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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

I think I'll leave the RP- I only really joined to pass the time in the first place, and right now I am too busy to continue roleplaying regularly.
Name:Matty Asada

Nickname: Matt



Your Gift:Wind manipulation,and can turn invisible

Abilities:Can create tornado's,and hurricanes.Jumping very high.Can also make a cloud he can fly on(So pretty much she can make a nimbus).Being able to manipulate anyone's eyesight so they can't to her.

Personality:quiet,adoptable,honest,socialy akward,and very intelegent

Bio:When Matty found her powers when she was 10.Matty was outside at a picnic when she almost blew away her parents with a tornado.Then she started to be chased by hunters,and shunned by sociaty.So her parents found RWA and sent her there.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


Other: Matty is great cook,and Tenor Sax player
Name- Jonas Carmand

Nickname- Jon

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Gift- Teleportation

Abilities- Teleportation with a 50/50 chance of ending up somewhere random. Appears as a red flash

Personality- Shy, clumsy, geek, nerd

Bio- Lived with his mother, practicing his gift until hunters came to kill him. His mom told him to teleport somewhere safe, and he ended up here.

Martial Status- Single and wants to stay that way


[QUOTE="Gearhead the Great]
Name- Jonas Carmand
Nickname- Jon

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Gift- Teleportation

Abilities- Teleportation with a 50/50 chance of ending up somewhere random. Appears as a red flash

Personality- Shy, clumsy, geek, nerd

Bio- Lived with his mother, practicing his gift until hunters came to kill him. His mom told him to teleport somewhere safe, and he ended up here.

Martial Status- Single and wants to stay that way


Also good at playing the baritone and Legend of Zelda.
Name: Golden Cheshire

Nickname: Goldy

Age: appears 18, is actually 36, he ages half as fast as humans

Gender: Male

Species: Cat person

Appearance: he also has cat ears and a tail, both are red, his eyes are gold, and he has a red collar on with a gold bell


Powers: killing intuition, projectile manipulation, enhanced instincts

Personality: sweet and caring, loves to play games, and gets won't hesitate to stab you in the back, metaphorically or physically

Dormmate: N/A

Marital status: Widower

Bio: Was a born killer, at the age of 12 he killed his father and at 20 his mother

that of course wasn't left in noticed he ended up being his mother's new husband afterwords and they both ended up with a child that he ended up killing after its birth and then his mother

he wanders amist everything and everywhere to make a ruckus and makes a few friends from time to time

Parents: Goldilocks, Cheshire cat



Belongings: (aside from the basics a suit and his glasses) a gun that his mother gave him and the scarf his father owned and a collar with a gold bell he wears

Extra: he is an easily trusted person when it comes to being a friend at least

(Yes this is a conversion character, any changes that need to be done let me know)
Name: Ahas (sounds like Ah-Hoss) Du Sable

Nickname: Sable (Sable is French so it sounds like Sah-bluh but hes so used to people pronouncing it wrong he doest even care anymore.)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Sand Manipulation

Abilities: Can willingly summon sand to create objects out of. When creating larger objects he uses more strength, so his magic is limited.

Personality: Sable is a very outgoing and sociable person. Hes very talkative and loves meeting new people. He is kind to everyone, even those he hates. The reason behind this is because he tries to avoid being enemies with anyone. However, if he doesnt like you, he'll act all friendly and such while he finds a way to destroy you and walk away without looking like he had anything to do with it. So try not to get on his bad side. He enjoys intelligent conversations and actually likes going to school, as it provides a way to interact with others who are capable of extra-ordinary things like him.

Bio: Sable wasnt always the out going person he is today. When he was younger, he was a shy and timid fellow, and often didnt talk to other children his age. His father, who was a wealthy french man, would constantly sign him up for extra-curricular activities in attempt to get him to talk to other children. His mother, who was Pacific Islander (which explains his dark skin, as most people always ask him "If your name is French why are you so dark!!??!") loved him just the way he was, and as such she had a closer relationship with him. When he was 13, a group of hunters discovered that his parents had powers, and came to his house late at night and brought chaos to his home. The hunters each carried large knives, and killed his parents by slitting their throats. Back at this time, Sable hadnt developed his powers then, and so the hunters spared the now orphan boy alone in his house. Only after years and years of being admitted into many orphanages had he discovered his powers. After his discovery of his power, he had heard of the academy, and set his destination there to keep himself safe from hunters. He swore that he would do anything, and only after he was good enough in combat with his newfound strength, would he find those hunters and do to them what they did to his parents.

Martial Status: None


Other: Sable really LOVES sweet things, he has a major sweet tooth especially for ice cream. His favorite place is (who wouldve guessed it!) the beach, and loves the summer time. He hates the cold seasons and during those months spends most of his time indoors. He enjoys singing and the many different categories of fine arts. He knows many instruments and has played every sport at least once. (one of the many perks of being signed up into almost EVERY after school activity) He also shows no attraction to girls.
Name: Hayden Pierce

Nickname: N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Your Gift: Sorcery (Elemental)

Abilities: Proficiency in

-Pyromancy - able to create flames with any part of his body, raise the temperature, turn his body into that of solid flame

-Aquamancy - able to materialize water from the humidity, Chill water into snow, ice, etc. , Turn his body into that of solid water

-Terramancy - able to raise the earth to create walls, structures, sink into the ground to escape, create a suit of armor from stone , turn his body into that of mud, rock, etc.

-Also able to dematerialize and teleport away using any of the abilities mentioned above.

Personality: Caring, gentle, yet quick tempered, rebellious, reserved , stubborn, quiet, honest

Bio: Hayden grew up as an orphan, never knowing who his real parents were and going from foster home to foster home, most of them ended up as abusive homes or they were unable to control his rebellious nature. He discovered his abilities when he accidentally set home of a foster family who was actually decent to him on fire and killed his foster parents. The report from the fire department labeled it as a house fire caused by a defective socket. With that, Hayden left his foster system and took to living on the streets and practicing his ability in secret learning that he could also control the water and earth.. He was an incredibly intelligent child when he /would/ attend his normal school but he stopped attending at the same time his foster parents were killed. When Hayden did attend school he often was getting into fights as he stuck up for alot of kids that were bullied, which landed him in the principals often alot. Despite his teachers efforts to reach out to him and nurture his exceptional intelligence, then all ended to no avail and in several instances, Hayden becoming physically agitated with them. One day Hayden encountered another person like him, she was a psychic and could levitate object around her. This happened when Hayden met his first Hunter while looking through a trash can for some food. The hunter gave chase to Hayden where he was eventually cornered and a girl how happened to be passing by came his aid. Able to fend off the Hunter, she and Hayden got to know each other and Hayden learned about RWA and knew that if he was ever going to get out of the streets and have a decent life he would have to enroll in RWA where he would be safe.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status:Single

Appearance: 6'1 / 175 lbs / Short Black Hair / Striking green eyes / various scars around his body

Other: A deep for love for classical music such as Vivaldi, Beethoven, Baque, etc. and able to play the violin. Skilled in hand to hand combat from having to live on the streets and learning to fight his way through life and getting into alot of fights at school
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Name:Irisviel Von Eizenbern

Nickname: Iris or Viel


Gender: Female

Gift: Manipulator of shadows

Abilities:Can manipulate shadows to do her bidding.

Personality:Irisviel is soft spoken barely able to keep a converstation. She is very shy, it takes time for her to warm up to someone. She rarely if ever speaks seeing it mainly as a waste of time but she will speak if spoken to or told to speak. Very anti-violence and will only fight if it is her last resort. She can mainly talk her way out of everything. Loyalty is everything to her betray her and you lose something you never knew you had.

Bio: She comes from a oppressive family who sees their gift as a curse. Most of the time they were shut out by towns people, forced to move from place to place when someone found out about their ability. Irisviel was what you could call the black sheep of the family holding different views about her gift than her family. She was the main cause of others finding out about her families ability.Though its not as if she looked normal with her long silvery hair, which her parents attempted to dye but with not luck, and red eyes. The sent her off in hopes to show her that their gift was nothing to be proud of.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/98811357b48968582215c8e53eb0ae25.jpg.6b7b08aa01eebc2c57cc9f9d204e944b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/98811357b48968582215c8e53eb0ae25.jpg.6b7b08aa01eebc2c57cc9f9d204e944b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Quinn Furrow

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gift: Witch

Abilities: Uses rituals and her inner magic to perform spells, however these spells take energy and large spells can drain her pretty quickly. Mainly performs black magic in rituals.

Personality: She is closed off and usually an introvert. Loyal if you befriend her, likes to spend her time with her nose in a book or just observe the going on around her.

Bio: Quinn comes from a family of witches and both her mother and father are practicing. They practice in the light while Quinn was drawn to the darkness. Her family shunned her for this and she went to live with her grandmother in solitude where she practiced her magic for many years. When hunters came looking for her and her grandmother they fled and she was sent to the academy for protection while her grandmother went into hiding.

Marital Status: Single

Dorm Mate: N/A


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/apperance.jpg.2b72f60bd1bda7ce0ad63cc48a4dd345.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/apperance.jpg.2b72f60bd1bda7ce0ad63cc48a4dd345.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elizabeth2476 said:
Name: Quinn Furrow
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gift: Witch

Abilities: Uses rituals and her inner magic to perform spells, however these spells take energy and large spells can drain her pretty quickly. Mainly performs black magic in rituals.

Personality: She is closed off and usually an introvert. Loyal if you befriend her, likes to spend her time with her nose in a book or just observe the going on around her.

Bio: Quinn comes from a family of witches and both her mother and father are practicing. They practice in the light while Quinn was drawn to the darkness. Her family shunned her for this and she went to live with her grandmother in solitude where she practiced her magic for many years. When hunters came looking for her and her grandmother they fled and she was sent to the academy for protection while her grandmother went into hiding.

Dorm Mate: N/A


I think my character and yours will get along well, because they're both redheads and like reading.
Name: Onyx Blade Suzumiya

nickname: Blade

Age: 16


gift: Class S dark magic user and good at controlling other pple by the Shadows (to not be touch by his Shadow magic u must be 60 or 100 feet away from him)

Weakness: clown and light

Ability: good at melee combat and Twin Guns

Personality: demon,psychopath,joker and a magician

Bio: Born by Hades and place in the human world to be an outcast at the age of 5, he use his talent to earn money pple think false of him and think that he is a threat and pple start throwing him stones bullying him as he went insane and seeing his un-historical be killed in front of him .. taken by the Asylum and placed in the School to hope he might change by some Friends they think he will have.... ... ... ... ... but everyone know they r wrong ...oh how wrong they place a psycho in a school (i follow the rule promise not to kill anyone)

dorm: N/A

Martial Status: Single


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c630c481f_images(1).jpg.db2217e73ec131c2624ddf75ff05eaf4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c630c481f_images(1).jpg.db2217e73ec131c2624ddf75ff05eaf4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

other his Demonic Uniform witch he is going to wear in the school:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c630c7c4f_download(1).jpg.bae6257424585dce8e1bd47275e6004a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c630c7c4f_download(1).jpg.bae6257424585dce8e1bd47275e6004a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hikari Sakuro


"Red" or "Maiden of the Sky"






Clairvoyant (Clairsentience) and Emphatic Weather Manipulation


Reflexes, Close and Ranged combat


Hikari is mean but really she's sweet (most likely a tsundere) and is good at baking; She doesn't trust anyone so easily, she wants people to think that she's strong even though she's trying to hide her weak side because she doesn't want people to pity her; Though she acts tough and wild, she has a soft spot for cute things and animals.


Hikari was born in a quiet shrine in Japan. Her ability made her become the priestess but their followers became greedy and wanted to kidnap her and take her all for themselves. Luckily she escaped but it cost her family's life. She's still being tracked down and so she hid into another town concealing her identity.

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:





Hikari carries her family's samurai around but doesn't use it to harm others, it's just a memento and uses it to scare of people and she still dresses up as a priestess. She also likes playing instruments and singing. Her hobby is baking sweets and is obviously a sweet tooth. She loves staying under cherry blossom trees, she loves both summer and winter. She's innocent when it comes to love and doesn't have any interests.
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Name: Abigayle Sharrow

Nickname: "Abs"

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Your Gift: Technopathy

Abilities: She can control electronics and machines with her mind. This means that she can hack databases, release computer viruses, etc. with a single thought.

Personality: She's very mischievous and a lot more carefree than her overprotective brother, Zane.

Bio: She and her twin brother were separated from a young age, they were reunited when he tried to rob her while he was staying in England. They realized who the other person was and they've been near inseparable since.

Dorm Mate: Zane if possible. N/A if not possible.

Martial Status: Single

Appearance:http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/317/d/1/red_hair_anime_girl_by_keylaaa-d6u4zgp.png Hope the link works. She looks like this, though she's usually smirking about something, has freckles and wears an aviator jacket and sometimes goggles. She thinks wearing them is cool.

Other: Expect her to get herself and her brother into trouble.
Name: Tsukiko Hashimoto

Nickname: Tsuki

Age: 16

Gift: Illusions

Abilities: With her illusions, she usually likes to subject her victims to the more gruesome bits in fairy tales, like being cooked in an oven a la Hansel and Gretel. Or being cut open like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.

Personality: Rarely shows any sort of facial expression. She only acts in her own interest.

Bio: She was born in Japan but raised in the United States after her parents immigrated there. Hunters began targeting her after an incident when she was 10 in which she uncontrollably drove someone in a supermarket mad with her illusory powers. Six years later, her father sent her to Raven Wing Academy so she'd be safe there.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Marital Status: Single, but she doesn't really feel anything for anyone.

Appearance: https://tasteslikemochi.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/brunettes-school-uniforms-schoolgirls-tie-long-hair-green-eyes-shirts-earrings-necklaces-anime-coffe_www-wallmay-net_51.jpg?w=1091 Like this, but with blue eyes, messier hair, an expressionless face. Also she's only 5 feet tall.
WoodenZebra said:
Name:Matty Asada
Nickname: Matt



Your Gift:Wind manipulation,and can turn invisible

Abilities:Can create tornado's,and hurricanes.Jumping very high.Can also make a cloud he can fly on(So pretty much she can make a nimbus).Being able to manipulate anyone's eyesight so they can't to her.

Personality:quiet,adoptable,honest,socialy akward,and very intelegent

Bio:When Matty found her powers when she was 10.Matty was outside at a picnic when she almost blew away her parents with a tornado.Then she started to be chased by hunters,and shunned by sociaty.So her parents found RWA and sent her there.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single


Other: Matty is great cook,and Tenor Sax player
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/317/d/1/red_hair_anime_girl_by_keylaaa-d6u4zgp.png[/URL] Hope the link works. She looks like this, though she's usually smirking about something, has freckles and wears an aviator jacket and sometimes goggles. She thinks wearing them is cool.

Other: Expect her to get herself and her brother into trouble.
Magattahana said:
Name: Tsukiko Hashimoto
Nickname: Tsuki

Age: 16

Gift: Illusions

Abilities: With her illusions, she usually likes to subject her victims to the more gruesome bits in fairy tales, like being cooked in an oven a la Hansel and Gretel. Or being cut open like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.

Personality: Rarely shows any sort of facial expression. She only acts in her own interest.

Bio: She was born in Japan but raised in the United States after her parents immigrated there. Hunters began targeting her after an incident when she was 10 in which she uncontrollably drove someone in a supermarket mad with her illusory powers. Six years later, her father sent her to Raven Wing Academy so she'd be safe there.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Marital Status: Single, but she doesn't really feel anything for anyone.

Appearance: https://tasteslikemochi.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/brunettes-school-uniforms-schoolgirls-tie-long-hair-green-eyes-shirts-earrings-necklaces-anime-coffe_www-wallmay-net_51.jpg?w=1091 Like this, but with blue eyes, messier hair, an expressionless face. Also she's only 5 feet tall.
Accepted! The Dorm and class assignments are in the Overview Tab, and the Teachers are in the Neutral Tab!


[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Name: Onyx Blade Suzumiya
nickname: Blade

Age: 16


gift: Class S dark magic user and good at controlling other pple by the Shadows

Ability: good at melee combat and Twin Guns

Personality: demon,psychopath,joker and a magician

Bio: Born by Hades and place in the human world to be an outcast at the age of 5, he use his talent to earn money pple think false of him and think that he is a threat and pple start throwing him stones bullying him as he went insane and seeing his un-historical be killed in front of him .. taken by the Asylum and placed in the School to hope he might change by some Friends they think he will have.... ... ... ... ... but everyone know they r wrong ...oh how wrong they place a psycho in a school (i follow the rule promise not to kill anyone)

dorm: N/A

Martial Status: Single


View attachment 202422

other his Demonic Uniform witch he is going to wear in the school:

View attachment 202423

Hey, so under abilities, you put That you could control other people by their shadows, is there some way you could put a weakness or limit on this ability?
Name: Mark "Blade" Nihtmar

Nickname: Insany/Insi


Gender: Male

Your Gift: Neko/Demon/Transformation/Summoning

Abilities:Summon creatures, summon my demon scythe, Flaming Death, Neko, other things that are hard to explain

Personality: mostly shy, brave, tries to stick in, strange, kind, kinda short tempered.

Bio: umm.. lemme.. just.. say... no.. tooo... embarrassing, and screwed up. (screwed up: nightmare-y)

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single

Appearance: wears all black but has silver hair and red in front, one eye is silver, the other is dark red, one hand is covered by gauntlet, the size of glove, underneath the gauntlet is purple-ish black infection, short, cute, cat ears are silver, cat tail is silver

Other: Devil's/Satin's hated son, Renegade from hell

i couldnt find a pic, and.. umm.. yeah...
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Found this and it looks interesting, though disregard me if you're no longer wanting applications. @Daggora Keket

Medea Taroni


Medea Taroni







Your Gift:

Mind Manipulation


Medea has the ability to project false thoughts or images into other's minds. It works as a form of persuasion, suggesting the target to think or act a particular way. In particular, those who experience fear are more prone to being manipulated, though the stronger they are the more they are able to see through the falseness. Her eyes glow a deep red while she is projecting.


Although her gift can be quite effective, she is unable to project from far distances and requires the target to at least be at a 10 metre distance. Targets who are strong-minded are also harder for her to manipulate, and sometimes impossible to. Due to her inexperience with her gift, she is rarely able to do much other than provide the target with suggestive thoughts. Prolonged use of her gift also provokes severe migraines and nosebleeds.


Medea is quite the tricky teen. She, like most, enjoys chaos and the pleasure of causing mass amounts of trouble, especially when it only leads to a larger mess. She is rather ignorant and spiteful, which only fuels the antisocial side of her. Her curiosity is mostly what gets her into trouble, alongside her childish outbursts. On the upside, she is quite reliable and honest when dealing with others. She can also be quite sensitive.


From the word go, Medea knew she wasn't like others. Of course, it hadn't occurred to her that she wielded an unimaginable power when she was five years old, though the way she would hypnotized others with her lies amazed her. In fact, that's all she ever used it for; lying. It was her way to do what she wanted and not get in trouble for it. Some called her a spoilt brat for being doted on all the time and others feared her, though she had always been fond of her weird, explainable power. It wasn't until she was older that she had realized she wasn't exactly living the perfect life she thought she had been. The revelation that her parents weren't really her parents killed her on the inside and made her both angry and desperate. Between the childish spurts of manipulating people's minds, she devotes herself to finding out more about who they truly are.

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:





* She spends most of her time reading or if she's bored enough, toying with people

* From time to time she engages in sports, preferably solo ones

* She isn't too picky with colours, though she does appreciate them more if they compliment her red hair specifically blues or dark colours

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Astaroth Suzumiya]yes well the weakness is the Light and the limit of the shadow is that the person must be 60 or 100 feet away from him so that he wont control that person ... so am i in? =v= ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22230-daggora-keket/ said:
@Daggora Keket[/URL] )
@Daggora Keket[/URL]

Medea Taroni


Medea Taroni







Your Gift:

Mind Manipulation


Medea has the ability to project false thoughts or images into other's minds. It works as a form of persuasion, suggesting the target to think or act a particular way. In particular, those who experience fear are more prone to being manipulated, though the stronger they are the more they are able to see through the falseness. Her eyes glow a deep red while she is projecting.


Although her gift can be quite effective, she is unable to project from far distances and requires the target to at least be at a 10 metre distance. Targets who are strong-minded are also harder for her to manipulate, and sometimes impossible to. Due to her inexperience with her gift, she is rarely able to do much other than provide the target with suggestive thoughts. Prolonged use of her gift also provokes severe migraines and nosebleeds.


Medea is quite the tricky teen. She, like most, enjoys chaos and the pleasure of causing mass amounts of trouble, especially when it only leads to a larger mess. She is rather ignorant and spiteful, which only fuels the antisocial side of her. Her curiosity is mostly what gets her into trouble, alongside her childish outbursts. On the upside, she is quite reliable and honest when dealing with others. She can also be quite sensitive.


From the word go, Medea knew she wasn't like others. Of course, it hadn't occurred to her that she wielded an unimaginable power when she was five years old, though the way she would hypnotized others with her lies amazed her. In fact, that's all she ever used it for; lying. It was her way to do what she wanted and not get in trouble for it. Some called her a spoilt brat for being doted on all the time and others feared her, though she had always been fond of her weird, explainable power. It wasn't until she was older that she had realized she wasn't exactly living the perfect life she thought she had been. The revelation that her parents weren't really her parents killed her on the inside and made her both angry and desperate. Between the childish spurts of manipulating people's minds, she devotes herself to finding out more about who they truly are.

Dorm Mate:


Martial Status:





* She spends most of her time reading or if she's bored enough, toying with people

* From time to time she engages in sports, preferably solo ones

* She isn't too picky with colours, though she does appreciate them more if they compliment her red hair specifically blues or dark colours

Accepted!The Dorm and Class Assignments are in the Overview tab and the Teachers are in the Neutral tab.
Main Info

Name:Emiko Saikoto

Nickname: Fire Knife (reasons stated in bio)

Age: 16

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Anime_girl_red_mage.jpg.1f91c2db0aff2b966d724894079b06a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Anime_girl_red_mage.jpg.1f91c2db0aff2b966d724894079b06a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rp Info

Your Gift: Red Mage

Can control and conjure elements.

Abilities: (All are Magic at full power)

Earth's Mercy


Can move earth from the ground and create quakes.

Weakness: Cannot move while in use.

Dragon's Storm


Can summon columns of water and torrents of waves.

Weakness: Can only be used by channelling energy through staff or gem.

Ancient Blaze


Can summon mass-flames and plumes of fire.

Weakness: Have to be holding a blade to use.

Divine Burst


Charges a devastating blast of powerful light.

Weakness: Charge and cooldown time.

Shadow Blink


Can move incredibly fast and even teleport.

Weakness: Very draining after use.

Extra Info

Personality: Attentive, curious, neutrally-minded.

Bio: From a noble family in a large city called Idari. Has an older brother, who has abilities similar to hers. Accidentally sent a 'blade' of fire into the fireplace after her brother riling her up, earning her nickname 'Fire Knife'. Given the 2nd family sword: Rokoi for protection against rogue spirits and demons. Forged a ruby-topped staff for channelling her power. Sent off to school at 16.

Dorm Mate: N/A

Martial Status: Single (N/A)

Other: Hypersensitivity: Reacts to her surroundings more than a normal person. Things like footsteps, small objects falling and water dripping can tick her off.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c66c8e176_HolySwordbysoti1986onDeviantArt.png.1da40b1345e95c8f9baef60f6a1a3b82.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c66c8e176_HolySwordbysoti1986onDeviantArt.png.1da40b1345e95c8f9baef60f6a1a3b82.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Daggora Keket



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  • Holy Sword by soti1986 on DeviantArt.png
    Holy Sword by soti1986 on DeviantArt.png
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Name: Leo Wolfenstein



Your Gift: Can convince others to do anything WITH EYE CONTACT, without eye contact its just telling someone to do something normally

Abilities: Very heightened senses, other than tasting and smelling

Personality: Manipulative, uncaring for others but oddly charming if need be. Held together with a strange mix of arrogance amd self loathing, but puts up so many facods that its nearly impossible to tell.

Bio: Was sent to school by his parents who desperately needed to get rid of him. It was fine by him.

Dorm Mate:N/A

Martial Status: Tangled in a convoluted web of relationships, none of which have any real meaning

Appearance: 5'9, Unkempt brown hair, green eyes, pale complexion

Other: (Also Optional)

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