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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]

Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion​

"Fuck it. I'll try." Percy didn't expect to be able to carry it but didn't care he wanted a challenge. Taking the from the androids grasp Percy found it to be surprisingly light. Enough so he could hold it on one hand. "How much does this actually weigh?" The surprise Percy felt when he could lift it with one hand could only be matched by the feeling of power he felt holding a weapon of such might.


"It's standard issue. Swords, no matter how advanced, are inferior if a ranged alternative is available."

Jerome stated, matter-of-factly. He began to tap on the tablet, and synced the coordinates for a transport to his HUD.

"There's a cargo transport in the process of being unloaded. Lots of empty space inside and possibly useful once we get it. Percy, once we get in, you're going to need to quietly take out anyone inside. A2, I want your drone to cover us if the situation goes hot."

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion​

"Ummm, what?" Percy was confused. He, random teen extraordinaire was meant to take out guards stealthily. "I've been saying this a lot today but once again, fuck it. Will this help me get home? if so I'll do it." All Percy needed to do was wait for a response.


"fine then Mr assertive ill show you 'a ranged alternative' ". She calls 042 and her flight unit "Pod 042 follow Mr assertive and Minecraft boy here and provide fire support if the need arises. Flight unit return." She gets into the flight unit and takes off "ill be watching and providing sniper fire if the need arises"
Sleek Sleek
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavilion​

"IS THAT A FUCKING MECH!?!?" Percy was freaked out and excited beyond all belief. He had always wished mechs were real. C'mon they're sooooo cool. "Wait, where are you going?" Percy had no idea what was going on.

Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavilion​

"OKAY!" He replied to the MECH. I'm never getting over that.' He turned to the man in armor and asked a question suddenly. "Your UNSC aren't you? I recognize the armor from a video game back in my world."


He nodded.

"Affirmative. We're moving a half-klick down towards that arena. There's a transport there that should be able to get us some bearings on the situation."

The Spartan reached to his back as the butt of his rifle sprang out to meet his hand. The man ignored the alternate world stuff, focusing on the here and now.

"A2 is currently providing aerial support."

He began moving to where he pointed with his free hand, before chambering the first round in his rifle.

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Vytal Festival Pavilion

Beta-Carrotina streaked through the sky, until she accidentally smacked into A2. She checked her radar, and sure enough, this was the anomaly. “Sorry.” She landed on the ground and started searching around.

"wait a minute. are you a carrot?!" Her surprise can be heard through 042s speakers which she had linked to the comms on her flight unit "how in YoRHa's name is there a flying talking carrot?!" the bump had caused a little scratch on her flight unit "you scratched my flight unit too! You insolent little-" "Ma'am it is unwise to shout at the locals and secondly you are currently providing air support for Mr assertive and Minecraft boy" "your lucky I'm busy" She bursts forwards ahead of her two associates and begins to highlight the guards which then show up on the iPad given to the Spartan
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains
Sleek Sleek
H Hal lucination
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavilion​

"Well then, let's get a move on." Percy began following the man. The guy clearly knew what to do and how to do it, so there was no reason not to follow him. "Also, how much is a click?"

"ma'am the 'insufferable carrot' that bumped into you earlier is following us. Permission to use lethal force?" "Negative. We should just ignore it for now but if it tries anything...ready the hummus"
H Hal lucination
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A2's actions immediately caused Jerome to stop and pull Percy into an alleyway. He knew the Android would eventually do something to compromise them, and this was probably it. The Spartan checked over his weapons, and prepared to hunker down. Flashy maneuvers only drew attention, especially when there were easier and quieter alternatives.
After a triple-check of his HUD, weapons, gear, and armor, Jerome put a finger to his visor to make sure Percy stayed silent. While humanity was under his protection, or was, A2 was not human and therefore the man felt no guilt over leaving her in a sticky situation.

A small part that had yet to be extinquished as a result of his training and upbringing began to take satisfaction from the act. Karma was a bitch, wasn't it? For all of her insults and outwardly abrasive and holier-than-thou demeanor, the man was finally going to see how she would react to this potentially life or death situation.

Though, from what he had heard and seen her do and say, he had no doubts he might have to stop her himself.

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B H Hal lucination

"Haha! Success!" Monika celebrated as Sky suffered from the corrosive ink. She replaced the Hero's Charger for the Hero's Splattershot. Its unique weight reminded her of... simpler times. It reminded her of Callie, and Agent 3. As she pulled the trigger to push Sky Lark back to the ground, she was reminded of the fateful battle between the agent and Octavio. The constant puttering of the Splattershot proved much better at keeping the man incapacitated, though the initial surprise seemed to be wearing off. Then the new ink layers exacerbated the corrosive effect. She was sure it would hurt especially badly on any wayward cuts and bruises.

His screams of agony reminded her of when the agent nearly defeated Octavio himself. It was a rough mission...

(And Thepotatogod Thepotatogod I suppose)


This must be it. If Octavio isn't all the way out here, then there wouldn't be anywhere else to go.
"You got all the little guys! Just the Great Zapfish to go!" Agent 2 sounded anxious.

The agent dipped into the kettle-like transporter dutifully. On the other side was a zapfish. Not just any zapfish, but the Great Zapfish. They had never seen it so up close before.

"Stay back, Agent 3! It's a trap!" And there was the Captain. The agent was glad to see him again, even if he was tied up and seemingly unreachable.
"But we don't have a choice!"

As the agent cautiously approached the magnificent beast, a green light showered down on it. The Octobot King dragged the Great Zapfish into a receptacle, bringing the final Octoweapon to its fullest and greatest potential. As the machine hovered closer to the ground, Octavio revealed himself, "GYAH HAH HAH! I'ma remix your face!" (Octavio speaks in #E200AB)

Two mechanical fists launched themselves towards the agent, who instinctively fired at them. They were redirected towards the Octobot King, sending the hulking machine flying.

"Grraaargh?! Slimy little hipster!" He moved the machine into a more defensive position. Octavio fired off a series of missiles, along with some kind of Killer Wail. The missiles were dodged easily enough, but the Killer Wail was a close call.

Callie's, "You okay, Agent 3?" was met with a quick nod. Octavio unleashed another metal fist, which was quickly deflected back at him.

"Careful, Agent 3. He's got something up his sleeve!"

"You can't handle my spicy wasabi beats!" he said, as he fired some kind of torpedo. It moved forward much faster than the agent had expected. There was no time to dodge, no time to deflect it.

"Oh no!!"
"Agent 3!"
"They were so close..."

Within an instant, all traces of the third agent of the Squidbeak Splatoon were gone. Their wear, their weapon, their headset, all gone.

"You monster!"
"They're gone?! But, what about those checkpoints?"

But the hit never came. Agent three had braced their self for the impact, and were sourly disappointed when nothing happened for a few seconds. They opened their eyes, taking a deep breath. While the air was much more fresh than the ozone-tainted atmosphere of Octavio's lair, it seemed to be hinting at some hidden pungent odor . The sun seemed different somehow, its true form distorted by a thick haze hanging above. Looking down, the agent noted the wasteland they were now in.

Then there was a blood-curdling screech. Turning instantly, the agent spotted the noisemaker, which looked to be a giant, bloody, barely-humanoid creature with way too many limbs. It looked kind of like its upper forelimbs had been fashioned into spikes, and scarcely had any meat on its bones. A truly ghastly sight. The abomination then charged towards the agent.

Thinking instinctively, the agent pulled the trigger on whatever weapon they were holding. Out came a single giant ink pellet, which exploded in the thing's face, halting its advance.

Why... why were they holding the Hero's Blaster? The agent was pretty sure they were just holding the Hero's Splattershot! Whatever the specifics, the Blaster seemed to be more suited for the job at hand, which was holding off this monster until they figured out what made it tick. Unfortunately, the Blaster was never friendly with ink usage, and the tank was already running low. But they kept firing, until the thing stopped moving, and the body started oozing blood. Eww.

They hoped nothing else was trying to hunt them right now, as they recharged the ink tank.
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~Mario and Luigi~

Mario burst through the door to the audience's area, with beads of sweat forming on his forehead and dampening his moustache. They were slightly late- the lady, Ivela, had guided them to a hotel just fine, yes, but the day had been exhausting. Rescuing the princess, going to sleep, then waking up in a world that is not your own, then finding yourself in a city from the future to participate in a tournament, hoping that somebody you know will see you there? It's quite a lot to process in one day, as anybody would surely concur.

Luigi had overslept that morning. It was a good thing that Mario checked up on him in time, or the people at the docking station might not have even let them participate! They didn’t check what time they arrived, but it was the best they could do, given the circumstances. It's not as if the Bullheads could fly any faster. Mario quickly surveyed the arena and breathed a sigh of relief. They had made it in time. The place was packed- a full house! There must be hundreds of thousands of people here! Not to mention the number of people that would certainly be watching on television. If anyone they knew was here, like they assumed, then with this tournament, they'd certainly know that the brothers had come, too.

"Luigi!" Mario called, turning back to the door and jumping lightly in the air. Luigi came hopping through, on one foot. He had to get dressed in a rush- one of his shoelaces was undone, and both straps of his overalls were unfastened. He lost his balance, and planted his face firmly into the coliseum ground. Mario hastily helped him to his feet, as Luigi quickly fastened his overall straps and finally tied his laces.

"We made it! Phew...” Luigi exclaimed, staring in awe at the coliseum's might. It was impressive when it was empty, sure, but to see it packed with so many people and actually being used was even more spectacular.

"Come on, bro! Our seats are down-a there!" Mario exclaimed, pointing down the stairs and to the red seats at the bottom. They jumped down each step, smiling and nodding at everybody in the audience next to them who exclaimed their names and who recognised them.

"Whoa, is- is that...?! No way!"

"Hey! Hey, Mario and Luigi! You guys were my childhood!"

"Guys, look! I told you they were here! The Bros.!"

They would’ve happily stopped to talk to them, but they were in a bit of a rush! They acknowledged their fans with tips of their caps, wide smiles, thumbs-ups and their ilk, but they couldn't do much more than that; being any more late than they already were wasn't something they could do. Peering at the centre of the coliseum from the view they had from the stairs, there was, for sure, a fight going on in the arena they were stood in just yesterday; yet, notably, it had undergone some renovations. One half of the arena appeared to have been transformed into a dry, dusty desert biome, while the other half resembled a corrugated, ruined city. Maybe they would have known why if they were here for the opening programme...

They made it to the level their seats were on, and, with a mighty leap, landed on theirs and kicked back. It was a nice view, and the seats were rather cosy. Luigi seemed to be having trouble getting comfortable, though, as he was simultaneously stiff as a board and as shaky as a leaf. His brother was the tournament champion, not him! Could he actually do it? Sure, they made this plan together, but could they pull it off? And could they prove themselves to this new world?

... Luigi realised he had this exact same internal monologue with himself yesterday.

His brother needed him. Of course they could do it! They were the Mario Bros., after all!

"Hey, bro!" Mario exclaimed, pulling Luigi out of the depths of his own thoughts. He was pointing to a rather large television screen, suspended high on the coliseum wall in front of them. On it were pictures of four people split into two groups, each with what seemed to be their own health bar. Two of those people, in particular, seemed to strike a note with the two... hey, wait a second!

"It's-a Monika! And Ryuga!" Mario continued. Sure enough, they were there!

"Mama mia! You're-a right! They're over there!" They witnessed Monika transform into a... squid? She transformed into a squid, ducking under the young man who tried to strike her with his sword, before returning to her human form and dishing out a torrent of... what was it? Ink? They also noticed Ryuga in a bit of a pickle, being suplexed and bashed by a rather brutish-looking youngster, right before he appeared to summon a sword from... thin air? They would've questioned it, but so much was happening at once, it was the furthest thing from their minds.

"Wahoo!" "Yeah! Go, Monika, Ryuga! You're-a number one!" "Come on! You can do it, ah..." Luigi fumbled, twisting his tongue in his attempts to pronounce their very Japanese-sounding team name. "Ika... Ikatoryuu!" The brothers exclaimed, leaping out of their seats and cheering for the team they had crossed paths with yesterday. They clapped, whistled, and leapt in the air- they hoped not to distract them, but showing their support couldn't go amiss!
Venom "Punished" Snake

"Mother Base daily report.
Combat teams at 100%, currently awaiting orders.
Medical teams at 100%, reporting small outbreak of H1N1. Treatment of affected personnel underway.
Intel teams at 95%, reporting small number ill with H1N1.
Support teams at 100%, reporting that new welds are being added to Mother Base struts to prolong usefulness.
R&D teams at 100%, reporting success with wormhole transportation miniturization project. Wormhole transporters are being developed for all choppers."

A click would quickly silence the feminine and robotic voice echoing throughout the small interior of the helicopter. A delay occurred before another click, and the inside lit up with a blue-white light. The holographic screens quickly resolved into a topographical map of the area, which the older man holding the device emitting said light took in. He grunted, and switched it off.
Another series of clicks, and the rustling of cloth followed. The man had taken a walkman out of a bag next to his seat at the back of the helicopter, and had begun fiddling within the bag for a tape.

This was his routine, though he knew what Mother Base thought of the girl he wanted to remember. Memory wasn't his strong suit anymore, a symptom of his past. While his mind had the knowledge of hundreds of battles not his own, he couldn't remember his own name. His birth name. Even the name he was given when he woke up from his nine-year coma was fuzzy. Nowadays it took him a few minutes to remember each morning. However, he did remember his code name. Venom Snake.

Snake sighed, tugging at the collar of his aramid-weave Sneaking Suit, before putting an earbud in and inserting the tape into his walkman.

It was a guitar melody, given to him by his group's XO, Kazuhira Miller. This was the song he'd play for Peace Day, back at his old base during the Peace Walker incident.
Before he descended into hell, before Skull Face and XOF.

Reminding himself of his failure to save the girl-spy sent to him by the covert organization he used to spearhead, Cipher, was to strengthen his resolve. Ever since he, his men, and his home, had shown up here, Snake needed that strength. Not just for himself, but for the soldiers he led, the comrades he fights for, and for those he wished to protect.

Which brought him full circle to why he was currently flying to Skyrim. The Jarl of Falkreath had put out an appeal for help to Diamond Dogs, Snake's Private Force.
The Vortex Syndicate had begun its own aid operations, but intel had gathered that a human element was often met with greater trust.
Snake understood that. Weapons and technology won wars. Men, on the other hand, won hearts.

"Snake! 5 mikes to LZ!"

The chopper pilot, Pequod, announced. The crackle of comms chatter shook Snake from his music-induced reverie, and he looked out the window. Four additional choppers had been flown from the base to transport food supplies, as well as fertilizer and farming equipment to assist the city in getting back on its feet. Additional soldiers were also in those choppers to assist the city's guard should the Skaven attack again. They'd even brought along a few of their Walker Gears, bipedal machines piloted by a single soldier, to augment their forces.

Snake had faith that his men would not fail. He did not look forward to fighting the Skaven if what Intel's preliminary reports were to be believed, but knew the fighting would keep the men from boredom and help sharpen their skills.

He felt a jolt as the chopper landed in a field outside the city, cleared by the Skaven assault. The soldier grinned and grabbed the door handle, twisting it to release it and open the door.
Even as he was deafened by the whirl of five helicopters landing in the field, and blinded by the dust and debris flung up by their rotors, he grinned.

--Sento Kiryu x Stella--
Zamasu Zamasu

". . .I merely came here to take shelther." The girl explained, "I'm searching for answers as to how I got into this...Lively world."

"What do you mean?" Sento asked, inquiring further, "Are you saying you aren't from this place too?"

"Precisely. I came from a world where Mankind went extinct." The girl answered, "But when I woke up, it's as if Earth's population dramatically reappeared overnight along with it's societal hierarchy."

"Well, if you put it in your perspective, it would be strange indeed." Sento rubbed his chin, "Still, we probably can't let a kid with a giant cannon walk around the kingdom, don't you think?" he crossed his arms, raising a brow at the sight of a black cannon behind the girl's back.
Lord Kenobi
Rapture System

Kenobi nods as the OCM explains what the so-called Vortex Syndicate is all about, protecting the inhabitants of Rapture which Kenobi assumed that Rapture is the name of this rich planet. This is the first time Kenobi heard about this planet and he started to assume that they are already in the deep of the Unknown Regions. The OCM explained again as they will not fire at the Star Destroyer unless the Imperium shows hostilities to them. Kenobi understands as they are in an unknown territory owned by an organization. As the OCM confirmed that they are a new arrival in their system. Kenobi replied by saying,

"Yes, we just arrive from your system by accident and obviously we don't know where we are." Kenobi continued, "We have an urgent operation to do. So, how do we get back from where we came from? We don't have a map of your system." Kenobi asked as he awaits the OCM response.

Corrosion Corrosion


The two Sith guards who are wearing armored mask (like a Revan mask) remained silent and stayed in their position as the female Imperial pilot insults them. Any individuals might be a Force-sensitive which is the reason why Sith Knights were sent to Aleena's cell as guards. Since Aleena didn't show any hostilities towards the Sith Knights, they remained still.

Until a man with a blonde army cut wearing a Sith Imperial armor (the Sith trooper armor), together with the other two Imperial soldiers with headgear on entered the cell. The man cross his arms on the back, looking at the two Sith knights. He said,

"We can take it from here as ordered by Lady Silri."

"For the new order, General Rex." The Sith knight said as he bowed to the General, the General does the same. It was a sign of respect.

The two Sith knights left the cell and the man shift his attention back to the female Imperial pilot. He grabs his holopad as he search for the personal information of this woman although he can't find the personal information of this female Imperial pilot.

"I'm surprised that you are not in this list. Most of the Imperials; the pilots, officers, soldiers, Imperial collaborators, the traitorous Sith who sided with Palpatine, are here in this holopad." General Rex said as he began to eye Aleena with a curious expression. He signaled the two Sith troopers to grab Aleena's shoulders and pin her down to the wall tightly.

Rex kneeled down to face Aleena, he grab her face harshly and released it afterwards.

"Tell me your name, where you came from, your affiliation, everything. Including that TIE of yours. Heh, never seen that kind of TIE model before, must be a prototype. I began to wonder if you stole that TIE model or you're really just an Imperial." He chuckled as he awaits Aleena's response, looking at her in the eye as he holds the holopad.


General Rex's facial appearance.


+ Rex's armor.
+ The two Sith troopers that pinned down Aleena to the wall.


Holopad, a Sith Imperium material.

Username Username
Exodus (West Region)
Vale (Amnity Colloseum)

He didn’t know how he got here.​

One moment, he was swinging across the breathtaking city of New York without a care in the world, and the next he found himself wrapped up in some multiversal mishap. Needless to say, Peter was having an eventful day.​

As Peter made his way around, he eventually caught wind that there was some tournament going on in some place called… what was it? Vale? It was definitely a weird place for a city, though he didn’t think too much on the matter as he made his way to the fabled festival. Once he entered the room, a look of surprise overtook Peter’s face as he saw just how packed the room was.​


“Woah… this place is packed…” Peter muttered before discreetly kneeling over slipping on his mask. He had no idea who was here, hell for all he knew Aunt May was sitting in those stands somewhere with a freshly made bowl of alphabet soup waiting on him. Parker made his way down the steps, earning looks from some individuals as he did so before eventually finding an open seat on one of the rows.​

“Excuse me! Sorry about that! My bad!” Peter exclaimed as he politely squirmed past various spectators and onlookers of the fight, eventually settling down into an empty seat. “Whew… finally.” Peter said before looking up at two eccentric individuals beside him, clad in red and green overalls and donning award winning mustaches.​

...was that Mario and Luigi?​

No, that was stupid. They were just cosplayers!​


“Woah! Nice costumes, guys.” Peter said to the two brothers, clearly unaware that they were the actual Mario and Luigi.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
Skaven Under-Empire

The Skaven forces continued to fortify their positions in Skyrim, not daring to yet make a move against their enemy yet. However, deep below, in the city of Skavenblight, the council of 13 gathered, to plot and scheme, as they always do. The revelation that their enemies were far more dangerous then they realized was enough to bring the council together.

Queek Headtaker, who has already recovered considerably due to warpstone, stood before the council. "I KIll-Kill Metal-Things in Man-City!" He shouted louder, eager for vengeance on the enemy the bested him earlier. Immediately, lord Gnawdell, Queek's direct higher up and one of the lords of decay responsed "No-No! Go to West-lands! Hunt for Warpstone!" It was at this time, that the ever arrogant and defiant Lord Scrolk, butted in. "Clan Mors is Puppet- Minions! Pestilens infect South-lands!" He declared his intention to spread the plagues his clan creates. It was evident he was angry at the council's decision to support and supply an expedition led by Queek rather than the spreading of his plagues. "Yes-Yes! But all warpstone for council plan!" Kratch Doomclaw, Lord of Clan Rictus, declared.

Lord Scrolk knew that the plans of the council superceded his own plans, even if he disliked it. Queek was also very pissed, but knew better than to defy the orders of the council, so he instead turned to leave and gather the forces assigned to him.

Corrosion Corrosion

Canopy, New Merdian

Rookie was about to escape, and he hoped the others were following him as he did so. Of course, his hopes were dashed to the ground and he heard what was clearly the sound of someone being caught. "God damn it...." he muttered as he quickly turned around. He noticed someone holding a gun at Stella, and another one with them who was unarmed. He aimed his gun towards the man and yelled "DROP YOUR WEAPONS, DROP THEM OR I'LL SHOOT!" He rested his finger on the trigger, ready to fire should the man try to turn and shoot him.

Zamasu Zamasu Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Rapture System

Aleena's brow furrowed. "My name is Aleena...and what are asking about, my Birthplace? and i serve Emperor Roan Fel....and if we are gonna do an interrogation, atleast bring back that woman, she is way more of a looker than you" She said, sneering at the man as she got to the last part. She braced herself for any sort of strike she would receive from either the men holding her or the man she just insulted. She knew it was probably a bad idea to do that, but she really couldn't do anything else except try to get a rise out of them.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

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