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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Shafer squirmed in delight once the door was opened, smiling up at Duke with that annoyingly hopeful, bright smile. How dare he. What a brat. "Hi." He breathed, long eyelashes fluttering prettily as he moved a bit closer to the ice princess. His happy expression suddenly dropped. "They put my brother in a separate room. And he has a girl in there so he told me to go somewhere else, I don't know why. And I hate being alone. You should let me hang out with you, you won't even know I'm there, I promise." He smiled once more, head tilting as he toyed with the ends of his hair.
Night Wing flew into the academy feeling the rush of air, but she was still tired. Damen headed to their dorm, he wasn't really tired but he had to get rest eventually. Night Wing transformed into her human self once more as she walked along side Damen, not seeming tired any more.
Duke slowly lifted his hand, barely listening to Shafer drone on. The ice princess abruptly pressed his hand to the kid's face, holding it there for a moment. "Ok yeah. Cool. But." He let loose his power, watching Shafer's face frost over, a creeping cold threatening to encase him in ice. "I said I'd literally murder you. So leave me alone or just. Die. I got enough money to get away with this shit."
@Daggora Keket[/URL]
Daggora put her forehead on her knees, hiding her face as tears streamed down her cheeks. "It- it was an accident, and I r-really don't feel like t-talking about it ok." She clenched her jaw together to stop a whimper from coming out as she was hit with the onslaught of the memories. They were so strong that she could even feel the heat from the flames and smell the smoke.
Shafer shuddered at the feel but didn't move at all in any direction, still smiling like an idiot. He waited for a few more moments, letting Duke's words hang in the air before he finally just lifted a hand and batted at the man's wrist. He gave a loud exhale, other hand coming up to wipe at the frost covering him as he slid past Duke and into the room like some sort of cat. He hummed in thought before he abruptly dove behind a couch, staring at the icy man from where he was. "What if I told you that Reylin the fucking Phoenix absolutely adores me. If you killed me, your money wouldn't do jack shit, sir."
"Well I assure you he's probably more well-acquainted with my father than you think." Duke sneered, closing the door behind him and not bothering to get rid of the pest that was now in his room. "Ok but really, why are you tormenting me? What do you want?" He asked as he got back on his chair, admiring the light blue fabric. "No idiot has bothered me as much as this before."
Crimson got up and hugged Daggora as she cried thinking about her past. Its okay. As he hugged her he used his breed's werewolf powers to absorb the emotional pain she's feeling taking it away calming her down. Crimson felt every ounce of pain she just felt, it brought back the feelings he had when he lost his pack. He had a depressed face expression but still a tear did not fall from his face. Crimson's body was very warm on Daggora. By the way my name is Crimson Redd, or you can call me just Red. he said as he still held her. @Daggora Keket
"Ha. Ha. You make it sound like--" Shafer's eyes widened as he put the two last names together, a sudden mewl of despair leaving him as he slumped against the couch. There goes his little power play move. "You're Aldrich Valencia's son of course you're Aldrich Valencia's son." He continued to make various whimpering noises as he hopped over the back of the couch and curled up where one was supposed to curl up. He only perked up when the reasoning behind his logic was mentioned. "I like your face." He explained breezily.
Daggora's memories slowly faded, and she became aware of the guys arms around her as he told her his name. The warmth from his body was soothing, much different from the scalding memory of the flames. She slowly relaxed, and stopped crying. Without moving she gave Crimson her name. "Daggora. My name is Daggora." She whispered, before letting out a broken chuckle. "Sorry bout falling apart like that."

@Kj carswell
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"Of course you like my face, everyone likes my face." Duke dramatically huffed, tossing his head in his display of arrogance. "But what can you offer me other than information I already know? Are you going to worship me? Tend to my every whim? If not, then I don't really see any use in keeping you around for much longer." His lips quirked into a rare smile, although it was snide and malicious. There were no good intentions coming out of this guy.
Shafer raised himself onto his hands and knees, easing himself off the couch as he crawled towards Duke, shoulders rolling back gracefully as he sat back on his heels before the ice princess. He trailed his fingertips up the man's leg leisurely, tracing little circles into fabric just above his knee as he stared up at him. "I'll tend to every whim that involves me being around you." He promised gently, chin now resting on Duke's other knee.
Crimson smiled as she told him her name. Daggora, huh. Well Daggora I want you to know that it's okay for you to brake down every now and then. It's normal for you kind. Hinting he isn't human. I'm guessing many people call you Dag, is it okay if I call you umm DG?? He asked politely @Daggora Keket
Duke combed his fingers through Shafer's hair, eyes narrowed as he tilted his head back. He raised a brow as he examined his face, his cocky smile still in place. "Well, I suppose I can keep you around if you know you're place. Remember you're nothing while I'm beauty and grace. And when I ask for it plebeian, give me some space. And if you don't quite follow through with that command, I'll make sure you vanish without a trace."
Daggora huffed out another broken laugh. "Yeah. Sure. DG is fine." She sniffed. "But what do you mean 'normal for your kind'?" She raised her head to look at him, forehead wrinkled in confusion.

@Kj carswell
Damen and Night Wing finally made it to their dorm room, Night Wing opened the door and as the door swung open she felt a rush of cold air "Man it's freezing in here" she said to herself as she took off her jacket and her top letting her top slip off of her upper body. Damen sighed as he walked in "You just have to change in front of me don't you?" he said chuckling a bit. "Yup. . . is there a problem? It's totally not like we haven't been in the same room before or anything" said Night Wing sarcasstically. Damen took off his jacket and went to brush his teeth in the bathroom. When he closed the door Night Wing took off her blue jeans and put on her pj pants tieing them up around her waist. She wore her bra and pj pants, not her everyday out fit when she went to bed but she didn't feel the need to wear a shirt. She tranformed into a crow when she heard Damen coming out of the bathroom in his pj pants and wearing a white and red shirt. He sat on the edge of his bed, taking off the blankets as he was going to go under them and fall asleep but right then Night Wing came out of no where when she transformed into her human self again. She looked at Damen walking over to his bed "Mind if I sleep next to you to night?" she asked, sitting on the side of his bed. Damen sighed "Well if say no that's not going to do anything so I don't really care if you do or not" explained Damen pulling the covers over him and stared up at the ceiling. Night Wing slipped under the covers next to him, turning her bluish green eyes to his red eye "You've seemed a bit. . . .worried and off lately. Is something the matter?" she asked.
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Oh simple. My parents are from Planet Silver, a planet in another galaxy. They came him to find peace, where they found it in the Crimson Moon wolf pack. I was born into that pack predestined to be there Alpha. But since they were werewolves of Earth they were easily wiped out by the hunters, including my parents. My planet have many breeds of werewolves. The breed I come from are known as SilverManes. We are called that because our bones are completely silver metal, not our manes. The werewolves on earth are easily subdued by silver. I laughed every time hunters tried to kill or torture me with silver. That s@*t don't work. He said as he chuckled. Crimson stopped himself from continuing because he just meet the girl and is already giving her his life story. So he changes the subject. Oh and DG don't let anyone still my nickname for you. I'll come up with a better one soon. @Daggora Keket
Daggora listened with interest at Crimson's story, fascinated. She smiled when he mentioned the nickname thing, changing the subject in a not-so-subtle way. It was a very small smile, but it was there nonetheless. "Don't worry I won't." She paused. "But only if I get to call you Crim." She said, deciding that he had his reasons for changing the subject, and not wanting to pry and possibly lose her new friend.

@Kj carswell
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Majarkhon said:
Duke combed his fingers through Shafer's hair, eyes narrowed as he tilted his head back. He raised a brow as he examined his face, his cocky smile still in place. "Well, I suppose I can keep you around if you know your place. Remember you're nothing while I'm beauty and grace. And when I ask for it plebeian, give me some space. And if you don't quite follow through with that command, I'll make sure you vanish without a trace."
Shafer was almost purring at this point, leaning up into Duke's hand as he nodded, not even comprehending the harsh words, just hearing what he wanted to hear. He shifted closer, placing himself between the taller man's legs as he tilted his head and pressed his lips to the man's thigh. He smiled softly and dragged his nails along the sensitive area. "I know my place, sir, I'm right where I belong."
"Yeah? Well get out from between my legs." Duke snarled, pulling Shafer away by his hair. "Learn a bit about personal space, lowlife." He huffed, dragging the kid up and onto his lap, just petting the strands of long black hair. In all honesty, he was pretending Shafer was just some luxurious Persian cat. "Fucking hell I forget how warm people are." The ice princess felt an almost burning sensation when he merely ghosted over Shafer's skin, though got used to it soon enough.
Crimson laughed when she came up with a nickname for him. Sure only you can call me that. He realized that he was still hugging her so he slowly let her go. He was about to head to his chair when he heard the washing machine stopped. He went and grabbed the clothes taking them out the washing machine and putting them in the dryer DG was sitting on. He put the quaters in the machine starting it up. DG felt the machine shaking. @Daggora Keket
Shafer gave a surprised moan when his hair was tugged on, eyelashes fluttering rapidly as a small blush appeared on his features. He obediently followed wherever Duke's grip lead him, ending up straddling the man and squirming in an attempt to get comfortable. He made himself smaller, pressing his lips to Duke's frigid neck. He hummed gently at the feel, hands tentatively locking behind Duke's neck. "Where's your roommate...?"
A dark black car pulls up in front of the school and Vallen steps out. He sniffs the air and smiles; so many wonderful things to sample. so many experiments to conduct. He snaps his fingers and a his trunk exits the car and the metal frame bends into legs that begin moving onto the campus. Vallen walks after it humming softly, and as he enters campus he looks for his dormitory.
Daggora took advantage of Crim's turned back to wipe off the dried tears on her cheeks. She watched as he started the dryer, the yelped in surprise as it started to shake underneath her and jumped off. "Remind me to never sit on dryer again when it turns on." She muttered. "Very uncomfortable." She moved to sit on the washing machine instead. "So how's you time here at this school been so far?"

@Kj carswell
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StarKeeper said:
A dark black car pulls up in front of the school and Vallen steps out. He sniffs the air and smiles; so many wonderful things to sample. so many experiments to conduct. He snaps his fingers and a his trunk exits the car and the metal frame bends into legs that begin moving onto the campus. Vallen walks after it humming softly, and as he enters campus he looks for his dormitory.
The moment Vallen arrived Damen could sense a dark presence, he quickly darted out of bed in his pj's still as he opened up his dorm door quickly and rushed into the hallway. Still night. No one was there. Since no one was around he closed his eyes and opened them as his red eye glowed a dark redish black. He looked around trying to see if anything was around, analyzing everything. He sensed someone approach the academy, he darted off as he became a shadow and zipped down the halls. Night Wing got up to go see where Damen had run off too but when she looked out of the dorm and into the hallway he had already left. She realized that she was currently wearing her bra, her cheeks turned red when she rushed back into the dorm room closing the door behind her.

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