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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

(I am really sorry about yesterday. My wifi went out for awhile so I had to wait until I got home to reply >.<)
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket](That's cool)
At the word shapeshifter, Daggora Perks up. "How much of a shapeshifter?"

crimson just really joins the conversation with "what can you turn into?
Slips pulls the cigarette from his mouth slowly, raising his right hand and having it lean against the metal frames of the bed. "Curious how in the seven hells you managed to get one like that without it eating you first." Slips eyes appear drearily calm, and partially tired from the morning exhaustion, but lets a little bit of surpise slip through his tone.

@Johnathan Laurence @Daggora Keket @ExoHunter
SubwayZero said:
Slips pulls the cigarette from his mouth slowly, raising his right hand and having it lean against the metal frames of the bed. "Curious how in the seven hells you managed to get one like that without it eating you first." Slips eyes appear drearily calm, and partially tired from the morning exhaustion, but lets a little bit of surpise slip through his tone.
@Johnathan Laurence @Daggora Keket @ExoHunter
crimson says to slip "Yeah good point" then looks at Jonathan and says "How did you get him not to eat you?"
"well I was running through the woods the night my siblings died by the hunters and it followed me i was wondering why when i then noticed i had a piece of meat in my pocket" says Johnny
"As long as it's eaten breakfast first, cause I don't wanna end up on that things dinner menu." Slips seems a bit genuinly concerned with his tone, his head even tilting to the side a little as he continues to gaze upon the snarling beast.

@ExoHunter @Johnathan Laurence @Daggora Keket
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Renshi sits down and starts meditating during a more mental training than physical. As Renshi meditated black lightning started to cloak his body. The black lightning was causing a small electrical surge. The lights were flickering on and off.
Damen and Night Wing were coming up to the academy's entrance "Hey Night Wing. . .I think I'm gonna go out for a bit" explained Damen as he went to the office "Don't worry I'll be back in a bit" he smirked a bit as he leaned against the wall by the entrance. "Okay. See ya" said Night Wing walking away hoping to go to a training room or something.

(I gtg soon so if I don't reply it's because I'm gone and I'll be back in around 4-5 hours)
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]"well I was running through the woods the night my siblings died by the hunters and it followed me i was wondering why when i then noticed i had a piece of meat in my pocket" says Johnny

crimson giggled "Im soo sorry i wasnt laughing i about your family getting killed i was laughing about you carry meat in your back pocket" crimson ask's with a hint if confusein in his voice
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"Hm. Silent one." Damon chuckled, standing a bit taller and looking down at the girl. "Name's Damon, I'm kinda new to this place." His posture, the way he spoke was the epitome of confidence. "Now come on, say a 'lil something, I need to know a few people around here."

Ent reached the map, he looked up and down. He found a library, his tail swayed left to right in the wind. He decided that he should look at the rest of the map so he doesn't have to go back to this map again.
SubwayZero said:
"As long as it's eaten breakfast first, cause I don't wanna end up on that things dinner menu." Slips seems a bit genuinly concerned with his tone, his head even tilting to the side a little as it continues to gaze upon the snarling beast.
@ExoHunter @Johnathan Laurence @Daggora Keket
"Oh, hush you!" Daggora swats the air in front of Smoker guy. "It'll be fine! Even better...it'll be fuuunnn!" She turns back to the guy with the wolf. "Please?"
" well if you really wanna see, Damion go ahead and show them" says johnny as the wolf suddenly starts to get bigger and bigger as Damion teeth get pointer( Like mine) and his claws get longer his fur grows thicker and blacker with the red parts getting darker as he final stops growing. Damion starts to growl slightly as his looks over at Slip and then at Crimson and then at Daggora. Damion calm down and sit if you want a treat. Damion sits down and Johnny gives him a Slab of meat ( not human at all)
Daggora jumps up, "Yay!" She circles around the wolf. Memorizing the way it looks. When she's done, she looks at the others. "You guys mind if I try something really quick?"

[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]" well if you really wanna see, Damion go ahead and show them" says johnny as the wolf suddenly starts to get bigger and bigger as Damion teeth get pointer( Like mine) and his claws get longer his fur grows thicker and blacker with the red parts getting darker as he final stops growing. Damion starts to growl slightly as his looks over at Slip and then at Crimson and then at Daggora. Damion calm down and sit if you want a treat. Damion sits down and Johnny gives him a Slab of meat ( not human at all)

crimson sees the massive beast look at him an he got

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora jumps up, "Yay!" She circles around the wolf. Memorizing the way it looks. When she's done, she looks at the others. "You guys mind if I try something really quick?"

Crimson say "i dont mind knock your self out"
Slips take a quick puff of his cigarette, looking with a grin towards the beast. After a moment of looking upon it's new forum he simply says "Impressive." However as the other shapeshifter begins to circle round it, he raises up to his feet and takes his new place against the wall. "As long as it doesn't end up having this dorm smell like dog for the next week."

@Daggora Keket @ExoHunter @Johnathan Laurence
Aedus Walking into the school, his hand in his pocket nervously fiddling with his box of matches Guess i should find a map, Don't want to get lost on my first day Aedus though as he walked towards the map noticing there was already someone there "Hey" Aedus called out slightly nervous but mostly excited at the idea of making a new friend

(Hm, my character is rather stuck. I'm just gonna let him make his way out.)

Damon decided that a bit of fresh air was what he needed after his recent binge and trying to talk to that rather antisocial girl. There was probably someone out there that he'd have better chances with charming. He sat on a patch of dry grass, getting a half empty bottle of soda from one of his deep jacket pockets and sipping it slowly, wanting to make it last. But why would he need to make it last when he had dozens of other bottles stashed away? Nobody knows.
Renshisits down and starts meditating during a more mental training than physical. As Renshi meditated black lightning started to cloak his body. The black lightning was causing a small electrical surge. Thelights were flickering on and off.

*Open for anyone*

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