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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]" nah and the name Johnathan but people call me Johnny; you?" says johnny as he smile slightly

Slips quickly slots the second cigarette back into the packet, taking the unlit one from his mouth and placing it between the fingers of his right hand again "Name's Slips, or whatever. I ain't all that picky." Slips presses out a small yawn, before averting his gaze towards the door, "Seems he's back. Just in time, needed a light real badly."
Renshi stayed outside the training room, to train. He took off his button up shirt and the white t shirt that was under it. He also took off his Blue Jeans and he had basketball shorts on under them. To finish off the appearance he took his shoes and socks off. He starts his stretches before he starts getting serious. As soon as he finishes he starts his training.

(open for anyone)
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ExoHunter said:
Crison has just returned from his jog, dripping in sweat he desides he need to have a shower so he heads back to the dorm and see's slip and says "whats up man?"
Slips holds up his hand towards Crimson suggestively, a low breath of relief upon looking towards him "Ya missed classes, big guy. Lucky for us they got cancelled." Slips words take a teasing tone upon the former half, then lets his lips partially relax to normal afterwards.
Damen and Night Wing leave the class after hearing the announcement "Well that was…odd" said Night Wing as her and Damen walked down the hallway, "Well I guess we have a bit of free time again" Said Damen "Hey wait…been a while since we trained together don't you think" asked Damen with a smirk, Night Wing looked at him "I guess we should practice then" she said as they walked to some sort of training ground(s).
SubwayZero said:
Slips quickly slots the second cigarette back into the packet, taking the unlit one from his mouth and placing it between the fingers of his right hand again "Name's Slips, or whatever. I ain't all that picky." Slips presses out a small yawn, before averting his gaze towards the door, "Seems he's back. Just in time, needed a light real badly."
crimson looks at slip with a raised eyebrow and say "what im i your personal lighter?" but decides to give you a light and out out his arm and light your cigarette. Crimson quickly noticed a person beside slip and says "who are you?"
Amethsyt roamed around aimlessly, since it was currently her free period. She had left her dorm in a maroon colored sleeveless turtle neck and plain black tights. It hadn't occurred to her how chilly it would be, and she shivered, regretting not bringing a jacket. She reached up to the bun she had tied earlier, and let loose her soft, chestnut-colored waves, hoping that they would provide her some warmth.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny chuckles as comes up with a thought "wanna meet my pet wolf?" asks Johnny as he gets up

Slips slowly raises an eye brow, letting his hazel eyes look over him. "A wolf, eh? As long as it doesn't get offended at me calling it one. Seems cats can turn into humans now and try to kill ya if you call'em one." Slips gives a quiet laugh to himself, placing the cigarette between his lips with a relaxed expression flooding his face.
Johnny looks at the guy and noticed he seems to be able to control fire and make a mental note of that as then looks at slip and just says" the name Johnathan"
ExoHunter said:
crimson looks at slip with a raised eyebrow and say "what im i your personal lighter?" but decides to give you a light and out out his arm and light your cigarette. Crimson quickly noticed a person beside slip and says "who are you?"
"I'm all outta lighters, so gotta hit the town soon unless they sell'em here." Slips gives a blow of smoke in his direction, but soon gives a light nod in thanks. "This is Johnny. Seems he's gonna hang out for a bit."
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny looks at the guy and noticed he seems to be able to control fire and make a mental note of that as then looks at slip and just says" the name Johnathan"

"nice to meet yeah johnathan the names crimson" looking at him he decides to say "i can also use ice whats your gift?"
Damen and Night Wing passed the cafeteria on their way to the training ground, Damen didn't even turn his head yet he knew who was all in there. He glanced towards Slips and the rest of them as him and Night Wing passed by the door, "Something wrong?" asked Night Wing turning her head slightly to look into the cafeteria, "Oh it's nothing" explained Damen. "Hey Damen, wanna check what the school is like?" asked Night Wing, "Sure, doesn't matter too me"
SubwayZero said:
"I'm all outta lighters, so gotta hit the town soon unless they sell'em here." Slips gives a blow of smoke in his direction, but soon gives a light nod in thanks. "This is Johnny. Seems he's gonna hang out for a bit."
Criomson smerks and say "man you know i dont mind as long as i can help"
Pausing, she turned to the side. Someone was trying to talk to her. Crossing her arms and looking completely disinterested, she waited for him to continue. She wasn't a particularly friendly person, nor social, though she wasn't at all shy. The wind was starting to whip her hair around, so she decided to tie it back up, this time in a high ponytail.

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](Hey zero, if you want Damen could go to town with Slips)

(( He'll undoubtedly be heading out soon, so catch him then if you can :P ))
"Hm. Silent one." Damon chuckled, standing a bit taller and looking down at the girl. "Name's Damon, I'm kinda new to this place." His posture, the way he spoke was the epitome of confidence. "Now come on, say a 'lil something, I need to know a few people around here."

Johnny then teleports to his room and grab Damion and stops suddenly to see that someone been here he looks around the dorm room and noticed that a girl lives here and suddenly forgets that girl named Amethyst. He then teleports back to slip's room
Done with examining the window, Daggora got up and stretched. Nothing of interest to help her figure out what was wrong. She shrugged and hopped back into school. She decided to go see if there was anyone else around, and shifted into her black house cat form. She caught sight of three guys talking. One of them was guy from yesterday. The guy that called her a cat. She turned back into her human form and stalked over to the three of them, glaring at the guy who had called her a cat. She came to a stop in front of them, and pointed at the guy. "Don't ever call me a cat again." She said, before sitting down beside the three. "So, what are ya'll talking about?"

@SubwayZero @ExoHunter
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ExoHunter said:
Criomson smerks and say "man you know i dont mind as long as i can help"
Slips slowly slides down the wall, propping his leg up in an angled position and fixing his shoes a little before taking another quickly go at his cigarette. "Johnny seems to be able to pop up outta know where, or somethin' like that. Happened a few times at the food hall, that or hit one too many cigs last night." Slips wipes down his shirt, despite there being nothing on it "And he's gonna show us a wolf, so you arrived just in time for the show." The jesting tone is evident all over slips words, giving a casual smile from his slightly stained yellow teeth.
SubwayZero said:
Slips slowly slides down the wall, propping his leg up in an angled position and fixing his shoes a little before taking another quickly go at his cigarette. "Johnny seems to be able to pop up outta know where, or somethin' like that. Happened a few times at the food hall, that or hit one too many cigs last night." Slips wipes down his shirt, despite there being nothing on it "And he's gonna show us a wolf, so you arrived just in time for the show." The jesting tone is evident all over slips words, giving a casual smile from his slightly stained yellow teeth.
crimson sits ip a bit more slightly more interested. " He can telepourt then cool and a wolf you say i ddint know you can have pets?" crimson looking confused
Slips looks over the new arrival lightly, passing an unlit cigarette in her direction. "So you came after all? Also you ain't missed nothin' much. Johnny said he's gotta wolf and he was gonna show us." Slips gains a small smile as leans his against the white wall again; letting a casual huff of smoke leave his throat and appearing partially silent for now.
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SubwayZero said:
Slips looks over the new arrival lightly, passing an unlit cigarette in her direction. "So you came after all? Also you ain't missed nothin' much. Johnny said he's gotta wolf and he was gonna show us." Slips gains a small smile as leans his against the white wall again; letting a casual huff os smoke leave his throat and appearing partially silent for now.
"Ooohh. Wolves. Fun." Daggora smiled and turned to the guy who supposedly had a wolf. "So where is this wolf?"
Johnny then arrives and puts damion down as he starts to growl a little suddenly starting to change johnny then pats his head and says " sorry Damion not nice around people and a bit of a shapeshifter".
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