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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Slip slowly arises from the floor, and holding the blue bed cover over him like a robe with a hood; his hands poking out from the middle holding his phone. A few drawn out yawns escape from his mouth before dropping the covers and slowly arising to his feet with nothing but his boxers and last nights socks still on him. As he looks down to the phone, the rather revealing picture of a woman as the screensaver the time clearly shows he is more than likely late for class. "Late on the first day... school begins too early." Eventually he begins to get ready, about an hour and a half later of sluggishly lopping round the room and picking out a short sleeved black shirt with random white circles and squares patterned across the whole thing, along with a very dim shade of red three quarter length trousers with a few button pockets along the sides. His hazel eyes scans over the small sheet of information left to his dorm to inform him of classes for today. "Let's see... class... A? First time my name ever got anything to with an A." His train of thought is abruptly interrupted by the clear rumbling of his stomach "Hm, seems my stomach has other plans than class right now." After a few stretches, spreading his arms out wide and rolling his ankles, he ventures out to the hall way towards the food hall without even picking up a pair of shoes. "The stretches are unreal.."
Devial squawked indignantly at being hung up. "Stupid Marcus, with his stupid attitude. Hope he goes to-" He stopped abruptly, remembering the two students in front of him. "Right, sorry bout that." He clapped. Well it looks like noone else is going to come to class today, so the two of you are dismissed!"

@xRobotical Loverx @SubwayZero @The Elusive Shadow
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Damon decided that was the opportune moment to just block out everything. He felt the world around him quiet down until every sound was muted and he was in his own little bubble of silence. Giving a sigh of relief, he laid back in his chair, closing his eyes and hoping that he'd remain undisturbed. He then felt the vague vibrations of people moving about, which prompted him to wink open an eye. With a shrug, he assumed class was dismissed and walked out.
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"Why spar, that limits me to not being able to kill you." He said emotionless, "And what's a "naruto" I have not heard of that before." He was slightly intrigued by what a naruto is. His ears raised and his tail curled. With the sound of class being dismissed he opened his eyes and started to walk out of the class room.

@Kj carswell
@Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence
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With a soft push, Slips opens the cafeteria doors and walks slowly in his socks towards the selection of food that his stomach craved for so much. Attempting to pat down his bed head away with his hands, Slips scans the tables with a tired expression, and a dreary set of eyes. "I think I'll just grab something and head on to the class." Slips words almost sound like mumbles, all while grabbing multiple pieces of bread and slamming a load of butter, bacon and ketchup between them all recklessly until it looks like an udder mess.
Headmaster on Intercom: All Classes dismissed, enjoy your free time kids! Just don't kill anyone. No matter how much you want to.
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Johnny groans slightly as his stomach growls as He slowly grab a slice of pizza and a bottle of soda he then scans the tables and sees a deserted table and teleports there. He then sits and bite into his pizza as he stomach grumbles in appreciation.
Damon silently crept along the outskirts of the cafeteria, in an area he figured that nobody was really paying attention to. He leaned against a wall, his confidence dashing away any sort of sketchiness that would come to a thief hanging out in a dark corner. His eyes flitted across plates of food and wondering which person was clueless enough to have a thing or two taken from them.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny groans slightly as his stomach growls as He slowly grab a slice of pizza and a bottle of soda he then scans the tables and sees a deserted table and teleports there. He then sits and bite into his pizza as he stomach grumbles in appreciation.

"All classes dismissed?" Slips releases a short chuckle, and placing his tired arms at either side almost triumphantly, the bacon sandwich have shoved into his mouth. With a very stuffed mouth, Slips says out loud to himself "Besh newsh Av eard sinsh getting ere." ((Best news I've heard since getting here!)) Slips looks to his side, attempting to tap the shoulder of the pupil that suddenly snagged some pizza before he disappeared. Left somewhat confused by what happened, he half eats the sandwich and blinks a few times to the now empty space before sluggishly proceeding to the doors.
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Johnny noticed the guy who tried to tap him and finishes his pizza and grab his stuff and teleports to his side and walks with him. " hey you new here? asks Johnthan
Damon made his way out of the lunchroom, cheeks stuffed with whatever he could find and his deep pockets holding a bottle of soda or two. He managed to chew around the huge amount of food in his mouth, swallowing harshly and giving a deep sigh as if it were some huge effort. With a grin, he strolled down the hallway, more than glad that he finally had his fix of sugar.
Ent left the class room, he wondered what to do. He wasn't hungry so he decided to go find a library. Maybe I can find some history on this world, figure out how technology is evolving. He thought to himself, he left the current building and made his way to the school layout map.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny noticed the guy who tried to tap him and finishes his pizza and grab his stuff and teleports to his side and walks with him. " hey you new here? asks Johnthan

As Slips is about to reopen the cafeteria door, his hand and fingers stretched out and ready to meet the handle for a quick pull, the voice quickly catches his attention, but still slowly turns his hazel eyes round to hopefully meet his. With a half eaten sandwich in his loosely hanging left hand, he slowly nods, giving a gulp as he swallows his food "Yea, arrived yesterday with the big guy. Not a half bad first day though, classes cancelled." Slips quickly raises his right hand to his mouth, only to soon realize nothing was in it, and a soft sigh of disappointment. "If you see him, let him know Slips needs to borrow him for a sec, would ya?"
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]"Sure thing" says Johnny teleports to his room

Once again, Slips stares blankly at where the figure was once standing and raising an eyebrow; evening poking the air with his right hand to make sure nothing was there. After taking an idle bite of his sandwich, leaving nothing but the crusts now, he drops back to a sluggish dragging with a faint yawn. "I Gotta figure out what the heck was in that stuff last night, think those cigs have a crazy after effect." After arriving to his dorm door, Slips reaches to place on a set of white, skinny, shoes but looks up to see the same guy from before. "Big guy ain't in at the moment, probably out doing fitness crazy.. stuff." After a quick moment of tumbling onto his ass and slipping the shoes on, Slips gains a short grin from his next words "Well, you ain't tried to kill me yet so that's a good sign. Half the people I've met seem to be these dark mysterious types."
Johnny laughs slightly " I know i came to see you and plus you seem cool and i just thought you like to hang out" says Johnathan as his falls tt he ground with a soft thump
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[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny laughs slightly " I know i came to see you seem cool and i just thought you like to hang out" says Johnathan as his falls tot he ground with a soft thump

Slips slowly pulls out a cigarette from one of his pockets, holding it between the middle two fingers of his right hands. He pulls out a second one, preparing to throw it over to the visitor to his room. "You smoke? Also I haven't caught your name yet." Slips places the unlit cigarette in his mouth and leans his head back against the wall with a faint grin.
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Crison has just returned from his jog, dripping in sweat he desides he need to have a shower so he heads back to the dorm and see's slip and says "whats up man?"
Damon leaned on a wall in the middle of the hall, sipping his stolen soda with a devious smirk. He could never get over that high he got when finally using something he took, though to other people he just looked like a grinning idiot.

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