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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Kj carswell]Name: Renshi Mayhem
Nickname: (Optional)Ren

Age: 15


Your Gift: Black Lightning Manipulation

Abilities:User can create, shape and manipulate manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of lightning, which ignores the limitations and weaknesses of normal lightning. Black lightning not only discharges energy, it shocks and destroys everything it touches, including regular and white lightning.


  • Power of dark elements may be difficult to control.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
  • What the user gains in sheer power, they lose in versatility, such as hacking and controlling electrical devices.

View attachment 196863

Personality: Renshi is usually a shy, and fun to be around type of person. He's shy when he's talking to new people, authority figures, and he's shy about doing new things. The only time he isn't shy is when he's in battle with someone or something. During battle his very calm, and strategic. He's also very proud of his abilities even though it drove him away from his family.

Bio: It was Renshi's 6th birthday when he discovered his gift. The first time he realized he was gifted was when his family came into the room surprising him, and he was so shocked that he shot black lightning at the cake his elder sister was holding. His family was so scared they had not idea what to do, so they called the hunters on him hoping they could help Ren. Ren himself was the most terrified. He went to his parents room to apologize when he over heard his mother on the phone with the hunters. Ren knew what the hunters really do to people like him, so instead of staying he grabbed everything he could and ran away from home without looking back. Ren felt hurt since his family who he loved very much betrayed him. Renshi has been on his own surviving and training for 9 nine years. It was only on Ren's 15th birthday when he came to knowledge of the academy. Ren was under a bridge during the night when a flier about the academy that helped gifted kids like him flew into his face. When Ren say the flier he knew it was a sign and he had to go to that academy.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance:View attachment 196864

Other: Renshi studied MMA fighting before his incident, when he reaches the academy he hopes he could continue his studies there. He choice of weapons would be bronze knucles

Accepted. Your Dorm Assignments are in the Overview Tab. :)
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[QUOTE="The Elusive Shadow]Name: Nathaniel Reed
Nickname: The kids at his old Boarding School called him “the professor”, the name kind of stuck.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Telepathy


-Intuitive Aptitude/Intuitive intellect: Instantly understand the workings of anything no matter how simple or complex.

-Mind Control


-Psychic Communication

-Telepathic Prediction: The power to predict an opponent's moves by reading their minds.

-Psychic Blade Construction: create bladed weapons from psychic energy.

View attachment 196904

Personality: Nathaniel is a reserved, almost taciturn man speaking only when required to do so or when his input could be valuable, when he does speak he is straight forward and to the point. He spends most of his time in his dorm and at the Gym - studying and honing his combat abilities

Bio: Nathaniel was born in Elm bridge, England – a residential area for the rich and famous, his father was a Lawyer of some renown and a MP in the British parliament, his mother was an entrepreneur/designer and was held in high regard in the fashion industry.

Like any other child in Elm Bridge he went to a highly prestigious boarding school but something that made him different from the other students was that not only was he a straight A student but he was also brilliant at sports such as football , tennis , boxing . Very soon he was the poster boy for the school – a testament of what any kid could achieve if enrolled in the school.

The problems started when he was 13 he complained of hearing voices and showed erratic and often violent behavior, due to this series of events he was sent to the councilor and then to a child psychologist but they weren’t able to determine the cause of distress to Nathaniel, after the worst of his behavior had died down, he was let go but put under watch.

Over the next few years Nathaniel became very dormant and reserved understandably so, he was hearing the thoughts of every man, woman, child that walked by him. It took some time for Nathaniel to control his powers but once he did there was no stopping, he experimented, trained and studied his powers soon being able to do some nifty stuff.

In order to make Nathaniel get out more and explore his parents encouraged or forced him to go on school conducted outings to historical monuments, museums and of the like. It was on one of these outings that Nathaniel separated from his class to take a walk along the street and a police car with 3 men asked him at gunpoint to enter, once he was shoved into the car the man riding shotgun got a call asking him whether the freak was caught – this was enough justification to eliminate his chauffeurs

Just as the man on the phone said “affirmative” the man in the driver’s seat pulled out his silent pistol and shot him in the head and the third man in the backseat thought that it was a good time to kill himself. After that dirty business had been done Nathaniel got out of the car and asked the driver politely to drive his car off the nearby bridge, he then took a cab to where his class was gathered – without paying a fare.

After coming back home from the trip Nathaniel was amazed to find that the report in the newspaper had no mention of gunshot wounds, he had assumed that the forensics team would have found something instead it was reported as a crash. On the very same day a group of men came by the house saying that Nathaniel was of the 'Supernatural' persuasion gifted with skills and abilities , they said that Nathaniel was in danger and that if he was not sent with them he would surely be killed.

Nathaniel doesn’t remember much after that only that his parents complied and the disappointed look in his father’s eyes as he was hurried out of his home.

Dorm Mate:N/A

Marital Status: Single


View attachment 196905

He seems a little OP, could you maybe give him some weaknesses??
metalcity said:
Name:Arcane Entity
Nickname: Ent

Age: 17

Gender: male

Your Gift: Dark Wind Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of air/wind, which ignore most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal air/wind. Dark wind doesn't just blow away, it suffocates all things and can even turn normal air into vacuum.


Air Manipulation

Dark Wind Breath



Calling spirits of the dead.

Pain Inducement



Summoning deceased, beings of air and/or Demons from lower realms

Is powers are not as powerful as they are made out to be, he can not completely suffocate someone as that would be broken, he also can only inflict pain, not agonizing as that would be broken as well. I wont list how i can change them all as that could be a book but I will balance his ability's in a fight so he is not broken (unless the opponents starts BS'ing the fight then i may make him become a little op ;) )

Personality: Tsundere - A character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.

Bio: He doesn't remember the exact details but he remembers the fighting and hatred that contaminated the air and filled his mind with hatred. He was placed in this world and just remembers the ideas of was and how he should come to terms that he must take over this world with destruction and how he was given a small purpose. He doesn't know why or how but he was given the magic to do so, he came to this school to see how the inhabitance work and how hard his plan would be, but it changed as people interacted with him.

Dorm Mate: None

Martial Status: Single, is Bi depending on how the person is



he doesn't smoke

Other: Is a devil/Neko

@Daggora Keket
Accepted, Your Dorm Arrangements are in the Overview Tab
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ExoHunter said:
Name: Crimson Toro
Nickname: Power Loader


Gender: Male

Your Gift: Conjour fire one his right side and ice one the left

Abilities: Hes able to conjour fire and use it as a a flamethorwer or he can use it as a projectile but if he chooses to thourgh it he cant controll were it go's when leaves his palm and on his left side he can use ice to make obstacles (walls,spikes,pillars) and he can also use it to make shapes ice ro make weapons,

Personality: Hes friendly and he knows who his friends are and turst them willingly also as he grew in the slums he learnt how to pick who to turst and he knows how to pick friends but doesnt take it well if you betray him and he will use violence to protect him self and his friends hes also hes very loyal to frineds and will do anything to keep them safe even if that means putting his life on the line.

Bio: A rival gang in the slums found out he had powers and went to attack him at his home, him being out at the time when they barged in, they took it as a opportunity to hurt his family to scare them off. When he returned from training to find his family had been brutaly beaten he blamed him self for not being there to procted them and has vowed to get stronger and never let anyone els he cares about get hurt.

Dorm Mate: Slip

Martial Status: Single

Appearance: hes pretty tall standing at 6ft also hes very muscular, his eyes are two different colours right isruby red and left ocean blue and when hes using ice his left eye will turn sky blue and glow and when hes using fire his right eye will turn rose red and glow. he also has a ponytail and a dark stubble. while hes not using any power his hair is slipt into two colours left ocean blue and right ruby red but when he using ice his left side glows sky-blue and when hes using fire hes right side glows rose red.

other: The draw backs are if he is using one for too long it can have a medical effect like if he was using ice for too long his left side will slowly start to freeze and lock an be unable to move and if hes damaged during this they will leave damage to hos body and if hes using fire for to long he can burn his the right side of his body.he can also only use on at a time at the moment if he try's to use both he blacks out.
SubwayZero said:


What ever you wanna call him.





Your Gift:

Light Manipulation (On contact)


  • Invisibility (and other people/objects he is in contact with)
  • Chameleon (Copying colors of his surroundings while he is in contact)
  • Move a small amount of light


Slacker, free rider, slightly rebellious, confident and easy going.


Slip, a name chosen by the boy himself after his rather strange start to life and his birth name kicked out of memory a long time; like he ever cared for it. Local small time delinquent, lacking in grades and loves nothing more than a good cigarette, money and a good laugh... for him. Already the petty trouble maker for the neighborhood and shoddy lifestyle had made him unpopular with his family of high standards, consisting of a father (A personal tutor to a rich mans expansive family.) and two sisters, one older and the other little more than 12 years old (One a vice principle to a successful corporation and the other 'nothing but a little complaining annoyance', according to slip anyway). Slip really didn't bring anything but shame in his family's eyes, but all he ever said to it was a single cloud of smoke from his cigarette or a rude middle finger.

His powers had come into effect during the middle of the age of 15, perhaps the first good thing he and his family had agreed on in a long time. To slip it was a tool for mischief, a gate way to be free and escape even further from the pointless complaining of ramblers around him; his family on the other hand had seem it as their own gate way to get rid of him, and without hesitation. Immediately his father had dragged him out to the streets, whispering malicious mutterings such as "Freak of nature", "Monster", "Demon" and "Devils spawn", whatever he could think of, and slips response... a blow of smoke and a sly grin in silence. Now, Slip ventures out; more free to steal, persuade and without the restraints of family, but unfortunately hunted by those who fear his unnatural abilities.

Dorm Mate:

Crimson Toro

Martial Status:



Ragged and greasy hair, jet black in color, white skin, many armbands and a silver necklace. His eyes would be a hazelnut brown, and sharp facial features. Overall his body would quite average in height and appropriately skinny for someone his age.


His abilities have a short number of drawbacks:

- When invisible, it requires a lot of mental focus so he can not move very much while it is active. Also invisibility is only affecting his visibility, so things such as smell and sound and not effected.

- Chameleon only copies the colors of his surroundings, so while he can move it doesn't conceal him easily.

- The amount of light he can shift is limited, so don't be expecting him to move the suns rays any time soon.
Accepted! Your Dorm Arrangements are in the Overview Tab.
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Name: Rin Kazumi

Nickname: -

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Darkness/Shadow Projection

Abilities:The user can release/use darkness/shadow to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Personality: Rin is a introverted loner who would rather choose to watch paint dry than go to a party. He has never really known the feeling of unconditional love, but knows he should protect and help others.

Bio: Rin has never had a stable life. He was dropped off at his first orphanage at 10 months old and has been moving from to the next for the first 12 years of his life. On one, sunny afternoon during a big festival in the city he was in at the time, a family actually came in and adopted Rin. He was so excited that he would finally have a family, he could've floated all the way to their house. That all changed a week later after Rin was settled in. Rin's parents came home one day no were completely drunk. When they saw Rin, they used him as a slave and beat him if he did something wrong. From then on, his parents didn't even have to be drunk to resume their torture and enslavement of Rin. After 3 years of this, Rin feelings had been beaten down, all the way into the back of his subconscious. But one year ago, his parents died in a drunk driving accident and Rin was picked up by cops. When they found out how Rin was abused by his parents he was taken a went through rehabilitation. He was getting better and gaining emotions back until the people at the rehabilitation center found out he was a supernatural from some tests he had undergone. Since then he has made his way the safe haven known as Raven Wing Academy

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8849cdd428a22aeac23be312b4e29369.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8849cdd428a22aeac23be312b4e29369.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Rin has a facination with chemistry and is also very skilled in Judo.



  • image.jpg
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[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Accepted, Your Dorm Arrangements are in the Overview Tab

could u tell me when u have as well please
Grimmlock said:
Name: Rin Kazumi
Nickname: -

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Darkness/Shadow Projection

Abilities:The user can release/use darkness/shadow to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Personality: Rin is a introverted loner who would rather choose to watch paint dry than go to a party. He has never really known the feeling of unconditional love, but knows he should protect and help others.

Bio: Rin has never had a stable life. He was dropped off at his first orphanage at 10 months old and has been moving from to the next for the first 12 years of his life. On one, sunny afternoon during a big festival in the city he was in at the time, a family actually came in and adopted Rin. He was so excited that he would finally have a family, he could've floated all the way to their house. That all changed a week later after Rin was settled in. Rin's parents came home one day no were completely drunk. When they saw Rin, they used him as a slave and beat him if he did something wrong. From then on, his parents didn't even have to be drunk to resume their torture and enslavement of Rin. After 3 years of this, Rin feelings had been beaten down, all the way into the back of his subconscious. But one year ago, his parents died in a drunk driving accident and Rin was picked up by cops. When they found out how Rin was abused by his parents he was taken a went through rehabilitation. He was getting better and gaining emotions back until the people at the rehabilitation center found out he was a supernatural from some tests he had undergone. Since then he has made his way the safe haven known as Raven Wing Academy

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


View attachment 196950

Other: Rin has a facination with chemistry and is also very skilled in Judo.
Accepted! Your dorm arrangements are in the Overview tab.
Holy crap, tons of people are joining this :) We should totally have our first class. Also is it evening time?
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Holy crap, tons of people are joining this :) We should totally have our first class. Also is it evening time?

I know :) And yeah, it's evening. Class will be as soon as i set them up. So probably sometime tomorrow.
So in the RP it's evening. . .well then I guess Damen and Night Wing better get to bed, after Damen walks around a bit.
Name: Alastor Minax


Age: 322, looks 17

Powers/Abilities: Necromancy


Demon Form:

Bio: Alistor was born October 31st in Salem Massachusetts, his Father Alexander Minax was a priest for one of the local churches and his mother Cecilia Minax was believed to be a witch who had been put on trail several times for her alleged occult practice. His father on many occasions convinced the people of Salem that she was innocent and eventually the two were married but his mother couldn't bear children so the couple prayed and prayed but had no results. His father grew tired of his wasted attempts and eventually came to the conclusion that God had left him because of his marriage to a witch so he began practicing darker prayer methods and soon came in contact with a crossroad demon who'd promised him a son but his birth would come with a price: His mother's life. Alexander agreed to the terms and the deal was made.

Within a few months his wife became pregnant but did not know of the deal that was made or the price it came with. And on October 31st a healthy baby boy was born, his father decided to name him after the very demon who'd made this all possible and figured that the child resembled him more. A few years later Cecilia grew very ill and on October 30th she had been put on trial for bearing a child of a demon. The local priest tortured her and Alistor, That night at exactly midnight she was burned at the state in front of young Alistor and his father had fled leaving him behind all by himself.

The years went by and Alistor began practicing a darker art of magic called Necromancy. His half demon blood made it fairly easy for him to progress and it also provided a way for him to speak with his mother and true father, they both informed him about the price of his birth and kept him updated on his false father's whereabouts but he soon gave up on the chase and began terrorizing small towns and villages.

But his powers come with a price that even he can't escape from. He's haunted by the spirits of the very people he's killed and will constantly lead to him hearing them while he sleeps and seeing the disfigured images of them in his dreams. His father knew of this price and offered him guidance and led him to Raven-Wing Academy where he was gladly accepted.

Personality: Alastor is very open and honest with everyone and speaks his mind, not caring about who he hurts or offends. He will offer guidance occasionally but only if you're on his good side, he could also be considered a bit insane because he's often seen talking to himself or the spirits around him which he constantly curses and cast at. But If you somehow manage to get close to him you'll see his kind and very childish sid that he rarely shows.

Marital status: Single and not really in a rush fora relationship.

Roommate: N/A


Loud Music

Straight forward people





The sun


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EclipseRising said:
Name: Alastor Minax

Age: 322, looks 17

Powers/Abilities: Necromancy


Demon Form:

Bio: Alistor was born October 31st in Salem Massachusetts, his Father Alexander Minax was a priest for one of the local churches and his mother Cecilia Minax was believed to be a witch who had been put on trail several times for her alleged occult practice. His father on many occasions convinced the people of Salem that she was innocent and eventually the two were married but his mother couldn't bear children so the couple prayed and prayed but had no results. His father grew tired of his wasted attempts and eventually came to the conclusion that God had left him because of his marriage to a witch so he began practicing darker prayer methods and soon came in contact with a crossroad demon who'd promised him a son but his birth would come with a price: His mother's life. Alexander agreed to the terms and the deal was made.

Within a few months his wife became pregnant but did not know of the deal that was made or the price it came with. And on October 31st a healthy baby boy was born, his father decided to name him after the very demon who'd made this all possible and figured that the child resembled him more. A few years later Cecilia grew very ill and on October 30th she had been put on trial for bearing a child of a demon. The local priest tortured her and Alistor, That night at exactly midnight she was burned at the state in front of young Alistor and his father had fled leaving him behind all by himself.

The years went by and Alistor began practicing a darker art of magic called Necromancy. His half demon blood made it fairly easy for him to progress and it also provided a way for him to speak with his mother and true father, they both informed him about the price of his birth and kept him updated on his false father's whereabouts but he soon gave up on the chase and began terrorizing small towns and villages.

But his powers come with a price that even he can't escape from. He's haunted by the spirits of the very people he's killed and will constantly lead to him hearing them while he sleeps and seeing the disfigured images of them in his dreams. His father knew of this price and offered him guidance and led him to Raven-Wing Academy where he was gladly accepted.

Personality: Alastor is very open and honest with everyone and speaks his mind, not caring about who he hurts or offends. He will offer guidance occasionally but only if you're on his good side, he could also be considered a bit insane because he's often seen talking to himself or the spirits around him which he constantly curses and cast at. But If you somehow manage to get close to him you'll see his kind and very childish sid that he rarely shows.

Marital status: Single and not really in a rush fora relationship.

Roommate: N/A


Loud Music

Straight forward people





The sun


Accepted! Dorm and Class assignments are in the Overview tab. Classes start tomorrow.
xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx said:
@xRobotical Loverx has a character named Nathaniel in this Rp. I was just curious if this was purposeful on your part or if you just didn't check the other characters before making your own.
My bad I just didn't check the names of the other characters
The Elusive Shadow] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22230-daggora-keket/ said:
@Daggora Keket[/URL] Made some changes to the CS added in limitations and unlockables let me know what you think
It looks good, but could you also take out the mind control. Or at least make it only work on complete humans or natural, non-familiar animals?? It just seems a bit much. Other than that though, it looks really good!
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]It looks good, but could you also take out the mind control. Or at least make it only work on complete humans or natural, non-familiar animals?? It just seems a bit much. Other than that though, it looks really good!

I already did that-

  • Cannot use persuasion/mind control on shape shifters/animals(although he can still communicate telepathically)
[QUOTE="The Elusive Shadow]I already did that-
  • Cannot use persuasion/mind control on shape shifters/animals(although he can still communicate telepathically)

But that doesn't include other, non-animal/shapeshifter species in this RP.
what about -

  • Cannot use persuasion/mind control on shape shifters/animals or non-humanoids (although he can still communicate telepathically).
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[QUOTE="The Elusive Shadow]what about -
  • Cannot use persuasion/mind control on shape shifters/animals or non-humanoids (although he can still communicate telepathically).

Much better.
The Elusive Shadow] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22230-daggora-keket/ said:
@Daggora Keket[/URL] So i'm in right?
Yeah, you're in. Dorm and Class Assignments are in the Overview tab.
Name: Markus Steele

Nickname: Ark


Gender: male

Your Gift: fire and smoke manipulation/creation

Abilities: you will have to find out

Personality: Easy going, Fiery Spirit(No pun intended), Compassionate, and Heart Throb

Bio:Ark's parents moved to this school, because his dad owns the local coffee shop and he needed to be here to supervise it.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: not at the moment



Other: (Also Optional)



Lucilla Deverius


Lu, Lucy


Fifteen years old



Your Gift:

Air manipulation [Aerokinesis]


Control and manipulate air


unable to bring people back from the dead


She is kind and very caring to others. Lucilla is normally daring and very intelligent, she thinks most of the time before she takes action. She is calm and hardly every get angry at others. Normally she would get along with others well, but there are always some which she won't like.


I'll fill this in ASAP

[before roleplaying]

, but right now I can't think of anything >.<

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status: ...



AnarchyReins said:
Name: Markus Steele
Nickname: Ark


Gender: male

Your Gift: fire and smoke manipulation/creation

Abilities: you will have to find out

Personality: Easy going, Fiery Spirit(No pun intended), Compassionate, and Heart Throb

Bio:Ark's parents moved to this school, because his dad owns the local coffee shop and he needed to be here to supervise it.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: not at the moment



Other: (Also Optional)
EverlastingLife said:



Lucilla Deverius


Lu, Lucy


Fifteen years old



Your Gift:

Air manipulation [Aerokinesis]


Control and manipulate air


unable to bring people back from the dead


She is kind and very caring to others. Lucilla is normally daring and very intelligent, she thinks most of the time before she takes action. She is calm and hardly every get angry at others. Normally she would get along with others well, but there are always some which she won't like.


I'll fill this in ASAP

[before roleplaying]

, but right now I can't think of anything >.<

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status: ...



Both Accepted!! Dorm and Class Assignments are in the Overview tab!!

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