[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

Gurak was about to leave the deck before he saw Lilith spitting at the ship. As quickly as he could he threw himself onto the ground, the saliva landing on his back.

Gurak: "Gurak won't allow lovely ship to get filthier!"
The Captain tosses away the tragically deceased remains of The Stick and folds her arms, glaring at the crew of the Cloudcutter.

"Oh, rest assured, Lilith, you will get your desserts. Your just desserts!" Chuckling to herself over her very clever pun, she turned to Gurak, sprawled on the deck by her feet.

"Impressive range on that spit, though, I must admit. Mister Morbash, did we ever determine why you were sleeping on their ship in the first place? It wasn't those strange berries again, was it?"
(I like how I read deserts as desserts.)

"Like a true Aetherblade, even though ye destroyed a bit of our ship." Brooksleuth said, nodding approvingly as he clicked a button on his violin's bow to return it as it's normal accessory.
Gurak rose just his head from the ground.

Gurak: "Um...Gurak was kidnapped! Yes, that's it! Gurak was peacefully sleeping when those Ass Clouds kidnapped Gurak. Thanks to Gurak's strengh and intelligence Gurak was able to escape with no scratches!"
Lilith: No wonder ye crew is as talented as a child. Yer cap'n is as screwy as some of the bolts in Jackson's tool chest.

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The Captain clenches a fist, a fire in her eyes. "The fiends! I don't care if they can spit incredibly far, no one kidnaps my crew!"

With this, she swings over to the sterncastle using a specially placed rope all good pirates have solely for swinging about the ship, and takes hold of the wheel.

"Crew! Prepare to ram and board!" She shouts, spinning the wheel about. Unfortunately, because the ship isn't under sail, this just causes the rudder to flap about pointlessly. Undeterred, Captain Soledad starts jerking the wheel back and forth, "swimming" the ship towards the Cloudcutter in an extremely slow ramming trajectory.
( I wanna do a full reply but Im in class so, Brook's over the railing now)
Seeing how they were about to attack Gurak quickly stood up and let out his war scream with all of his strengths. As time went on the scream began to get progressively weaker and weaker until it was a high pitched scream. Gurak's face began to turn from red to purple.
Lilith: *unsheathes Evie and readies for a fight. Then realizes that they are coming at such a slow pace. Sit there with a hand on her hip and yawns while tapping her foot*

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Brooksleuth gripped the railing and pushed off it, stumbling backwards. They were moving at a slow pace, so he regained his footing pretty quickly. Though he didn't know how he got to the railing...

The musician spotted his bow by a barrel and he dashed to it, picking it up quickly before letting it turn back into a blade. Brook was unsure if this was gonna be a serious fight or not, but it didn't matter, he'll get some Cloud blood.
Captain Soledad panted from the effort of essentially shoving the whole ship forward by herself. "Vae victus!" she shouted between gasps, "Näytä hyvältä, tee hyvää! For blood and honor! Audaces fortuna juvat!" Finally, after about a dozen other warcries, the Hangman's Remorse rammed, or more accurately, nudged the side of the Cloudcutter. The Captain slumped against the wheel, her honor satisfied.

"Whew, that was a bit of work. Who's up for drinks?"

(Trying to figure out how to roll my attack, just for the sake of argument)


EDIT: Yes! An inexplicably powerful blow against those dastardly Cloud Perils!

"Perfect hit! You've gravely wounded your enemy! They'll need to roll to stay in the fight. (See defense)"
Lilith: * stands there leaning against the rail of the ship*

Feel better ye bugsy Dame?

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(I wake up to find madness! Madness I tells ya!)

Aya just stood there, watching the madness continue on. As she sees Lilith read her weapon, Aya took Aeson from behind her, started strumming it then plucked the G string. As soon as she plcuked the string, she let the neck of the gun face the Aetherblade's ship. She continued playing the guitar while bullets came out of the barrel that was attached onto Aeson's headstock.
(What the hell did I just miss?)

Vil stood by his Captain, a smirk on his face. "Ye best be careful, love! It looks like she loves bloodshed as much as I do!" He called out to Lilith, cackling like a maniac.
The collision between the ships revealed exactly how graceful she really is. Rebecca was launched forward and landed on the opposing ship on her back, dazed and confused, with bullets rocketing above her.
Lilith: Oi, it looks like the shirtless brute decided to wake up and join the fight. Can't say sleep has help yer looks none, ye still look like a raccoon's misshapen arse.

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Hearing his captain mentioning drinks Gurak immediately ran into the basement. He emerged from it carrying a whole barrel full of rum and a bunch of wooden glasses. He poured the liquid into the glasses and left them on a table, except for one he quickly left besides Captain Soledad.
Vil waggled a finger as he leaned on the railing behind him.

"Sleep helps me.. Maybe you should get some..? You look like a -censored- while you were being -censored- by a baboon, if I do say so." He replied, a smirk on his face.
Glancing at his Captain with his blade tightly in his grasp, Brook asked with a tinge of excitement, "Take no prisoners and kill 'em all, Cap'n?"

Hopefully he wasn't in her bad books. Also, looks like Vil was finally awake and beside the Captain. Just when everything was going for the better...

The Orc, Gurak disappeared at the mention of drinks (or so Brook had thought) and returned with a barrel of rum and wooden glasses. Brooksleuth looked at it him and then to the rum.

"Someone's havin' a party, eh?"

(Mornin' you two,)
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Gurak looked over at Brook.

Gurak: "Captain thirsty, Gurak fixes that. Brought various glasses for other thirsty crew members."
Vil looked down to see Brook at the deck, a smile on his face. He also noticed the rum that appeared out of nowhere.

"Oi! Ye pansy! What the hell you doin down there? Havin' a tea party, eh?"

Vil then turned around to face Lilith.

"Well love, it looks like you've seen better days, and today is the worst.." He said then pretended to gag.
The Captain strolls down the deck, blithely ignoring the bullets whizzing about her as she sips her grog. "Oh, you're still here?" She asks, noticing the enemy pirates firing at her. "I figured you would have run away by now, seeing as how we apparently have a 50% chance of having disabled your ship. I think? Still not sure how these combat rules work. Anyways, care for some rum?"

With this, she holds up a mug rapidly leaking rum through several bullet holes.
With precision, Aya shot the mug out of the captain's hands, being careful so as not to shoot the hand itself. Noticing that Lilith was flirting again, Aya opted to put her gun away and just lean on the railing. "Men and their flirting... Really.." She murmured, looking to the opposing ship infront of her.

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