves, fears, or trust the most (only works on one person at a time unless more people are thinking of the same person)

Emotion Inducement/Aura- ability to induce a certain emotion into a target or multiple targets, including trust/ able to produce an aura that gives the ones around her the same emotion she is feeling

Personality: Curious, empathetic, ambitious, easily frightened, much of a follower

Bio: Nubia was born and raised by a single father. Her father had powers similar to herself. With this, they got along well and she even learned a few things from him. As she grew up, Nubia began to fully realize what she could do with her powers and she begged for her father to allow her to go to the academy. He eventually allowed her to go, but on the condition that she keeps in contact.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/43528.jpg.da672d762cc705b0e3ec334cbb33de26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/43528.jpg.da672d762cc705b0e3ec334cbb33de26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: She is bisexual and can faint from loud sudden noises.



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[QUOTE="Guilded Clover]Name: Nubia Summers
Nickname: Nu-Nu, Summer

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Emotion Manipulation


Emotion Empowerment/Detection- ability to become stronger, faster, etc from others or one's own emotions (even produce energy blasts)/ able to sense another's emotions

Emotion Illusion- ability to turn into the person the target loves, fears, or trust the most (only works on one person at a time unless more people are thinking of the same person)

Emotion Inducement/Aura- ability to induce a certain emotion into a target or multiple targets, including trust/ able to produce an aura that gives the ones around her the same emotion she is feeling

Personality: Curious, empathetic, ambitious, easily frightened, much of a follower

Bio: Nubia was born and raised by a single father. Her father had powers similar to herself. With this, they got along well and she even learned a few things from him. As she grew up, Nubia began to fully realize what she could do with her powers and she begged for her father to allow her to go to the academy. He eventually allowed her to go, but on the condition that she keeps in contact.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


View attachment 197403

Other: She is bisexual and can faint from loud sudden noises.

Accepted! Class and Dorm Assignments are in the overview tab. Teachers and staff are in the Neutral Character's Tab. If you also want to be a teacher then just PM me. Enjoy!
Name: Kaoru Fujimura/Katashi

Nickname: none

Age: 15

Gender: male

Your Gift: He has two sides of himself. The side that everyone normally sees is named Kaoru Fujimura. His other side is only seen when he is mad, stressed, or fighting (monsters or other people, it doesn't matter). His name is Katashi Fujimura. They like to consider each other brothers, even though they share the same body.

Abilities: Kaoru carries a small blade that Katashi makes him carry around. Kaoru's blade:
The blade is magic, but it can't do as much as Katashi's sword. Katashi's sword can be surrounded in bright red flames when he chooses. It also changes between 3 different forms.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-27_21-0-58.jpeg.1b08d99fe772bfe9f58497432c502525.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-27_21-0-58.jpeg.1b08d99fe772bfe9f58497432c502525.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kaoru is kind and easygoing. Due to his troubled past, he wants to make sure no one feels the same way he did back then. He likes to listen to music, seeing as it calms him. Katashi is pushy and rude sometimes, but he really acts that way because he feels the need to protect Kaoru, who is weaker than he is. This is the reason he has given Kaoru the blade he carries.

Bio: Kaoru/Katashi was around seven when his parents found out about Katashi. His mother was surprisingly accepting about it, but his father went into a rage, saying he would not have a freak as a son. His father started to abuse Kaoru in secret. His mother did not know about this, and continued to love his father. This went on for about two years. Finally, one day, Kaoru's father had just finished beating him, and Kaoru was crying in his room because that had been worse than the beatings before. Katashi came out for the first time, and reassured Kaoru through his mind, because that is the only way they can communicate. One day, Kaoru's father was murdered in a raid on their small town. Not long after that, his mother was so depressed that she hung herself. Kaoru walked into the kitchen, only to find his mother hanging from the ceiling. She left a note that said , Kaoru & Katashi, my precious sons. I'm sorry if I didn't take good enough care of you two. I want you to know that I love you, and will always be here with you. From, Your Loving Mother. She attached a picture of her and Kaoru. Kaoru keeps the letter in his pocket at all times, and has that same picture in a frame, which he currently has in his dorm room.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: single

Appearance: Kaoru:

Other:Kaoru had never had friends or socialized with people due to his father, and he has no idea what to do in social situations

@Daggora Keket



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Ldybug123 said:
Name: Kaoru Fujimura/Katashi
Nickname: none

Age: 15

Gender: male

Your Gift: He has two sides of himself. The side that everyone normally sees is named Kaoru Fujimura. His other side is only seen when he is mad, stressed, or fighting (monsters or other people, it doesn't matter). His name is Katashi Fujimura. They like to consider each other brothers, even though they share the same body.

Abilities: Kaoru carries a small blade that Katashi makes him carry around. Kaoru's blade:
The blade is magic, but it can't do as much as Katashi's sword. Katashi's sword can be surrounded in bright red flames when he chooses. It also changes between 3 different forms.
View attachment 197427

Personality: Kaoru is kind and easygoing. Due to his troubled past, he wants to make sure no one feels the same way he did back then. He likes to listen to music, seeing as it calms him. Katashi is pushy and rude sometimes, but he really acts that way because he feels the need to protect Kaoru, who is weaker than he is. This is the reason he has given Kaoru the blade he carries.

Bio: Kaoru/Katashi was around seven when his parents found out about Katashi. His mother was surprisingly accepting about it, but his father went into a rage, saying he would not have a freak as a son. His father started to abuse Kaoru in secret. His mother did not know about this, and continued to love his father. This went on for about two years. Finally, one day, Kaoru's father had just finished beating him, and Kaoru was crying in his room because that had been worse than the beatings before. Katashi came out for the first time, and reassured Kaoru through his mind, because that is the only way they can communicate. One day, Kaoru's father was murdered in a raid on their small town. Not long after that, his mother was so depressed that she hung herself. Kaoru walked into the kitchen, only to find his mother hanging from the ceiling. She left a note that said , Kaoru & Katashi, my precious sons. I'm sorry if I didn't take good enough care of you two. I want you to know that I love you, and will always be here with you. From, Your Loving Mother. She attached a picture of her and Kaoru. Kaoru keeps the letter in his pocket at all times, and has that same picture in a frame, which he currently has in his dorm room.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: single

Appearance: Kaoru:

Other:Kaoru had never had friends or socialized with people due to his father, and he has no idea what to do in social situations

@Daggora Keket
Accepted! Class and Dorm Assignments are in the overview tab. Teachers and staff are in the Neutral Character's Tab. If you also want to be a teacher then just PM me. Enjoy!
Name: Jasper Donohue Jr.

Nickname: J

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Abilities: jasper is te best at repairing, he is the best mechanic, guns smith, or anything that deals with metal

Personality:nice, caring, accepting, but strict when needed and rarely ruthless

Bio: Born into a family that thought hey lived in a Steampunk world, he grew up in that personality to, He would wear Steampunk style clothes and also was good with anything metal, He got a job at a mechanic at the age of 12, at the age of 18 he left his family and set out on a adventure of his own, a adventure not taken by most, he lived in the city's severs, not the disgusting ones, or not what Jasper transformed it into, it was like a miniature penthouse, It has Wi-Fi to! That is how he learned of Raven Wing Academy, so he left and went there, hoping to use his ability for good and can learn more to

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: N/A, but finds girls with powers attractive (Hoping my character can get a GF during the RP, i thought that be kinda cool)

Appearance: my profile pic, or

Other: Has golden pistol and golden goggles
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NateALis said:
Name: Jasper Donohue Jr.
Nickname: J

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Abilities: jasper is te best at repairing, he is the best mechanic, guns smith, or anything that deals with metal

Personality:nice, caring, accepting, but strict when needed and rarely ruthless

Bio: Born into a family that thought hey lived in a Steampunk world, he grew up in that personality to, He would wear Steampunk style clothes and also was good with anything metal, He got a job at a mechanic at the age of 12, at the age of 18 he left his family and set out on a adventure of his own, a adventure not taken by most, he lived in the city's severs, not the disgusting ones, or not what Jasper transformed it into, it was like a miniature penthouse, It has Wi-Fi to! That is how he learned of Raven Wing Academy, so he left and went there, hoping to use his ability for good and can learn more to

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: N/A, but finds girls with powers attractive (Hoping my character can get a GF during the RP, i thought that be kinda cool)

Appearance: my profile pic, or

Other: Has golden pistol and golden goggles
Accepted! Class and Dorm Assignments are in the overview tab. Teachers and staff are in the Neutral Character's Tab. If you also want to be a teacher then just PM me. Enjoy!
Please Include the Following:

Name: Seth sakujo

Nickname: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: male

Your Gift: techiomancy (the ability to manipulate and hack tech with his mind)

Abilities: basic human functions (cooking, driving, etc), very tech savvy

Personality: Seth is the antisocial wierdo you'd see in the class ether always on his phone or tablet. He has little to no social skills unless you don't mind texting him or trying to pry his attention away from his tech.


Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial status: single

Appearance: Seth has long dark purple hair with gold eyes, people wouldn't know this because he's usually seen with a hood on. He's 6ft tall and about 195lb's. He's usually seen wearing straight black with a hoodie, a pair of black cargo pants, black and white converses, and fingerless gloves with a black shirt with random designs on it.
[QUOTE="Seth sakujo]Please Include the Following:
Name: Seth sakujo

Nickname: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: male

Your Gift: techiomancy (the ability to manipulate and hack tech with his mind)

Abilities: basic human functions (cooking, driving, etc), very tech savvy

Personality: Seth is the antisocial wierdo you'd see in the class ether always on his phone or tablet. He has little to no social skills unless you don't mind texting him or trying to pry his attention away from his tech.


Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial status: single

Appearance: Seth has long dark purple hair with gold eyes, people wouldn't know this because he's usually seen with a hood on. He's 6ft tall and about 195lb's. He's usually seen wearing straight black with a hoodie, a pair of black cargo pants, black and white converses, and fingerless gloves with a black shirt with random designs on it.

Accepted! Class and Dorm Assignments are in the overview tab. Teachers and staff are in the Neutral Character's Tab. If you also want to be a teacher then just PM me. Enjoy!
Hi guys I know I've joined at an awkward time so can I just join in...I don't really know how to..*~* I'm very new at this sight

Name: Nami

Nickname: (Optional)

Age: 16 (looks younger)

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Wisdom


- She can analyse things and situations at the speed of light

- She can read people's emotions and minds if the two people are close and trust one another.

- She can erase people's long term and short term memories of her if they are close and the other person gives consent to Nami doing so.


- Quiet

- Cheerful

- Studious

- Frigid

- Sensitive

Bio: Nami has always had to take care of herself because her parents were never around or always busy. She ran away when she was 15 and has been barely surviving. She often gets teaser by people for looking younger than she is so she is wary of becoming friends with people. She is often cheery but always very sensitive and shy. (More is revealed in the RP)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial State: N/A


Other: (Also Optional)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/anime_girl_render_12_by_bellathedoll-d7d0lgw.png.536708d6c4e617e110059aa49853e35c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/anime_girl_render_12_by_bellathedoll-d7d0lgw.png.536708d6c4e617e110059aa49853e35c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • anime_girl_render_12_by_bellathedoll-d7d0lgw.png
    274.2 KB · Views: 7
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Domxx said:
Hi guys I know I've joined at an awkward time so can I just join in...I don't really know how to..*~* I'm very new at this sight
Name: Nami

Nickname: (Optional)

Age: 16 (looks younger)

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Wisdom


- She can analyse things and situations at the speed of light

- She can read people's emotions and minds

- She can erase people's long term and short term memories of her


- Quiet

- Cheerful

- Studious

- Frigid

- Sensitive

Bio: Nami has always had to take care of herself because her parents were never around or always busy. She ran away when she was 15 and has been barely surviving. She often gets teaser by people for looking younger than she is so she is wary of becoming friends with people. She is often cheery but always very sensitive and shy. (More is revealed in the RP)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial State: N/A


Other: (Also Optional)
Hey, Nami's profile looks good, but her abilities (at least the mind reading, and Memories abilities) seem a little OP, so could you give a weakness concerning them?
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Hey, Nami's profile looks good, but her abilities (at least the mind reading, and Memories abilities) seem a little OP, so could you give a weakness concerning them?

What about if she can only use those powers if the two people are close? And they trust each other?
Domxx said:
What about if she can only use those powers if the two people are close? And they trust each other?
That seems fair for the mind reading, but I'm still not completely satisfied with the memories one. Could you make it so that she absolutely has to have the other persons permission first or something similar to that?

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