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Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

Ipos' feathers on his crown vibrated in excitement. This caused heat shimmers and a few embers to emit from his scalp. He was finally getting the chance to see the hotel he'd decided to help fund. Hazbin Hotel, it was called. Such a niche name that held many an implication. His crimson and orange, black tipped feathers were preened and presentable. His royal finery at its best for today with it's white and black coloring. He was ever disappointed that he couldn't wear read due to how much it clashed with his own feathers.

With a flick of his wrist, time slowed to a crawl. With that done he began to make his way to the Pride Ring. He himself was taking a leisurely stroll but anyone else would have only seen a red blur pass them for the briefest of instances. Soon enough he was standing at the front doors of the hotel and with a snap of his fingers, time resumed at its normal pace as he reached up with a closed hand and rapped his knuckles on the front doors.
It had been about a week since Tuette had become a fledged member of the Hazbin Hotel residency. While there was some doubt within her own mind that it could ever possibly work, she still had some fleeting hope. Either way, she tended to avoid the other inhabitants of the hotel, given that the only one who didn’t sound like a pansy all the time was Husker. Besides, given that he put up with her snarky attitude and rapscallion habits, it was a mutual understanding.

On this particularly hellish morning, she found herself immediately at the bar after waking up, a glass in hand, half-full of a new cocktail Husk was working to improve. It only made sense that she was the guinea pig for new drinks; she would drink almost anything. As the hellhound was about to take a sip of this concoction, there was a rap at the door. Seeing that no one else was awake yet, she set the glass down and trudged over, pulling open the heavy doors. Given the height of the guest at the entrance, her eyes had to travel up, only to land on the piercing eyes of a goetia.

β€œYo. Charlie isn’t awake yet. Uh.. can I help you?” She was partially blocking the door, careful not to let the stranger come barreling in without welcome.
"Good morning, Madam. My name is Ipos," he said overing a hand for a shake. "Quite a pleasure to make your aquaintance." He hadn't expected a local resident of the hotel to answer the door. But then again, by using his powers to arrive quicker to his destination, it was quite early. He couldn't help but observe the aesthetic of the hellhound in front of him. His head cocked to the side lightly as he did so before righting itself.

He did take the chance to gaze past her, an easy feat given his height, and toom in what he could see from the entryway. It seemed almost as he'd envisioned from what he'd been told of the contents within. "May I come in?"
At the phrase 'madam', she involuntarily recoiled. Nobody had ever called her that before, and it wasn't something she fancied hearing now. Either way, she attempted to ignore the formality and followed what he was saying. From the looks of it, this.. Ipos, was a powerful individual. The clothing he donned alone were enough to tell her that. Either way, when he asked about coming in, her response and attitude were both wary.

"Mind explaining who you are and what you want first? We don't need more destruction here," Tuette commented, leaning against the doorframe and crossing her arms over her chest. Whether she liked it or not, she was adamantly protective of the hotel, even if she did cause a little bit of chaos here and there; much to the fury of Niffty.
He retracted his offered hand. He looked derailed, not quite expecting a sinner of all people to blatantly deny him. It was a new experience, one he'd never encountered. Other than a Sin and above, he felt he had no equal. The air got noticeably warmer as the feathers on top of his head vibrated once more. A quick rubbing of his hand over them seemed to calm them and cool the air around them.

"Where are my manners. I am one of the hotel's newest benefactors. I was only wanting to come here to the Pride Ring in order to see the locale. Meet some of the clientele," he explained. He could very well have forced himself in. No one in this ring, save for possibly the princess herself, could stop him. However he'd become sensible enough to know that that's not how things ought to be handled.

He took a moment now to study this hellhound closer now. Admittedly she'd garnered his interest with her blatant attitude and refusal of his access to the hotel. Someone with such a headstrong nature could prove useful if need be.
At the realization of who she was in fact talking to, one of her eyebrows lifted skeptically. Sure, there had been plenty of sponsors for the hotel, but it seemed that, other than Alastor, none had stuck around to see where it could go. "Well, now you've met one."

The hellhound's fur was a deep purplish color with some lighter stripes and white undercoating. Her dreads were swiped to one side, revealing multitudinous piercings and a pair of headphones rested around her neck. The clothing style was a bit more tattered and torn, but it was the way Tuette preferred it.

She nodded her head up once in a casual greeting. "Tuette. Pleasure," she half-mocked before turning on her heel and making her way back inside, now allowing the goetia to enter at his own volition.
"Charmed to make your acquaintance," he said before closing the door behind himself as he entered. "So what might you be here for? You already strike me as one who's redemption doesn't sit highly on their own list," he asked as his attention was drawn to the bar. His burning gaze lingered a bit longer than he usually allowed before managing to turn his head back to Tuette.

It seemed this bird needed to unwind. The longing gaze he'd rested on the bar was truer than his words, which already weren't lies. However, the hotel wasn't the highest priority for him either. High as it may have been, it was simply one of many different things piled onto Goetia's plate. Both of his own volition and not.
While Ipos had focused on the bar, she indeed walked over and sat herself down at one of the stools, picking up her original drink and swirling it around in its glass. Her gaze shifted from the drink to the imposing figure now standing in the foyer.

"Trust me, darling, I'm here for the drinks." Of which she took a sip and grimaced, setting the glass back down. "Though, maybe not that one. I also provide the music. Sure, betterment is an option of which dear Charlie is letting me stay on, but eh, I kinda like being a wild card."
"You provide the music," he asked with a slight incline of his head, arched eyebrow, and small smile. "Tell me more about that then. If it wouldn't be to forward of me to make such a request," he finished as he stepped over the the bar and sat on a stool himself. He left an empty stool between them so as to give her a respectful amount of room.

His original reason for being here was now almost completely forgotten. Music, especially that of the human race, had always interested him. So the chance to learn of some directly from one that used to be human was almost too sweet of an opportunity to pass up.
"Yeah..? I mean, these dickheads need some sort of entertainment, right? My setup is over there," she gestured behind her vaguely to the common area, where a bunch of equipment was set up. "I'm a DJ. Was in life, am now." She gave a half shrug and glanced over to Husker, signaling him for a whiskey; her favorite.

"Want anything? Husk can make pretty much anything," Tuette took a sip of her drink, glancing over at Ipos with curiosity. She had never been so close to a goetia before, let alone a phoenix variant. She would never verbalize it, but the feathers and their colors were hypnotizing.
"You are, admittedly, drinking my poison," he said with a light chuckle as a glass was slid over to him. "Thank you, Husk." He fished a coin out of his robes and flipped it to husk, however halfway through the air the coin slowed to a crawl. Tumbling end over end on its now achingly long journey into Husk's palm.

"I've heard of, what was it called, mix tapes? Different sounds and notes carefully constructed into a unique song. Is that similar to what you do," he asked as he brought the glass to his beak and sipped from it, his feathers darkening to a smouldering red.
"Not exactly.. I suppose the easiest way to describe it is I take different songs and mix them together, while also creating my own music in the background, adding more depth to it. I dunno if that makes sense.." she grumbled, releasing an exasperated breath and taking another sip.

She eyed the feathers as they changed, watching with pure fascination. After a moment, her gaze lowered again and her tail swished back and forth, brushing against the ground as it did so. "Why the sudden interest in the hotel?"
"To simplify it. You take bits and pieces of existing things and create something new while adding a bit of your own spin on it," he said, thinking he understood what she was getting at. It was how he could wrap his head around it at least. While he enjoyed learning about the humans' music, it was also a difficult subject to understand at times.

Her follow up question gave him pause, stopped halfway from bringing the glass of whiskey to his beak. He set the glass back down on the counter as his eyebrows furrowed. "My first reason was to find a little entertainment. I'll admit that the initial idea of redemption to be preposterous. Although, refusing to deal with absolutes, I don't think it's impossible. So I was going to observe that for a while." He paused as he stared at his dark reflection in his whiskey. "But I think I might be searching for something. No idea what it is... just a feeling," he said shrugging, causing a small wave of heat and light to travel up his feathers and dislodge an ember from the tips of his head feathers.
"Everybody and their dead nephews know that redemption is bullshit. Even if we don't want it to be, everyone is a sinner in their own way. Everyone has some bad or some evil in their past or present. It's not something we get to change." She listened to his second response with curiosity.

"A feeling? The Lust Ring might be more cut out for that," she snorted at her own terrible joke and took another swig of whiskey. "But honestly, if you want connection, here's the best place to do it. At least we're not killing each other left and right, like the folks out on the streets do daily.." she mumbled under her breath.
"The lust ring? Please. If I wanted a hollow night with a stranger then I'm sure I'd have better pickings anywhere other than that STD infested pit," he said with a genuine chuckle of his own. "No offense to Asmodeus, but his patrons aren't exactly sanitary."

"So instead of drowning in whatever half cooked orgy the squabble in the Lust Ring can put together. I've been making do with moments of peace and quiet. Watching as everything comes to a crawl at my whim," he said tossing his glass of whiskey and everything froze in place. Except for them two. Even husk was frozen mid glass polish. "As nice as it is, it does become stale after a while. More useful to me now as a brief respite."
She smiled at his own teasings of the Lust Ring, finding them to be mostly true. "No they are not, that's for sure." For the first time since she had opened the door for Ipos, she smiled. It wasn't big or bright, but it was genuine.

It took a moment for her to register that everything had frozen, but when she did, she was startled. "What the hell?! Husker? What's going on?" she was asking too many questions at once, more than she could keep count of in her own head. But they all fell short when she saw the fireplace had gone completely still. She got up and walked over, crouching down in front of the frozen flames.
"My doing, went for a bit of a dramatic effect," he said as he stood, grabbed the tossed glass of whiskey in hand and set it on the bar before he moved to stand beside her. His feathers mirrored the still flames in the hearth. "The reason I'm considered the strongest of the Goetia is the fact that I have control over time. Very adept control at that. Be it past, present, or future. Although I try no to mess with the former or latter any if at all."

He glanced down at her now with his hands clasped behind his back. "Haven't startled you too much have I? People tend to freak out quite a bit when everything screeches to a halt, although reactions do vary."
"It's beautiful," she stated simply, still watching the frozen fire with powerful interest. With a power like that, it would be damn near impossible to not be the strongest. Not that she would know anything about that, of course.

"Not startled, I guess... just in awe. I've never seen something like this before, so there's a first for everything. It's so quiet." She shifted a little, now sitting on the floor, crossing her legs.
"It can be. But all beautiful things come with their equally horrendous counterparts. Let's hope you never have to witness those," he stated, kneeling down next to her and staring into the frozen flames.

"It takes a while for that particular effect to wear away. I'm still prone to awe at what I find frozen from time to time. And the quiet, the peace? That never gets old. I can't even begin to count the amount of things I was able to do with opportunities I created for myself."
She shrugged one shoulder and stood back up, feeling a bit embarrassed that she let herself go in that moment. Being soft was what got her killed in life. It wasn't something she needed to show off again in death. Instead, she headed back over to the bar and grabbed her whiskey.

"Charlie will be down soon. Probably. Make yourself comfortable," she said before downing the rest of the drink in one go, wiping her lips and heading upstairs to the rooming area, smiling secretly to herself as she walked at the thought of him.
As soon as she finished off her whiskey and set the glass down did time resume. He watched her go before putting on an air more suited for business. He'd allowed himself to get distracted. However that distraction led him to find, what he thought, he was looking for.

He returned to the bar and downed the remains of his whiskey before catching Husk's attention for another and making quick work of that one. He tried to focus on business, but he couldn't get the sight of her face as she stared at the flames out of his mind.
Mere minutes later, not by choice, she would add, Tuette was being dragged downstairs by the scruff of her neck, held up by Vaggie, who was following a delighted Charlie. The princess of Hell approached Ipos and bowed slightly.

"It is great to have you here! We are so excited to show you around the hotel and further the process of helping sinners! I see you've already met Husker, our lovely bartender, and Tuette, our, uh.. musician! There are many more people here that need to be introduced, but all at your own leisure! I know it's early in the morning," Charlie smiled, and in the near background, the hellhound crossed her arms over her chest, waiting to be let go and avoiding eye contact with the goetia.
"Tuette was a lovely host, although temporary," he said, glancing at Tuette. He managed to fight back a chuckle but a smile at her predicament did manage to pull at his beak. He then focused back on Charlie and bowed.

"As I explained to Tuette, I am a bit skeptical on the idea of redemption. However I am keen to see if this endeavor could bear any fruit. After all, is it better to be born good? Or to overcome your sinister nature through great effort?" He stood back up and clasped his hands behind his back. "Whenever you wish to introduce me to the others and or give me a tour, that would be wonderful. I, quite literally, have all the time in the world. It being early in the morning is no matter to me."
Charlie nodded with exasperating excitement. "Effort is what makes it count! If we can convince sinners to come here for redemption, then we can change Hell forever! And, it helps that we have great sponsors like you and a few guests already settling in!" She gestured up the stairway.

"Since you two know each other, Tuette can lead you to one of the vacant rooms for your stay." Charlie nodded to her girlfriend, who proceeded to drop the hellhound, which caused Tuette to brush herself off and growl a little in frustration at being held like a tree ornament.

"Alright, Mister Flame-face, this way," she waved Ipos forward and headed up the stairs, leading him to an empty room; to which he could decorate to any end. "This one is all yours," she remarked while pushing open the door and allowing him to enter.

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