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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Crimson laughed when DG yelped and jumped off the dryer. That's hilarious I'll make sure I stop you if you every decide to sit on a dryer again. By the way my day here was been interesting. He tells DG about Ent and Aedus, then sits back down in his chair. @Daggora Keket

okay night. I'll wait for you to post again.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]The moment Vallen arrived Damen could sense a dark presence, he quickly darted out of bed in his pj's still as he opened up his dorm door quickly and rushed into the hallway. Still night. No one was there. Since no one was around he closed his eyes and opened them as his red eye glowed a dark redish black. He looked around trying to see if anything was around, analyzing everything. He sensed someone approach the academy, he darted off as he became a shadow and zipped down the halls.

Vallen walks through the campus grounds humming as his chest of walks across the campus with a subtle screech of bending metal. He spots a rose laying on the ground, trampled. he picks it up and sniffs it, and as he does the rose rejuvenates into a deep red similar to the color of blood. he drops it to the ground and as it touches the cement of the walkway it turns to ash. He withdraws a slip of paper from his jacket pocket and looks over his dorm and class assignments. He stood there looking over the slip letting the cool wind blow around him.
StarKeeper said:
Vallen walks through the campus grounds humming as his chest of walks across the campus with a subtle screech of bending metal. He spots a rose laying on the ground, trampled. he picks it up and sniffs it, and as he does the rose rejuvenates into a deep red similar to the color of blood. he drops it to the ground and as it touches the cement of the walkway it turns to ash. He withdraws a slip of paper from his jacket pocket and looks over his dorm and class assignments. He stood there looking over the slip letting the cool wind blow around him.
Damen turned down yet another set of hallways trying to find out was this huge dark sense was coming from. It felt deathly like almost as if it was a cold yet dark being somewhere in the academy. When he could feel he was getting closer and closer to it he looked out a window noticing a man as he shrouded himself in dakness as he went to the shaded wall. He knew that guy he saw must be the source of whatever the hell he sensed, the sense he got made him feel as though he was being stabbed in the chest repeatedly Wha---what the hell, he thought as the sudden feeling faded away. He sent 2 darkness beasts out side to see who this man was. The pure darkness beasts growled at Vallen as they surrounded him.
darkness beasts[/URL] out side to see who this man was. The pure darkness beasts growled at Vallen as they surrounded him.
"well the welcome committee has arrived" Vallen utters as he withdraws a cigarette from a pack in his jacket pocket and lights it with a red flame spell. He flicks his wrist and the earth around him scorches into a perfect circle. Vallen cracks his knuckles and then rub his hands together "Let's introduce a little chaos into the equation shall we?". He lashes out sending a wave of red fiery energy out and around him towards the dogs that erupts outward into barbed tendrils.
Choscha walked into the library and sat down at a table. She pulled her book out of her bag and started writing.

StarKeeper said:
"well the welcome committee has arrived" Vallen utters as he withdraws a cigarette from a pack in his jacket pocket and lights it with a red flame spell. He flicks his wrist and the earth around him scorches into a perfect circle. Vallen cracks his knuckles and then rub his hands together "Let's introduce a little chaos into the equation shall we?". He lashes out sending a wave of red fiery energy out and around him towards the dogs that erupts outward into barbed tendrils.
The darkness beasts are dispersed and as they were destroyed they contained Vallen in darkness, despite it already being late at night. Vallen was trapped momentarily by pure darkness, Damen appeared from around a corner ". . . .so. . . I take it your the one I've been sensing?" asked Damen in his normal calm tone.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]The darkness beasts are dispersed and as they were destroyed they contained Vallen in darkness, despite it already being late at night. Vallen was trapped momentarily by pure darkness, Damen appeared from around a corner ". . . .so. . . I take it your the one I've been sensing?" asked Damen in his normal calm tone.

Vallen bites into the darkness and rips a chunk out and swallows the darkness and a circle of dark flame erupts around him. He steps forward freed and looks to the man in front of him "You know sicking the dogs on someone before you've even met them is rude".
StarKeeper said:
Vallen bites into the darkness and rips a chunk out and swallows the darkness and a circle of dark flame erupts around him. He steps forward freed and looks to the man in front of him "You know sicking the dogs on someone before you've even met them is rude".
"Sorry they tend to have a mind of there own sometimes. . . .. .mind telling me who you are exactly?" said Damen leaning against a wall as he kept a ball of black fire ignited in his palm behind his back. He remained chill not seeming to care much.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Sorry they tend to have a mind of there own sometimes. . . .. .mind telling me who you are exactly?" said Damen leaning against a wall as he kept a ball of black fire ignited in his palm behind his back. He remained chill not seeming to care much.

"A simple student looking to expand his horizons and make lots of friends" Vallen says smiling viciously "What's it to you?" (I'm out for the night. Good night)
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StarKeeper said:
"A simple student looking to expand his horizons and make lots of friends" Vallen says smiling viciously "What's it to you?" (I'm out for the night. Good night)
Damen glared at Vallen revealing his red eye and his black eye even though it was late at night and he was still in his pajama's "Nothing really……just got an edgy feeling and decided to chill outside" said Damen slightly trying imitate what Vallen was trying to do. 3 more darkness beasts appeared in front of Damen growling at Vallen but Damen dispelled them as he continued to glare at Vallen.

(Aight, I'ma go as well. I'll be a bit late on posting tomorrow, with high school and all so see ya for now)
Dnaleri017 said:
(No worries) Kyo chuckled, "If you insist, though I must admit out of anyone who's tripped through my portals you recovered the quickest, so congratulations on being the quickest to learn." Kyo smiled and looked at the café and sighed, "Well, time for some coffee."
Nami gave him a small smile to acknowledge what he had said. She nodded at him and waited for him to start walking so that she could follow close behind.

Domxx said:
Nami gave him a small smile to acknowledge what he had said. She nodded at him and waited for him to start walking so that she could follow close behind.
Walking forward Kyo opened the door and walked inside holding the door open for Nami. Yelling over to the employees it was obvious he knew them, "Hey guys, make me the usual, I got a special guest with me too so whatever she gets, put it on my tab." Kyo smiled and looked over at Nami, "My treat to the both of us."
Dnaleri017 said:
Walking forward Kyo opened the door and walked inside holding the door open for Nami. Yelling over to the employees it was obvious he knew them, "Hey guys, make me the usual, I got a special guest with me too so whatever she gets, put it on my tab." Kyo smiled and looked over at Nami, "My treat to the both of us."
Nami walked through the door, thanking him. "A-are you sure?" She asked, looking up at him.

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GingerBread said:
Aedus was shocked when he heard Ent speak When did he get here? Aedus thought trying to recall what had happened before he went sleep I remember laying my head on his chest.... No why would i do that? i did didn't i. I should apologize Aedus thought, looking over at Ent's sleeping form He's kinda cute when he's asleep... wait what? i can't have those thoughts after cuddling up to him.... I don't like him do i? Aedus thought. Shaking the thoughts from his head he reached over to shake Ent awake but ended up scratching behind his cat ears, a smile on his face as he did so
Ent started to pur as Aedus scratched behind his ear, his eyes started to open and his peaceful smile started to leave his face. He looked up at Aedus slightly confused and embarrassed by what happened. He turned to look away as he hid his tail.
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Domxx said:
Nami walked through the door, thanking him. "A-are you sure?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Of course, this is the only café you'll ever visit that doesn't hate those of us with powers." Kyo chuckled, "Besides, you deserve it after the portal trip."
Dnaleri017 said:
"Of course, this is the only café you'll ever visit that doesn't hate those of us with powers." Kyo chuckled, "Besides, you deserve it after the portal trip."
Nami blinked up at him, "Really?" She exclaimed, her expression saddening. Before she came to the school she didn't really get outside much so had no real experience of the outside world. Nami's brow furrowed in thought.

Domxx said:
Nami blinked up at him, "Really?" She exclaimed, her expression saddening. Before she came to the school she didn't really get outside much so had no real experience of the outside world. Nami's brow furrowed in thought.
Kyo chuckled, "Yea, anyway, whatever you want just let them know and they'll make it for you, I'll be over here while you choose." Kyo walked over to a couch and two chairs and sat on the couch watching outside as people walked by. "Once you choose we can chat for a bit, it'll take a while before our stuff is ready."
metalcity said:
Ent started to pur as Aedus scratched behind his ear, his eyes started to open and his peaceful smile started to leave his face. He looked up at Aedus slightly confused and embarrassed by what happened. He turned to look away as he hid his tail.
Aedus smiled as Ent started to purr, not really aware of what he was doing. Once Ent had turned away Aedus blushed, embarrassed at what he did "H-hey Ent, you awake" Aedus asked nervously "S-sorry about that and sorry about before" Aedus smiled sheepishly

GingerBread said:
Aedus smiled as Ent started to purr, not really aware of what he was doing. Once Ent had turned away Aedus blushed, embarrassed at what he did "H-hey Ent, you awake" Aedus asked nervously "S-sorry about that and sorry about before" Aedus smiled sheepishly
Ent continued to blush as he stood up out of the bed, he turned around and looked down on Aedus acting like he wasn't confused and embarrassed. "How do you feel now?" Ent asked as his tail curled up and his ears twitched.
metalcity said:
Ent continued to blush as he stood up out of the bed, he turned around and looked down on Aedus acting like he wasn't confused and embarrassed. "How do you feel now?" Ent asked as his tail curled up and his ears twitched.
"I feel better now thanks..... for staying with me" Aedus blushed, only looking up to give a small smile
GingerBread said:
"I feel better now thanks..... for staying with me" Aedus blushed, only looking up to give a small smile

Good. Do you want anything to eat?" Ent asked as his stomach started to rumble. He continue to look down at Aedus.
"N-no i'm fine" Aedus lied, smiling. His smile faded as his stomach grumbled, Blushing at the loud sound his stomach made, doing his best to ignore that it had happened.

As Ent walked away Aedus let out a sad whimper and tried to get out of the bed to go after him, but was reminded why that was a bad idea as pain shot through his body, causing him to let out another quiet pained cry Ent come back.... please Aedus thought, scared to say it out loud


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