Project Genesis

Hikaru stared at every thing was going on. These people use their animal parts as a threat? He never thought of using his lantern of teeth to hurt someone. He started walking back to the pool room. He was done with these people. He was sickened by what they have said to each other. Once he got to the door he pulled it open and got his khaki shorts and put them on. He felt naked just wearing the swim suit so this made him feel a little bit more covered up. He jumped into the pool. Swimming seemed to put all his worries behind him.

After a while of eating fish and swimming around he started to go to the shallow end of the pool. He reached the surface. Gasping for air he forgot how long he was under there. it must of been not that long. He started to get out thinking what they are doing still in that room. he went over to a chair and grabbed a towel.
((sorry guys... I'm working to get caught up on everything. Life's just been really hectic for me lately.))

"Nobody is getting muzzled!" Sharen barked, moving to get a hold of Anya and fighting hard to maintain what little control of the situation she had. Of course they would wait to do this when their CEO was there. It was like they were deliberately trying to sabotage her, and, with half a mind to just put the entire floor on lock down, she placed her fingers between her lips and let out a piercing whistle that quieted everything down at least a little.

"I want Anya in an examination room. Someone find Vadim and tell him that once he gets Canton stable to find me." While not paying attention, she did catch someone leaving out of the corner of her eye and took Anya by the elbow. "Rinji, stay in the recreation room for god's sake. Come with me, Ms. Dardanos, and we'll get you fixed up."

Sharen began the walk down the hall toward one of the examination rooms, trying to keep her voice calm and even. "I only caught the last of what happened, would you mind telling me exactly what the hell happened down here?"


Nova stayed rooted to her spot while everything gradually died down. She noticed Eliade talking to someone, and Benji muttering darkly to himself while he brushed off his clothes and stretched his arms out. It had all happened quickly, and it's not as though Nova had never seen fights before. Sure, she'd seen plenty in her high school and saw the occasional physical spat here, but it never got out of control.

Even through her shock, she wondered briefly what would happen to someone if she had decided to bite them. Would what happened to Canton happen to them, or was her venom different? She remembered hearing something about the effects of a black mamba bite from some Quentin Tarantino film, but she couldn't quite recall-

"Well," Benji's voice came flatly, interrupting her thoughts so violently that she flinched a little before turning to look over at him. "I guess nobody's bored anymore, huh?"

"I guess not," Nova said quietly and ran her tongue over the roof of her mouth. "I hope Canton's going to be okay... Anya too."

He let out a snort, "Oh, she's fine. I don't doubt that for a second."

Not in the mood to keep talking to him, or be further spurred on by his own shitty mood, Nova just nodded and made her way over to Veronica, absently slapping at the sides of her legs. "You'd think they'd be able to keep better tabs on us, wouldn't they?"
Well, at least SOMEONE was going to halfway take her seriously. Granted, it was Sharen, who usually left little room for Anya's games, but beggars couldn't be choosers. And the woman at least wasn't going to allow her to be muzzled.

"Aw, stay here? But she needs me to come with her, see, she's all upset and she's hurting," Rinji tries to point out to Sharen earnestly, even as her sister comes up and rather irritably grabs her by the arm, yanking her away from Anya and back towards the recreation room. Rinji looks back over her shoulder at Anya several times as Veronica drags her, calling back to her, "Bye Anya and Canton! I hope you both feel better!"

"They'll be okay, damn it," Veronica mutters back to her as she rejoins the others. She ignores Eliade and Ryan, who are now earnestly talking to each other- flirting, more like it, and after all that mess, seriously?- and instead focuses on Nova and Benji, joining in their conversation with sarcasm as she drops Rinji's arm.

"They only watch us when we're doing something "exciting" that's worth taking notes over. A little thing like half killing each other, that's no big deal."

"It is a big deal though," Rinji tells her, missing the sarcasm. "Getting killed is a big deal, Nica. I would think it was a big deal if I got killed."

"You would, huh? Thinking that with your dead brain?" Veronica raised an eyebrow, as Rinji nods, again not computing.

"Yeah, I would."

Anya continues to sniffle and let tears emerge, though more slowly and with less audible sobbing now as Sharen leads her down the hallway, this more because it actually hurts her ribs to even voluntarily cry than because she thinks it's a good idea to stop just yet. She still wants the maximum sympathy from this, because who the hell knows what they'd do to her if she permanently hurt Canton? Not because they cared about him, but because they cared about him being "damaged goods."

"I...I was just playing around with Eliade and he, he took it the wrong way or something. He hit me and punched me and shoved me around...he's REALLY strong. And so it hurt and I was scared he'd kill me, so I bit him."
"When is everybody going to be done here," He sighed. He started to get up. 'Should I press the intercom? I am kinda hungry. . ' His stomach growled. His pants were completely dry so he walked outside instead of pressing the intercom. He sat in the hallway not wanting to be in the little argument. He was thinking. ' Is there a way out of here? It seems like I have been here for ages but only three weeks. For those three weeks I was locked in that room but no body else seemed to be. Why is that. Maybe. . . maybe because they fear me, the guards. ' He spaced out a bit then returned.' Haha. They might fear me. Let me check.' he saw a guard come around the corner. " Hey!" He yelled at him. The guard jumped. Then he turned around. Hikaru stood up smiling.

" W-what are you doing?" The guard asked hesitantly.

" An experiment" Hikaru laughed.

" What the hell are you talking about?!?!" The guard backed up two steps. Hikaru started walking forward. The guard started to walk backwards faster. He pulled out his gun. " Stand back I will shoot!" Hikaru smiled fully showing his extremely sharp teeth. he dashed towards the guard dodging two bullets. He opened his mouth widely saliva went everywhere. He bit down on the guards neck, the man screamed in pain. He ripped off his neck muscle. Blood, meat, bone. He tasted all these things. He swallowed the food whole.

"Yummy. Hahaha" He laughed more and more. Then he felt the guard let go of his arm. Hikaru started dragging the man to the pool where he can eat him more freely. But he couldn't be caught by another guard.
Canton's temperature had risen dangerously and his hair was matted down with sweat by the time he started to just barely level out, his immune system trying desperately to work through the toxins in his arm. The tourniquet one of the participants had put on had helped, but only barely, and while Vadim took notes out of the doctor and nurse's way, he worried that the boy might actually lose his hand. The swelling wasn't too bad after it all, though, and it hadn't started to turn any dangerous colors yet, so Vadim doubted it. Still, he had best starting looking into prosthetics, just in case.

When a guard came to tell him about Sharen summoning him, he ignored it, waved the man away and continued observing. He waited the time it took for Canton's blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level and temperature began to stop rising and then slowly start moving back to normal. Only then did he rise from the seat he'd taken, leaving the staff with directions to take notes still and to call him if anything changed. Keeping Canton restrained for when he woke was almost an afterthought, but a necessary one. The boy did hate needles like nothing else, and would likely tear out the IV himself if allowed to move - the fact that he tended to fight anyone that came near him was also a factor.

Vadim went over what had happened in his head even as he walked out to try and find Sharen. If he hadn't been distracted by them talking, he might have gotten a better look at what had triggered the whole thing, but that was just how it was. Perhaps he could review the tapes later, after he'd found Sharen and found out what on earth she wanted. They were probably going to have to re-evaluate Anya's venom again. It worked quicker than they'd expected on humans.
Nova wrapped her arms around her waist, holding her elbows and watched Veronica and Rinji. She couldn't help but grin a little at how oblivious the blonde was. Rinji, while probably the most innocent person she'd ever met, was still placed in the same boat that Nova had reserved for Anya in that she was completely unsure how to feel about the two of them, for completely different reasons. Where Anya moved between the spectrum of funny and cruel, Rinji tended to slalom between funny and unbearably annoying.

For a moment, she thought about clearing up Rinji's confusion, but decided against it. Her nerves were too frayed to bother trying to break anything down for anyone.

"Look, all I'm saying is that if we're so important to them they might want to keep a closer eye on what's going on between us before we all just take each other out." Nova said, eyebrows knitting together in thought.

Benji let out a snort and shook his head, "They got what they wanted. It was a success or whatever, right? I mean, we're all part-animal freaks now and if we kill each other, well, it wasn't whatever they did to us that killed us off, so what does it matter?"


Keeping one hand on Anya's elbow, Sharen kept her grip light yet firm as they walked. Playing around, Canton taking it the wrong way... it seemed fairly straight forward. Canton had a history of aggression, and while Anya's play tended to wind up hurting the feelings of others, Sharen was almost sure that a review of the tapes would show that her story wasn't completely fabricated.

"I think," Sharen began as they stepped into an exam room, "Go ahead and sit on the table. Anyway, I think that maybe you should turn the play down a little bit at the very least. Canton will be taken care of, but in the meantime, why not just try normal playing around so we can keep over reactions from happening again."

Carefully, she directed Anya to lie back and pulled her shirt up to feel her ribs for breaks, allowing her fingers to walk up her side slowly, applying slight pressure. "It doesn't feel like anything is broken, but you've probably got a few bruised ribs. But still, on a scale of one to ten how severe is your pain?"
"They should lock Canton and Anya both up where they can't kill the rest of us," Veronica muttered, shrugging. "I don't care if it's by themselves or together. Who cares what happens to them as long as it doesn't happen to us?

"Nica, that's awful," Rinji exclaims, shaking her head at her. "I care. I don't like it when they're hurt."

"Yeah, well, they deserve it, they both were the ones at fault," Veronica rolled her eyes, then, exhaling, she started to pace the room in slow, meandering steps, glancing back at her sister to see if she was staying put. "That was more than enough excitement, don't even try to make me do anything else, Rinji."

"You're just feeling bad because we had to see people get hurt," Rinji assures her, following her and grasping her arm as she walks with her, much to Veronica's annoyance. "If we'd play a game you'd feel better!"


"We don't have anything else interesting to do in here but play, though, Sharen," Anya says to her in a soft, humble tone, as though she is a meek young girl feeling contrite for her errant ways. The words she says are true enough in her view, but she's forcing the tone that goes with them. "And Canton's always so angry. I thought I was just normally playing around."

She lay back as Sharen had instructed, barely containing herself from making insinuative comments about her touching her bare skin; now was not the time to play with the woman. Instead she let her examine her, flinching slightly, and tried to calculate her response. Her pain was about a 6 but she upped it automatically.

"Seven and a half. I don't have to get a shot, do I?" She paused, then asked "casually," "What will happen to Canton? I didn't mean to hurt him. But once you fix him, will he get punished too?"
Eliade followed, yanking her hand out of his grasp. 'Please.. just don't.. touch me..' She said, lapsing into her more secluded attitude. She gently massaged the skin of her hand, looking about at the area. 'It's very... pretty..' She said after a moment, taking in the scene cautiously, fulling expecting people to jump out and attack her at any time. When nothing happened, she made a surprised sound. This place both confused and marvelled her. She didn't even know they HAD a garden. She hadn't been allowed out of the main complex since waking up in her tank. Too many surroundings she supposed, and if what Ryan said was true, they couldn't monitor her using cameras. Then she wondered. What if they'd implanted some sort of tracking device in her body and she didn't know? Instantly paranoia rose. As if it wasn't bad enough that they watched them every minute of every day. Now she had to wonder if they were tracking her every movement. If that was the case then she would never be able to be free of this place. The revelation caused something inside her to snap and it took all her strength to keep it together.

Walking to the fountain, she sat down before her legs could give way beneath her. She covered her face with her hands and then looked back to Ryan. 'Do you ever wonder what they plan to do to us? And if we can even trust each other? For all I know we could have been thrown in here as some sick entertainment. How can we trust each other? Especially after everything that happened in there.. It only takes a small trigger to set off one of them.. then we're all standing around with giant red targets painted on our backs. You saw how it went down. The quacks weren't even watching. Canton could have been dead. We could be next.' She stopped, looking at him and her eyes widened. 'That's.. that's why you brought me here isn't it? You're working with them..' She stood up and began to back away from him, her paranoia taking control as she felt like a rabbit trapped in a tiger den. She picked up a large hefty stone and held it threateningly. 'Don't come near me or I swear to god I'll beat your skull in.'
Ryan looked up at her in confusion. Why would he ever want to hurt her? He put his hands up as if he were surrendering and sighed. "I'm not going to hurt you, just let me show you out of here if you think so. I'm not working with the scientists, but I can tell your nerves are a little high after everything that just happened. I was honestly just trying to take you somewhere serene and calm, because that place was so crazy. But if you want to go back, that's your prerogative. Trust does need to be earned."

Ryan sighed as he walked past Eliade, and waited about ten feet away for her to follow. He signed inwardly. Try to show someone my sanctuary, and they think I'm going to kill them. Great Ryan thought inwardly. He hated what the scientists had done to them. Anya and Canton just added to the mistrust by attacking each other. All he had done was try to interact with someone, and they were afraid of him, and threatened to kill him. Oh the irony. He waited for her to follow him out of the maze of plants.
Eliade scoffed a little. 'What are you, suddenly a psych major? You don't know anything about me! You are just like them.' She spat the words, hatred and suspicion boiling over, mingling with fear. She wanted nothing to do with him, and as he walked past her she flinched away, her grip on the rock tightening. 'Don't touch me. Don't even think about it.' She hissed, eyes narrowing. She waited till he was a safe distance away and then followed without a word, keeping far enough away from him that he couldn't reach her. Her eyes flicked around the maze of plants, still expecting people to jump out and get her. She didn't think she'd ever get over her paranoia after this, if they made it out after this. She felt trapped, alone, scared. Even though she was surrounded by people like her, she had never felt more alone than she did right now.
Vadim wanted nothing more than to be able to look at the security footage from before the fight, leading up to it. He wanted to know what had been the initial set-off for the whole disaster, and exactly how much had happened before Anya had used her fangs. Canton had threatened her physically and hurt her, so that was the major catalyst, but something beyond her normal prodding had to have gotten him up out of his seat and angry enough to do so. Something had to be different, and if not they were simply escalating. He wasn't sure if they were going to have to consider separating the participants, and he hated that thought. They were so much better to study if they stayed socialized.

When Vadim finally found out where Sharen was, he was admitted and told that she was in a room with Anya. Frowning and wondering why she was in there by herself, and why Anya hadn't been put into her room and examined there, he just walked until he found the right door. Upon reaching it, Vadim stepped inside, tilted his head at the scene before him, of Anya looking innocent and hurt on the table and Sharen inspecting her.

". . . You wanted to see me." He said, after a moment, and looked at Sharen. "I was busy."
"No shots needed," Sharen assured her and smiled weakly, "Just some ibuprofen and rest and you'll be fine." Turning, she pulled open a cabinet drawer and pulled out a paper packet with two ibuprofen in it, glancing over when Vadim when he stepped into the room. She was thankful for his presence just then, having not wanted to touch the subject of punishment among other subjects, especially since Anya was possibly just as culpable in the altercation. "Take these and just take it easy for a while."

Carefully, she eased Anya up after pulling down her shirt, "Go ahead back to the rec room, or, if you'd prefer you can just go to your room and lie down for a while. I'll send a nurse in to take a look at them again later, and if they're still bothering you, we'll get you some X-rays, okay?"

Sharen turned on her feet and walked out of the room, motioning for Vadim to follow her. Once they were a safe distance away from the examination room, and Anya's ears which would no doubt be listening very closely.

"I wanted to talk to you about maybe putting Canton on a cycle of mood stabilizers until we can get him under control." She said, sparing a brief glance in his direction. She had a feeling that he'd have nothing good to say about this, especially considering the fact that Canton had been inches away from death just a short time ago. "He's volatile, and this isn't the first time he's attacked someone. Something needs to be done."
Vadim waited patiently - or as patiently as he was capable - for Sharen to finish up with Anya, wondering how hard Canton had actually kicked the girl. Were her ribs broken? Had he held back? The boy's strength had increased, Vadim thought, and he wanted to test it's PSI again to see just how hard the boy could actually hit.

When Vadim followed Sharen out of the room and listened to her speak, however, he turned very quickly into a petulant child, throwing his hands in the air. "But you'll ruin the results!" He cried, heedless of anyone that might be listening, and frowned when she gave him a harsh look, crossing his arms and pouting instead. "If you sedate him, we won't be able to see the true effects the changes to his DNA are having - we need to know how much the foreign species takes over!"

He huffed and quieted down, though, following her out of the participants' area of dwelling and back to the part of the building that was their work space. ". . . Fine. . . How about we give it just a few days once he's back in his own room to see how the almost dying affects him, and then we can put him on sedatives if he doesn't calm down."
"Thank you for helping me, Sharen," Anya gave the woman her most cooperative, pitiful smile as she accepted the pills, dry swallowing them with a slight grimace. "I think I'll go hang out in the rec room a little, if that's okay. The couch is more comfortable than my bed."

Of course, what she really means is that she wants to parade around and further emphasize her injury while also getting in sly digs where she can. As Sharen helps her up, Anya runs a hand experimentally over her ribs and winces again. "I'll just take it easy."

She makes her way back to the rec room, noticing how Veronica instantly tensed as she entered, and announces to the room at large, "Good news everyone, I'll live. I'm sure you were all sweating bullets there for a while. Don't know about Canton, though. Guess we can all hope."

The last sentence was said sarcastically, but Rinji nodded seriously as she went up to her, grabbing Anya into a hug that immediately made the girl stiffen before she forced herself to relax and endure. "We can! I'm glad you're going to be okay, Anya!"

"And there goes our five minutes of peace," Veronica growled under her breath as Rinji, now holding Anya's hand, followed her to the couch.
((S Sure i love to rp but i hate people who have more than one character. No offense. It is just hard to follow if they can't show who is talking or who did what.))
Project Genesis.

That was the name on the folder Juno was given, a big red stamp of ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ written on the front of the secured papers. She had seen most of the information before, when the job was offered to her; all that was new were the specific subject’s profiles. The girl would be starting today, which meant meeting these subjects, who were probably all too familiar with doctors, nurses and scientists. She sighed, leafing through the documents as her driver pulled up to the establishment.

As if it wasn’t enough they wouldn’t let her leave the briefing room until she accepted, the company had actually sent a driver to pick her up. It seemed their research was given on a select basis until it was published, some of these articles also clipped into the file. Why Juno was chosen… she couldn’t figure out. She was not the best of students or the best of nurses, slipping up every once in a while and having to switch out with a fellow worker. Still, the people and suits had shown up for her, specifically, and stared her down until she agreed.

It was probably the empathetic side of her thinking of the children who were taken away to be put to use on this experiment, although knowing full well some of them had volunteered. It was also her inexperience, and if this company were to succeed, maybe many others would be exactly like their test subjects.

Seeing that they were arriving soon, she flipped the documents closed, exiting the car when the driver offered the open door. Heading into the building, she showed the guards her new id, which they scanned, nodding when it chimed and letting her into the building after a scan of her face. The name she found most often on the documents was Sharen Kilburn, but she had no idea who she was actually supposed to talk to. Still, Juno walking through the facility in a dark blue pair of scrubs stuck out like a sore thumb.

She hoped to find somebody… and soon…
Hikaru swam around the pool thinking of what he could do for fun around here. It seems everyone has something. But. What could a fish do around here, well besides swim. He sighed as he got to the surface. he was so bored and needed some action. He remembered the dead guard in his pool and laughed because he forgot to hide him. He grabbed his limp arm and pulled him down to the trenches. Hopefully nobody will notice he is gone. Plus he won't need to order or get any food soon.

He swam back up and got onto the pool side. His feet were still dangling n and he grabbed the nearest towel and started to dry his hair.
"A mild mood stabilizer isn't going to do anything to alter the results," Sharen told Vadim, a little more harshly than she intended. The sudden change in maturity she had gotten used to, though still felt a sharp stab of annoyance any time the young scientist's tone got anywhere near the realm of a tantrum.

She led him back to their observation room and let out a huff of air, "Besides, you of all people should know how dangerous Canton can be. You rub the damned scar on your wrist enough to prove it, and his aggression is escalating. I'm trying to keep us from having to terminate him just as much as I'm trying to keep him from terminating our other subjects."

Wheeling her chair over to Vadim's desk, where the security tapes fed into his computer, Sharen sat down and let out a puff of air, "Let's get down to what really happened, shall we?"


At the sound of Anya's voice, Benji's eyes rolled into the back of his head on themselves and a small groan escaped his throat. They couldn't just put them both on lock down for a while? Yeah, Canton was dying, Anya bit him, shouldn't there be some sort of protocol that keeps them both separate from everyone else, even for just 24 hours? God knows they all needed some sort of break.

"Welcome back," He grunted, not looking up from the table as he shuffled the cards. It was a habit he'd picked up since he'd woken up in the lab. He found that keeping his hands busy tended to make the itch at least a little more controllable, and since there wasn't much of anything to go around fixing, and they wouldn't let him outside to dig his hands into the earth or... whatever.

But the cards helped.

Looking up as he stretched his arms over his head, he spotted an unfamiliar person walking past the window showing the hallway. Curious, he stood up and walked to the door, noting the blue scrubs. Clearing his throat to get her attention, he spoke, "Hey... are you lost or something?"
Vadim pouted at Sharen the entire way back, arms crossed and clearly unhappy. She never paid his little fits any heed, though, and eventually he calmed back down a bit, enough to think to pull up the security feeds when they got back to their regular offices, scooting his chair a bit to the side when she came over so she would have room to sit close and see.

"My theory is he just finally snapped." Vadim said, shrugging. "He's never liked Anya, and she's always liked provoking him." She just hadnt quite been ready for the moment he broke, and when they re watched the tape even Vadim was surprised by Canton's burst of speed. He'd caught Anya off guard.

Vadim frowned again and looked at Sharen as they rewound the video to watch it over again from farther back. "Do I at least get a couple days to see what he'll be like before we start him on the sedatives? Maybe he'll mellow out a little after this! And you know you'll have to either tie him down and force him to take it or slip it into his food somehow for him to take it." Canton hated when they tried to give him pills, and hated shots even worse. They would either have to be sneaky or use brute force.
"Thank you for the concern, it was a pretty friggin' painful operation I had to go through back there," Anya said sarcastically in response to Benji as she let Rinji drag her to the couch. "It was touch and go there for a while, I was knocking on death's door and saw the Grim Reaper holding out his hands, but he was in bad need of a manicure, so I told him go screw himself. Then Sharen gave me mouth to mouth and made it alllll worth it."

"Really?" Rinji's eyes were wide as she swallowed this whole, pulling away from Anya to look her in the eye. "Wow! Did he have a hood, the reaper guy? And that weapon thing in his hand? Did he say anything? What did his voice sound like?"

"Someone just shoot me now," Veronica muttered to Benji, one hand to her temples, shaking her head, but Rinji, hearing this, immediately protested, raising her voice.

"No, Veronica, that's the Reaper's job, and don't tell him to do that! I'm not ready for you to die yet!"

Veronica ignored her, following Benji's steps towards the doorway with her eyes. Seeing a strange woman standing there, she walked towards her, hanging back a distance.

"New? Congrats, welcome to hell."
Leaving the garden, Eliade felt strange, tainted, weak. She'd let her guard down, let someone get too close within the perimeter. That couldn't happen again. She let the rock drop a few feet away as she abandoned the area, trying to find her way back to the maze of corridors. She wanted so badly to just be free. She looked up at the blinking red eye of the camera, looked back at the rock on the ground, then back to the camera. It would be so easy. Pick up the rock, smash the camera, listen as the guards came running. She could take them on... No she couldn't. She sighed. Who was she trying to kid? Some people would tell her to look on the bright side. She'd been kidnapped, sure, but she also had a roof over her head, three meals a day, and clothes on her back. She was off the streets. So why didn't she feel as priviledged as they said she ought to? She tugged at the skin on her arm, feeling the rough surface crumpling beneath her skin and panicking. What was happening to her? Her skin itched, like someone had rolled her in grass or something. It felt hot to the touch. She needed to soothe the pain.

Frantically the young girl ran through the corridor, straight past the rec room, past a strange nurse she'd never seen, past Veronica, Rinji, Anya, and all the others. She didn't stop running until she smelt chlorine, could taste the moisture in the air. She pushed open the door to the large terranium styled room and, ignoring the boy who sat with his feet dangling over the edge, dove right in, hoping to soothe the terrible burning itch. Her skin felt like a million insects were biting her constantly. She resurfaced, gasping for air. 'Why isn't it working? What's happening?' She said aloud.
Hikaru got up from the pool sighing. He was still hungry, but how? He had just ate a whole arm from the guard he killed. Still tired from dragging the lifeless body into the depths Hikaru stood with some trouble. He got up shortly and grabbed his back and stretched. He went over to the door and almost forgot he didn't have his pants on and only the water suit underneath. Strangely he felt naked when not wearing the shorts, even thought being fully clothed. He went over to grab his apparel and he was off.
Sharen's eyebrows rose as she watched the footage, the agility used by Canton was certainly fascinating and one they would need to take note of in his file. His snapping, as Vadim had said, wouldn't be unlikely, and it also wasn't unlikely that Anya would be the target of his aggression, she had to agree with that. However, this sort of violence needed to be taken seriously around the lab, and if Sharen had anything to do with it, it would be.

"Whether or not he liked Anya, that's not an excuse to attack her and actions should be taken to prevent it from happening in general." Sharen said, having rewound and watched the altercation three times before bothering to speak.

"As far as a couple days, yes, I can't really say no to that. And regardless of whether or not he'll like it, if he continues to show signs of aggression like this, measures will need to be taken. He could endanger the entire group, and they're far too valuable for us to lose just because one subject is reacting poorly with the experiment." Sitting back in her chair, Sharen crossed her legs and folded her hands together in her lap, "And when it comes down to it, it's either he allows us to treat his aggression or we'll be forced to terminate. When neither option is favorable, I've found that more often than not, people would much prefer to do what they need to survive."
Vadim turned to look at Sharen, ignoring the footage for now, with a serious expression on his face. "I don't think you understand how much he hates us, Sharen." He said, tilting his head slightly to the side as he analyzed her reactions. "How much almost all of them hate us." He didn't pretend to think what they were doing didn't violate human rights, in some cases, and he didn't think she should either.

"Have you seen him?" He continued, expression quizzical. "In the times he's gone mad from it?" The occasions for rare, Canton always striving for control over his instincts, but it had happened and Vadim had been there for it. "You should see the look in his eyes, when he does it. Like he's not even there anymore, and an animal has been left in his place." He tilted his head to the side again, watching her, then turned back to the footage in front of them. "He wants his freedom, and he wants us to die for ever touching him. He wants those things more than he wants to live." He smiled faintly, watching the scene play out again. "Isn't it fascinating?"

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