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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]

Josuke Higashikata
-Tatsumi Port Island-

Everything was going smoothly with the moving men carrying Josuke's biggest belongings such as his furniture. He was about to go in when he took notice of a teenage girl in her school uniform. Eventually he was able to identify her as a fellow student, but he began to think what she is doing. He sees that she is holding some sort of pamphlet, probably about the dorm. Is she going to move in? Regardless, Josuke sets that aside as he focuses on moving in.

Beowulf & Jotaro Kujo

Beowulf's little autograph signing has finally come to a close, with all of his fans satisfied by the many signatures that he have wrote. After that little show, Beowulf gets off his chair and keeps it and the gigantic arm. "Whew! That was so satisfying to see my fans happy. Don't you say, Jotaro?" The wrestler says with a huge smirk on his face, and then the crusader sighs and say "You really are enjoying the wrestler life, aren't you? Well, I can't say anything much about your status." Beowulf raised a brow, not understanding what Jotaro's words meant. Regardless, he shrugs the thought off when his nose caught the smell of something good.

Beowulf looks around and spots a little ramen shop just across the two men. "Hey Jotaro..." Beowulf says "How about we get ourselves a little grub before we hit the ring?" He points his thumb at the ramen shop, and when Jotaro looks at it, he replied "Okay, but don't order anything big or whatever." Beowulf smiles and then he makes a big rush at the ramen shop while Jotaro calmly follows him. Upon arrival, Jotaro turns to Beowulf and say "I'll handle the order." He then turns to the owner and say "Two pork ramen, and make mine have a bit of extra fat in it." After some time, the owner serves the two men the ramen and Jotaro pays him. Each of them get a pair of chopsticks, and that is something new to Beowulf.

The wrestler turns to Jotaro and sees how he eats with chopsticks; break them into two, hold them in the fingers, and pinch. Yet, Beowulf can't even understand how these oriental utensils work. "Um...Jotaro, I think I need your help here." He says in nervousness, and the crusader took his first bite when he requested. "You'll be able to get used to them. You just to learn it by yourself." Jotaro says, but that makes Beowulf anxious. "Hey, this is something that my home kingdom does not have, well, sorta. And besides, I am very used with either my hands or a spoon and fork, but a pair of twigs? This is something I can't even do!" He says in a panicking tone, but Jotaro kept his cool. "Just eat." The crusader says, making Beowulf give up and let out a sigh.

The wrestler tries his hardest to pick up his noodle with the chopsticks, but yet he fails very miserable. "Screw this!" He yelled, having enough with the chopsticks and decides to pick up the noodles with his hands...only to get them burned by the hot soup. Beowulf starts to scream in pain and agony, running around in circles. Jotaro is disappointed by this and then he says "Yare Yare Daze..."


Hurry now! There isn't much time. As Sento arrives at the warehouse, he begins to make haste to find first aid. Unknown to him, he will soon make an unexpected encounter.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Username Username Lunaria Lunaria
--Sento Kiryu x Stella--
Username Username

Two figures entered the warehouse; two armor clad beings of red and yellow with a rabbit and pen theme carrying two women into the warehouse. The women appeared to be a young teenager and a circus performer, unconscious and beaten up. (Also they have huge tits.)

Somehow, the armored men felt familiar to Stella as she visibly perked up when she saw them...Ah, she remembers now! It's the flying machine who scaled a skyscraper earlier!

One of the armored men took out a sword and proceeded to press a trigger.

Clone Jutsu! It rang out somewhat softly as it's wielder swung the sword to summon a man that is an exact copy of the two. He immediately began to clear out the table, carrying the science apartus onto the bedside of the warehouse as the two armored people laid the women there. One of the men went outside while the remaining two men began to search for the box containing the first aid supplies.

The armored men became dangerously close to Stella as they began to look at the piles of boxes near the generators, prompting her to grip her cannon as the armored men each grabbed a box and looked at the contents. One seemed to have no luck while the other immediately found the box with the supplies and rushed off to the science table in order to give one of the girls the first aid. The other one was about to follow, but stopped as it turned around. Something's telling him that he and the two patients are the only ones in here. . .

Meanwhile, Sento reverted his phone from being a bike and soon dialed the number to Parasoul's office. In case you don't know, let's say it was given to him before he began the mission.

"Come on, pick up...Pick up..." Sento muttered, fingers crossed as he hoped to ask for the nurse to be sent to his warehouse patch up the beaten women.

--Ryuga Banjo--
Zamasu Zamasu Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Ryuga soon shrugged as soon as this 'Beowulf' fellow was still signing autographs. He didn't really give a crap about fame, his experience as a Kamen Rider hardened that belief entirely...He just wanted a life where everyone's at ease. Seeing the celebrity scream in pain made him chuckle for a bit. Perhaps it's his inate stupidity that's amusing or he's just sadistic...Probably the former, really.

--Qrow Brawnren--
Corrosion Corrosion 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

The fake Qrow was shot back towards A2. However, it's only his torso. Liquid metal seeping out of his cut half. as his synthetic skin was burnt to reveal a terminator skeleton.

"Whaddya know. The Ultron's right." The real Qrow said, shouldering his greatsword. "There are other robots who impersonate people."

"How...?" The Terminator-Qroe asked in a more digitalized tone, as he struggles to reform himself. "How did you know about our plans...?"

"Oh trust me. I don't." Qrow casually smirked, "You're just unlucky."

--Haru Okumura--
The Zone
CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Corrosion Corrosion

Haru listened to the explanation as to what the Blowout; the event occurring outdoors really is. It's a phenomenon of pent up noosphere energy which results in an event like this which would turn anyone who hasn't found a shelther die or turned be zomebified into a Shadow-like husk that attacks on instincts alone...Somehow, this reminded her of her own father's departure, but much more...Painful looking and on camera.

"I've done a lot of thieving before, so maybe I could help with taking things back." Haru told Strelok as she let out a nod, "I personally think that these men could be valuable for our survival in this place...The Zone, was it?"
Parasoul Renoir
-Canopy Kingdom-

The princess was just by her room, making a few arrangement on the equipment she has, when her phone began to rang. "Sento..." She quietly says before going over to it, pick it up, and answer. "Hello? Sento? What is the sitrep going on for you?" She says.

Beowulf & Jotaro Kujo

Once Beowulf gets his composure, he goes back to Jotaro, whom he offers the wrestler a fork. "Take it, that's what you're used to." The crusader says. Beowulf was a bit dumbfounded by this, but he shrugs it off and as he takes the fork and begins to eat. "Oh wow! This tastes so good!" The wrestler seems to like the ramen as he eats it down like a very starving child. After this, the two men would be finish eating. "Hmm...I wonder what time it is?" Beowulf wondered.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Username Username Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Wall-Knight landed with a slam in a street in Vale. Looking around, he took in all the sights there was to be seen. There were so many people! He hadn’t seen one since Crazy Dave. There looked to be some sort of marketplace, and it looked like there were all sorts of people. Reminding himself of his mission, Wall-Knight shook his head again and opened his Zombie-tracker 9000. It appeared the horde was coming his way. He faced up against the direction they were coming from and readied his armor.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Zamasu Zamasu
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"I'd bet it's that guy standing next to him, looking totally disinterested," Marie commented, referring to Beowulf's potential tournament partner. She quickly lost interest in the burly man, however, and turned back to her noodles. She broke the chopsticks apart, and used them to fetch noodles out of the steaming, watery soup. They were a little sour, which accentuated the taste of the noodles, "Well, the noodles are great." She continued fishing noodles out of the water, one at a time. She preoccupied herself with memories of her cousin, Callie. She hadn't realized until now just how much she missed her.

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Zamasu Zamasu )

"What is girl doing in Zone?"

Callie frowned, "I... don't know. I just sort of woke up here a little bit ago." She tried to remember anything specific that had happened the night before she appeared here, but nothing stuck out.

"I take it that whatever is going on out there..isn't a pleasant experience. Obliteration?"

"The energy released sweeps across the Zone, like a ripple of sorts. If you are caught in one and cannot find shelter in time, then the only thing you can do is pray. It affects the minds and bodies of the living..."

Sounds like the plot to the sequel of The Humanoid Marie would love to subject Callie to. Damn, she actually really misses Marie in situations like this.

"A couple of bandits chased us out of Kopachy a while back. We left a stash there, and we want it back. We were on our way there when the blowout hit, so we took shelter until you came. Think you could help?"

"Yeah, let's help!" Callie said, lifting an arm into the air and jumping a little bit. Despite being a little freaked out by the rain still, and thoroughly spooked by Strelok's description of a Blowout, she felt that a little battle like this could help soothe her nerves more than a little lullaby.

( Corrosion Corrosion CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )

Screams and Zombie howls sounded out from the edge of the city. “Guess that’s my cue!” Wall-Knight flew over, immediately looking for the Zombies. There was a horse of them rampaging in a cluster towards the city. Wall-Knight flew to intercept them, his four heavy energy cannons blazing in laser mode. The quadruple lasers tore through the zombies, and before long, the entire horde was destroyed. Wall-Knight relaxed, and checked the Zombie tracker. It looked like there weren’t any zombies left. Wall-Knight put away the Zombie tracker. Suddenly, a purple ray blasted towards Wall-Knight, smashing him into a nearby building. Rustbolt landed in front of Wall-Knight. Wall-Knight quickly got up, then rushed at Rustbolt.

Open to anyone in Vale
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The Spartan awoke to a major change in scenery. Instead of the verdant forests and crystaline and metallic structures of the Ark, the career soldier saw nothing but a city ahead of him. Jerome's arrival had placed him in the middle of the city, something that would create ripples among everyone there as a huge and armored super-soldier had just materialized. But thanks to his training, he kept his cool and focused on his equipment. He took the precious seconds to take inventory of his weapons and gear. Instead of his favorite Spartan Laser, Jerome had the UNSC's bread and butter, an MA5C, and an M6D.

He took a look around, and immediately tried to contact the UNSC Battlenet. So far, he only had a singular UNSC signal on the planet, some distance away. An ODST was better than nothing, he reasoned, as he sent a burst message to the ODST's comms.

"This is Sierra dash Zero Nine Two, identify yourself and give coordinates."

Then he sent an unencrypted signal on all UNSC military frequencies.

"Oly Oly Oxen Free."

(Open to all in Vale, and Username Username )
Canopy, New Meridian Outskirts

Rookie ducked back behind cover, lowering his rifle. He knew full well that only spartans had the designation sierra. There was a spartan here on this planet with him. He sealed his helmet as if he were entering atmosphere, so that he could block off as much noise as possible from him speaking. He then turned on his radio. "This is Lance Corporal Johnathan Dover, Designation Alpha-Nine. I am sending my coordinates now...." He said, sending the Sparta his coordinates as he drew his handgun, readying it so that if he was discovered, he could fight back while sending the coordinates. He wasn't really all too concerned with the people in the warehouse, most of them looked to be civilians, the only one who was threatening being the one who seemed to have some sort hologram projector.

Zamasu Zamasu Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Sleek Sleek Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

"Copy. Be advised, the distance between us is too great for me to go on foot. Will update when I have found transport."

Jerome said as he began to head towards a bustling area. With his perception, the Spartan is quickly able to discern the source of the huge transports flying throughout the air. Based on the ODST's coordinates, and the scattered coordinates he was able to collect on his own location, he would be able to arrive quickly if he could find a ship.
Though, he also was on his guard. This sort of area could have anything, and though it didn't seem like a UNSC Outer Colony, it was probably no less dangerous.

(Open to any in Vale, and Username Username )
--Sento Kiryu--
Canopy Outskirts Warehouse
Zamasu Zamasu Username Username

"Ah, hello Princess!" Sento greeted as Parasoul asked the progress on the recruitment. "I already got two of them recruited. They're supposed to be at the castle by now, both carrying a small bottle I gave them. Anyway, I kinda need your help on the last two." He reported as he entered the warehouse again. "Fillia and Cerebella decided to fight one another on the roof of the school, I barely escaped the authorities there since they're mostly after Cerebella. From what I can tell, they mainly suffered from a variety of bruises, cuts, and stab wounds. I'm applying the best first aid I have now, all I need now is to a team of the best medics you have to my location ASAP." He explained as he pressed a button on his armor's earpiece. "I'll send you the coordinates now." The coordinates to the warehouse was sent to the Princess' phone/computer. "Oh, if she's with you, send in Valentine as well. She is technically a nurse after all."

The other Sento merely seemingly glanced around as he walked around the area, getting dangerously close to Stella. He hears a muffled voice, seemingly coming from a wall. Curious, the clone was about to investigate it when one of the armored clones called out.

"Hey, what are you doing? Help me out over here!" The clone said as the other clone merely nodded and soon went off to assist on the first aid, leaving the two alone for a bit.

"Close..." Stella sighed softly as she peeked around the corner of generator to see only the back of the whiteboard.

Wall-Knight clashed his lasers against that of Rustbolt. After a few seconds, Rustbolt disengaged and sped farther into the city. Wall-Knight pursued him right into the middle of the Vytal Festival Pavilion.

New location: Vytal Festival Pavilion

Open to anyone in Vale
Marie's noodles were interrupted suddenly by what appeared to be a zombie, clad in yellow armor or something. She stood up in the chair, and reached for the Hero's Charger. A few moments later, another character emerged, apparently chasing the zombie. They appeared to be a giant walnut in a blue mechanized suit. All the more reason to get into action. She smirked, finally getting to use the weapon.

Marie squeezed the trigger, beginning the charging process of the Hero's Charger. She took aim with the miniature rifle, "...And fire!" She released the trigger, letting loose a compressed bolt of lime-green ink towards the walnut.

( H Hal lucination Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )
Vytal Festival Pavilion

Wall-Knight was taken by surprise by the charger. He was sent flying by the surprising pressure of the ink blast. He collected some and ran it through the toxicity sensor. 0% toxicity, unless you swallow some. Wall-Knight turned to the one who fired the blast.”Hey!” Wall-Knight shouted. “What was that fo-“ Wall-Knight was caught off guard by Rustbolt, who tackled him with his High-Frequency spatula extended.

Marie lowered the Hero's Charger, getting a better look at the new people. She probably chose the wrong target in the heat of the moment, but the walnut bounced around as satisfyingly as she had hoped when the shot connected.

"Hey! What was that fo-"

The zombie came in from behind, tackling the floating walnut onto the ground. Marie, startled, began charging a second shot. She held it, waiting for a clearer shot on the zombie...

( H Hal lucination )
Vytal Festival Pavilion

Wall-Knight barely managed to block another swing from Rustbolt’s spatula. He swung his rocket hammer in a wide arc, knocking Rustbolt back. He followed up with a twin blast from his energy cannons, stunning Rustbolt temporarily.

Open to anyone in Vale
Exodus West

The Commander slowly walked forwards towards the bisected Terminator, nodding appreciatively at his repulsors, which he retrofitted and upgraded with Progenitor tech. The new tech greatly increased the energy output and subsequent damage. With the arc reactor hooked up to a resource core, his chassis had enough energy to power a city if need be. He moved over to the half-destroyed Terminator and quickly scanned it. The kinetic blast must have damaged its systems, since now he was able to perform a full scan.

Scanning it, the Commander noticed that it had some jamming module that wasn't present in any other Terminator model. It was damaged now, which was why it wasn't functioning. He deduced that it was specifically built to counter his advanced sensor system, making the Terminator indistinguishable from a normal human. That made it an incredibly effective infiltration unit, given its ability to shapeshift and avoid Progenitor sensors.

It also seemed to be a prototype model, appearing to be somewhere between a T-1000 and T-X. As far as he knew, Skynet hadn't started manufacturing T-X models yet, so that was a good sign. What was a bad sign was the possibility of Skynet manufacturing T-X models with jamming modules. That would be an absolute nightmare indeed.

Vortex stopped just a few feet away from the fallen Terminator and aimed his plasma cannon at it. "Because sometimes," The cannon began to produce an electric hum, the barrel beginning to glow. "It pays to be paranoid."

With that, he fired. The electrically-charged plasma bolt promptly incinerated the Terminator and created a blinding flash and deafening boom that lit up the entire street. In place of the Terminator was a smoldering crater and half-melted and dripping tarmac.

"Oh, shit." The Commander muttered when he saw what the cannon had done. "I probably shouldn't have used the maximum power setting. Goodwitch isn't going to be pleased."

He decided to get out of there as soon as possible. "Uh, come on, Qrow. Let's get to Beacon." He then blasted into the air and shot towards the academy. He'd recorded the footage of the Terminator and ordered his forces to increase security, and warn the people of Vale. Right now, he still had quite a bit of explaining to do, and he wasn't really looking forwards to that.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Marie took the first chance she saw, "Gotcha," and fired another bolt of compressed ink, this time towards the yellow-clad zombie.

( H Hal lucination )
Vytal Festival Pavilion

Rustbolt was knocked back by the blast, allowing Wall-Knight to activate his heavy gauntlets. The dual giant fists slammed into Rustbolt’s torso, knocking him into the sky. Wall-Knight relaxed. He turned to Marie. “I don’t know whether to thank you or fight you, but I’ll go with the former.” Wall-Knight remembered human customs and extended his mechanical arm. “I’m Wall-Knight.”

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Open to anyone in Vale

The shot connected satisfyingly, and gave the mechanized walnut the upper hand, literally. One of their robotic hands swung from underneath and sent the zombie flying into the sky, presumably never to be seen again. The walnut then turned towards Marie.
"I don’t know whether to thank you or fight you, but I’ll go with the former."
It extended a robotic hand, "I’m Wall-Knight."

"Oh, hello, Wall-Knight," Marie said, hesitantly, before accepting the handshake. Her hand seemed very small next to its robotic gauntlet, which made the recurring size differential ever-more apparent. "I'm... Monika Niigou." Marie finally got her pseudonym correct.

( H Hal lucination )
Parasoul Renoir, Nadia Fortune, & Valentine
-Canopy Kingdom-

As Sento talked, Paraoul listened to what he have said. When being told that two of them have been recruited, and that they should be by the castle by now, the princess says "No need, the catgirl and the nurse are already here. Well, they were a bit rowdy at me at first, but eventually I have had my men calm the two down." The subject then changes to Filia and Cerebella. Sento says that the two fought each other and received grave wounds, as well as escaping from the authorities. "Those corrupted cops..." She muttered "Probably a bunch of Medici associates, I guess. This kingdom does not really have the best police force." Upon being requested for the best medics, and as well as having received coordinates to Sento's current location, the princess replied "I'll be there, just hang on." She then ends the call.

The princess quickly rushes out her room and went for Valentine and Nadia. They are being held in a room, guarded by a pair of soldiers. Upon arrival, the soldiers let the princess in and when she enters, the nurse and the catgirl turn their attention. "Valentine, your assistance is required." Parasoul says, and then Valentine replies "And who needs me besides you, princess bitch?" Parasoul did not like that tongue, but regardless, she replies "The one that sent you here needs your medical skills. Two women are badly beaten up, and they are now being held at a warehouse. For once in a lifetime, Valentine, I need your help." The nurse thought for a moment before finally making a decision. "Fine, but after this and that Banoi thing, we're going back to being enemies." She says, and then the princess nods. "Come, and Nadia, you're coming as well." Parasoul says and then the three women walk out of the room and out the castle.

Upon exit, Parasoul gets her phone out and begins to contact her communications officer. "Molly, tell Adam to bring his best medics to these coordinates. Someone needs a bit of healing." She says right before she hops on a motorcycle with a sidecar attached. Valentine would hop in as well, leaving Nadia to get in the sidecar, much to her dismay. They then ride off to where Sento is, later joined by a jeep full of medics. After a long time, Parasoul and her group arrives.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"So, what is this place? I’m... Not from around here."

"Oh, neither am I. But this city you're in is called Vale," Marie announced, thrusting her arms out to gesture to the whole area, "We're about to have a tournament tomorrow, so maybe check in then?"

( H Hal lucination )
Vytal Festival Pavilion

Wall-Knight looked up. “Tournament? I don’t know if I can attend it. Let me check something first.” Wall-Knight flew into the sky. He activated his communicator. “All Zombies are accounted for.” Wall-Knight called into the communicator.

“Good.” Citron replied. “We’ve got the dome sealed, but you can still come in by the entrance at our base.” Wall-Knight was about to respond, when he was interrupted by Citron again. “Hey, I know that you’ve always wanted to go see the world, Wally.”

Wall-Knight frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

Citron smiled. “I mean that you can explore all you want.”

Wall-Knight was taken aback. “But... What about Suburbia? Won’t the zombies get the upper hand without me?”

“Well, some time before Rose sealed the dome, some weird dudes came and offered to help us. We couldn’t turn down free help, so we let them in and they promised to help us for as long as we needed it. They helped pick up the slack that was caused by you and Beta-Carrotina.”

Wall-Knight faltered. “...Beta?”

Citron nodded. “After you left, Beta-Carrotina said she wasn’t going to let you go alone, and took off after you. Typical Beta, right?”

Wall-Knight could hardly contain his excitement. With Suburbia safe,Wall-Knight’s love en route, and him free to explore, Wall-Knight was elated. “Yeah, typical. So, am I allowed to explore?”

Citron grinned. “...Yes.”

“Great! Wall-Knight over and out.” Wall-Knight ended the call and exploded into the sky with a massive “WOO-HOOOOO!”
Canopy, New Meridian Outskirts

"Copy that" Rookie said, before switching off his radio so he could only hear incoming messages. He then readied his rifle again, and peeked out from behind his cover, using the darkness to hide what little he was exposing. He stayed still, waiting for an opportunity for him and the others to escape without being seen by the current occupants of the warehouse.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Zamasu Zamasu Sleek Sleek Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

Rapture system

Suddenly, in an instant, a Tie Predator appeared above a planet in low orbit, the ship's ion engines damaged, keeping it from pulling itself out of its quickly deteriorating orbit. The shields it had were still on however. Inside the pilot cursed furiously, damning both the enemy who did this to her craft and her craft's engines for failing. She quickly realized that from where she was, there was saving her ship form the planet's gravity. Instead, she pulled all power from sensors, weapons, engines and even life support, since she a suit capable of allowing in a vacuum for a brief period of time, and diverted all that power to the shields instead.
Lord Kenobi
Aboard the Reborn (Imperial-class Destroyer)
Rapture System

Lord Kenobi suddenly wakes up after getting hit from the rubbles, the surprise Force push of Darth Maul made Kenobi mad as he feel that he was defeated by his arch-nemesis and yet again it was all just a dream but Kenobi feel that his head hurts like shit. Maybe the invasion of Coruscant was true or it was just a dream? He lift himself up from his bed and decides to leave on the quarters.

As he left his quarter, officers and Sith troopers would say, "Greetings, Lord Kenobi" with respect as they bow their heads whenever they see Kenobi close by. He crack his neck from left to right in order to relieve the pain from his neck, he then goes to the bridge where Grand Admiral Wullf Yularen, four Sith Knight guards, several military officers and several Sith troopers were present. Kenobi approaches Yularen as the military soldiers and officers bowed their heads.

"Greetings, Lord Kenobi." Yularen's head bow before him.

"Greetings, Grand Admiral Yularen. Say, have we already attacked Coruscant?" Kenobi asked him.

"Well, we are going there right now to mount an invasion. Lord Vader and his 501st Sith Stormtroopers are going to help us." Yularen replied the Dark Lord.

"Really? I thought we already attacked Coruscant. Heh, i guess it's a dream." Kenobi scratched his head.

"It surely is a dream, my lord." They both chuckled.

"Are we there yet?"

"Well, we're almost there, my lord, we're just waiting for Lord Vader's response."

"Just contact him."

"Affirmative, my lord."

Yularen ordered the communications' crew to contact Lord Vader but there was no answer coming from the Chosen One. Yularen ordered the crew to try again and then again, there was no answer.

"Where the varp (hell) is Skywalker?" Kenobi muttered to himself.

Since Kenobi is stubborn, he ordered Yularen to hyperspace in order to get to Coruscant as Kenobi believed that there might be problems in communication. Yularen sighs and proceed the hyperspace.


After the hyperspace, they were a little bit confused as the entire planet isn't covered by city but a mixture of tundra, tropical, desert, etc.

"This isn't Coruscant. Where the varp are we?" Kenobi asked.

"The map shows we are here in Coruscant, my lord, but it turns out we are in an unknown system." Yularen replied

"Are you saying that we aren't in the Core Worlds?" Kenobi asked

"Probably, I assumed we are in the Unknown Regions, my lord." Yularen replied

Kenobi scratched his head in disbelief although there have been a commotion seconds later as the officers saw a TIE predator appeared in the planet's low orbit out of no where. Kenobi assumed that this TIE predator is Imperial-affiliated.

"Imperial spotted." An officer said.

"Capture that Imperial scum at all cost. I want that Imperial to be interrogated. Don't shoot the TIE predator unless that pilot provokes you. If the Imperial shoots then shoot back. And also, failure to comply will be shoot on sight too." Kenobi said.

"Yes, my lord." an officer replied.

The officer ordered the pilots to intercept the TIE predator. 5 X-Wing star fighters would leave the hangar to intercept the TIE predator. As they approach the TIE predator, they saw that the starfighter itself is damaged. They'd attempt to contact the TIE predator as the X-wing star fighters began to round up the TIE predator.

"You! Get out of your ship and your life will be saved from your failing engine! Surrender to the true Empire and you will not be harmed! Failure to comply our communications will be shoot on sight!" One of the pilots began to communicate with the TIE predator. The pilot can see that the X-wing starfighters' symbol is somewhat unique (the insignia of the Sith Imperium is not existent in the original timeline/EU).

(Space-based factions could see an Imperial-class destroyer just near the orbit of Rapture, that includes 5 X-wing starfighters chasing a TIE predator)

Username Username


Sith trooper


Sith warrior


Grand Admiral Yularen


X-Wing starfighter (Sith)


Sith Imperium symbol

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