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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

GingerBread said:
"Everything would've been better if i did let him kill me.... No one else would've got hurt" Aedus replied to Daggora, before turning to look at Damen "That's not bravery, that's still fear. I'm too scared to kill myself" Aedus replied before burying his head in the pillow again.
@Daggora Keket @Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sighed, he just wouldn't get it "...*sigh*... I was injured from what I did to myself, not because I was doing it for your sake" explained Damen. Night Wing looked at Aedus as well and turned to try and see his face "And I was hurt a bit because I wanted to help you…we all knew the risks, yet we helped anyways. Not because of what you did but because we wanted to help" explained Night Wing, she smiled a bit at him before turning into a crow and hopping over to Aedus's head, nestling up to his warm side.
outside of the academy a young man walked up and looked to it "the infamous raven wing academy" he mutters to himself and smirks as he enters the building
Ent entered the infirmary, he looked around and saw all the people he hated. He sighed with anger and as he approached he over heard Aedus. he felt like he should help, but know he wasn't good so he put his own touch on it. "Yes, you should die. You are a coward. And you are not brave. You are everything I hate." Ent said in frustration. "But I already told you. Only I am allowed to kill you, and no one else. And if you do I will climb from heaven to hell to find you so I can bring you out so I can kill you. I am your protector. I will stop anyone that try's to bring you harm. I will stop them, that includes my self." Ent sighed in frustration. He turned to the girl he hit before that turns to a crow "I-I-I'm sorry for what I did, that lead us down this path." Ent then turned to Aedus "I know this wont do much, and you have no reason to accept this. But I apologise for what I did. It was selfish." Ent sighed again. He placed his hands in his pockets and started to walk away.

@GingerBread @Daggora Keket @Veyd Sahvoz @Embaga Elder @anyone else
Dnaleri017 said:
Kyo glanced over at Nami, "What's up?" Kyo kept walking forward not changing his rather slow pace and took a right a few streets up...
'How is your relationship with your family?' She asked him, not looking at hik because she was embarrassed of her weird question.
metalcity said:
Ent entered the infirmary, he looked around and saw all the people he hated. He sighed with anger and as he approached he over heard Aedus. he felt like he should help, but know he wasn't good so he put his own touch on it. "Yes, you should die. You are a coward. And you are not brave. You are everything I hate." Ent said in frustration. "But I already told you. Only I am allowed to kill you, and no one else. And if you do I will climb from heaven to hell to find you so I can bring you out so I can kill you. I am your protector. I will stop anyone that try's to bring you harm. I will stop them, that includes my self." Ent sighed in frustration. He turned to the girl he hit before that turns to a crow "I-I-I'm sorry for what I did, that lead us down this path." Ent then turned to Aedus "I know this wont do much, and you have no reason to accept this. But I apologise for what I did. It was selfish." Ent sighed again. He placed his hands in his pockets and started to walk away.
@GingerBread @Daggora Keket @Veyd Sahvoz @Embaga Elder @anyone else
Aedus tensed up as he heard Ent talking, upon hearing what Ent said Aedus got even sadder "So why don't you kill me then?" Aedus asked quietly but loud enough for Ent to hear him as tears started dripping down his face once again
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GingerBread said:
Aedus tensed up as he heard Ent talking, upon hearing what Ent said Aedus got even sadder "So why don't you kill me then?" Aedus asked quietly but loud enough for Ent to hear him as tears started dripping down his face once again
"Because now is not the time, but if you want me to kill you I will." Ent said emotionless as he made a sword out of dark air, he turned around and started to walk closer to him.
It was Maria's first day on raven wing. According to her dorm assignment, she was sharing her room, with had the number 133, with "Heather Woolard". She did not know who that was, but she did not really care. She would hopefully find out soon, if this girl was a nice person or not. If so, that would be great. If not, she would not really care after all. She was pretty good at dealing with people she did not like, or she at least thought so. She started to search for her room and after some time, she found it. She entered it and looked around.


(Not sure if you are in that room or about to enter it or not, if not, just pm me or something so I know I can go on.)
the young man from the outside walks through the halls completely confused but due to his heightened hearing, he follows the voices of Ent and stops by the door so nobody can see him and just listens
Johnny ears perks up and turns towards Aedus and growls. He get up and walk towards Ent claws coming out. " Touch him and you dies " growls Johnny getting in front of Ent way.
Damen created a sword out of pure darkness but before he could point it at Ent to stop him Night Wing jumped up, turning human once again, she stood between Aedus and Ent "Please. . . .no more killing and fighting. . . . . ." she said with a gentle voice, her arms spread out to stop Ent.
Nobody was inside the dorm, so she just looked around and organized her stuff. After putting everything to its place, she left the room and walked around the place.
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"It's my choice guys and You know what Ent if you really want to kill me go ahead" Aedus said as he sat up and faced Ent, tears streaming down his face "But i want to tell you one thing before you do" Aedus took a deep breath causing pain to ripple through his chest "I like you as more than a friend" Aedus admitted, as he stared at Ent.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence @metalcity
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Damen leaned on the wall and looked away, he looked to Aedus and Ent and turned away not seeming to care that much.
Ent looked at the two "It is his life, if he insists this much. Why do you get to chose if he wants to live or not." Ent said emotionless to the two. Then when Ent took a step forward he was confused by what Aedus said "What? Is that like what you humans call 'best friends'? What does that have to do with your death?"

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence

Domxx said:
'How is your relationship with your family?' She asked him, not looking at hik because she was embarrassed of her weird question.
Kyo kept walking forward and looked over at Nami. "Well, ever since I left at the age of 15... nonexistent. They were scared that I was gonna hurt myself and then one day I woke up and had no clue where I was. I don't know if they took me somewhere and left me or if my portals just transported me. I've always felt... 'out of place' anyway so in a sense I've never actually had a family." Kyo's hand clenched and he stopped looking at the ground for a moment, "If I had to consider anyone family it'd be Nari... he's the only person I've known since I woke up somewhere else." After a brief moment Kyo looked up again and started walking again, "What about yours?"
GingerBread said:
"It's my choice guys and You know what Ent if you really want to kill me go ahead" Aedus said as he sat up and faced Ent, tears streaming down his face "But i want to tell you one thing before you do" Aedus took a deep breath causing pain to ripple through his chest "I like you as more than a friend" Aedus admitted, as he stared at Ent.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence @metalcity
(This is getting to weird for me) Crimson got up from his seat and walked over towards Aedus he grabbed his wrist and started absorbing some of the pain he's feeling. Get well soon Aedus. I'll see y'all around. Johnny back off let them be them. Remember you can't get angered or else. He leaves the room, put stops. He begins sniffing the air catching an unknown scent. He follows the scent walking at a slow place with his hands in his pocket. @Daggora Keket @Johnathan Laurence @Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity @GingerBread @DarkmatterTENSHO
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metalcity said:
Ent looked at the two "It is his life, if he insists this much. Why do you get to chose if he wants to live or not." Ent said emotionless to the two. Then when Ent took a step forward he was confused by what Aedus said "What? Is that like what you humans call 'best friends'? What does that have to do with your death?"
@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence
"N-no, have you heard the term 'boyfriend' before? that's the way i like you" Aedus explained, a slight blush appearing on his face "And i wanted to tell you that before i died"
@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz

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