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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy



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Name: Rahorn

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gift: Spirit of a fox

Abilities: Can turn into a fox and can only speak with foxes, but can understand all canines. Can also grow certain fox parts at will (e.g. can grow a tail for added balance, ears for better hearing, fox teeth to rip out people's throats, etc.)

Personality: He is cunning and clever. Can be a bit harsh. Doesn't completely know how to be around people. Is not one to keep promises. Prefers to either be in solitude or with people he is really close to. Oddly enough, he values family. Finding someone to love is high on his list of priorities. Loves meat. Likes to sneak around and steal stuff, and he likes meditating in nature.

Bio: He is the son of the nature guardian of foxes and a human. His mother was killed by one of the many mates his father had. His father didn't care about him too much. He trained him how to fight and survive, and as soon as he turned 17, he told him to leave and never return.

Dorm mate: Crane Ogelthorp

Martial status: Single


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images.jpg.345a55c6740be9bcde20a127b14a5a81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images.jpg.345a55c6740be9bcde20a127b14a5a81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Because of him being part fox guardian, he will go feral if he gets too mad. Will go feral especially in the spring, and he will most likely go feral in the spring if he has no one to love. Very agile and stealthy. Is a graceful fighter and uses a staff with axe blades on both ends. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2-Axe.jpg.c8e5605af4c4f97ace51ab78a28db69f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2-Axe.jpg.c8e5605af4c4f97ace51ab78a28db69f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Rahorn said:
Name: Rahorn
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gift: Spirit of a fox

Abilities: Can turn into a fox and can only speak with foxes, but can understand all canines

Personality: He is cunning and clever. Can be a bit harsh. Doesn't completely know how to be around people. Is not one to keep promises. Prefers to either be in solitude or with people he is really close to. Oddly enough, he values family. Finding someone to love is high on his list of priorities. Loves meat.

Bio: He is the son of the nature guardian of foxes and a human. His mother was killed by one of the many mates his father had. His father didn't care about him too much. He trained him how to fight and survive, and as soon as he turned 17, he told him to leave and never return.

Dorm mate: N/A

Martial status: Single


View attachment 209061

Other: Because of him being part fox guardian, he will go feral if he gets too mad. Will go feral especially in the spring, and he will most likely go feral in the spring if he has no one to love. Very agile. Is a graceful fighter and uses a staff with axe blades on both ends. View attachment 209063
(Hey man if we can wanna be dorm mates I think our characters would get along good.)
Name: Abigale Kent

Nickname: Abby, Abbs

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Can manipulate light, but cannot do multiple things at once, so she cannot make a light weapon and become invisible, it is one or the other. If she becomes invisible, when she moves it causes an involuntary rippling affect in the surrounding area.


-Can Harden light into weapons (Max 8 minutes, average 3 minutes)

-Can make herself appear invisible (Max 30 minutes, average 25-27 minutes)

-Can change her appearance to others (by manipulating the wavelengths of light, nothing actually changes, such as per se, a shapeshifter.) (Max 28 minutes, average 23-25 minutes)

Personality: Abby is really shy and usually makes herself appear invisible to others. However, she is also very competitive and one of the best ways to break her out of her shell is to challenge her to something. Abby Is also very book smart and lives for knowledge.

Bio: Abby was a sheltered kid from birth until she was 7, she comes from parents with a wealthy background, but it changed when her mother's dad died and her mother became so depressed she stopped working and her father eventually divorced her. She likes being with her mother, as she is not as prejudiced as her father. (At this point her mother now has a stable job, but still relies on Abby's father for some financial support as she can't carry herself and Abby on the wage she has.)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Other: Abby is Homosexual and Biromantic.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/img-thing.jpg.dfc782c7ef47eca7861420850d53900f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/img-thing.jpg.dfc782c7ef47eca7861420850d53900f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ember Renee

Nickname: Emy



Gift:Fire breathing, Pyrokinesis, Telepathic and Telekinetic

Abilities:Manipulate and breath fire as well as create wings of fire to fly, can bend heat around her body to appear invisible (heat rising off road). Every part of her body is impervious to heat and cannot be burnt by any temperature.

Personality: Quiet rather shy mostly speaks through telepathy, loves to sing and dance. Caring and considerate, selfless

Bio: from another wold all together her and her parents marooned here she and her mother were the only survivors when their ship crashed six months ago. Her mother was killed a few weeks after they found the academy flyer. She decided it may be safest to come here. She is still very wary of humans and has serious trust issues and not sure how to react to earths culture.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: single



Race: Rugahd'Natine; an elemental race normally found within the God's Eye Galaxy on the planet Narakam. They are said to be literally born of fire and highly resistant to it. They are highly resistant to illness and disease because of the high temperature at which their body normally runs. Their skin looks and feels as soft as ours but is in fact billions of micro-scales which also makes it much more durable. No change temperature bothers them, no matter how hot or cold. More energy or more emotional the hotter the fire, flame can get white hot in times of emotional distress. They may not be human but is physically and sexually compatible with the human species. Their reproductive and other systems are very similar and could support a crossbreed situation.Race abilities: Fire breathing, Pyrokinesis, Telepathic and Telekinetic Manipulate and breath fire as well as create wings of fire to fly, can bend heat around her body to appear invisible (heat rising off road). Every part of her body is impervious to heat and cannot be burnt by any temperature. Race Aliases: Fire Breathers

Precautions:Body tends to run at higher temperatures than humans especially during emotional distress can cause flare ups in chemicals in blood in gastric juices which can cause explosive burps or in some cases during night terrors for her body to become white hot and incinerate things around her. Special sleeping arrangements usually need to be arranged
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Name: Kanori Azakia

Nickname: (Optional) Kano, Only close friends call her "Blaze"

Age: 18


Your Gift: Able to manipulate fire to do her will.

Abilities: Is able to Change her body into anything related with fire, (Lava, smoke, etc) and can bend fire at her will. Also has four fire based shiki (spirits) to work with.

Personality: Shy and keeps to herself unless talked to. Loves to joke around.

Bio: Abandend at birth and learned quickly not to trust or get close to people. Loves to draw and make music when no one is around. Can sing very well.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/asdfghjk.png.ac74be55525f1a64730608f719c3d486.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/asdfghjk.png.ac74be55525f1a64730608f719c3d486.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Acts tough but is a huge softy for anything cute. (just wanted to add that.)( I read them all to make sure i didnt copy anyone, I absolutly apoligize if i did.)



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Name: Julia Frost

Nickname: Julie

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Your Gift:
Ice manipulation

Abilities: Julia is able to manipulate the ice, creating things made out of frozen water out of thin air. She is also able to cast snow at any time. This allows her to glide, or should I say fly, around thanks to the Northernly wind.

Personality: Julia Frost is a very clumsy and nervous person. She's the type of girl who would stutter at every word of a speech and trip over something as ridiculous as a stone but she liked to cover her personality up with accessories that looked very rebellious in a way. She is a very optimistic girl who would look at a glass as half full rather than half empty.

Bio: Julia Frost was born in a village with snow lurking in every corner. Her parents had always showered her with utmost love. Although she was not popular, she was treated with respect and had true friends by her side at all times. Upon venturing into the frozen forest, she stumbled upon an animal that had it's teeth barred and was inching closer to the girl with every step. Julia had realised that she could control the ice after accidentally freezing the creature's feet.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Name: Tin


Age: Appears to be 15

Gender: Appears female.

Your Gift: More physically adept than an average human, and can access a database filled with large amounts of general information, her body also houses a few weapons, ranging from an EMP generator to a flamethrower.


Personality: Highly curious, and often winds up in trouble purely due to her insatiable curiosity. "Trouble" can range from her breaking into places she shouldn't be and trying to access private information to add to her database. Awkward in social interactions, due to the fact she's not entirely human. Doesn't grasp some of the finer nuances of social interaction, but is charming nonetheless.

Bio: "Tin" is an artificial intelligence housed inside of an android body. She appears human, but is simply a machine. She recently suffered through some sort of accident, which slightly damaged her memory banks, resulting in amnesia. Eventually, she found her way to this place, and hopes to stay.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Doesn't understand what romance is.

Appearance: Dark skin, violet eyes.

Sadly Daggora Kekket did not give anyone the role of Co-GM, and she's been gone a month, and so therefore nobody can accept them :/ Hate to break to ya'll. We might be able to a vote for a co-gm but I don't know how that'd work.
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Right, if i have listed a problem with your character, once you reply to me and clear it up then i will accept you. I will state i am not the owner, but everyone seems to agree that it was okay for me to do this.

Retro109 said:
Main Info Name: Emiko Saikoto

Nickname: Fire Knife (reasons stated in bio)

Age: 16

Gender: Female


View attachment 206721

Rp Info

Your Gift: Red Mage

Can control and conjure elements.

Abilities: (All are Magic at full power)

Earth's Mercy


Can move earth from the ground and create quakes.

Weakness: Cannot move while in use.

Dragon's Storm


Can summon columns of water and torrents of waves.

Weakness: Can only be used by channelling energy through staff or gem.

Ancient Blaze


Can summon mass-flames and plumes of fire.

Weakness: Have to be holding a blade to use.

Divine Burst


Charges a devastating blast of powerful light.

Weakness: Charge and cooldown time.

Shadow Blink


Can move incredibly fast and even teleport.

Weakness: Very draining after use.

Extra Info

Personality: Attentive, curious, neutrally-minded.

Bio: From a noble family in a large city called Idari. Has an older brother, who has abilities similar to hers. Accidentally sent a 'blade' of fire into the fireplace after her brother riling her up, earning her nickname 'Fire Knife'. Given the 2nd family sword: Rokoi for protection against rogue spirits and demons. Forged a ruby-topped staff for channelling her power. Sent off to school at 16.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single (N/A)

Other: Hypersensitivity: Reacts to her surroundings more than a normal person. Things like footsteps, small objects falling and water dripping can tick her off.


View attachment 206735

@Daggora Keket

Sounds good, accepted

Sametheon said:
Name: Leo Wolfenstein


Your Gift: Can convince others to do anything WITH EYE CONTACT, without eye contact its just telling someone to do something normally

Abilities: Very heightened senses, other than tasting and smelling

Personality: Manipulative, uncaring for others but oddly charming if need be. Held together with a strange mix of arrogance amd self loathing, but puts up so many facods that its nearly impossible to tell.

Bio: Was sent to school by his parents who desperately needed to get rid of him. It was fine by him.

Dorm Mate:N/A

Martial Status: Tangled in a convoluted web of relationships, none of which have any real meaning

Appearance: 5'9, Unkempt brown hair, green eyes, pale complexion

Other: (Also Optional)

Could you make it so he has to keep eye contact with the person the whole time he's saying it and while they are doing it? Cause otherwise i can see this being abused, or put a limit on it, like he can only use it once or twice a day.

PrarieMan said:
Name: Crane ogelthorp



Gift:Ability to breath under water and very good at making poison.

Abilites:Up there at gifts.

Personality:Can be very rude and mean but very smooth.

Bio:Crane is a race of mutants looking like lizards in so many ways, he has spikes down his head and back and 2 horns in his head, He has a small beard and scaley skin and he always carries a bottle of poisen for emergency's only.

Apperance:View attachment 208974DormMate:Rahorn

Martial Status: single
Sounds good, accepted

Rahorn said:
Name: Rahorn
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gift: Spirit of a fox

Abilities: Can turn into a fox and can only speak with foxes, but can understand all canines. Can also grow certain fox parts at will (e.g. can grow a tail for added balance, ears for better hearing, fox teeth to rip out people's throats, etc.)

Personality: He is cunning and clever. Can be a bit harsh. Doesn't completely know how to be around people. Is not one to keep promises. Prefers to either be in solitude or with people he is really close to. Oddly enough, he values family. Finding someone to love is high on his list of priorities. Loves meat. Likes to sneak around and steal stuff, and he likes meditating in nature.

Bio: He is the son of the nature guardian of foxes and a human. His mother was killed by one of the many mates his father had. His father didn't care about him too much. He trained him how to fight and survive, and as soon as he turned 17, he told him to leave and never return.

Dorm mate: Crane Ogelthorp

Martial status: Single


View attachment 209061

Other: Because of him being part fox guardian, he will go feral if he gets too mad. Will go feral especially in the spring, and he will most likely go feral in the spring if he has no one to love. Very agile and stealthy. Is a graceful fighter and uses a staff with axe blades on both ends. View attachment 209063
Sounds Good, Accepted

Timothy213 said:
Name: Abigale Kent
Nickname: Abby, Abbs

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Can manipulate light, but cannot do multiple things at once, so she cannot make a light weapon and become invisible, it is one or the other. If she becomes invisible, when she moves it causes an involuntary rippling affect in the surrounding area.


-Can Harden light into weapons (Max 8 minutes, average 3 minutes)

-Can make herself appear invisible (Max 30 minutes, average 25-27 minutes)

-Can change her appearance to others (by manipulating the wavelengths of light, nothing actually changes, such as per se, a shapeshifter.) (Max 28 minutes, average 23-25 minutes)

Personality: Abby is really shy and usually makes herself appear invisible to others. However, she is also very competitive and one of the best ways to break her out of her shell is to challenge her to something. Abby Is also very book smart and lives for knowledge.

Bio: Abby was a sheltered kid from birth until she was 7, she comes from parents with a wealthy background, but it changed when her mother's dad died and her mother became so depressed she stopped working and her father eventually divorced her. She likes being with her mother, as she is not as prejudiced as her father. (At this point her mother now has a stable job, but still relies on Abby's father for some financial support as she can't carry herself and Abby on the wage she has.)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Other: Abby is Homosexual and Biromantic.


View attachment 209069
Sounds good Accepted



Race: Rugahd'Natine; an elemental race normally found within the God's Eye Galaxy on the planet Narakam. They are said to be literally born of fire and highly resistant to it. They are highly resistant to illness and disease because of the high temperature at which their body normally runs. Their skin looks and feels as soft as ours but is in fact billions of micro-scales which also makes it much more durable. No change temperature bothers them, no matter how hot or cold. More energy or more emotional the hotter the fire, flame can get white hot in times of emotional distress. They may not be human but is physically and sexually compatible with the human species. Their reproductive and other systems are very similar and could support a crossbreed situation.Race abilities: Fire breathing, Pyrokinesis, Telepathic and Telekinetic Manipulate and breath fire as well as create wings of fire to fly, can bend heat around her body to appear invisible (heat rising off road). Every part of her body is impervious to heat and cannot be burnt by any temperature. Race Aliases: Fire Breathers

Precautions:Body tends to run at higher temperatures than humans especially during emotional distress can cause flare ups in chemicals in blood in gastric juices which can cause explosive burps or in some cases during night terrors for her body to become white hot and incinerate things around her. Special sleeping arrangements usually need to be arranged

Sounds good, but can she move while invisible, if she can i'm assuming it's noticeable.

[QUOTE="Kanori Azakia]Name: Kanori Azakia
Nickname: (Optional) Kano, Only close friends call her "Blaze"

Age: 18


Your Gift: Able to manipulate fire to do her will.

Abilities: Is able to Change her body into anything related with fire, (Lava, smoke, etc) and can bend fire at her will. Also has four fire based shiki (spirits) to work with.

Personality: Shy and keeps to herself unless talked to. Loves to joke around.

Bio: Abandend at birth and learned quickly not to trust or get close to people. Loves to draw and make music when no one is around. Can sing very well.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance:View attachment 210179

Other: Acts tough but is a huge softy for anything cute. (just wanted to add that.)( I read them all to make sure i didnt copy anyone, I absolutly apoligize if i did.)
Frostine said:
Name: Julia Frost
Nickname: Julie

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Your Gift:
Ice manipulation

Abilities: Julia is able to manipulate the ice, creating things made out of frozen water out of thin air. She is also able to cast snow at any time. This allows her to glide, or should I say fly, around thanks to the Northernly wind.

Personality: Julia Frost is a very clumsy and nervous person. She's the type of girl who would stutter at every word of a speech and trip over something as ridiculous as a stone but she liked to cover her personality up with accessories that looked very rebellious in a way. She is a very optimistic girl who would look at a glass as half full rather than half empty.

Bio: Julia Frost was born in a village with snow lurking in every corner. Her parents had always showered her with utmost love. Although she was not popular, she was treated with respect and had true friends by her side at all times. Upon venturing into the frozen forest, she stumbled upon an animal that had it's teeth barred and was inching closer to the girl with every step. Julia had realised that she could control the ice after accidentally freezing the creature's feet.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Sounds good, accepted

Magattahana said:
Name: Tin

Age: Appears to be 15

Gender: Appears female.

Your Gift: More physically adept than an average human, and can access a database filled with large amounts of general information, her body also houses a few weapons, ranging from an EMP generator to a flamethrower.


Personality: Highly curious, and often winds up in trouble purely due to her insatiable curiosity. "Trouble" can range from her breaking into places she shouldn't be and trying to access private information to add to her database. Awkward in social interactions, due to the fact she's not entirely human. Doesn't grasp some of the finer nuances of social interaction, but is charming nonetheless.

Bio: "Tin" is an artificial intelligence housed inside of an android body. She appears human, but is simply a machine. She recently suffered through some sort of accident, which slightly damaged her memory banks, resulting in amnesia. Eventually, she found her way to this place, and hopes to stay.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Doesn't understand what romance is.

Appearance: Dark skin, violet eyes.

Sounds good, accepted. how many characters do you have though :P


Keeping eye contact. Maybe a limit if the thing I'm trying to hypnotize is insanely powerful or something.
Sametheon said:
Keeping eye contact. Maybe a limit if the thing I'm trying to hypnotize is insanely powerful or something.
Okay, just to clarify, if you tell someone to do something, you must keep eye contact with them the whole time they're doing it, correct?
Yes. And it works through mirrors and sunglasses, but not cameras or computer screens.
Sametheon said:
Yes. And it works through mirrors and sunglasses, but not cameras or computer screens.
Right okay, but the control will break if the eye contact stops at any point no matter how long. But accepted
Name: Winifred Brooks

Nickname: Wini



Your Gift: Illusion and light manipulation

Abilities: Wini is able to redirect light to create illusions of anything she has ever seen, including people and animals. These are destroyed by touch. When focusing she is able to harness light to create orbs and fractures of light that act with painful precision and moderate damage.

Personality: Wini is extremely trusting and caring but can also seclude herself from others. She has a good sense of humor and loves to be part of a team. She can be a little demanding and likes to keep control of situations with leadership roles and can sometimes be harsh without meaning to.

Bio: Born to a relatively normal family she kept her gifts a secrete from all but her girlfriend. She lived life as a normal girl, while practicing in secrete to perfect her gift. But after a tragic breakup and fight her girlfriend lashed out and released pictures previously unknown to Wini. A few weeks later men appeared outside her house and in a terrible fight she barely managed to escape. Orphaned and alone she now arrives at the academy to keep her safe.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: None


@GingerBread yes you would be be able to tell if you were looking for the signs like if you were looking for signs of a ninja it looks slightly distorted around edged when moving to like heat when it rides off the road... ok or halo armor when in invisibility mode you catch it here and there but what's the point of invisibility if they can see you while you're using it that's why I used the the bent heat and said appears invisible like an illusion or mirage
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