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Realistic or Modern Project Myth OOC

Yeah all the characters have been pretty great and distinct in the posts. I hope it's okay that I posted again to reply to Antihero's post.

Dude, seriously. Those dream sequences are out of this world. Loving Elias and his messed up mind!

Quick question: Is it only him that can see Carly/Icelos? Would gods be able to or nah?
Dude, seriously. Those dream sequences are out of this world. Loving Elias and his messed up mind!

Quick question: Is it only him that can see Carly/Icelos? Would gods be able to or nah?

Thanks Antihero! First time I'm writing this kind of character so I'm glad it's coming off well. And I love Apollo's style. A stark contrast to Elias. He's a rockstar/god and he knows it.

As for your question, no they can't see her yet. Of course if they interacted with him in the past they do know Elias has mental issues and does talk to someone. They just don't know anything about that someone, being Carly/Icelos.
I'll be dropping a post tonight or tomorrow morning. Apologies.

Sorry I didn't tag you. There were several CS that were never completed so I just tagged those I knew have finished sheets.
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DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz Emmi Emmi I'll be honest with you two, progress has been slow and the GM hasn't been on for a while to move things along. I'm sure a lot of the players including myself are still very much on board with this RP but right now it's just not moving. I say to keep an eye out to see if the GM returns soon.

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