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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora decided to leave the Smaller Library, and was just wandering halls with nothing to do, when she saw someone walking down the hallway in his underwear. She laughed softly, and sped up her pace to walk beside him."So do you like walking around almost naked, or is this a one time thing that I should consider myself lucky to see?"
@Kj carswell

Crimson was walking alone down the hallway until he heard a female's footsteps walking quickly towards him. He looked down at her since he's about 6'2 and saw Dag who he didn't know. She asked about him in his underwear. I was actually too lazy to put on some more clothes. They walked together on the way to the laundry room, sooner or later she notices his tattoo, and how muscle medium built he is.
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[QUOTE="Kj carswell]
Crimson was walking alone down the hallway until he heard a female's footsteps walking quickly towards him. He looked down at her since he's about 6'2 and saw Dag who he didn't know. She asked about him in his underwear. I was actually too lazy to put on some more clothes. They walked together on the way to the laundry room, sooner or later she notices his tattoo.

Daggora laughs at his answer, and walks with him to the laundry room, stopping in the door way. "So what's with the tattoo?" She asks curiously, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the doorway.
There was a loud commotion from the entrance to the cafeteria, a certain pair of brothers incessantly bickering as they crashed into the room. Shafer was currently clinging to Sasha's back, now whispering something into his ear that was making the eldest cringe. They were just about to sit down when Shafer spotted Duke. "Sasha. I want him." "C'mon, I had to do some convincing to get us this spot, you're the one always going on about bloody status, fucking annoying--" "He's so. Pretty." "Oh my gods."

Sasha inevitably gave in and kept his head down as he strolled towards Duke's table. He dropped Shafer onto the chair beside Duke and took one across from him.

Shafer continued to examine Duke, leaning in closer than necessary. "Hello." He sounded a bit breathless.
As Dag stopped at the door Crimson went in putting his clothes in the washing machine after he bought detergent. He then started up the machine when he finished Paying for the wash with quarters. He then sat in a chair across from the doorway. This tattoo is a mark that signifies my long for dead pack. @Daggora Keket

Brb gotta shower.
The moment Duke heard words that weren't his own hit his ears, alarm bells went off in his head. But considering this guy, it was probably a bomb siren. Or a nuke. Yeah, a nuke. And just the deadpan of his own little head voice going, No. No god no. A pair of icy blue eyes slowly lifted to meet Shafer's, full of hatred and just a general sign of 'you kinda fucked up real bad, son'. "So. You just fucking stroll in here into this nearly empty lunchroom and decide it's perfectly ok to sit yourself in my vicinity you absolute plebeian?" His words were full of hate, spat out with venom. "Honestly though, you look incredibly daft and I don't have the energy for another tirade so I'll put this simply. In words you can understand. Fuck off. Like. Actually get yourself out of that seat and fuck off all the way to where I can't see you. Bye now."
Ent looked at the boy confused, not sure what to do. He had a rough day and was in pain so Ent decided to let the boy be comfortable, still note why he was being nice. He started to drift off to sleep but his last thought was thank goodness, I'm not alone. Ent fell asleep with a peaceful smile.

(That's cool.)

The guys answer startled her. "Oh." She looked down at the floor. A dead pack. A dead family. She couldn't stop the thought of Toram that hit her. Quickly shaking her head to get rid of the thought, she looked back up at the guy. "Sounds like you've had a tough life." She pushed off the door frame and walked over, pulling herself up onto one of the dryers beside the guys chair. "I can relate."

@Kj carswell
Alistor tapped his fingers impatiently on the counter as he sat down staring blankly at the Washing machine as his cloak continued to spin in the soapy water, leaving him 'exposed' in his opinion since he was sitting in a tight jet black shirt. "Hurry up dammit..I'm a necromancer not a cleaning lady." He mumbled angrily as he watched it with unblinking eyes.

Majarkhon said:
The moment Duke heard words that weren't his own hit his ears, alarm bells went off in his head. But considering this guy, it was probably a bomb siren. Or a nuke. Yeah, a nuke. And just the deadpan of his own little head voice going, No. No god no. A pair of icy blue eyes slowly lifted to meet Shafer's, full of hatred and just a general sign of 'you kinda fucked up real bad, son'. "So. You just fucking stroll in here into this nearly empty lunchroom and decide it's perfectly ok to sit yourself in my vicinity you absolute plebeian?" His words were full of hate, spat out with venom. "Honestly though, you look incredibly daft and I don't have the energy for another tirade so I'll put this simply. In words you can understand. Fuck off. Like. Actually get yourself out of that seat and fuck off all the way to where I can't see you. Bye now."
"Wow..." By the look in Shafer's eyes, he was too far gone to really be affected by any of it in anything less than a fantastic way. His lips parted as he gave a soft sigh, gaze narrowed in adoration as he wriggled a bit closer. His smile only grew with each scathing word Duke bestowed upon him. Until finally, with eyes gleaming, he lifted a hand and ghosted it over the ice princess' shoulder a few times, petting him.

"Oh my gods~" He purred, bouncing ever so slightly in his spot. "What's your name?"
Aedus's sleep suddenly became less peaceful as he began having a nightmare about how he'd been outed as a freak before he had come to RWA. Aedus began moving about restlessly as the nightmare got progressively worse before waking up and letting out a small cry of fear followed by a scream of pain as the sudden movement caused the pain in Aedus's chest to start up again.

"No. No. We don't do that." Duke cringed so hard he probably broke a rib, his shoulder feeling contaminated. He took Shafer's hand gently, an almost kindly gesture before he promptly froze it to the table. "I'm leaving." He announced, standing up and strutting out of the lunchroom with all the grace of a cat and the pompousness of a peacock. "Fucking irritable children." He growled under his breath, shaking his head.
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket](That's cool.)
The guys answer startled her. "Oh." She looked down at the floor. A dead pack. A dead family. She couldn't stop the thought of Toram that hit her. Quickly shaking her head to get rid of the thought, she looked back up at the guy. "Sounds like you've had a tough life." She pushed off the door frame and walked over, pulling herself up onto one of the dryers beside the guys chair. "I can relate."

@Kj carswell

After Crimson answer her question he saw reaction. Her head drifted down looking at the floor, as if she knows the feeling of having a great lost. She then bounced back as if she was trying to move on from the thought and she walked over to dryer next to the chair I'm in. Yeah my life was pretty rough, but don't take sympathy on me. The fact that they are dead and I am alive only means that they were weak and had a weak alpha. I will rebuild pack and make them stronger than my old one as I was born to do. He said with great confidence. Now enough about me, tell me about your lost.
Ent yawned and tried to roll over "no, it's not time to get up yet." Ent said peacefully as he rubbed his eye gently. His tail swayed back and fourth and threw its self over Ent, his ears twitched slightly before being motionless.

Shafer yelped in surprise, poking at the ice with his free hand gently, looking sufficiently crushed.

Sasha, on the other hand, was laughing his ass off in his chair, forehead almost touching the table as he curled in on himself. He eventually fell off the chair, on his knees and pretty much crying.

Shafer whined, loudly and high-pitched as he continued to wrestle with the table. "Not faaaair!" He finally managed to release himself, stumbling backwards and landing on his ass. As soon as that bout of panic was over with, his eyes stared at the door where Duke had been minutes before. He gave yet another adoring sigh. "His frigidness just makes him all the more smoldering."

"Y'know--" The elder brother was cut off by a series of giggles, "--you'll probably get a better response if you approach him more submissively."

Shafer nodded rapidly and stood, chasing after Duke and Leaving his brother on the floor, shouting at him to come back.
[QUOTE="Kj carswell]
After Crimson answer her question he saw reaction. Her head drifted down looking at the floor, as if she knows the feeling of having a great lost. She then bounced back as if she was trying to move on from the thought and she walked over to dryer next to the chair I'm in. Yeah my life was pretty rough, but don't take sympathy on me. The fact that they are dead and I am alive only means that they were weak and had a weak alpha. I will rebuild pack and make them stronger than my old one as I was born to do. He said with great confidence. Now enough about me, tell me about your lost.

Daggora was surprised, not just at his reaction to losing his pack, but also at how easily he could tell that she lost someone. Was she that obvious? 'No..no. He's just assuming because I said that I could relate.' She thought to herself. "What loss?" She asked, plastering a smile on her face.
Duke was having a grand time being away from Shafer. Until he heard the kid yelling for him to come back, that is. Thirsty-ass hoes want my cold booty. He thought, quickening his pace until he reached his dorm. He stepped inside, breathing a soft sigh of relief. He noticed the lack of Leon, assuming he was probably flying about the school. He could still hear Shafer yelling for him. With an irritated growl, he sat on a chair, sinking into the plush seat and trying to block out the noise.
(Fuck it nvm xD )

Damen and Night Wing stayed out looking at the night sky, Night Wing had nearly fallen asleep but Damen was still up. He nudged Night Wing "You ready?" asked Damen. Night Wing woke up and lifted her head from his shoulder ". . . .Y--yes" she said as she got up, too tired to walk so she just transformed into a crow and landed on Damen's shoulder as he got up and started walking back to the academy.
He smiled at the fact that she tried to play off the fact she wasn't sad a moment ago. The lost you had faced when you was young. You shouldn't try and play me, I know what the face of lost looks like. @Daggora Keket
Daggora winced and sighed. "Worth a shot." She mumbled, pulling her legs up onto the dryer with her, hugging them to her chest. "When I was about 7, I- uh." She closed her eyes and lowered her voice to a whisper. "I...killed....my uncle."

@Kj carswell
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Majarkhon said:
Duke was having a grand time being away from Shafer. Until he heard the kid yelling for him to come back, that is. Thirsty-ass hoes want my cold booty. He thought, quickening his pace until he reached his dorm. He stepped inside, breathing a soft sigh of relief. He noticed the lack of Leon, assuming he was probably flying about the school. He could still hear Shafer yelling for him. With an irritated growl, he sat on a chair, sinking into the plush seat and trying to block out the noise.
Shafer huffed as he lost Duke, dropping onto a bench and folding his arms across his chest, looking sufficiently done. Sasha finally popped up beside him, looking equally done. "You're completely hopeless."

Shafer pouted and shifted around a bit, curling up into his older brother's side as he sniffled. Sasha sighed heavily, draping an arm over the teen. "You're fine. Let's go to the office, find out where our rooms are, it'll be so--"


"Uh yeah."

"Could. I... Maybe find out which room the hot ice dude is in at that place."

"I mean, yes but--"

"Oh yes~ Oh yay, yes, fuck yeah. Let's go to the office."

About twenty minutes later, Shafer was tentatively tapping on Duke's door. "Dukey..."
metalcity said:
Ent yawned and tried to roll over "no, it's not time to get up yet." Ent said peacefully as he rubbed his eye gently. His tail swayed back and fourth and threw its self over Ent, his ears twitched slightly before being motionless.
Aedus was shocked when he heard Ent speak When did he get here? Aedus thought trying to recall what had happened before he went sleep I remember laying my head on his chest.... No why would i do that? i did didn't i. I should apologize Aedus thought, looking over at Ent's sleeping form He's kinda cute when he's asleep... wait what? i can't have those thoughts after cuddling up to him.... I don't like him do i? Aedus thought. Shaking the thoughts from his head he reached over to shake Ent awake but ended up scratching behind his cat ears, a smile on his face as he did so

"nO!" Duke snapped at the door, turning away from it and giving a growl of pure frustration. "I will literally murder you if that's what it takes to shut you the fuck up, just leave me alone!" He sounded almost desperate, yet each word was laced with that malice only he could hold. When he realized Shafer probably wasn't leaving, he walked up to the door and flung it open, glaring down at the shorter kid. "Leave. I don't want you."

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