Project Genesis

'My room is safe. They still won't hurt me here' Hikaru thought. He illuminated his fingers and searched for his pillow. The guards thought it would be funny to always have his lights off. It had been a while since he has seen real life. He sighed. Nothing will seem to get better. The guards never let him out. He. . . He just wanted real life so he can save his energy. He was done with this darkness. He pulled out his Lantern and hovered it above his head. He started smashing the ball against the iron door. The guards yelled at him. He couldn't, no he wouldn't stop now. 
((Once I know how people are the more I will respond and the need to escape))
"Oh well. Seems like you guys were having a blast all the same without me. Come visit me down in my pool sometime, I get very lonely."

Othello walked out of the room, turning his head back as he did so to wink at the girl that had grabbed his arm. He grinned and shut the door behind him as he left. 
He decided to take a stroll around the corridors for a while. He had never been in this part of the lab before, and exploring was always a fun experience.

He went around corners, down long hallways, passed experimentation rooms, cell blocks, rooms for calculations and conference rooms. As he decided to turn back and return to his pool for the day, Othello passed right by a cell where an interesting, but not surprising, scene was taking place. The inmate inside of the cell was apparently banging furiously on the inside of the door, and the guards outside were yelling at him to shut up and be quiet.

"Excuse me, perhaps I could talk to him?" asked Othello, walking up to the guards and the cell.

The guards shoved him away and growled at him that they had the situation under control.

"You sure? That guy doesn't seem like he's under control to me."

Reluctantly, the guards opened the door a crack and let Othello step inside, then shut the door behind him. The room was in complete darkness.

"Hello? You okay in here? Wanna talk about it maybe?" said Othello in a friendly manner, which wasn't hard for him. His tone of voice was very reassuring.
Hikaru slowly calmed down. His lights around his body all started to dim down. He couldn't see anything but a dark figure in front of him from the brightness from outside. " Who are you?" Hikaru said weakly to the air. He didn't know what to do. He eyes slowly adjusted to the light and he saw the figure's clothes and hair. He seemed different from the guards. Maybe a trusted prisoner or a successful experiment, or even. . . even a head leader. He backed up into a corner in his cell. He was to afraid and frail to fight back if this figure charged him.
Rael slowly stepped a little closer.

"I'm just another lab rat, like everyone else. What kind of animal are you?" 
He squinted in an attempt to get a better look at the person. The guy didn't look all that special, or even dangerous, for that matter. Rael smirked and held out a hand.

"I'm Rael. Nice to meet you."
"I-I'm Hikaru. I don't know what the animal is called that they used inside me. All i know is this," Hikaru stood up. Since his clothes were so thin you were able to see the small lights around his body. He winced in pain a bit but then slowly lit up his body. He smiled a bit showing his teeth but then closing his mouth quickly knowing it would scare him that he has very long sharp fangs. He slowly dimmed the lights on his body.
Rael's eyes widened.

"Oh! I know! You're a...oh, what are those things called...oh yeah, an angler fish!"

He stroked his chin for a moment in thought. After a bit, he looked up at Hikaru.

"Tell me, Hikaru, can you breathe underwater?"
Canton sat still and just watched as everything happened, not wanting to get involved but thinking that getting up and leaving would draw attention to him. He managed not to make faces when the squid boy walked up - all those extra limbs made him want to hurl - but wasnt so lucky when he spat ink all over Anya. Canton generally wasnt ever in good enough cheer for laughing. Still, right then, he laughed before he could stop himself.

He laughed, trying to stifle it with his hands, and curled up tight in his seat to try and keep his ribs from hurting, but it didn't really work. He couldn't help it. It was just so funny. Big, proud, elegant Anya with black ink dripping off of her, her masks gone and actual anger showing through. Canton wondered if she would actually try to hurt the kid, but he was gone before anything could happen, and Canton was left to worry about her attention landing on him instead. He wondered if she would be angry enough to actually try hurting him physically, rather than just playing with words. He could welcome that sort of thing. It would feel good to shove her to the ground and show her she couldn't beat him.
"If so, I think I might be able to provide you with and board, one might say. What do you think?"
"I-I don't know. I never thought about it.Nor had any amounts of water bigger than a cup." Hikaru laughs a bit and looked at his shoe-less feet and shuffled." Ever since I was here I have been in this room and this is the first time I have seen another human besides these guards." Hikaru stopped. "Wait. . .Why did you ask if I can breathe under water. C-Can you?"Hikaru felt stupid after the words came out of his mouth. Why would he ask. he could be a cheetah or some other animal. He eyes adjusted more.
Rael smirked. Two extra arms sprouted from both sides of his ribcage.

"Octopi can breathe underwater, silly. C'mon, it'll be awesome to have another fish around. Let's go."

He gently grabbed Hikaru by the arm and lead him out of the cell and down the hallway. Rael's mind was spinning with the revelation that he was no longer going to be lonely; he had a poolmate! As the two weaved around corners and walked past laboratories, his inner self did a heel kick of glee.

As Rael led Hikaru down one last corridor, he smirked. At the end of the corridor, the wall was made entirely out of glass, and on the other side was the extremely high-roofed room that contained his pool.

"Home sweet home," chuckled Rael, gesturing towards the door that led into the pool room.
Hikaru's eye gleamed with happiness. He had never seen so much water before. By his surprise his lantern popped out of his hair and started bouncing left and right. he quickly noticed and tried putting it back under his hair. but once again it popped and and started fighting with him. he finally got his lantern under control and wanted Rael to lead him in. He wasn't a person who leads. So he just stood there looking through the glass.
Rael walked through the door and gestured for Hikaru to follow.

The pool room was enormous, to say the least. The roof was at least 70 feet from the ground, and the room itself was the size of a football field. The pool took up about two-thirds of the room. The pool was huge, and markings on the side of the pool indicated that it was thirty feet deep at its deepest. Covering the bottom of the pool was a thriving coral reef, complete with all sorts of different kinds of coral and anemones. The coral and anemone grew on rock formations that formed arches and caves and other sorts of shapes that provided privacy, shade, and places to sleep.

Around the edges of the pool and leaning against the walls of the room were various tools, gadgets, and pool toys. In one corner, a set of three pool nets lay neatly on the floor. In another corner, there was a bucket and what looked like a couple of robotic fish. On a long rack by the door, there hung on hooks several wetsuits of different sizes. They fit snug against the skin, but not entirely skintight, so it wasn't as embarrassing as wearing a speedo, but they still looked fashionable and sleek. Rael always wore his, the main reason being that they were the only clothes he had.

"There's a bathroom in the hallway where we just were. You can change into a wetsuit in there. Don't worry, I haven't worn any of those since the staff washed them. They're entirely clean, and they're designed to adjust to perfectly fit your body, no matter what size you are. I'll wait here." Rael handed Hikaru one of the wetsuits.
Hikaru went over to the hooks with the suits on them. he grabbed one that looked like it would fit even though he said all of them will fit to him. He started to walk back towards the hall and saw how happy Rael was to have someone to 'room' with him. he smiled and walked down the hall into the bathroom. He walked into a stall taking off his clothes. He started to put on his wet suit and it felt funny, but natural. After a struggle he zipped it up. It tightened to him and it felt very comfortable. he grabbed his dirty shirt and pants and opened the door to go back to 'his' room. He saw Rael already in the water and just sat on the edge with his feet in the water. the water felt nice and warm. He smiled and watched Rael swim around.
Rael was swimming around on the surface of the water, floating face up on his back. Two of his arms were crossed luxuriously behind his head, while the other four propelled him around by way of a sort of undulating motion that somewhat resembled the breaststroke.

When Rael noticed Hikaru was back, he grinned and turned upright so that he was treading water. His four extra arms retracted back into his skin so that he had just two arms and legs like a normal person again.

"C'mon, I wanna show you the reef. It's breathtaking, especially when the staff decides to be generous and turns on the rave lights."

Rael sprouted his four extra arms again, one on each side of his ribcage and one on each shoulder. However, this time, the extra arms were pointed backwards so the elbows were pointed wherever Rael was facing. He gestured for Hikaru to come in the pool with one of his normal arms, and then flipped backwards and disappeared underwater.
Hikaru jumped into the pool. Fish were moving in and out of the reef. He gasped at the beauty of the reef. Then he started freaking out. He was breathing under water. He started following Rael. His movements were such like an octopus. He noticed how he swam himself. Like any other human. He followed Rael into the reefs and saw all the bright fish and coral. He pointed at the fish then rubbed his stomach gesturing the fact he is hungry. He didn't know if he was able to talk under water and he didn't feel like taking any chances.
Rael swam jellyfish-style, his arms undulating as he kicked his legs, the way a real octopus would swim.

He gestured all around them at the coral reef and the fish. Rael led Hikaru all around the coral reef, showing him all the different types of coral and using hand signals to show him which ones weren't good to touch, which ones fish liked to hide in, etc. Then he led Hikaru down into a cave near the bottom of the reef. It was rather deep, and near the far wall, tied to a rock with seaweed to stop them from drifting away, were various gadgets and objects. Rael grabbed one of them that resembled a walkie-talkie somewhat and pressed a few buttons on it. A small keyboard slid out and he typed something on it, then pressed a button. A woman's voice rang out clear through the water, and said, "This device is for communicating underwater. Simply trying to speak underwater sometimes works, but it makes lots of air bubbles that obscure what you're trying to say, so this makes it a lot easier." Rael showed Hikaru the screen, which contained the message that the voice had just spoke.
Hikaru laughed. The woman's voice sounded like any other machine. Bubbles went everywhere. Then out of nowhere his stomach growled. He quickly swam out of the cave and into the reef. He quickly dashed to a school of fish that Rael said was there mainly for food. He got about three fish inside his mouth and he swallowed them whole. *gurr* He was still hungry. He needed real food beside fish. He turned around to where Rael was and pointed to the surface.
Rael smirked and rolled his eyes, typing another message into the communicator.

"I prefer to catch all of my food the old-fashioned way, but if you're into more civilized eating I suppose I can arrange something," said the voice.

He swam up to the surface and climbed out of the pool, motioning for Hikaru to follow. On wall opposite the door, there was an intercom panel with a speaker and a few buttons. Rael held the biggest button and said, "Hey, uh, I've got the angler-fish kid here at the pool, and he says he's in the mood for something other than fish to eat. Think you guys can wrangle up something to satisfy his appetite?" He let go of the button when he was done speaking.

"Well, it usually doesn't take them long to send someone down here, so we can probably just hang for a few minutes."

Rael kicked back on a white plastic pool chair and spat a glob of ink into the pool. He watched the patterns it made as it swirled around and slowly dissipated.
((I just want to be able to hold my breathe for a very long time))

Bah!" he reached the surface. Taking in a deep breathe then just in and out like normal like that. He paddled to the shallow end. "D-Do they always treat you like this?" He asked politely. He never really got any treatments. He thought and thought how long he could of been in a place like this. He sat on one of the steps and saw the fish go by.He slowly got up and walked over into the hallway where the bathrooms were at. He slid his hands along the walls and felt all the bumps and dinks' .

He signed in relief. he wouldn't be starved, dehydrated, or cold anymore. He smiled and continued to walk down the hall forgetting about Rael.
"Usually I have to nag them endlessly until I get what I want. I consider it their...payment for bringing me here against my will," Rael said to Hikaru before he left. 
He watched the ink swirl around in the water for a little more, then spat another glob in.

Given, these abilities I have are awesome, but they could have at least asked first...I don't even know if my family is still alive! They never even let me contact them to let them know I'm okay...they probably think I'm dead by now... Rael thought to himself as he gazed blanky into the water.
(yeah, i have no idea what's going on...sooooo I'll just go off Canton's post....)

Veronica's eyes widened as Othello spat at Anya, and she sat up quickly from her slumped position, wanting to see every second of what would happen next. Usually her interest in Anya Dardanos extended only so far as the direct threat that she was posing to her or to Rinji, but now she was dying to see how the girl would react when SHE became the one harassed. It was rare for Anya to be victimized, and Veronica was very interested in seenig what she would do.

Rinji's eyes were large too as she looked at Anya, and she blurted, "You're going to stain up your shirt dripping like that, and it's a really pretty color! Here, let me go get a tissue," and she hurried to do so, oblivious to the narrow-eyed cold stare that Anya had turned in her direction. Apparently the girl was not very pleased with Rinji seeming to be more concerned about the state of her shirt than Anya herself, though clearly Anya was not hurt. If Anya was embarrassed, she did not show it; pure rage emanated off her, and it was clear she was looking for a fight.

She found it upon hearing Canton's laughter. Whipping around so quickly that her long hair flew out, she came forward, moving with a speed that was not usual for her, and she seized him by the shirt collar, pulling his face very close to hers, only inches away as she spoke to him.

"Find something amusing, do you? You know, this close, those "pearly whites" of yours look exactly the same shade of p*ss...which is funny, because you smell an awful lot like it. I can't tell if it's because you have too many showers or too few though...the whole wet dog syndrome confuses things."
Othello's eyes widened, and he coughed a few times.

"Woah...I just felt a disturbance in the Extreme Dissing Universe...I wonder what those guys are doing up there..."

((this post isn't meant to be serious lol xD ))
He heard talking, well rather bickering in a room far off. He wandered towards the noise hearing multiple people in the same room. He peeked around the doorway and saw a girl covered in ink.'Rael,' Hikaru thought and laughed. He stood there thinking about all these people are saying. they are so. So social at a time when we are trapped in this prison where they experiment on innocent human beings. He kept on trailing through these thoughts.
The sound of knocking on glass woke Othello. Apparently he had fallen asleep. Groggily, he managed to boost himself to a standing position with the help of a couple extra arms, and he walked around the edge of the pool over to the glass wall where the door was located. On the other side stood Othello's caretaker, who was obviously not pleased. His arms were crossed over his immaculately clean lab coat, and his rugged face looked like that of a parent who has just caught their kid stealing from the cookie jar.

"What's the matter? You've got this facial expression as if you take care of mutant abducted children for a living. Oh, wait..." Othello said, chuckling at that last part as he opened the door. His caretaker stepped inside and Othello closed it behind him. The two sat down in two of the plastic beach chairs.

"So, what's the haps? You got that grub my buddy needed? I don't blame him for being so hungry, you know, he's been in that dark, cold, cell for so long he's lucky to even-"

"Othello! I am severely disappointed in you. First, you breach security protocol and relocate a test subject without proper clearance, and THEN you have the nerve to call for room service!?"

Othello's look of mischief vanished, and in its place was an expression of irritation.

"You jerks were keeping him in a pitch-black room and depriving him of water and food. I don't call that a break-out, I call that liberation. And secondly, you and your staff put that telecom in here for a reason. 'If you ever need anything, just hold the button and ask away,' that's what you told me, the day I woke up in hell. The day you tore me away from the people I loved and stuck me in a confined space with six other half-animal half-human kids, one of which has a very serious mental disorder. Has the medical team ever done anything about that trouble child? You know, I spat ink all over her not half an hour ago, I'm sure that strapping her to a table and examining her brain wouldn't be that big of a deal."

The caretaker's eyes shifted away from Othello's gaze, a sign that he was starting to lose the argument.

"By placing Hikaru in a dark cell, we assumed it would appeal to his angler fish side and therefore he perhaps might have been more comfortable..."

"You should have just captured a regular angler fish then. You, all the staff, every science nerd in this entire facility continues to forget day after day that us, the mutant abducted kids, no matter how much animal DNA you pump into us, we are all still human."

The caretaker shifted a little in the chair.

"That still doesn't excuse the way you handled the situation, Othello. You could have filed a complaint with Resources, and we would have been able to-"

"I'm not gonna let myself become a sucker for your bullsh*t Resources bureaucracy," snapped Rael, interrupting the caretaker, whose face was now red with a mixture of sheepishness, anger, and embarrassment.

"Now, I think you should leave. I've got a pretty bad cold, you might wanna go before I sneeze ink all over that shiny white lab coat of yours. Oh no, I think I'm gonna...Ahh..ahhh..."

The caretaker stood up and walked briskly to the door without a word, his face bright red. He refused to look back or make eye contact with Othello as he left. Othello's face was plastered with a great big smirk of victory.

"Don't think this matter is settled yet, Othello. You will still answer for your behavior," the caretaker said, right before the door closed behind him.

Othello smirked. "Because the last time I 'misbehaved' and you guys tried to 'discipline' me, that worked out so well for the poor saps you sent underwater after me." He chuckled to himself, laughing as he remembered that afternoon. Both of the divers had come out of the pool, each cloaked in a thick layer of ink, bruises, and shame.

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