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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]


Marie followed silently next to Ruby, somewhat more comfortable in her presence than in Ryuga's, as they ran into Ruby's apparent sister, Yang. She seemed less excitable than Ruby, and somewhat more matured. And yellow. She had a lot of yellow, from head to toe was just a rainbow of different shades and hues of the color. It was... distracting.

"If you don't mind, can you buy the food for me?"

"I vote we go find out what this food is!" Marie commented. She brushed a tentacle out of her face, having let it droop down while running to catch up with Ruby earlier.

"Alright, fine."

"Haha, yes! Let's go get some food!" she declared, marching alongside Ryuga as the pair went off to the food stand. Once they had approached decently close, Marie announced to the man running the stand, "Hey, what kind of food do you serve here?"

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )
Canopy, New Meridian

Rookie reached out to shake the man's hand, pulling back when he noticed it was still on fire. Once it stopped, he reached forward to shake it. "Thats an...unusual name" He was careful to not seem like he was insulting the man. He glanced towards Stella. "She is right...we shouldn't stick around, the police are surely on their way, i doubt they would take kindly to four heavily armed people doing their job, even it was in self defense." He glanced back at the dead brute, a creature that stood at easily the same size as Delta. He knew that was going to be one hell of a clean up job.

VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Zamasu Zamasu


The Skaven forces attacking Falkreath were ordered in to an all out charge towards the city, and to destroy anything and everything that they could, whether it be machine, building, man or livestock. The artillery began to rain down upon the city, crushing buildings. The Skaven could not easily engage their opponent here, but they could adopt a scorched earth tactic and leave the enemy with very little at Falkreath.

Meanwhile, the forces that sacked Dragon's bridge headed towards Morthal, choosing to circumvent the fortress of Solitude rather than attack it head on. Any farms they came across on their way, were burnt down, with the livestock completely devoured and the farmers butchered. Movement was slow towards Morthal, however, due to the swampland between it and Solitude.

Meanwhile, across Skyrim, bands of Skaven that had previously been hiding underground, emerged and began attacking farms throughout the province. The tactic was simple, yet brutal. If the enemy could not grow food, they would starve, and while this would not work against the machines, if somethign wasn't done, the people of Skyrim would suffer even more.

At Markarth, hundreds of Skaven were slaughtered before the warpfire throwers were able to do something. Their effectiveness against the nanobots was greatly increased due to the fact that they couldn't care less if they were burning their own as well, so whenever the tiny horrors made themselves known, they warpfire throwers were burn everything in their area, even if that meant killing several Skaven as well.

Corrosion Corrosion
Ivela Zoldyck

Ivela's eyes narrowed slightly at hearing about artificial auras. 'Auras? They cannot mean nen...everyone has nen. Why would they make artificial auras?' She wondered. 'Fascinating. I wonder if I could aquire yet another type of aura.'
The brothers accepted her offer to show them to a hotel, seemingly no longer terrified of her. That was good.
"It's no trouble! After all, I know my way around the city better than most. You couldn't ask for a better guide." She declared, grinning. She was doing a wonderful job acting kind it seemed.
She really did know her way around the city, although that mostly consisted of shortcuts and back alleys. Places to go unseen. But she knew the main streets well enough.
"I'll see you two tomorrow." She said, referring to the two people who seemed to be running the tournament.
The two brothers caught her attention again by noting that they had gotten off on the wrong foot and introducing themselves. 'Mario and Luigi..strange names...' They jumped up as they did so, amusing Ivela. They were capable of reaching great heights it seemed.
"Ah, no. It's probably my fault. I don't always make a good first impression." She said with a faux sheepish chuckle. "My name is Ivela Zoldyck." She introduced, offering a shallow bow. "It's wonderful to meet you. I'm assuming you've only just arrived on Exodus today?"

Location: Vale Amity Colliseum

Tags: Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Code by ~ ~ B e a u t y _ B e l l e


Luariëeccaira arrived on the scene after the commotion, due to the fact that she had run in the direction that people were running away from. Sirens blared in the distance as she noticed several people clustered together. She stood several feet away from them, examining. A little ways away there laid a dead creature of some sort. She assumed they were responsible for its death. The people present appearred to be heavily armed, one of them exceptionally tall. All were intimidating. But Laurieëcairra was a Maiar...sort of, and she wouldn't be intimidated! Perhaps these strangers had answers! At the very least they could act as guides. They had what looked to be "modern" weapons which meant they would have a better idea of what was going on than she.
"Would you mind terribly if I accompanied you?" Luariëecairra asked, approaching them. "I feel a bit like a nymph out of water here." Considering she was wearing clearly medieval clothing and had a sword strapped to her waist she looked more out of place than most.

Location: Canopy Kingdom, New Meridian

Tags: Zamasu Zamasu Username Username Thepotatogod Thepotatogod VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

Code by ~ ~ B e a u t y _ B e l l e
Rookie turned to face the woman. Normally, he would just write her off as some sort of odd cosplayer, but, considering everything that had happened so far, that notion was not there. His helmet's visor only showed the woman's reflection, hiding the man's facial expressions. "You can come along...but who are you?" He also wondered what the hell Nymph was, but that was fairly low on his list of priorities right now.

Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver

Luariëecairra offered the man a smile before introducing herself with a light bow. "Luariëecairra daughter of Goldberry at your service."
She then paused, remembering her previous conpanions. "I also go by Earyende, but you can call me Airy if it is easier for you to pronounce. I've been told I come from the world called 'Lord of the Rings' if that holds any significance to you." Luariëecairra explained. She was relieved at the fact that the man with the helmet obscuring her view of him was allowing her to go with them.
She wasn't sure what she would do in this strange new world with all its metal machines.
She probably shouldn't be so trusting of strangers, especially ones she couldn't even get a read on thanks to that blasted helmet, but she had faith in herself.

Location: Canopy Kingdom Prime Meridian

Tags: Username Username Thepotatogod Thepotatogod VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Zamasu Zamasu

Code by ~ ~ B e a u t y _ B e l l e
"That is one hell of name....i think i will just use Airy" Rookie said,before thinking from a moment. "No it doesn't...so i would assume you wouldn't know what the UNSC is either then...well, anyways, people usually just call me J.D. or Rookie" He said, examining Airy. He noticed she only had a sword as a weapon. "You are pretty lightly armed...do you know how to use another other weapons?" He asked. Rookie expected a no, or he at least he expected no experience with firearms, which to him is what really mattered in a fight.

Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver
--Sento Kiryu--
Maplecrest Academy
Zamasu Zamasu

When the cops arrived on the rooftop, Sento expected them to be notified of him, at least, but it looks like for some reason, the Princess didn't notify the force about him being on their side. Welp. Time for plan B.

"How about...No?"Sento said as lowered himself, the spring found on the ankle of the red side of his armor pressing down as it glowed red without wasting a second, he jumped, propelling himself backwards and onto the outer wall of the campus, falling onto the spot where he first parked. After making sure that no one managed to jump after him, Sento ran towards the front gates to retrieve Filla...

New Meridian
VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Username Username Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver

Stella merely watched as a blonde haired woman clad in white introduced her as Luar...Luarieecaira. It's a little hard to pronounce, but perhaps shortening it to just Luar would be good enough.

"Then let's go." Stella said as she took the lead, "The longer we stay, the less time we have." She said, soon running off aimlessly in order to find someplace to stay...

(Do Not Interact)

The blackened figure stared down at the reverted monster, rubbing his chin in curiosity. Surely, a certain someone would be intrigued to hear about this...

--The Two Qrows--
Corrosion Corrosion 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

"...Do I even know you?" Qrow(Vol.5) asked, raising a brow, "You sound like I do, but I never seen this scrapheap."

"You heard it here, man. It's probably him." The other Qrow accused, "There's absolutely no one in this kingdom who doesn't know this tincan over here."

"Wha-?!" Qrow was baffled. This isn't the Vale he remembered at all! There wasn't a famous metal head other than Jimmy! "What the hell...?"

--Ryuga Banjo--
Vale, Vytal Festival Area
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

The old man merely glanced ay the petite woman as he pointed upwards, showing what they're selling and their prices and they...Mostly sell noodles. Ramen, Udon, plain Noodles, salty noodles, and even the one with frickin FISH on them.

"I'll have the Ramen." Ryuga said as a large red bowl(about 50 cm in diameter and height) filled with noodles and soup--The usual Ramen combo slid towards him with expert precision. Surprised, He looked at the old man then his meal. It's just as big as the one Yang has. It's actually quite bigger than his usual ramen pack. . .
The One Eyed King​

Of course things had to just get a bit worse.

Ken wasn't bothered by the sounds of the readying of rifles, his kagune retreating back into his body as he moved his head to look at the group of men that had made their presence in the building known. He figured he still wasn't affected by normal bullets, it'd be the rest of the group that would be in danger if the group fired. They spoke in their native tongue, one that Strelok responded back with as the squid-girl and Haru were stuck waiting to see what would happen. Thank goodness Strelok seemed to be able to ease the tension in the room, the others had lowered their weapons rather quickly.

"I'm not sure if they all speak English."
He added as Callie asked one of the stalkers if they spoke English. "Though it would be nice." He decided to approach the fire that'd been built, his eye moving across the room as the leader introduced his comrades. Though Ken's focus was more on the weapons and equipment they had. Ken had little knowledge of firearms. He'd never been given one to use as Haise, and he never was a fan of the noise. "Ken Kaneki. Though I'm addressed as the 'One Eyed King' by some." His glanced over at the door, the glowing red light seeping through the small cracks. "I take it that whatever is going on out there..isn't a pleasant experience. Obliteration?"

Corrosion Corrosion Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
With that sudden movement, Sento was able to stun the cops before they could open fire. He was able to lose them within just a big leap. However, the cops are not willing to give up with just that and they quickly rush in back into the building. It is only a matter of time for Sento to make a bteak for it.

Beowulf & Jotaro Kujo

Hey, is today tomorrow already?

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
As the PCM observed the enemy unknowns destroying much of Skyrim's farmlands and adopting a scorched earth tactic, it calculated a loss of 71.55 percent to Skyrim's locally-produced food supply. The supercomputer quickly formed a solution to this problem and ordered an increase of production and export of food supplies from Syndicate Headquarters, the underground hydroponic farms being put to work and the supply vehicles receiving new orders in order to ensure that the people of Skyrim were properly fed and cancelling the effects of starvation and possible famine.

The destruction of Falkreath's many buildings was marked as acceptable, as despite their age, they could be rebuilt, or replaced with Syndicate nanofabricated buildings in their place. While it was true that the residents of Skyrim had access to Syndicate and Visionik technology, most refused, preferring to stick to their more traditional roots. The PCM ordered the troops in combat there to push the attack, flanking around to surround the hostiles. Air support consisting of Kestrels and armed Pelican dropships rained down plasma fire from the skies.

Across Skyrim, the machines were deployed to counter the intruders, most arriving in drop pods or aerial transport. As soon as an emergence of the rats was detected, the position would first be bombarded by artillery consisting of the stationary gun emplacements and several Catapult tactical missile launchers, followed by bombers carpet bombing the location, and finally, the arrival of additional troops. The PCM decided that the situation was quickly growing, and thus authorised the deployment of heavier units, namely Gendarmes, medium six-legged bots around the size of a tank built to target infantry with their vast assortment of plasma weaponry and homing micromissiles.

The enemy troops that were bogged down by the swampland of Hjaalmarch made them excellent targets for orbital artillery, given the wide, empty space between settlements there. SXX-1304 laser platforms that had moved into position above the planet unleashed streams of blue lasers down below, incinerating all that were caught in the blast and creating large shockwaves. The troops were target to an unending artillery bombardment from Frostbite Base.

Because the Locusts were so many and so numerous, it didn't matter if a million of them were destroyed. The loss hardly made a difference as the swarm began to form a massive swirling vortex, sweeping through the city at vast speeds, stripping flesh from bone and outright destroying enemy weapons.

Username Username

"I'm not sure if they all speak English."

Callie frowned, sliding down the wall into a sitting position, "So, what then? We just wait for the storm to calm down?"

( Corrosion Corrosion CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt not much to do now that'd be a good idea, sorry)


Marie looked at the menu, which was serving noodles of different kinds. She took a cursory glance, before deciding, "And I'll have the plain noodles, please. Say, do you, uh, have any smaller bowls?"
( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )
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Exodus West

If the Commander had a face, one of his eyebrows would have probably raised in confusion. The other Qrow's confusion seemed quite genuine, but it still could be this new and unidentified Terminator model emulating these emotions. So that didn't excuse him just yet, although the Commander was beginning to have an idea of who was the impostor. Vortex shifted slightly to aim most of his weapons at the other Qrow.

"Well, then." He said. "The easiest way to solve this is by answering a simple question." There was a pause for a bit, almost as if he wanted to be dramatic before asking the query.

After several seconds passed, he finally asked.

"Who's the Spring Maiden?"

The question was solid, something only the core members of the Ozluminati would know. The identity of the Maiden was a complete secret, and the Commander wanted to keep it that way. He just couldn't risk the secret getting out, especially if Cinder found out. As such, he took drastic measures to keeping the secret, such as soundproofing the room and adding what were probably unnecessary amounts of security. Even then, it was something only the group knew. For all he knew, Raven herself could be on Exodus, maybe even Vale. He'd seen plenty of ravens flying around. Sure, they were just normal birds, but he couldn't take any chances.

Qrow knew the secret. The Commander knew he was smart enough to not blurt out the secret. So, he'd given him a code phrase in case he was either captured somehow, or in a situation exactly like this. Vortex had calculated several thousand possible scenarios, including this one. The real Qrow would reply with the phrase, 'well, I have gone birdwatching lately'. Cryptic, but held enough meaning to be good enough.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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"Who's the Spring Maiden?" A2 was confused "what the hell is a spring maiden?" she looked over to where the old men were standing "so are you gonna tell me where the hell I am? Like one second ago I was being chased by a prepubescent boy in shorts and now I'm stuck n a damn alley with two old men and a machine which seriously needs to put its weapons down before it goes in for an early maintenance check" Her flight unit was beginning to circle around with its guns loaded she also readies her sword with her type 40 blade materialising onto her back and 042 has started to glow a bit."im starting to get a bit impatient so ill be taking your answers now"


A2 was stuck in another confrontation.2B had no choice but to watch from a fair distance as she didn't know the full capabilities of the old men or the Machine.

Corrosion Corrosion
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

The Skaven retreated back undergound once they could no longer freely burn the farmland, limiting some of their losses as their objective was already complete and there was no commander to force them to stay. Meanwhile, the forces by Morthal were completely annihilated and Falkreath's forces weren't doing better, as they either broke or rushed towards the enemy, causing some to escape and may of the expendable clanrats to die to plasma fire.

Lord Gnawdwell himself ordered the tunnels that by now ran below all of Markarth to be collapsed, before the locusts could get deeper and kill more. With them, much of the City was taken too, killing any survivors, any Skaven still in the city and leaving it as nothing more than unidentifiable ruins. The mines and ruins were caved in completely as well, leaving very little of what originally made the city valuable to surface dwellers.

With the forces of Clan Mors retreating on all fronts, the Vortex were now left with a choice. Pursue the Skaven underground, or leave the rats alone beneath the surface.

Corrosion Corrosion
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~Mario and Luigi~
Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver

As the three conversed, the brothers began slowly making their way towards the exit and towards the flight of stairs, which would eventually take them back to the Bullheads. They were hoping to incite the woman to walk along with them as they talked. As much as they enjoyed the conversation- really, they did- they didn't want to glue her to one spot, especially when they could just as easily make some progress together before night descended. After all, they had a rather big day tomorrow; and besides, nobody wants to spend after hours in a hovering coliseum, no matter how majestic it might feel or how breathtaking it might look. It'd give anybody the heebie-jeebies.

The brothers walked slowly, however, as to not walk too far in front of the lady, and as to not completely abandon her. If they got too far ahead, they would slow down or stop, allowing her to keep up. They were rather agile and athletic folk, despite what Mario's rather pudgy physique and Luigi's comparatively lanky build might say, so it was important to give others the proper consideration. In an attempt to prevent this, they tried their best to maintain a speed that would allow them to walk side-by-side with her.

"It's no trouble! After all, I know my way around the city better than most. You couldn't ask for a better guide." She replied, flashing a wide grin, which instinctively made the brothers grin back. They were cheerful, playful people- to see other people being cheerful brought out their own attitude. She referred to the two professors, mentioning quickly that she'd see them tomorrow as well. That means she'll be watching the tournament, then? How pleasant! They'd certainly be looking forward to see her there!

She referred to the brothers' introductions, too, saying that it was "probably her fault" and that she "doesn't always make a good first impression", adding a sheepish chuckle.

"My name is Ivela Zoldyck." She introduced, bowing politely to them. "It's wonderful to meet you. I'm assuming you've only just arrived on Exodus today?"

"Exodus?" Luigi repeated, briefly rubbing the back of his neck. "Is that where this is...? I've-a never heard of it before."

"Well, if it is, then yes, we just arrived here today." Mario replied, nodding at her. "Actually, it's-a more like we appeared here today."

"This'll sound strange, but... we just went to sleep last-a night, and... and when we woke up, pow! We were on the side of the road!" Luigi added, exaggerating his hand movements and opening his palms quickly, as if he were mimicking an explosion or a sudden flash when referring to 'when they woke up'.

"We signed up, mostly because it could help us get to the bottom of this!" Mario continued, pumping his fist lightly to emphasise. "I mean, lots of people watch these sort of things, right? If anybody else that we know is here, they might-a see us! We'll be able to find them!"

"I, ah... I suppose you've been here for a while? Since you know your way around, I mean!" Luigi quickly corrected himself, lest he fumble his words and cause offence. "Are you local?
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Carl Johnson
Mojave Wasteland, the Wasteland
Exodus East

The scorching sun of the Mojave desert and the crows surrounding him made CJ awake as the crows were pecking his face and his other parts of his body. CJ felt a hangover due to the fact that he drink a ton of alcohol at the party after he, Ken, and Maccer manage to get back to Los Santos from a successfully stage a concert at London. CJ lift himself up and vomits from the unpleasant physiological and psychological effects following his consumption of alcohol. After he vomit, he started to observe his surroundings, he assumed that he is in Bone County (the name of the Mojave desert in GTA universe) because of the obvious terrains however there is something odd about this 'Bone County' as he observed the surroundings although he didn't mind the difference of the Bone County and the Mojave Wasteland since they are the same.

"How the fuck did I get here?" CJ muttered as he observed his surroundings.

"I guess I got Ken'd at Maccer'd in this situation, huh, I guess it's a long way to Fort Carson-.. if I can still remember this hellhole place."

CJ scratch his head as he began to walk on the desert to find Fort Carson, the largest town and the capital of the Bone County and yet again, there is something odd about the place, CJ surely knew where Fort Carson is as he knew the terrain of the entire Bone County but CJ isn't sure why this place to him is new to him. CJ guess that this is the effects of hangover, anyhow, CJ's priority at this moment is to find a settlement or else he'll die of dehydration, he already feel what the scorching heat of the Mojave desert feels like, it's hell.

Open for interaction
--Tatsumi Port Island--
Zamasu Zamasu

The next day arrived with nothing much occurring in the day as usual. Today, however, is a weekend. So there's no classes for the day. Now then, either Josuke decides to move in to the dorm now, or do some exploration. Perhaps he could find someone he knows or people to meet...

--Sento Kiryu--
Maplecrest - - - > New Meridian

Sento immediately materialized his 4koma blade to summon a Clone Sento which took out both Sento's Machine Builder Phones and turned them into bikes while the Real Sento carried the body onto the bike. The clone Sento retrieved Filla's body and mounted on the bike, their bodies slumped on the Sentos' backs for convenience. The two Riders rode away from the scene as fast as their bikes could, heading back to New Meridian.

--Two Qrows--
Corrosion Corrosion

When Vortex asked about the Spring Maiden, the reactions of the two Qrows varried. One of the Qrows while the other raised a brow in suspicion.

"Now why would I-?" The other Qrow(Vol.5) was about to ask when Qrow interjected

"Heh. I've been out birdwatching a lot lately." Qrow said, saying the code Vortex needed to hear. Soon enough, the other Qrow hears the voice of a grey haired woman clad in black.

"Long story short, women with incredible magic powerful enough to topple a country." The other Qrow answered, as Qrow smirked and answered the woman's other question.

"Welcome to Vale, kid."

Vale, outskirts
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains

The armored man lowered his arm when the boy told him what he was doing it sounded like he didn't know where he was, and at this point in time, Vile can sympathize. He is fixed in a random kingdom's warehouse after all.

"Just lost, huh?" Vile glanced around to see if anyone of them was listening in. After confirming that they're the only two people there, he nodded at the boy. "Fine. I'll let you off the hook this time. I'm not programmed to deal with whiny brats like you anyways." He said as he began to walk away, before stopping and looking back. "Oh. And DON'T go this way. They'll find you, and it'll be bad for you...For the next time we meet, I won't be generous." He says before finally walking away from the boy. . .

--Ryuga Banjou--
Vale, Festival Grounds
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

The old man rubbed his chin before quickly going to the back of his stand as if to get something. A moment later, he returns with a somewhat smaller bowl and soon fills it with noodles which he casually slid towards Marie.

"Did you always have that?" Ryuga asked as the old man shook his head, claiming that either he only had so little or he only had the one. ". . .Okay then. I'll just need one more of the plain noodles. Trays here are free to grab, right?" He asked as the old man slid another bowl near Ryuga, grabbing a tray in the process.

It took Ryuga a solid 10 seconds to place the bowls into the tray due to it's heat, and due to him trying not to spill his ramen all over the stall. He soon took out some of the cards Ruby had in her wallet and handed it to the old man.

"So...We good?" Ryuga asked as he confirmed the payment. The old man nodded and the gave the two a thumbs up. "Alright. Let's go back." He told Monika as he carefully carried the tray towards Ruby's seat. . .
Josuke Higashiakta
-Tatsumi Port Island-

The rises over the peaceful port town, and Josuke was laying on his bed, still asleep. When the sun's rays enter his bedroom, the light kisses his sleepy face and then he wakes up with a loud yawn. Josuke scratches his back for a bit before getting up and do some stretches before going to his kitchen to cook up breakfast. Knowing that it is the weekend, Josuke could probably have woke up a bit late. Upon arriving at the kitchen, the first thing Josuke does is cook up some sunny-side up eggs, bacon, and while he's at it, make toast. Serving it with a side of leftover orange juice, Josuke takes his time to enjoy the results of his cooking. After finishing breakfast, he washes the dishes before going to the bathroom to take a nice relaxing shower. After that, Josuke makes a hefty amount of preparations. He begins to pack everything he needs such as his clothes, accessories, and personal stuff.

Once all of the packing has been completed, it is now time for him to move to the dorm that the SEES are based. Josuke had to call a moving company to take his stuff to the dorm. It took him time until finally, he has arrive a the dormitory, or as Ken would call it, the headquarters. What will happen to Josuke once he enters his new life as a member of SEES?




On a darkly lit stage littered with "JoJo" and "Persona" signs and illuminated by multiple multi-colored lights, Josuke Higashikata, Ken Amada, Okuyasu Nijimura and Mitsuru Kirijo all stand together as the scene pans around them. Colorful pop-art portraits of the foursome flash by before cutting back to the stage as all four reach their hands up towards the ceiling as confetti flies about, with their poses highly reminiscent of the widely-recognizable Saturday Night Fever pose. The scenery then changes to Tatsumi as silhouettes of all the Persona users in Tatsumi flash by at blinding speed. The scene then changes to an aerial view of Tatsumi, with the view quickly descending through clouds and towards the ground. The logo then appears, flashing before breaking into many pieces as the scenery changes yet again to Josuke walking on the street.

Surechigatteku kao no nai shisen

Surrounded by people and street signs, Josuke walks silently with his hands in his pockets. The scene zooms onto Josuke who turns to the left as the scene changes to focus on Ken.

♪Mune no ana ga kaetetta nichijō♪

Ken, surrounded by orange and white backdrops, looks around nervously as the scene zooms out: revealing his shadow to be that of Koromaru gazing at him.

Kyōkai nante naku deau atarimae no kimyō U Yea!

The scene then switches to Okuyasu, who is knelt on the ground next to a soft-drink can. Once again, the scene zooms out to reveal Okuyasu's shadow as that of his brother, Keicho Nijimura aiming the Bow and Arrow before morphing into their father. Okuyasu slowly stands up before kicking the can which leads into a transition of a picture of Josuke on the can, possibly referencing the battle with Atom Heart Father.

Itsumo dōri no asa ga uwatsura de warau

The can rotates clockwise before transitioning into Josuke walking down his home street as disco lights illuminate him. Josuke strikes a pose, leading to Crazy Diamond appearing from his side as diamond-sparkles fill the scene.

Shōtai fumei no mama hikareru misuterī

The scenery changes to Ken running down a separate street with disco lights shining on the pavement. Ken also strikes a pose, leading Kala-Nemi to appear from above as electric sparks begin to fill the scene, as well as the word 'MYSTERY' floating above.

Hajimari mo iwazu jitto hisonderu kono machi no dokoka

Colorful ripples then change the scenery to feature Okuyasu strolling down a sidewalk. He then leans backwards, which prompts The Hand to appear from his opposite side; mirroring the pose he's in. The scene zooms into them both before breaking apart to reveal Mitsuru standing by herself. Mitsuru then strikes her pointing pose, with Artemisia appearing from her side, mimicking her . As multiple colorful ripples dot across the scene, the scenery suddenly pans out and upwards towards the sky.

Dakedo kyō mo jōjō ni monku nanka iiatte nichijō o odoru

The scene transitions into a map of Tatsumi, with Josuke, Ken, Okuyasu, Junpei Iori, Akihiko Sanada, Yukari Takeba and Fuuka Yamagishi all dancing along to the song. Mitsuru herself appears last and smiles rather than dance as the scene then changes to feature only Crazy Diamond. Crazy Diamond punches the background, destroying it and reforming it as an entirely new background, with Kala-Nemi manifest itself on the wall. The Hand then appears and uses its power to erase the background completely.

Kureijī Noijī Bizāru Taun

The scenery then changes to feature Josuke, Okuyasu and Ken all standing on the streets on Tatsumi ; staring at a building complex. Josuke then turns around with a stoic expression on his face as the others turn with him. The scene then pans out as the trio gaze upon the town of Tatsumi in its entirety from atop a hill. The scene then focuses towards the sky itself before immediately cutting to Josuke, Okuyasu, Ken and Mitsuru all striking a pose in front of a colorful background.

Did I do it right?


The two Sento's have made a great escape, eventually losing the cops after a couple of hours of being chased. The two girls are still breathing, but it would only be a matter of time before they could succumb to their own injuries. Sento needs to make haste before he goes back to Parasoul with two dead bodies.

Beowulf & Jotaro Kujo

The day has come, and it is only a couple of hours before the main event starts. Until then, the two men decided to check around the festival grounds. As expected by the two men, they are greeted by Beowulf's lovingly die hard fans, much to Jotaro's annoyance. Many of his fans requested his autograph, and Beowulf decided that he would, and so he decides to put a stand for himself, which is just sitting on his folding hair and make his gigantic severed arm as a table. Fans begin to line up with each of them holding more than just napkins. Jotaro could not do anything but stand right next to the legendary famous wrestler.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Percy Jackson
Vale, Outskirts​

Percy sighed with relief when the man put his arm down. The man generally looked like he didn't want to be there in Percy's honest opinion. Then, in a sudden moment of realization, Percy noticed what was said to him. Thinking quickly as not to lose his only chance at information. "Who will find me?" Were the words that so eloquently fell out of his face. Not knowing how the man would react, Percy decided it would be best to be ready to defend himself. This guy was dangerous, that much was evident. So he began preparing water into the thinnest blade possible and keeping his shield ready. This was a fight he did not want to be in. So he decided to try to avoid it and follow up his question. "Do you mean more of those, things?" Percy really didn't want to die so he had to watch how he was saying things. All he needed to do was wait for a response be it positive or negative or non-existent, the man could just y'know not tell him.


Marie followed Ryuga back to the table carefully, not wanting the noodles to spill. She felt a little useless, unable to help with the noodles, but shrugged it off as a one-time thing. Instead of worrying herself with that, she tried to climb on top of an empty chair, getting situated.

She looked over her shoulder, hearing a commotion. "Hey, who is that?" She said, pointing to the man who seemed to be signing autographs.
( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Zamasu Zamasu )

"so I guess I'm not on earth anymore, I guess I finally lost him. Mind if I follow you guys around for a bit? I'm kinda lost and have nowhere to go."She looked at them.the old men were obviously human, they all died out and that robot seems to possess technology far superior to hers so it'll be wise to stick with them.


2B continues watching...
(can't really think of anything else..sorry..)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Some Revisions From the Arch-GM Thepotatogod Thepotatogod --

(I prefer this one better)

A young woman with auburn hair clad in a Gekkoukan High uniform appears alongside the core four, right beside Josuke and Ken, however, when the four raised their hands, she isn't seen raising hers since Josuke was covering her.

Her splash image is as following:

Only replace the card with one of her head phones and with the ridiculous filter of CNBT

Ken shadow shifts from what appears to be the girl from before to josuke's silhouette, to Koromaru

The girl replaces Ken's part in his pose bit, as he runs towards the screen but nearly stumbles which results to a pose. Now in the first few renditions of the opening, nothing appears from her as a 'Stand', But in later iterations, a shadowy figure with a white loose mask appears menacingly as the figure's cloak bears the word 'MYSTERY' in glowing white.

Everything proceeds as it is. The SEES dancing to the tune of the song except for Akihiko and Mitsuru, who both appear side by side as they mug to the camera. Mitsuru retaining her casual smile while Akihiko has his arms crossed with a grin.

The ending scene remains the same, but with the new girl smiling happily with a peace sign behind Josuke and beside Ken.

The things I added here a somewhat relative to the plot.

And with that, we have officially became a written anime, congrats Sage.

--Tatsumi Port Island--

Meanwhile, at the streets near the Iwatodai Dormitory, a young girl clad in what appears to be in a Gekkoukan High outfit walks around carrying nothing but her bag, her headphones blasting some pretty modern music. This girl was to arrive at the dormitory at the same time at the dorm as Josuke would, a pamphlet on her hand about the dorm. . .

Vale, Forestation Outskirts
SlightlyOpenCurtains SlightlyOpenCurtains

Vile had to stop when the boy began to ask questions such as who will find him. He couldn't disclose that information for now, but he could give him a hint.

"Look, all I'm saying is just look out for one of these masks." Vile soon tossed a white eye mask with red marks on it. "If you see someone wearing one of those, then you're on the wrong turf. Now get lost." He said, before walking away, his metal boots clanking on the ground loudly as he left.

--Ryuga Banjo & Ruby Rose--
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Zamasu Zamasu

"Hello! What took you so long?" Ruby asked as Ryuga finally landed the tray on the table, Ruby immediately swipping the rather large bowl of plain noodles from the tray.

"I didn't know the old guys here don't talk." Ryuga commented as he sat down, "So I guess we had to be more specific."

"Oh that's just how he is." Ruby rubbed the back of her head, "I saved his Dust store from a robbery before, you know?"

"Oh really?! Damn." Ryuga's eyes widened for a bit before taking his chopsticks, "Guess I know why you're the captain of your team, you little speedster."

"Oh stop it, you! It's just a one time thing!" Ruby said as she shushed Ryuga and began eating.

"So I need to--" Before Ryuga could ask the girls a favor, sounds of people can be heard gushing from afar. He looks over to see what's the ruckus-- A black haired junkie wearing what appears to be wolfskin, suspenders and...Furpants? That's a first. "Who the hell is that freakshow over there?" Ryuga asked, commenting on the man's atrocious looking outfit. At least the other guy looks decent. Monika seemed to wonder who it was too.

"Oh that's Beowulf." Yang answered as she watched him sign some autographs. "He's sort of a pro wrestler from Canopy on the Southern region. They say he once killed a giant monster and kept his arm." She then slumped her cheek on her palm. "Plus, he's a total hottie on my book."

"Yang!" Ruby called out in revolt as Yang merely chuckled.

"So he got famous by killing off a monster? Oh please, I'm pretty sure you guys do that all the time here." Ryuga asked, going off the knowledge he was told by Ruby's future self. "I don't really get it." He sighs as he begins to slurp on his noodles.

"Well...I guess you can understand soon since the tournament's starting tomorrow." Ruby explained as she wiped off the noodles' filth off her face, "He's in the tournament after all."

"Huh? Really now?" Ryuga nodded as he glanced at the celebrity. "Who'll partner up with that guy anyways? His bodyguard?"

--Stella(crossing over with Sento Kiryu)--
New Meridian --> Canopy Kingdom Outskirts
Username Username Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

Stella and the crew immediately bolted out of the scene once they decided to, and soon began to run aimlessly amongst the city of New Meridian. Soon enough, the seemed to have discovered several warehouses near a forested area. Most of them are old, and mostly locked warehouses except for one, conveniently opened warehouse.

"Over here." Stella said as she entered the warehouse first, drawing out her cannon to see if there are any hostiles. After a few moments of stepping forward and glancing about, she lowered her weapon and said to her comrades, "Area's clear." She said, inviting the rest of the crew in.

The interior of the warehouse didn't exactly look old, but rather, it looked like it was cleaned--like someone was living in this place. A somewhat large table in the center with flasks, runners and beakers arranged like that of a science experiment. On the far end, there appears to be seveal whiteboards surrounding the table as if to separate into sections. There are also various papers and blueprints on the side of the tables and scattered about, too. On the sides, it appears to be set up like that of houses. On the side we have what looks like a bedroom with many boxes acting as shelves and walls. And on the otherside, there's a stove/oven, a gas tank, and a coffee machine ontop of a concrete table. There's also several generators on the back of the far white boards along with many assorted crates presumably to power up the several machines in this warehouse. Needless to say, it looks like someone's living here.

Soon, sounds of motorcycles can be heard from afar, approaching the very warehouse they're in.

"Hide, now!" Stella said in alarm as she immediately went for the generator, hiding behind as if to see who it could be.

--Sento Kiryu(Crossing over with Stella)--
New Meridian --> Warehouse 'Home'.

After loosing the Maplecrest police, Sento immediately headed for the warehouse he stayed at the outskirts of the kingdom. He knows for a fact that there are some first aid items stored there, and he'd probably need to apply them to there as soon as possible.

Sento was about to arrive at the warhouse, and the people who are outside of the warehouse could see two figures on red mechanical bikes. . .


Wall-Knight opened fire against the zombot. With the rest of his team clashing against the zombie heroes, Wall-Knight was the only one left to try and slow down the zombot. He noted that unlike against other models of the zombot, his rapid-fire mode was actually dealing good damage against the shields of the mech. “Hey Zomboss!” He shouted. “Got a downgrade?” Dr. Zomboss smiled wickedly. Wall-Knight looked confused.

“Well, I’d consider it more of a side-grade, really...” Zomboss pushed a couple buttons, and a massive gun protruded out of the chest of the Zombot. Wall-Knight’s eyes widened.

“Everybody, get out of the way!” Wall-Knight barely dodged the massive purple laser that blasted out of the chest-gun... only to hopelessly watch as the laser hit it’s true target. The dome, the quarantine, Crazy Dave’s magnum opus, the very thing that kept the zombies inside suburbia and outside the rest of the world was blown open, and Wall-Knight could only watch as hordes of Zombies, as well as Rustbolt himself (Wall-Knight wondered where he was during the battle), poured through the hole that Zomboss’s laser had made in the dome. He swiftly collected himself in spite of Zomboss’s cackle. “Get to the opening!” He commanded. The Plant Heroes dashed to protect the breach. After fighting off the zombie hordes that attempted to exit the dome, the Plant Heroes discussed. “Given time, I can probably repair the dome, but I’ll need to be fully focused.” Rose fiddled with her wand.

Citron nodded. “Then we’ll buy you that time. As long as we retain a defensive position, we should be able to hold whatever Zomboss throws at us.”

Beta-Carrotina frowned through her helmet. “But what about Zomboss himself? If he breached the dome once, he can do it again in time.”

Night Cap sheathed his wakizashi. “Good point. Green Shadow and I’ll keep him distracted.”

Spudow juggled one of his heads. “And those zombies that got out before we secured the breach?”

Wall-Knight deactivated his armor. “I’ll track them down and defeat them before they can cause any damage.”

Beta-Carrotina looked concerned. “You’ll go outside the dome?”

Wall-Knight nodded. “Of course. I can hopefully take them down before anything goes wrong.”

Beta-Carrotina looked down. “Just be careful.”

Wall-Knight smiled. “I will be.”

Rose looked up. “According to the crystal of aralettum, the place the zombies are most likely to invade first is a Kingdom called Vale. It doesn’t tell me anything about the city itself. Your best course of action should be to intercept them there.”

Wall-Knight reactivated his armor. “Got it.” He took off through the hole with his jetpack, as the rest of the Plant Heroes readied themselves for combat.


Wall-Knight took in all the wonderful scenery he had missed during Suburbia’s isolation. He had secretly, to his shame, wished to escape the dome and see the new world that Suburbia was transported to, but his duty kept him back. He shook off his thoughts and continued towards Vale.
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Canopy, New Meridian Outskirts

Rookie bolted for cover, heading for the darkest part of the warehouse he could. In the dark, his black armor made him practically invisible, which he intended to use to his advantage should the others be found out. He kept his battle rifle ready, aimed in the direction of the entrance. He activated his helmet's lowlight mood. His finger hovered just above the trigger, and he waited. Even if the others decided to negotiate, he would stay back until everything was settled. The unseen soldier was the most dangerous one after all.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver
Exodus West

As soon as the Qrow answered with the correct code phrase, the Commander determined that he was the real one, and turned all his weapons towards the other. "Busted."

The glow of the repulsor on the Commander's opened palm intensified, before a magnificent beam of blue and white shot out of it and slammed into the impostor, the raw kinetic energy contained in the blast immediately sending the Qrow flying backwards. Immediately after the blast, Vortex fired his homing micromissiles, tiny, pencil-length explosive munitions meant to take down infantry.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


The Zone

"Да. I can of speak English." Vitaly replied, his voice deep and accent incredibly thick and English quite broken, though it was understandable at least. "But I cannot speak it very good. Is bad, but I try." Despite the large man's rather intimidating appearance, he seemed friendly and personable enough. "What is girl doing in Zone?" He asked Callie, curious as to why she was in such a dangerous place. To him, she still appeared to be a child, given her tiny frame and appearance.

Alexei still hadn't said anything. However, he was quietly staring at the new arrivals, most notably Ken, unmoving and unnaturally still. Yet somehow, there also seemed to be a trace of primal hunger in his electric blue eyes, a look of a predator sizing up its prey.

Meanwhile, Strelok glanced out an opening to see the blowout still raging outside, accompanied by heavy rain and its signature rumbles. "Нет. No." He said, turning back to Ken. "Emission. Blowout. A sudden and powerful release of excess noosphere energy from the centre of the Zone." The Stalker explained, crouching by the fire to dry his soaked apparel. "The energy released sweeps across the Zone, like a ripple of sorts. If you are caught in one and cannot find shelter in time, then the only thing you can do is pray. It affects the minds and bodies of the living."

A flash of lightning outside lit up the interior of the building through several small openings. "Most of the time any living thing that is caught outside when a blowout occurs is killed. Humans are no different. The blowout will scramble your brains, either killing you, or turning you into a zombie." He paused. "Not an actual zombie, understand, but Stalkers who have lost their higher brain functions are are reduced to empty shells who attack on sight."

"If you are done with your explanation, then I was wondering if you guys could help us out with something," Kirov said, moving to the fire, having been staring out through a window at the storm, which was slowly beginning to recede, as was the blowout. "A couple of bandits chased us out of Kopachy a while back. We left a stash there, and we want it back. We were on our way there when the blowout hit, so we took shelter until you came. Think you could help?"

Strelok considered Kirov's request, before turning to the new arrivals. "Your thoughts?"

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

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