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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]


The Spartan took another step towards the woman. Her sneering demeanor and weapons meant she was more or less a threat, or would be at some point. After clicking the safety to 'off'' on his M6D, he looked down at the Android.

"I said, identify."

His voice made it perfectly clear that he wouldn't ask again. He upped his personal shield to its max setting to his front to avoid any surprises from harming him, and stepped between her and the boy. The kid, Percy, had complied, and didn't seem like a threat, and as per his rules, was to be protected until otherwise.

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

she sits down and sighs "look, sorry kid but I've been having a rough week. I've been chased by that angsty boy in shorts for the last two weeks and suddenly I'm here in this weird city full of humans, which have gone extinct ages ago. So I really hope you forgive me.." She rubs the back of her head awkwardly before turning to the Spartan and stares at the gun in his hand and starts to talk whilst maintaining eye contact with the gun "YoRHa number two type A.You are?"
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains
Sleek Sleek
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion
Seeing that this could turn violent Percy reached into his pocket for Anaklusmos. Finding it in his right pocket, despite putting it in his left pocket earlier, left Percy smirking. 'I love this thing. I don't want Halo-Dude to freak- "What!?!" Percy was amazed at what the woman said. Humans, extinct? What was she talking about? Percy could only wait to hear her response.


"Hmm, it appears we are from different worlds. I remember a certain old man rambling about some multiple universes but I thought he was drunk or something. the world I come from is when aliens invaded and fought the humans through the androids as a kind of proxy war.it turns out the humans and the aliens died out ages ago and my life is a lie" She signalled her flight unit "circle back around and survey the area" "copy"

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains

The Spartan backed off, and processed the information. It was technically possible that Slipspace travel could theoretically allow for such an event, though it was a theory within mostly theoretical enviroments. The Magnum would make a light click as he set the safety and attached it to the magnetized holster.

"Jerome 092."

He said curtly, and looked at the Android.

"Some sort of drone? Flight? How far can it go?"

He asked, rapid fire. The Spartan knew his authority was little if this was the case, being in an alternate universe, but also knew he needed to link up with any UNSC if at all possible. However, he stopped himself from asking and re-evaluated his situation. While regrettable, one ODST couldn't make much of a difference. As such, perhaps staying with these two could allow him to survive long enough to figure out what was going on.

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion​

"Oh." was all Percy could manage. "I come from a world where Greek mythology is all real." Percy really didn't know how to feel about multiple dimensions. Annabeth had always gone on about th- "NO!!!" It hit Percy harder than Kronos ever had. He wasn't getting home. If one were able to see it from an outside perspective they would see a young man shout and begin crying for seemingly no reason. It was pitiful. A capable warrior that had saved the world breaking down and crying.


"that is my flight unit. It is armed with lasers and light ordinance and can be remotely controlled. My my aren't you inquisitive, like a newborn child with that fish out of water look. If you'd like ill share my data with you as a kind of..birthday present. That's what you humans call it?" She looked over at the boy " Jesus boy are you ok? "she places a hand on his shoulder "oh didn't you say you came from a world of Greek mythology? Unfortunately that conflicts with my reasoning. God is dead. God remains dead. We killed him.thats what we are programmed with. Then again the idea of a three-headed dog seems pretty far-fetched" She looks back over to the Spartan "whats your story?

Sleek Sleek
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains
"Classified beyond top secret."

He said, though if the Android was looking to get a rise out of the man, she'd be sorely disappointed. The Spartan looked to Percy and stepped towards him.

"Calm down. There's a good chance one of your friends or even your home made it here.
As for you, set your drone to scout out transport or areas of interest."

He addressed 2B.

"Home or no Home we need some idea of where 'here' is and what's currently happening."

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion​

"I'm not going home. I'm not going home. I'm not going home." Percy could feel his heartbeat going out of control but couldn't stop or calm down. He could feel the thumping of his blood all the way down to his feet. Unbeknownst to him so could everyone else. it started small, almost unnoticeable but quickly ramping up to a constant noticeable rumble. Then. It just stopped. "I might be able to go back?" Percy was calm, far too calm. "Fuck it, if I cant go home because of the laws of physics or reality or whatever other reasons, then I'm just gonna do what I always do... break the rules."

"Whoa boy calm down. Cmon ill take you to a bar or something and we can talk over a drink although you'll be the one drinking because id kinda die."She addresses the spartan directly "nothing interesting"
Sleek Sleek
Percy looked at the woman incredulously. "I'm fifteen." He said blankly. Was this woman, Android. She is an android. seriously offering him, a minor, alcohol. "What do you mean you'll die?" Percy was confused, something evident in his voice.
"You see kid.i cant eat anything or drink anything because it will clog up my systems and kill me. I can only drink really really strong alcohol and even then only a tiny amount or ill get drunk and probably self-destruct or something. Also, records show that humans drink when they are depressed" She stared at him confused "oh this reminds me a superior of mine,2B. She ate a mackerel and self-destructed" She laughed loudly "she was wearing her specialist uniform too so that was shredded by the blast too!"
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains
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Monika had somewhat overestimated the superjump, and messed up the landing. As she tumbled to a stop, she could hear hurried footsteps approaching quickly. She picked up the Hero's Charger, fired a quick shot into a corner, and hid in the ink, just as Sky rounded the corner.

"Wha..?" he enunciated, when all that seemed left was a little puddle of ink. He could've sworn he heard a little thump a moment ago, like the shot of some kind of airsoft rifle. He turned around, thinking perhaps the little girl was behind him, but she wasn't there. He decided she must've evacuated quickly, hearing him approaching, so he continued walking in search of her.

Just has he was about to turn the corner, a blast of ink connected with the back of his right shoulder. The surprise, combined with the kinetic energy, knocked him off his feet, landing face-first. "He must've been pretty stupid to bring me along, mustn't he?" Monika taunted as he got up and, dusting himself off, turned around to face the "little girl". She could've sworn she saw only blind hatred in those eyes of his.

"You...!" he shouted, charging with his halberd.

Unfortunately, he somehow forgot the size difference. Instead, Monika pulled on the trigger of the Hero's Charger again, allowing the ink pressure to build up, "Wow, you're very good at swinging that thing around. Have you been playing baseball recently?"

He didn't appear to like that; opting to charge at her again, this time accounting for Monika's childlike stature. As he got closer, he swung the halberd at Monika, who had just transformed back into a squid to dodge the attack. That surprised him, as he skidded to a halt. She transformed back, and depressed the trigger, releasing another torrent of acidic ink.

"Gotcha!" she squealed, after nailing him in the back. This was fun, but he was sure to wise up soon enough. Speaking of, here he comes again, halberd in hand. She jumped this time, and jumped again off of the blade of the halberd itself. The acidity of the ink should be kicking in soon enough, right?

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod is this an okay portrayal of him?)

Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavilion​

"Hahahah- WAIT, SELF-DESTRUCTED?!?!" Percy was freaking out. "What do you mean? Self. Destructed?" There is no way it was possible that she could self-destruct and be standing in front of him. "You have a backup version of you, don't you?" It was pretty simple once you thought about it an android could just have a copy of themselves made.



He eyed the far-off arena in the distance, and pointed there.

"A2, direct your drone to scan there. Look for trucks, civillian cars, but preferably look for any sort of flying transport.
Percy, keep it together."

Was all he told the teen.

SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

"of course, I have backups buuuuut....they are on the bunker on the moon. So this is sorta kinda my only body..." ."flight unit, scan the arena" "Roger" she hands the spartan an Ipad with the view of the flight unit. All the vehicles and exits are highlighted "here you go, Mr assertive." She sighed and sat down on the floor fiddling with her hair. "hey Mr assertive, why do you carry such an outdated weapon?"
Sleek Sleek
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains
--Sento Kiryu--
Canopy Kingdom, Outskirts, Sento's Base.
Zamasu Zamasu

"Don't know, don't care." Sento dismissively shrugged off the wrestler's involvement. "At least I know that moron is still alive...Somehow." He let out a smile, "Well, it depends if Faust is going to come to Canopy, but I know that they have boatloads of the substance in their hideout. And judging by last night and the newspapers I read before, it looks like it's the first Smash sighting in the Kingdom." He explains before sitting on the bed, "I can't help but wonder why Faust would this kingdom..." He wonders before looking at his phone, pressing the radar app in it, taking a scan of the immediate area to detect traces of the gas. "Hm? That's strange. It says here that there's a Smash in the warehouse, but..." He tilts before hearing a guard call out.

"You! Identify yourself imme--!" An Egret called out before being silenced, prompting Sento to run back into the main area and towards the storage area, spotting a young girl with uneven twintails clad in an open black hoodie and shorts carrying an absurdly large cannon on her back. Behind her is an unconscious Egret, and another one pointing a gun at her.

". . ." The girl was silently glanced at Sento, almost emotionless. "Who are you?" She asked, curious to know the man's identity along with his companion. Surely enough, she might even get the answers she wanted.

-Ryuga Banjou--
Vale Amity Colosseum
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind


Checking the Aura count of the fighters, it's clear as day which team is curbstomping which. Ikatoryuu's Aura guage is night full, save for Ryuga who had a bit of damage, while the Sky Caridnals are almost at their limits, with Cardin being the first one to almost kick the bucket while Sky is still has half his Aura, and is now constantly draining due to the acidic ink that hit his back--the unarmored part of it, no less.

Cardin and Ryuga are going at it hand to hand as the two dragged each other into the desert biome, butting heads as Cardin finally shows some strength and performs a suplex on the armored rider in a fashiom that is straight of WWE--Headlocking and grabbing Ryuga's belt on the side then falling back, dealing some decent damage on Ryuga as a chunk of his Aura decreased due to the suddenness of the move. Just as the two got up, Cardin shoulder bashed Ryuga, causing him to stumble back as Cardin began to make a run for it to grab his weapon.

"Okay...He's getting serious." Ryuga wiped the sand off his mask as he then summoned a sword with a hole on it's guard and a pullable handle on the bottom of the hilt, which intrigued both Rubys in the crowd.

Just as Sky was about to thrust at the airborne Monika the acidity of the ink took hold as he winced, dropping his weapon in the process. . .
Parasoul Renoir
-Canopy Kingdom-

"You seemed to be pretty close with that guy, aren't you?" Parasoul says, questioning Sento's relationship with Ryuga. As she waited for an answer, there was a commotion going on outside of the room, Sento immediately went out. Parasoul would follow him out and saw a young girl standing right next to an unconscious Egret and another one aiming his gun towards her. When asked for identification, Parasoul steps in to answer her. "Pardon me, but whatever it is that you're looking for, it is not here." She says "I am Parasoul Renoir, current ruler of the Canopy Kingdom. May I ask what are you doing here and what's your business?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Exodus Orbit
"Affirmative." The OCM replied. "The Vortex Syndicate is a planetary military organisation dedicated to protecting the inhabitants of Rapture from threats." It explained as the orbital units formed up into a neat spearhead formation, surrounded by fighters and railgun platforms. The fleet was currently stationary right in front of the Star Destroyer, only a mere couple dozen kilometres away. While it had adopted a more passive stance, the units were still ready to fire at any second, their weapons primed and all aimed at the lone vessel.

"Negative. You will be fired upon only if any of your actions are preceived as hostile." The module then said when Kenobi inquired what could happen next, stating that he didn't wish for any bloodshed, though it was more of a warning than anything else. "Confirmation: you are new arrivals to the realm of Rapture?"

Rysesaka Rysesaka Username Username


Vortex Syndicate Headquarters
Exodus East

Just like how the Skaven were busy taking apart and studying the inner workings of captured Syndicate weapons and technology, the Commander's Research and Development Module was also hard at work investigating the strange, glowing emerald-green crystal that contained within it a vast amount of power. The module itself had been built by the Commander mainly to facilitate the research and development of new units and technology, although it was able to study whatever the Commander wanted it to. For instance, the R&D Module had developed a way to temporarily replicate the Aura of a Hunter, such that non-Remnant natives could also participate in the Vytal Festival without risk of death or grievous injury.

Here, it was still researching the properties of the strange and wondrous crystal, calculating just how much energy it produced. And also to see what kind of damage it could deal, as the Commander always seemed to operate on the simple philosophy, 'if it exists, I can weaponise it'. So it did, formulating thousands of possible ways to put the energy crystal to good use. Though it was dangerously unstable, with some prompting from artificial sources, it was possible it could be stabilised and perhaps used as an energy source.


Back in Skyrim, the number of troops stationed in the frozen province had increased by nearly ten times. In the hours that followed the intrusion, fabricators had built a vast number of fortifications around vital locations, most notably the eight remaining holds and other points of importance, such as Sky Haven Temple and the College of Winterhold. The main ground entrances that the enemy troops had come from had been outed out and fortified, an incredibly thick hatch of reinforced progenium alloy covering each one like a massive manhole cover. The hatch itself could be opened to flood the inside of the hole with plasma fire, from detached Inferno turrets built into the hatch. Around them were at least a dozen turrets and a hundred troops, mainly consisting of Skirmishers as usual, but also supported by bots more suited to close combat.

Much of the buildings that had been destroyed during the initial attack had been rebuilt, with the structures now being made out of wood, straw, and stone, reinforced with progenium alloy to make them more durable and strengthened against attacks. Food and relief imports were arriving in a steady stream, displaced residents now staying in shelters guarded around the clock.

Predictably, the residents of Skyrim were up in arms, wanting nothing more than to have revenge. While the Commander appreciated their determination, he didn't want to risk any more death. However, he decided to let a fairly large number of them assist mechanical troops in combat, most notably members of the Imperial Legion, Companions, and Blades, to name a few.

Major A5718 stood outside Lakeview Manor, the Dragonborn's private residence. The place had managed to remain untouched during the battle. He'd been ordered to check on its inhabitants upon request of the Dragonborn himself, since this was where both Sigmund's adopted daughter and closest companions resided.

"Whoa, you're pretty scary." The Major turned to see a young girl who barely came up to his waist standing before him. He contemplated what to say for a second.

"Does my appearance not suit you?" He asked, monotonous as ever. "It is the standard model for every Major."

Runa Fair-Shield tilted her head in confusion. "Huh?"

Realising she likely hadn't a clue what he'd just said, A5718 decided to bend down on one knee and place his plasma rifle by his side. "It is how I was built," He said, his voice somewhat more human now. "I cannot change my appearance, for this is how I, and every other Major unit, was designed to look like. I was not designed to be scary, but if it scares you, do not be afraid. I was made by the Commander to protect the innocent from harm."

Unlike most other units, Majors were programmed to have a far greater degree of independent thought and will. They were essentially their own person, with each having a unique personality. Better social interactive subroutines were also an added bonus.

Runa giggled. "I like you. You're nice." She smiled. "You're not like the others. I'm going to tell my father all about you when he gets home."

"Please, do." The Major replied. Content, Runa ran off to play somewhere else, most likely to the training dummies to practice with the daedric dagger her father had given her for her birthday.

As he watched the girl dash off, the Major's sensors picked up someone else walking towards him. "I hope Runa didn't bother you too much."

A5718 turned, seeing Lydia approaching him. "It was no worry," He said, standing up to his full height, almost a full head taller than the housecarl. "She is a child. She still has much to learn."

Lydia chuckled slightly. "I suppose." She glanced to a patrol of an Ant, several Slammers, and a squad of Skirmishers pass by the road below. "You're the one in charge, right?"

"Negative," The Major shook his head. "That would be Commander Vortex."

"I see." Lydia hummed in thought. "Then you're here on a mission, right? To protect Skyrim and her people?"

"Affirmative." A5718 nodded. "I cannot go against my programming."

The Nord allowed herself a small grin. "Was that a joke?"

"I do not understand."
"Hey, Lydia!" The Imperial spellcaster named Marcurio called out suddenly, poking his head through the door. "You coming or what? I thought you agreed to help me with some experiments!" He grumbled, obviously impatient.

"Coming!" The housecarl called back. "Well, it's been nice." There was a sudden sadness in her eyes. "I just hope the rats don't attack again. I lost many good friends yesterday."

"I understand."

Lydia turned and began to walk away. "Goodbye."

As she disappeared through the door, the Major pondered her words, watching the afternoon sun reflecting off Lake Ilinalta.
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The One Eyed King​

Ken noted Alexei's staring, but he decided it would be best to not bring it up. Even if the looks he had were something Ken was familiar with. His attention was pulled away to Strelok, listening as the man explaining the strange happenings of the Zone. One of them at least. "I see." There wasn't much for him to say on the matter. His left eye, the only one visible, simply stared at the fire as Kirov gave his plea for assistance. "I...see no reason why I wouldn't be able to help."

Honestly it didn't sit right with Ken. Who just asks for free help in a place like this?

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Corrosion Corrosion
Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion​

Percy looked at the man's weapons. He thought they were space age stuff but she, Yohra, must be from even further in the future than Halo is set."You think those, are old? You should see mine. " Percy proceeded to uncap Anaklusmos and press down the button on his watch. Metal plates shifted into the spiral shape of his temporary replacement shield whilst his xiphos blade shimmered into existence.

"The shield was a replacement but now it's the only one I have. I need a name for it. And the sword here is Anaklusmos or riptide in English." Percy never gave up the chance to show off. It was one of the things he was good at. "What are yours?"

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Sleek Sleek

(The shield kinda looks like that but made of bronze.)​


  • Shield.png
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"aw cute you got a tiny sword and shield.you want some iron armour with that? An iron pickaxe? Maybe a golden apple? " She draws her type 40 and her virtuous contract (basically a katana and a cleaver) "now these are real weapons, although im mainly for infiltration so I'm mainly close quarters combat, however, I do have 042 and my weapons glow too.but you see kid Mr assertive has what you would call a firearm, which is older than 9S' jokes and is fairly primitive compared to laser weapons on my flight unit and 042" she juggles her swords in the air before sitting down and continuing to fiddle with her hair.
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains

Percy Jackson
Vale, Vytal Festival Pavillion​

"It worked well enough against the minotaur." 'SHUT UP PERCY' "and a manticore, chimera, and Ares the god of war. AND FUCKING KRONOS." 'What the fuck are you doing, she clearly has you beat!!! Fucking ADHD, man.' Percy had to admit that he had done stuff like this before, pissed someone powerful off and had to deal with it later.

His only hope was that she would know what those were. She does have like, all of human history in her brain, right? Hopefully?

—Wall-Knight, Beta-Carrotina—
Amity Colosseum

As Wall-Knight cheered during the match, Beta-Carrotina noticed a small anomaly in her radar. “Hey, I need to check something out.” Beta-Carrotina whispered to Wall-Knight.

“What is it?” Wall-Knight asked.

“A small anomaly. I’ll be right back.”

“Just be careful. There’s no telling what secrets this place might hold.”

“I will.”

Beta-Carrotina stepped out of the Colosseum and flew towards the blip in her radar.
"well, i guess beating a couple of guys and a cow is pretty good. You wanna hold my type 40? Its surprisingly light" She balances the hilt of the sword on her palm with the sword pointing upwards " it's mainly aluminium and graphene so its easily swingable the graphene also conducts electricity so I can make it glow"
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains

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