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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [Always Accepting]

The Mojave​

Mojave, mo' problems.

"You see that, sir?" The NCR soldier gestured to his higher-up, handing the man a pair of binoculars as he gestured off to a very nondescript part of the desert they'd been sent to patrol. "Looks like someone walking. Dressed kind of weird. Think he got lost?" The other man peeked through the binoculars, catching the sight of CJ as he walked. "I think he got stranded, maybe his caravan or something got blown to hell and he's out of it." He pulled the binoculars away, looking towards his compatriot. "The direction he's walking? I figure he'll reach Primm in a couple miles. If something doesn't get to him first."

"Speaking of that..I think he might have some trouble coming his way right now. I see some movement that way."

Another peek through the binoculars.

"Yeah. Giant ants. Shouldn't be too much trouble if he's able to run. Or armed."

"What if it's neither?"

"Well then he's bug food."


They were right. Two ants, just a tad larger than a man, began to crawl their way towards CJ from the east. The sounds of their numerous feet slamming into the sound as they made their noisy approach. A third party, someone cloaked with the technology of a Stealth Boy, seemed to just be watching from a nearby rock. Hard to spot for CJ probably, and basically invisible to the ants. He just seemed content to simply..sit there.

For now at least.

Rysesaka Rysesaka
Asriel Dreemurr

Asriel looked over at the person, and nodded, laughing nervously. He smiled (which was actually somewhat scary as his huge fangs flashed in the light) and responded to the two. Though, he did still seemed very nervous

"Y-Yeah....um, do you know where we are?"

He asked. Though internally, he had gotten over his shock quite quickly. This was mostly an act due to the fact that if he messed up he could easily die.
Asriel extended his hand, which was rather odd to behold with its paw pads on his fingertips and palms.

"I do think I'm a bit lost, if I'm honest. I'm...not from around here."

The goat said, before realizing he had forgotten to introduce himself. He tried to ignore the flying hand, but was obviously being creeped out by it.

"I'm Asriel, Asriel Dreemurr. What's your name?"
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Punished "Venom" Snake

Snake nodded. He wasn't surprised, Vortex was expanding and attempting to maintain the peace constantly. The man did not trust the machines, having found his past experiences with them to be less than satisfactory. His troops started loading the gear into the transports, but all of them knew that should anyone slip up, they'd be dead where they stood. A wrong word, a slip of the finger, a careless gesture, anything.

"I want a rundown on the local security. Everything."

He said, looking behind the Major to watch some of the Vortex combat units move along.
In the mean time, the sounds of mechanical units activating became noticeable above the din as their Walker Gears became active and were being piloted around.

"Because these rats can attack in large numbers and be anywhere without warning. I want to know how strong your troop complement is."
Corrosion Corrosion
Location: The North

Somewhere far north from the lands of Skyrim, the continent of Naggoroth, otherwise known as the Land of Chill, is teleported from it's homeland to this strange new world. And while unnoticeable to the general population, those who practiced the magical arts sensed that something was off.


-Mayuri Kurotsuchi-
-A Random Town in Hoshido-

In a random house on the outskirts of a small town in Hoshido, a strange smell was wafting out from the basement. For all the natives of the town could tell, for the past two months, the house had been afflicted with a terrible curse. Not only had the family living there completely disappeared, any future explorers had also met their doom. Even more strange, the woods around the house were slowly becoming more and more devoid of animals. The common theory among the superstitious townspeople was that a ghost had chosen the house as its vessel.

Well, they were less wrong than one would think. The figure that had inhabited the house the past few months was a Shinigami, one of the strongest in fact, who was equally invisible to humans as a ghost, but much stronger and stranger. Moreover, it was a figure that had long been recognized as the most terrifying, even among a long line of Shinigamis. It was the 7th Captain of the Gotei 13, Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Within the basement of the home, numerous multi-colored vials of strange materials hung from a rack on the left wall. The smell was overwhelming, every single smell that one could imagine packed into one terrible package. Numerous flayed and skinned corpses hung from chains on the wall, cuts and bruises all along their body. One had his skin totally stripped off, revealing only rotten black muscle, and another looked completely pale, as if he was drained of blood. Piled up against the right wall of the basement was an assortment of animals, hundreds in numbers, all dead and missing various body parts. And, in the center of the basement, in front of an iron operating table, next to his artificial 'daughter' Nemu, was the skeletal figure of Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Mayuri put down the bloody scalpel in his hands, revealing the subject of his current experiment, a multi-colored bird of paradise, twitching and gasping for breath. Leaving it for dead, Mayuri walked over to the giant map of Hoshido, a tapestry that spanned an entire wall. It provided every minute detail about the country, yet it seemed to have no record of this town. Tracing a bloody finger along the stained surface of the map, he landed on a figure of an panther. It was a map legend, detailing the area where panthers were historically found in Hoshido. It was on the other side of the town.

"Well, it's not everyday that one gets to experiment on mortal creatures." grinned Mayuri, revealing a full set of gold teeth. With a wave of his skeletal hand, he called on his daughter, "Nemu, let us depart." Nemu bowed her head deeply.

With a single Flash Step, both of them were on the streets of the town in an instant. Mayuri swaggered around, content in the knowledge that, as long as one wasn't versed in the spiritual arts, they would never be able to notice him. He strutted through the cobblestones, the sheath of his Zanpakuto scraping against the ground. However, today, he witnessed quite a strange sight.

"Oho, what's this?" mused Mayuri, as he stopped in his tracks. In front of him was a young mortal boy with a strange disembodied hand floating around his body. The other was a humanoid goat creature, which reminded Mayuri of the 'Hollows' of his previous world. Mayuri had never seen anything as strange the past two months in this small town. "New experiments, perhaps?" he licked his lips, and drew his Zanpakuto. His steps were unhurried and confident; clearly, he felt there was no threat to him in this world.

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Sleek Sleek ,maybe Truthblade Truthblade )
--Eiji Hino x Ankh--
Hoshido, Town Streets
Sleek Sleek Itachi Uchiha Itachi Uchiha

"I can see that, it's not everyday you see a walking goat." Eiji remarked when the goat child told the two that he's not around here. "To be honest, we're not from around here either." As he said that, Ankh floated beside Eiji, creeping slowly towards the goat child when he extended his arm, introducing himself as Asriel Dreemurr...Sounds foreign.

"I'm Eiji. Hino Eiji." Eiji introduced himself, smiling warmly as he shook the goat's paw. "And this over here is Ankh." He let go of the paw to point at the floating hand beside Eiji.

"Hmph." Ankh's simple reply as if to scoff, not eager to befriend the goat. He was being more cautious than anything. For all he knows, this kid could kill them! He learnt that when a child turned out to be his missing body, and it tried to kill him.

"Please forgive him, he's...Always like that." Eiji tried to apologize for Ankh's standoffish behavior, as if he knew that it'll happen. Soon enough, Ankh spotted something quite...Peculiar. A strange looking black and white skinned man and a young woman. Both of them clad in black robes...And both of them gave him a bad hunch. The sounds of footsteps and the blade rattling on the ground caught Eiji's attention.

"Ankh?" Eiji called out, pointing at the two, "W...Who are they?" He asked, gulping in distress. "And why do I get this ominous feeling of Deja Vu?" He says, recalling the time when 3 purple medals were implanted to him that made him go beserk whenever those medals appear.

"Hell if I know." Ankh clicked it's non-existant tongue, soon drawing out two medals. "Eiji, hold onto these." The hand then dropped the medals at Eiji's palm. One of the Yellow and Green variety. "This guy could be dangerous. I want you to--"

"Transform once he tries to hurt the kid? Got it!" Eiji nodded as he took out what appears to be a buckle with three coin slots on it.


"What?! No! I--!" Ankh protested before shrugging it off with a wrist shake. "You know what? Fine! Do it your way."

--Galacta Knight--
VanRIPPED VanRIPPED I Izaya orihara fan Rhysie Rhysie

"This ends here, fool!" Galacta Knight snarled as he charged forward, his shield in front of him as he prepared to lunge at the fungus warrior. He soon spots the sac and soon jumped to the side just as it hit the sand below his feet-- It's obviously trying to blind him. Before he could thrust his lance, the mushroom man lunged to the side, trying to move around him. Galacta then span around as the fungus creature threw the knives, most of them hitting his armor, and his now distinctional wing. He hoped for the lance to at least hit a part of the fungus man. . .
The Major nodded and began to brief Snake on the events that had recently transpired. "Data gathered from the initial attack indicates that unknown creatures resembling large humanoid Rattus intruded through subterranean burrows. They have been shown to be actively hostile, although not a large threat to more developed regions as of yet. Their level of technology resembles that of the late medieval age to early modern period. Hostiles utilise bladed weapons and attack in massed formations, but have access to primitive firearms, defoliant projectors, and unknown energy weapons."

He turned around, leading Snake over to several fabricators constructing a sensor array in the field. Each of them was spraying a constant stream of blue liquid at an empty space in the middle. In a few seconds, a base formed, then a rough outline, and finally, the liquid filled in the empty spaces and solidified. Within a minute, a completed sensor array had been erected, standing tall as it monitored the terrain for possible unknowns. "Subterranean Resonation Sensor Arrays have been installed in this area to monitor underground vibrations." He explained. "They will detect if any more hostiles are moving underground."

"Current Skyrim troop complement has been deemed suitable for the task, even excessive." The Major gestured over to the numerous idle tanks and bots. "While this level of firepower has been deemed unnecessary for such a primitive enemy, the Commander has determined that 'one can never be too prepared'." He moved over to one of the many hatches that had been built over the main points of intrusion. "We will begin our retaliation operation in one hour. Suggestion: travel to the remaining holds and assist with aid."

A5718 seemed to study Snake for a while after finishing. "You are wary," He noted, having observed both the man's body language and taken scans of Snake's brain activity. "You have no to reason to. We will not retaliate unless fired upon. The Commander does not want any more conflict."

Sleek Sleek
The Dust
VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Izaya watched as the fight continued. He had nothing left to do, but he still wanted to help his strange little friend fight this strange knight. He knew if he got to close to the knight he would parish and the car was no longer an option. Or was it? He ran over to the upside down car and looked for a way to utilize it farther, then he got an idea, but would it work? He needed a way to tell Miko his plan with out getting the attention of the knight, but how? They were to engrossed with there battle. He bit his lip with frustration. He didn't want himself or Miko to be in the way when he set off the car, nor had any idea on how to get enough sparks to get it to explode. He figured he could use the cars own electrical wiring to do it, but he and Miko were still going to be in the way. "If only I was a little more useful..." He really could use Shizuo's strength, or Celty's shadow powers, but all he had was more or less his speed and brain on his side. Not much use against a super powered knight.
Asriel Dreemurr

"Nice to meet you Eiji. And....Ankh."

He said, reluctantly greeting the hand. Asriel wasn't sure what to think of those two, but surely they couldn't be as bad as-

"Hm? What guy? Y-

He said, noticing the guy approaching them with weapon drawn. Asriel's mouth dried, his throat felt like it closed up, and his hands started to shake slightly.
The kid didn't want to die, yet again. He didn't want to go back to his personal hell.

"That guy? Yeah. Uh....should we run?"

He asked, already taking a step back.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Itachi Uchiha Itachi Uchiha

"Venom" Snake

"With that in mind, stay here. Me and my men can handle this. It's a gross misuse of resources to use you like this, and I doubt that you can actually fit into those burrows.
This is an op that requires discretion. Robots aren't known for stealth."

He said, making a few hand gestures to a soldier wearing a red beret. The man began yelling commands to a few soldiers who were guarding the exchange and they trotted over. All in all, out of 40 or so Snake had decided to bring with him 4. But, if the rumors were true, then each was worth several times themselves in men.

"We'll go down, quietly, and find where they're weakest. Once we have the intelligence for you, then you would have a better chance at crippling them in one fight."
Corrosion Corrosion
-Mayuri Kurotsuchi-
-A Random Town, Hoshido-

Mayuri Kurotsuchi was still walking calmly towards the duo, his sword drawn, when he noticed that they actually seemed to react to his presence. "Can they see me?" thought Mayuri, with a frown on his face. "That's a bit strange. Mortals shouldn't...... whatever. Even if they can see me, it matters not." However, just to be on the safe side, he decided to send over his assistant and daughter, Nemu, to check out the situation. Nemu, of course, had to silently comply with his orders.

"I have no bad blood with your group." stated Nemu to the duo. "However, I must follow my master's orders." Nemu stared at them for a fraction of a second, revealing a vacant look, before beginning to advance towards the group. Her footsteps were slow, but there was a certain strangeness to them. Her footsteps would sometimes blend together, the shadow of one catching up to the other, which made it so that even though she was walking normally, she was still advancing at a pace similar to a running human. Mayuri, as he was wont to do, just watched from the sidelines.

( Sleek Sleek , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )
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As Callie listened to the story, it reminded her more and more of that movie she's been obsessing over recently. Are most horror movies like this? She honestly didn't know; she tried to stay away from the genre for reasons obvious to most. What she did know is she hoped they wouldn't run into this person. That could quickly turn fatal if they weren't really really careful.

She pushed herself from where she was resting on the wall, re-equipping the Hero's Roller, and said, "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" As she said this, she walked towards the entrance/exit of the structure. After a quick moment, she returned. She spoke in an embarrassed tone, rubbing the back of her head, "Uh, which way are we going?"

( Corrosion Corrosion Thepotatogod Thepotatogod CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt )


Monika turned around to see Sky being tackled by a familiar boxy dragon. By the looks of it, this particular dragon saved her from being crushed under Sky's weight. Seizing the opportunity, Monika quickly recharged her ink tank in a puddle of ink that had been left a few minutes before from her super jump. She was thankful for that puddle of ink.

Returning from the ink puddle, Monika primed the Hero's Splattershot once more, and began firing on Sky. Within seconds the rest of his Aura was depleted, and CRDL were declared no longer fit to fight.

"Ryuga! We did it! That's our first step towards victory!" she exclaimed, once the match had been decided, "So, who do you think will be going next?"

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod )


The agent had climbed a small, rusting structure they had found. They were unable to ascertain what it was, but they understood the importance of the high ground. From up here, they could see much, much farther than when they were on the ground.

And what they saw unnerved them. For as far as their predatory eye could see there was nothing, interrupted by the occasional burning or charred object. Interspersed between burning objects were shambling figures, which the agent deduced were more abominations.

There seemed to be two or three different types of entities. There were ones very similar to the creature they encountered before; raw, red, rotting. Another type seemed much less gruesome; the monsters were instead covered in a layer of skin-like tissue to hide the blood and gore. A third type seemed to be straight out of a cheesy zombie movie; the beasts were about twice as tall as the agent, and their clothes seemed mostly intact. Their faces were gruesome, but most of the details were hidden by their intact clothes.

Besides the immediate threat of being eaten alive or assimilated or whatever the entities' end goals were, a more long-term threat presented itself. The agent hadn't eaten in a while, and they were starting to get peckish. Looking back to the structure they found their self on, the agent decided to inspect it further. Perhaps it held rations, or was some sort of vehicle. That would be considerably lucky of them; though they were known for having exceptional luck.
--Eiji Hino x Ankh--
Hoshido, Random Town
Sleek Sleek Itachi Uchiha Itachi Uchiha

"I don't like where this is going, but..." Eiji gulped, equipping the buckle onto his waist, a belt materializing along with several objects on his sides. "I can't let you hurt anyone...Which you kinda wanna do by the looks of things." He declared, placing the three colored medals onto the slots in a specific order; Red, Yellow, and Green--Like that of a traffic light. He then tilted the device took out a circular handle on the side of the belt, and slid it in front of the slots.

Taka! Tora! Batta!

Visage of various medals circled around Eiji in an aranged fashion; the medals for the head circled vertically, the ones for the torso and the legs circled horizontally. Not a second later, and three medals aligned and formed an emblem which then pushed itself towards Eiji as it engulfed him, forming what appears to be an armor separated into three sections along with it's discoloration.


"Ankh, take Asriel and go!" Eiji ordered as he prepared to fight, assuming a fighting pose. "I'll keep them busy."

"You heard the man, go!" Ankh barked as he began to tap on the goat child's back, signalling him to run along.
Asriel Dreemurr

Asriel nodded and turned on his heel, running towards the other end of the village. His heart was pounding and his vision was blurred as the effects of his body's fight-or-flight complex kicked in. The adrenaline helped him run for longer, but with his childish body he could not run for very long, and ended up ducking behind a house a distance away.

He poked his head out to watch, trying to get his shaking under control. If Eiji was overwhelmed, they might both die.
Then, he turned to Ankh.

"What do we do? We gotta help somehow!"

He said, not wanting his newly-met friend to die or get hurt.

Itachi Uchiha Itachi Uchiha Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Ryuga Banjou--
Amity Colosseum
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

The Dragon box was keeping Sky distracted long enough for Ryuga to catch up, just as he was about to throw a punch with the big orange knuckle-duster, Monika has risen from the pool of ink and began to fire at him with her ink filled pistol along with it, The Dragonbox began to spit out one last breath of fire.


The impact from the three attacks instantaneously knocked out Sky as he is seen being knocked back and onto the floor, a faint blue light glowed from him, signalising his Aura being depleted.

"And with that, Sky Lark has been eliminated by COMPLETE aura depletion!" The Dr. Oobleck's voice announced, as the crowd cheered for the two standing combatants.

"It's safe to say that Team Ikatoryuu packed quite a punch back there, blasting their way to victory!" Port commentated on the Team's explosive finishing attack, even going as far as to do a slow motion replay to those watching at their TVs. "That being said, Team Ikatoryuu advances to the next round!"

By that statement alone, the crowd applauded the two's victory, causing Ryuga to raise his fist with a crowd bursting roar. Clearly enjoying the moment. It's been a while since things actually went well for once!

"We'll find out sooner or later!" Ryuga told Monika with a grin as the Dragonbox circled both Ryuga and Monika in obvious cheerfulness. "I mean, there's probably going to be more fights along the way, so they'll do those guys first." Ryuga explained as Sky got up, rubbing the back of his head.

"You guys...Are actually pretty good." Sky said, catching his breath. "I hope you two aren't offended by the leader earlier. It's just Cardin being...Well, Cardin."

"It's cool. He did hold off pretty well. actually." Ryuga patted the student's shoulder, then glancing at the edge of the Arena, where Cardin has climbed back on the arena, aware of his loss. "That'll probably teach him a thing or two...Trust me, I've been there."

"Yeah...That probably won't happen." Sky sighed as then run off to his leader, helping him walk off the arena and back towards the hallway.

"So...Bet that made you hungry, didn't it?" Ryuga asked as he then began to walk back towards the hallway, intending to go towards the holding bay to go down and grab some grub...

[Let's decide who'll go next, shall we?]
1-2 Smash Bros( Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins )
3-4 All Star ( Zamasu Zamasu )
5-6 Mercenaries ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )

Decided : Smash Bros.

1-3 NPC
4-6 PC
Decided : NPC
Cheyenne Mountain Battlefield

"Commander under attack"

A monotone voice echoed within the cockpit as the teen inside frantically tapped at some screens and was jostled by gunfire.

"Yeah! I can see that! Shut up and let me work!"

The boy said as he tapped at more controls. The Armored Control Unit fired its cannon at a group of Terminators firing at it, and the 12 meter tall mech began backpedaling towards the city nearby. Every weapon, from the AA gun and mortar on the shoulders to the missile launcher on the back.
As he made his way through the city, his fabricator began converting buildings to stored Mass and Energy for his own base. He needed some quiet, but the incessant advances forced him to use up most of his energy into an Overcharge, which did the trick. Entire waves of robots went under as Sleek began to scythe them down with his Zephyr Anti-Matter Cannon.

"Scan the area for mass deposits and make sure they're equipped with defenses!"

He called out to his computer as he used his controls to move the ACU to a defensible area.
The deposits were highlighted, and he used his fabricator to make Mass Extractors in a small area. Each came with a small point-defense turret, and AA gun, and within a few minutes Sleek had made a small perimeter.
With this breathing space, he began work on more defenses. After another few minutes, he had small resource deposits, light defenses, and some shielding. It held, but he'd have to get help or expand.

"This is Commander Sleek of...ah fuck. Anyone in the area, respond!"
He said, using his on-board video feed to transmit to the area as he slowly cleared Terminators from the city

Corrosion Corrosion
Amity Colosseum, Vale
Exodus West

The Commander reclined in his seat and allowed himself a small, nonexistent smile as Team Ikatoryu utterly demolished the two members of CRDL. The result was inevitable. The whole of CRDL was practically worthless in actual combat, along with incredibly poor test scores. They were strong, but not exactly skilled or very smart. In fact, they lost practically every match to date, with Cardin basically carrying his hapless teammates. With both members eliminated, both Ryuga and Monika had managed to prove themselves. It also gave the Commander a good chance to record their skills, powers, weapons, and tactics and put it to good use later on.

As the fighters left and the arena reset, the Commander received a priority alert from the Mechanical Battlefields (what he liked to call the war-ravaged ruins around the Cheyenne Mountains, where his and Skynet's forces duked it out). Assuming it to be a report on Skynet, he brought it up. It was a live feed from an Argus drone circling the area, showing a bird's eye view of a fierce battle. At first glance, it looked like a typical engagement between Syndicate Warbots and Skynet Terminators, with two large groups of machines fighting each other, bright beams from energy weapons lighting up the surroundings in the slowly-setting sun.

However, the Commander quickly realised that the units opposing the Terminators weren't his, but a new robotic faction. It looked unfamiliar, but he recognised the large mech in the middle in the thick of the battle: a UEF ACU from Supreme Commander 2. The new faction appeared to have constructed a small base that was currently under siege by numerous Terminator models.

Clearly, this was a new development indeed.

At first, he considered leaving whoever was inside the ACU to his or her devices, given how powerful it was. However, after watching it slowly getting overrun by the enemy machines, he decided to intervene.

He ordered all available idle troops in the immediate area to reposition. Squads of infantry either proceeded to the target location on foot or were loaded into transports. Aircraft streaked towards the battle. Meanwhile, artillery emplacements far away targeted the area and began to fire, raining down explosive plasma from above. Holkins, Pelters, and Catapults all fired, making short work of the humanoid Terminator models, while the non-humanoid Hunter-Killers were harder to bring down, a lucky shot or two managing to bring down HK Aerials. A minute after the artillery started firing, the Commander received a transmission from the ACU.

"This is Commander Sleek of... ah fuck. Anyone in the area, respond!"

Huh. At least he knew who was in the ACU. Opening up a channel, Vortex responded to this 'Commander Sleek'. "Commander Sleek, this is Commander Spatial Vortex," He began. "My forces are moving in to assist. Do not engage." A second later, a squadron of Hummingbird fighters streaked by overhead, firing off their missiles, taking down a majority of the HK Aerials. A flight of Bumblebee light bombers followed, dropping their explosive payload on the enemy ground units. Kestrel gunships were last, strafing the area with their heavy plasma cannons.

Blue bolts of plasma streaked out from the rubble as Skirmishers took up positions behind cover and engaged the enemy infantry. Along with them, charred human skulls were crushed under the treads of Ant and Leveler tanks as they too engaged.

"I'm marking the enemy in red and my forces in blue." Vortex told Sleek. Inside Sleek's ACU, the units on the screens were suddenly highlighted in red and blue.

Sleek Sleek
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~Mario and Luigi~

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
I Izaya orihara fan
"Ah! Well, it's-a very nice to meet you, Spider-Man!"
"Yeah! And, uh... you too!" Luigi added, leaning slightly to his side to address their nutty acquaintance.

The Mario brothers could do nothing but stand and watch as this stranger conversed with a... for lack of a better description, and with no disrespect to him, a living, breathing nut. They noticed that Spider-Man had offered the brothers a handshake after offering the walnut one (which would've been impossible, had it not been for his robotic gear). Regardless, they shook hands individually- Mario first, followed by Luigi. They didn't want to eavesdrop, but they couldn't help it much when they were speaking right next to them. They overheard Wall-Knight- if they heard his name correctly- speak about "tracking an anomaly" in his scanners, before frowning and remarking that said "anomaly" had disappeared.

O-oh... well I can help you find whatever anomaly you’re looking for.” Spider-Man was heard to say. The brothers wanted to help, too- after all, they probably had quite some time until their match, and these people seemed respectable. They were always happy to lend a helping hand!

"We can he-" Mario began, only to be interrupted by the same harsh airhorn sound that signified the young man being knocked out earlier- the crowd around them erupted in cheer, giving a wonderful standing ovation that caused the whole coliseum to feel like it was quaking.

"And with that, Sky Lark has been eliminated by COMPLETE aura depletion!" The brothers heard the familiar voice of the lanky gentleman they had met at the sign-ups boom over the arena's loudspeakers, barely able to make himself heard over the crowd's tsunami-like cheering. The brothers swerved their heads to the arena itself, confused at the sudden change in atmosphere. What happened?

"Mama mia, Mario!" Luigi cried, pointing at the victorious Monika and Ryuga standing proudly, dead in the centre of the arena. "They did it! They won!"

"Oh, yeah! They did it! Hey! Hey, you guys! Way to go!" Mario shouted, as they both sprinted to the barrier that separated the VIPs from the arena. They jumped up many times in the air and waved enthusiastically- they took off their caps and waved them at the duo as an expression of high regard. They hoped they had noticed them, but they were just happy to show their support. Well done to them, the brothers thought! It would be a real treat when it was their turn to fight them in the arena!

"It's safe to say that Team Ikatoryuu packed quite a punch back there, blasting their way to victory! That being said, Team Ikatoryuu advances to the next round!"

Speaking of which, who was going to fight in the next round?

They had gotten so caught up in celebrating the victory of the good people they had met just a day earlier, that they had completely abandoned the interaction with Spider-Man and the Wall-Knight. Sheepishly, they re-approached them, Luigi rubbing the back of his neck apologetically.

"Sorry, guys. We know those-a people!" Luigi explained, readjusting his cap- making sure it was on right after taking it off when cheering for Monika and Ryuga.
"Anyway, ah... we're-a in the tournament, but until our name's-a called, we can see if we can help you out, too-"

Right at that moment, the slot machines on the television landed on the brothers' faces, and their team name was called out.

Well, that was just their luck, wasn't it? They were excited to fight, yes- and excited to show themselves on television to go through with their plan- but it had to happen right when they were about to offer to help somebody. They'd just have to see them later.

"Ah...! That's us, bro!" Luigi exclaimed, stating the rather obvious.
"Oh! Sorry, guys... we're-a gonna have to go. We'll see you around, though!"
"Good luck with your mission!"

The brothers waved them farewell as they found their way to the arena’s entrance, jogging inside. Since there were so many people here who seemed to know them- it couldn’t hurt to show them a move or two, right? As they placed their first foot on the edge of the arena, they decided they’d make their entrance a little bit flashier. It’d be fun! Besides, some of these people seemed really excited to see them- it only seemed right. Mario looked at Luigi, who nodded confidently in response. They could read each other like a book- they knew what to do. And they’d do what they do best.


Both brothers leapt once in the air, their right fist raised high above their heads. They left the ground with a satisfying boing, and had climbed an impressive height from this jump alone, but they weren’t done yet-


As the brothers landed, they jumped again, using the momentum they had gathered from their previous jump to climb even higher than they had jumped before. They had their arms by their side, and had prepared themselves for the final jump. They descended from the magnificent height they had achieved from the second jump and eventually came back into contact with the floor, ready to take off. They bent their knees, clenched their fists, and-


They took off like a rocket and launched an almost unbelievable height- the ground seemed miles and miles off from where they were in the air. They both tucked in their knees and flipped around twice or thrice- only to break out of this position and begin spinning around in the air- and it seemed like they hovered! Luigi had an easier time with it, due to his Luigi Cyclone technique, but Mario knew a limited version of the move from Spin Bros. They were spinning fast- really fast- they were a blur! They circled around each other, descending rapidly, until they finally reached the ground again.

They broke out of their spin and held their hands out like a magician would after their trick, with a simultaneous cry of “wahoo!”. They began waving and smiling to the crowd- they didn’t know much about Vale, but they had stayed here for one day, and everyone here seemed like great people! This festival seemed important to them- it was only right to try and spice things up for the people here.

Hello, everybody! It’s-a me! Mario! It’s-a great to see you!” Mario cried, waving with both hands to the audience.
Hello! I’m-a Luigi! Ho ho! Thank you very much!” Luigi chuckled bashfully- he was slightly overwhelmed by the number of people gawking at them. It’s one thing to spectate- it’s another to actually be here!

Say, Mario, I wonder who our opponents are going to be!” Luigi added, glancing over to his brother.
I think they’re-a coming now, Luigi!” Mario replied, stealing a look at the arena’s other entrances.
Cheyenne Mountain Battlefield


Sleek said, after receiving the transmission. By then his struggling defenses were starting to bulk up. Sleek had managed to gather enough resources to build up enough shields and turrets to hold off the current waves, but the help was more than welcome.
With the combined fire of his defenses and the Vortex units, he was able to finally have enough breathing room to begin constructing factories, engineers, and research facilities.

The base slowly grew as his forces began to push back the terminators, using a combined force of gunships, air superiority fighters, bombers, assault bots, and tanks. Composite explosive shells and anti-matter were abound as the teen continued to focus on the battle at hand.

"Gonna need a little more than this! I'm barely holding here!"

He transmitted to Vortex as the battle continued. He was constantly running low on resources due to the endless terminators in the area.

"I Don't have the materials or time to keep this shit up! Send something big!"

He urged Vortex.

Corrosion Corrosion
Cheyenne Mountain Battlefield
Exodus East

"Already on it." Vortex replied as more than a dozen orbital units moved into position above the planet. Several seconds later, SXX-1304 laser platforms started firing, blinding blue columns of light streaking down from above as they decimated the enemy troops. Not too long later, the lasers were joined by massive bolts of lightning from the Tesla arc emitters on Omega battleships. The Terminator units began to fall in droves as they were unable to stand up to the heavy firepower.

"Keep up the fire!"
The Commander urged his human counterpart. "Most of the enemy forces in this area have been depleted." Syndicate troops converged with Sleek's units as they combined arms to push back the genocidal machines. The relatively lighter-armed and smaller HK Venoms and towering but bulky HK Tanks proved to be no match for the combined composite explosive shells and plasma bolts, while Kestrels and Sleek gunships worked in conjunction to provide air support. "This situation doesn't call for a Titan. This is still a small skirmish compared to the battles I'm used to."

Sleek Sleek
As Monika was walking off the arena with Ryuga, she heard the name of the next teams announced. She didn't particularly care about one of them, but the other one, she had a good idea.

Yep, there they were, on the screen, as Monika turned around. The "Smash Bros" executed a gravity-defying triple jump on their way to the arena. It was more than enough of a sight to get Monika to pause on her way out. She looked up at the brothers once more, still very astonished at how high they could really jump.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are up next! I wish you luck and hope you have as much fun as I did!" She practically gushed at the sight of Mario and Luigi. As she and Ryuga passed them, she extended her hand for a high-five to either brother. It would be more than cool of they returned the favor.

The two walking by reminded her of all their adventures throughout the entertainment industry's lifespan. From Mario's first journey through the Mushroom Kingdom to the duo's more recent renditions, she wondered how any of those translated into their reality. It was all really exciting. But they had a match to win right now; they could compare adventures later!

Instead, Monika simply held her hand out for that high-five as the two teams passed each other, "You go, guys."

( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins )
Cheyenne Mountain Battlefield

"I'm working on some experimentals now! Keep it up!"

He said to encourage Vortex as he kept it up. Sweat drenched his face as he continued to drive the bots away from his turf. He ordered the engineers to take the intact terminators for study, and the rest were reclaimed for their mass and energy counts. They were surprisingly good reclaimation targets, and quickly replenished Sleek's resources.
His Experimental land gantry began to activate, building something.

"Once I get this up, I can focus on attacking!"

He said. The city around his base was gone at this point, little more than piles of rubble to be reclaimed for mass.
"Actually....now that I've got this more or less under wraps..."

He said, opening a visual feed to Vortex's source signal.

"This is Commander Sleek. Thank you for the help on the fly. Might is ask why the fuck am I fighting terminators?"

He said, his hair slicked to his face.
Corrosion Corrosion
Cheyenne Mountain Battlefield
Exodus East

The combined forces of the two Commanders continued their relentless assault against the enemy machines, with the Vortex's Skirmishers taking the front, since they were more specialised for fighting against Terminators than Sleek's own. The enemy air units had all been shot down, allowing friendly aircraft to have complete air superiority. The Commander performed a quick sensor sweep, and found that Skynet wasn't sending any reinforcements. "That's it," He began, opening a link with Sleek. "I'm not detecting any more additional hostiles. Once the stragglers have been taken out, we win."

Most of Skynet's troops had been destroyed at this point, with the last few fighting to the very end. If they were human, Vortex would have respected that. But since they were machines and incapable of feeling fear or courage or will, they were programmed to keep fighting until they were taken offline, anyway.

As Sleek replied with a thanks, he then asked why he was fighting Terminators. The Commander would have raised a brow if he had one. "Huh. Didn't know the franchise is still relevant in the thirty-ninth century." He noted. "I take that you're new here." He dispatched a couple of Angel aerial repair units to repair both Sleek's ACU and damaged units of both sides. "But since you're here, you're more or less a priority target for Skynet now, like me. Skynet's not going to be happy about realising that it now has to fight a war on two fronts."

Sleek Sleek
Cheyenne Mountain Battleground

"Well, yeah. One second I'm playing a 4v4 and the next I'm fighting for my life.
If I'm gonna be a target you could at the least make the most of it."

He said, rapid fire responding to Vortex.

"I could carpet nuke Skynet, turn it to glass, but wouldn't that kill the planet?"

He said, tapping at a few commands as he started to look over his units. The titans were too bulky, and as he worked he started to fix up a lighter and faster version. He also started work on a scout model.

"Otherwise I'm holding position right on his front doorstep. Any ideas?"

He said, looking over his army. Engineers frantically drove about repairing damage and reclaiming wreckage while factories churned out patrols to reclaim and fortify the city.
The Experimental gantries opened up, letting out several Fatboy MKII experimental tanks. They drove out with his patrols and made sure that not a single inch of the ruins were unchecked.
Multiple shields and specialized sections of the base began to take shape, with his base having three sections that Vortex could see so far. Closest to Cheyenne mountain in the east was Sleek's land factories, with an air section close by. The last section appeared to be mutliple research stations linked together, surrounded by land and air gantries that were busy producing the massive experimentals.

"This ain't exactly Shadow Moses yet."

Corrosion Corrosion
Cheyenne Mountain Battlefield
Exodus East

"Well, you could nuke the everliving shit out of Skynet, but that's kind of a bad idea." Said the A.I. Commander. "I've nuked this place a couple of times already, but let's just say that quite a number of political entities on the planet got kind of pissy with me just throwing nukes around and basically having enough WMDs to level Exodus a thousand times over. They didn't like it, you see." He explained, several of his aerial units circling the area. "The political climate is already bad enough. I don't want to make it any worse."

"As for your base, I suggest you move it further north. This area has been a warzone between me and Skynet for the past few months. If you keep your base here, expect it to be under constant siege from Skynet forces." He began to provide Sleek a satellite feed of the area. "Here, I'm giving you a live feed from my orbital satellite network just so you know the general layout of the area." Most of the locations were in the East, most within range of the Commander's artillery emplacements and Anchor defence platforms, along with them being in rapid-strike range. Sleek was still a foreign entity to him, and as such, he wasn't taking any chances.

Discreetly, he ordered his recon units to take full scans of Sleek's tech and units in order to see if he could... borrow their designs. With Supreme Commander being the spiritual predecessor of Planetary Annihilation, they bore many similarities, such as a towering Commander unit, fabrication technology, and most importantly, a large number of units. Combine that with the experimental units he had, Sleek was practically a goldmine of data waiting to be gathered.

However, something that Sleek had said caught his attention. "Wait, what do you mean you were playing a 4x4 one second and fighting for your life the next?"

Sleek Sleek
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~Mario and Luigi~

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

As Mario and Luigi made their landing and greeted the crowd, they jogged closer to the middle to meet the victorious Team "Ikatoryuu" halfway on their exit. Monika paused, her face awash with all kinds of emotions- the brothers could read, perhaps, relief and joy, possibly from her victory in her fight, but an astonished, bright-eyed, enthused expression took precedence over all. It was almost as if she was in disbelief.

The brothers felt honoured that she- and apparently so many others- held them in such high regard; it was truly humbling. They were just a couple of plumbers with their hearts in the right places, and everybody treated them like heroes! They had to show their appreciation somehow- they'd need to show up here again after they found their way back to the Mushroom Kingdom, see if they could help out somehow- even if that meant just unclogging a few toilets. They would definitely want to stay in contact with Monika and Ryuga, in any case!

"Oh my gosh! You guys are up next!" Monika exclaimed, giddy as a kipper. "I wish you luck and hope you have as much fun as I did!" As she offered the brothers her best wishes, she extended her hand to offer a high-five, too; both offers were happily accepted in stride, with each brother taking a turn to complete the high-five. They tried not to draw any attention to the fact that, due to Monika's height, it wasn't exactly a high five.

"Ah, thank you so much! We'll do our best!" Luigi replied, his face flushing slightly as a genuine appreciative smile took over his face, offering them an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

"Hey, you guys are pretty good! If you fight like this all the time, we might-a be in trouble!" Mario joked, letting out a cheerful, hearty laugh. Though he was kidding, what he was saying was entirely serious- from watching that fight, the two had certainly shown themselves to be very formidable opponents.

"You go, guys." Monika said, as the two teams passed each other. This steeled their nerves. That's right! They would go, and they would win!

"Thank you! We'll see you at the winner's circle, ah? Wahoo!" Mario exclaimed, as they finally reached their team's side.

"Alright, bro...! Let's-a get this show on the road!" Luigi said, preparing himself for when their opponents would approach. He got into a strange, made-up karate pose; perhaps to make himself look more prepared, or to calm himself. It almost looked like he was trying to meditate and do yoga at the same time.
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Cheyenne Mountain Battleground

"Yeah? I'm not from around here."

He said sheepishly and somewhat distractedly as he looked to another screen. It also paid to realize Sleek was on video feed still, which meant that every new realization he made was even more apparent to Vortex. Currently, he was looking at a readout that showed a cyber intrusion alert.

"Hey, is Skynet hacking me? I've got a patrol and a few research stations telling me that I got a breach. It's closed for now, but I dunno for how long."

The kid said as he tapped at a few screens. His ACU made its way to what looked like a fortified position within his base, and hunkered down as engineers continued to create more and more structures. Even at this point the city had ceased to even be ruins as Sleek's engineers had stripped the city of its buildings, exposed the mass deposits, and constructed defenses along the perimeter. Even as a target, it'd take an assault that would require a portion of Skynet's forces that a human wouldn't approve of using, much less an AI.

"Anyhow...why are you so interested in what I was doing before this?"

Corrosion Corrosion

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