Project Genesis

((Guys, SERIOUSLY, STOP POSTING. Everyone needs to get caught up and you're just taking over the rp. I'm done being nice, here. I'm the GM, this is my roleplay and you guys are just being completely inconsiderate of everyone else here by hijacking it when a lot of people have yet to post. I'm not going to ask again. Stop. Or at least move it to instant message and put it up later once everyone's caught up, but enough is enough.))
((all right all right sorry))

((gotta admit though, that last one was a pretty good post))
Eliade let out a gentle sigh of relief as Anya stopped targetting her, after flinching away from her touch. She just wanted to live in peace. But then again, she supposed that wasn't a possibilty when she suddenly found that she was a freak of nature. Should she just sit and try and hide? Veronica's voice rang in her ears. 'Eliade mopes in her chair pretending that she doesn't exist'. She sighed. It was true. It was all she did. She'd spent so long trying to become invisible and now she could, and it was all she did. 'Anya...' She spoke quietly, hesitantly as she stood, walked over to the girl and placed a gentle hand on her arm. She was sick of hiding. 'Anya, just calm down.' Her voice wavered only a little as she steeled herself for an onslaught.
Ryan walked by the door of the rec room, and hearing Eliade speak up to Anya, he turned around and stood in the door, waiting to hear what Anya said in reply. Eliade was one of the few people Ryan actually liked, because she was like him. She didn't like interaction with people, and tried to not exist. She wasn't as good at it as he was, he'd been invisible his whole life, it was second nature to not be noticed. Ryan cracked a rare smile as he watched Eliade try to calm Anya down. If Anya messed with Eliade, Ryan would step in. Of everyone here, Ryan cared about Eliade, due to some odd, unexplainable connection he felt to her. Ryan guessed it was just the similarity of their personalities.
Canton knew, really, that she would turn on him when he made a sound, but it didn't matter. If Anya was going to pick a real fight with someone, it might as well be someone like him that could not only take it but give it right back. He kicked off the chair when she pulled him up to her, giving her a hard shove that sent her stumbling back a couple steps and made her let go of his shirt. Maybe she'd ripped it, but he didn't care and wasn't going to waste the time to check.

"Gonna call me Yellow Fang again, spidey?" He snapped back at her, growling low in his throat. "Running out of insults already?" He fought the urge to just bear his fangs at her and was barely winning, fists almost clenched tight enough to draw blood. "Yellow, my a**. How 'bout you see 'em when they're red."
Distracted by Eliade, but happy to have another target for her venom, both metaphorical and literal, Anya turned her head towards Eliade, her eyes moving down to the girl's hand on her arm and lingering on it before tracing slowly up the length of her to her face. She is still tightly gripping Canton's shirt, still close to him, but with her other hand, the one Eliade is not holding, she reaches back to her, slowly tracing a fingertip over Eliade's cheek and jaw as she lets her lips curve into a seductive smile. She knows that this will serve to disturb Eliade rather than to attract her, and this is precisely the point.

"Calm down? But how am I ever gonna do that in your intoxicating presence?"

She tightens her hand on Eliade's jaw, squeezing just enough for her to feel pressure as she drops her voice. "Be a good little mouse girl and back away. Now. Do you really want me to give you my undivided attention?"

When Canton shoves her, she stumbles, catching herself against the wall, but quickly backs away from it, not wanting him to see her that legs had briefly buckled. Blood rising to her cheeks, she steps forward again, and now her own fangs lower as she seizes his wrist, smiling through them.

"I would LOVE to see them red, Canton. It would mean you have blood flowing in some direction other than downward."

"Um...guys, why don't we, like...not bite and say mean things..." Rinji says with some concern, her brow furrowing from where she is watching a good distance away, but everyone ignores her except Veronica, who quickly stands to grab both her hands.

"Rinji, don't even think of getting in between them and trying to make them hug or something."
The second Anya touches Eliade, an odd feeling rose in Ryan's throat, and made him want to break Anya's skull. Ryan walked up to Anya, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her arm up behind her back. "Back off Anya, or I'll break your arm. I may hate confrontation, but I know how to fight, and I know several ways to cause you intense pain. Get out of here. Now." Ryan growled the las weird into Anya's ear, then let go of her wrist and shoved her towards the door, glaring at her and putting himself between her and Eliade. He looked at where Anya grabbed her.

"Are you alright? I'm Ryan."
Canton didn't really have to struggle to keep Rinji from distracting him. He was focused. He was angry. Anya pushed and pushed and pushed, but what would she do if he just started wailing on her? She was thin and brittle and not nearly as strong as he was. If he kept those fangs from getting near him he could have her bleeding out onto the floor before the guards even got close enough to stop him.

The fact that she could make him think those sorts of things only made him angrier.

He had learned long ago that punching someone in the face was stupid unless you were only trying to humiliate them or didn't actually want to do real damage. The face had a lot of hard bones and the hand wasn't nearly strong enough to do damage without breaking itself. Instead, he gripped her arm right back when she grabbed him, pulling it up enough to show him her ribs, and slammed a kick into her side before she could twist away. He released her as she fell with the force of it, bouncing back a step and flexing his fingers in and out, ready for a fight.

"What little games are going to help you now?" He hissed, and fought the urge to just spit on her, wary of the space between them in case she could somehow still lunge for him. "I hope they broke."
Eli stiffened as Anya touched her skin, the gentle caress making her skin both crawl and tingle. She hated how the girl managed to make her get angry. Eli had always been a passive person. Hide when confronted, don't react, but now she just wanted to get her to understand the world didn't revolve around her. 'I asked you before not to touch me.' Her words were low, firm. She was going to continue when Ryan intervened, placing himself between both females. She calmed, a little surprised at her own reaction, shooting a slightly nervous and suspicious smile at Ryan. 'I'm okay.. I walked into that willingly, thank you though.' She bit her lip, rubbing her cheek a little and then speaking again. 'I'm Eliade. Nice to meet you.'
This Ryan kid was ridiculous. Who the hell did he think he was? Did he have a clue who ANYA was? She was Anya Dardanos, she was hardly afraid of this little pipsqueak wannabe macho man or his "threatening moves" towards her. She was ANYA DARDANOS. Did he really think he could touch her, did he really think he could threaten to harm her and get away with it?

When most people get enraged, they go hot and flushed with their fury. Anya was the opposite. Her face grew pale and composed, cool to the touch, but as she deftly twisted her supremely flexible form, twisting itself out of Ryan's grasp, she sneered at him from where she skittered away from him. "Do you really think so, Mr. Chivalry? Aren't you the little S& M freak, then, wanting to harm a helpless little female like me?"

She was focused on Ryan and Eliade then and so was not prepared when Canton seized her arm, forcing her already fairly prominent ribs to protrude from the angle he held her at, her rather flexible bones increasing the sharp arc as she was able to bend herself further than the average woman by far as she stiffened and then twisted herself to try to slip away from him. She jerks out of his reach just after he has landed a kick, and it hits her in a particularly sensitive cluster of rib, sending pain jolting through her nerves. Still she refuses to show it except in her gritted teeth and the flare of hatred that darkens her eyes, and she does not hold her ribs or betray any other sign of the pain coursing through her. Instead she launches herself at Canton with a fierce hissing noise that sounds rather like a snake about to strike, though Anya herself is partly black widow in her genetics. Mouth opening wide, she seizes his wrist and puts her mouth close to his wrist, then bites down hard, injecting her venom directly into the veins of his wrist.

Rinji's eyes are huge in her head, and she holds both hands over her mouth, unable to think of anything cheerful to say for once. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, Anya..."

But Veronica takes off running, not even attempting to pull Anya off Canton. Bursting through the doors of the rec room, she yells down the hallways for the scientists, astonished that they are not there already.


(just as a general warning to everyone else though: I accepted Nala and Bloody's posts towards Anya, but in general, please leave it more open for interpretation what your character did rather than telling us what happened to our characters. Like say "aimed a kick at" so we can deflect it or decide upon teh damage if we choose to be more fair)
Ryan sighed quietly and smiled at Eliade, and right about then, Anya bit Canton. Ryan turned around and blanched. Black widow venom worked fast. Ryan quickly tore of a strip of his shirt and tied it high on his Canton's arm, cutting off the blood flow so the poison doesn't spread as quickly. He waited for Veronica to get back with the scientists, and covered the bite wound with his hands to stop the bleeding, because she bit deep. "Where are the dam scientists!? The poison can only be held of so long before it hits his heart. In her mutated state, Anya's venom is stronger, and if it hits his heart, well, let's not let that happen."
He'd cried out at first, a short bark of surprise at the sudden pain of her teeth sinking into his arm. It wasn't like he'd never been bitten before - people fought dirty on the streets - but never with such long or sharp teeth. He reached for her, intent on shoving her off, but found himself just holding onto the arm he'd managed to grab instead, like that would make the pain stop somehow.

He was aware of someone yelling, distantly, and winced when something squeezed tight around his arm, but couldn't get himself to quite focus on whoever was doing it. His entire arm burned, for god's sake and - what had she done to him? His heart. Something about his heart. Was it stopping? Well . . . he supposed if he died he wouldn't be here anymore. That was something, at least.

((Sorry, Faith :( Won't happen again, I swear)) 
((Well, hey, this brings the scientists back in at least xD They'll have Canton to interact with since he'll probably need to be in some sort of infirmary for a while))
Benji's stomach plummeted when he watched Canton grab for Anya and moved to his feet, hands up and toward them. He was vaguely aware of trying to reason with him and had started forward when he kicked Anya, and she was biting him.

"Holy shit." It sounded like the words had been punched out of him, but he jumped forward and rushed Anya, trying to find some way to pin her to the ground in the time that it took for security or SOMEBODY to get there and take care of this. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried carefully to avoid her mouth or head altogether, but even when it came down to it, Benji was not a large person, and his DNA had not altered his physical state as far as brute strength went.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Nova high-tailing it outside to get help as well, and Ryan was tending to Canton, "Eliade, help him with Canton, Rinji, come over here and help me, in case I need back up."


At first, Sharen had been deaf to the screams. She'd been so caught up with kissing Galvo's ass and making sure he was happy with the news they would give him, that she hadn't really even noticed that there was a flurry of activity building up just down the hall.

When she did hear them, though, she immediately directed her gaze toward Vadim's monitor and for a quick moment, her breath caught in her throat. They were fighting. And while the loss of lives didn't necessarily bother Sharen, the loss of research did. This would have to end now, especially since Anya had bitten another one of the subjects.

"Excuse us, Galvo. but you're going to have to let yourself out. It seems an emergency has come up. Vadim, let's go." She pushed herself to her feet and started toward the door at a quick pace, shoes tapping quickly on the floor. "Now! Let's go!" She hit a riot alarm on the wall beside the door, opposite of the side with the fire alarm and shoved herself through the door, breaking into a half-jog, two security offices approaching not far behind her.
Vadim had cottoned on to the idea of other species' DNA causing extra limbs or features to grow and had tuned out Sharen and Galvo's discussion, far gone enough that he had begun muttering quietly to himself like he sometimes did and completely ignored the commotion until Sharen was tapping her foot at him. He glanced at the monitor, then sprang up and hurried after her. Anya was dangerous, and they'd formulated antidotes to her poison and any other poison they'd come across in the subjects as a precautionary measure. There were doses of each kept on hand, as the subjects had been suspected to be at least a little volatile while locked up together.

While Sharen and the guards ran for the room that held the subjects, Vadim instead headed for a panel in the wall that opened to his handprint, pulling out an already loaded syringe and then following once he'd closed the panel again. Canton was already beginning to show signs of shock by the time they got there, the guards trying to get a muzzle on Anya without getting bitten themselves. The boy's eyes were unfocused, his muscles limp and pliant, and Vadim was just glad he didn't start to seize before they arrived or Anya would've had to have been ignored to deal with the problem.

Vadim took Canton's bitten arm from Ryan, uncapping the syringe with his teeth while he found a viable vein with the other hand. Canton was characteristically terrified of needles, but didn't so much as flinch or look at it when it went into his arm. It was only a temporary fix until they could get him on an IV drip. Finally, the boy's eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed like a rag doll - still no seizure, so things were beginning to look up.

Vadim looked at Sharen over his shoulder, signaling her to run ahead of him and get things ready while he started to pick Canton up off the ground. "We have to get him to a sickbed - now."
After the fiasco with Othello's caretaker was over with, he had gone on a little walk to see where Hikaru had run off to, and stumbled back upon the room from before, with all of the other test subjects. He witnessed the entire scene with the fight and the girl biting the guy. He stood outside the room, off to the side of the doorway, trying to stay out of the way of everything that was going on. 
"Good god...I knew that girl had something wrong with her, but I never thought it would have come to this..." Othello muttered to himself as he watched the medics administer the antidote to the guy who had been bitten.
"Me? Help? What do I do? What do you want me to do?" Rinji lingered close to Benji, practically stepping on his heels, but she didn't seem frightened so much as shocked that both Canton and Anya could behave with such violence towards each other. Eyes still wide, she reached a hand towards Anya that Anya immediately shrugged off, not with great aggression, but with insistence. "Anya, calm down...oh wow, he looks like he's going to pass out or something."

"That, or die," Anya said with complete calm, unable to disguise the fascination in her tone as she fixed her eyes on Canton's swelling arm and ashen face. "Either would be interesting. I've only seen the literal lab rats die from it so would be the logical next step to start experimenting on us, I just jumped the gun over them."

Benji is trying to tackle her to the ground, and she allows him to do so, even allowing her fangs to retract back as she simply raises an eyebrow at him from the floor. Now that she has bitten Benji, releasing some of her rage and a degree of venom as well, she just raises an eyebrow at him, composed and derisive as always. "Is that really necessary? A girl acts with self-defense and you just throw her to the ground, injured ribs and all. That's really no way to treat a wounded girl, is it?"

When the guards come and attempt to muzzle her, she holds up both hands, letting them take her from Benji without any further protest physically, but she continues to talk her way through this. "Whoa, whoa, you guys obviously got it all wrong. The guy flipped out and threatens my life, kicks the sh*t out of, probably broke my f*cking ribs here, and I'm the one practically getting tussed up like Hannibal Lecter because I had to act in self-defense to keep from getting all my bones crushed in? You see his size against me, what the hell else was I supposed to do here, roll into a ball and cry? That's more Eliade's style."

"Where the hell were you anyway, you watch us when we SLEEP and you can't watch us when people start killing each other?" Veronica snapped, stepping directly in front of Sharen and leaning close to her face, arms crossed. "If either one of them had been my sister, people would be dead now. Count on it."
Eliade watched in mild shock as the scene unfolded before her eyes. She rushed to help Canton, holding him down lest he start having a siezure from the venom or something of that ilk. 'Will he be okay?' She asked Ryan, eyes wide as they were pushed aside by the scientists. She had to agree with Veronica when the girl started shouting. They were never actually around when you needed them most. They were somewhat like her foster parents, she thought. None of them had ever actually been there for her. Sure they watched her, wrote their reports, filled their quotas to get their pay from the government, but she wasn't really of interest to them. They wouldn't ever be there to stop the bad things happening. It was Anya's voice that snapped her out of her thoughts. Yet another person shooting a snarky response using her as an example. Was she really that much of a nuisance? Did they just not like her? Well, it wasn't setting her paranoia at rest in any case. So far the only one who hadn't really set her completely on edge was Nova. The girl seemed to be as much of a wallflower as herself in some cases.

Watching quietly as the commotion died down, Eliade began to think about all this. What if she stopped. She didn't HAVE to be this person, this one no one liked, that they saw as weak. That's what it was right? Weakness. They were aggressive, they had been spliced to be soldiers. What could she do? Blend in with the woodwork,. literally, and change colour? Hardly your frontlines material. She was designed to blend, to be oblivious. Maybe she could utilise that. She knew so much, she could figure out so much, just from watching them. She didn't need to be a soldier to be deadly. She didn't need fangs, or a twisty body. She didn't need to fly, to breathe underwater, anything like that, to be at her best potential. She would be better. They would see her as weak, but she was not. Laugh at her would they? Make fun of her? They would see. The wallflower was not as simplistic as people thought it was.

She smiled a little to herself as she stood, stretching and approaching Ryan. 'Hi again. We didn't get to finish our conversation.' She said, smiling a little nervously as she stuck her hands in her pockets and rocked back and forth on her heels.
Vadim whipped his head around to glare at the guards because Anya was trying to play again and he didn't have time for this, for god's sake. Calculations were running rapidly through his head of how quickly the rats had died and how their weight and metabolism compared to a human's, how it compared to Canton's after the concoctions they'd given him.

"Muzzle her," He snapped when the guards hesitated, "And lock her in her room. Those are your orders and you will carry them out now or you will never see a paycheck ever again."

He picked Canton up carefully, getting to his feet with the boy lying limply in his arms, and shoved into Sharen with a shoulder because she wasnt doing her job either. "Sharen, move." He bit out, then just continued on without her, running out with the boy and thinking it was good Canton had fallen unconscious because the faster his heart best the faster the poison spread and he would be calmer in his sleep.

When Vadim reached the infirmary, he set Canton on a bed and immediately ran for a bag of the anti-venom solution, snapping orders at the resident doctor to prep an IV and get things ready. They had to move quickly, and if no one but Vadim could manage that he would do everything himself.
After the medical team took Canton out of the room, Othello casually walked in and plopped down on one of the couches. He was still wearing his wetsuit, and, in fact, he rarely ever wore anything else. It felt more natural, and it was too much of a hassle to change in and out of the wetsuit every time Othello wanted to chill in his pool.

He crossed his arms behind his head.

"Anyone see an angler-fish boy walk around here by any chance?" 
No one seemed to be listening to him, which wasn't saying much because there were only three other people in the room. The chameleon girl and a bird boy were talking off to the side, and the other girl that had given him the long-winded description earlier didn't seem to register Othello's presence. He shrugged and closed his eyes.
"Is he going to die?" Rinji asks with some anxiety as she gets in the way of everyone who is anywhere near Canton and Anya, coming forward and trying to touch them both and peer at them to see if they're okay. "He won't, right? She didn't mean to do that, I bet..."

"Yes, she did, she totally did, just like he totally meant to snap her in half like a toothpick," Veronica snapped at her from a safer distance of several feet away from the bustle going on around the two. "Rinji, back up, you're in their way!"

But as the guards are muzzling Anya and starting to haul her away, Anya, quickly calculating the situation, decides that her best option is to continue to go with the "victim" strategy. And it's true that her ribs are still sending sharp stabs of pain through her torso; it feels as they handle her and her torso is forced to move and bend as they push and pull her that some of the bones are grinding against each other, threatening to break through skin, and rather than to suppress pain anymore, she chooses to scream, deliberately allowing tears to come to her eyes.

Anya does not cry out of genuine emotional or physical pain involuntarily, but then, they can hardly know that. Any time she sheds tears is purely due to her own will, but it is her hope that no one realizes that.

"Oh my god, that f*cking hurts, you're hurting me!" she yelped, allowing tears to trickle down her cheeks. "Stop it, stop it, oh god stop it!"

"She's crying!" Rinji gasped, astounded and immediately sympathetic, and she starts forward, brushing past the lab workers to try to grab hold of Anya's hand. "It's okay, they'll fix you up! They just want to put a muzzle on and lock you in your room first!"

"RINJI, get back," Veronica called out to her again, but Rinji ignored her, managing to grab Anya's hand and following the guards awkwardly down the hallway.

"I will in a minute!"
Ryan looked at Eliade in disbelief, amazed that after that she hasn't crumpled into a ball and broken down. He shook his head and smiled at her. She was an odd duck for sure. "No, I guess we didn't. Nice to meet you Eliade. I guess none of you noticed me earlier when i was in the corner over there." He smiled again. The chameleon girl, who could turn completely invisible by camouflaging herself, didn't notice the bird boy who simply didn't want to be noticed. Having avoided attention his whole life, he didn't need camouflage. If he didn't want to be noticed, no one did. Simply, that meant that deep down, Eliade wanted to be noticed. Otherwise, her camouflage wouldn't be necessary.
Eliade noticed the flash of disbelief in his eyes, which made her frown a little. Was he another that thought she was weak? She held back a sigh, flashing him a nervous smile and rubbing the back of her neck a little before returning her hand to her pocket. 'I tend to zone a little.. something of a lost soul the foster parents used to say.' She sighed a little, shaking her head. 'So what's your little cocktail mix then?' She asked, rocking on her heels. She was trying to ignore the desperate pleas of Anya, ignoring the commotion. She just wanted to go to her room, no, it was more a cell than a room. Designed to hold them, stop them escaping, from getting help. But then, no one would help them anyway. They'd become freaks. She withheld another sigh and forced a smile on her face as she waited for his response.
"I happen to be a delicious mix of goth boy, anti-social freak, and Western Black Winged Hawk." He said in a completely serious tone. He'd always taken his status as anti-social as a bit of a blessing, allowing him to breeze through life with minimal human contact. In his experience, humans were petty individuals, who cared for no one but themselves, and if they did appear to care, it was only an act to achieve some ulterior motive.

But Eliade was different. She was so innocent, so devoid of real malice, that he couldn't resist interacting with her. He could always tell when someone was acting, could always determine the fake from the sincere, and unless his skill was failing him, she was sincere in her innocence. It was also this sincerity that compelled him to come to her defense. Anya was the most malicious being he had ever met. And he had met some screwed up people.

He smiled then. He looked at her with a mischievous glint in his eye, and said "Would you like to see my sanctuary? The only good place in this hell hole?"
Eliade shrugged. 'Eagle? What were they hoping to concoct with you? A human jet?' She wasn't trying to be rude, she was just generally skeptical of the scientists' decisions. 'I mean, I'm pretty sure i'm meant to be the equivalent of a human chameleon, colour changing and all. I wonder what they plan on doing with us once they've finished 'training' us and performing experiments.' She mused more to herself than him. When he mentioned the 'haven' of sorts she nodded. 'Sure, why not. It can't be worse than hanging around here.'

(lazy post, sorry Primal, studying and stuff while posting xD )
Ryan grinned at her remark. “I think they were going for supersonic fighter plane. I’ve hit Mach three before.” He said this like it was no big deal, but he knew that that was extremely fast. He thought about all the training the scientists had put him through, flight work, physical training, martial arts, mental training, socialization. That was their biggest problem. For most of his life he had been anti-social, whether by choice or by others not communicating with him. Now they were trying to basically rearrange his personality, and it was rather pointless.

After Eliade said she wanted to go see his sanctuary, he thought he might finally be able to make some ground on socialization. “Follow me,” Ryan said, grabbing her hand and walking her towards the gardens near the center of the complex. As he approached the door, Rocky came bounding to greet him, but when he saw Eliade, he growled and his hackles stood on end. Ryan patted him and calmed him down, then led Eliade to the center of the gardens, by a fountain. It was the only spot that the scientists never checked, because last time they had, Ryan had thrown jagged stones at them for disturbing the silence and tranquility of the place. He sighed, happy to be back in the only quiet place, and sat on the edge of the fountain, a contented smile on his face.

He glanced at Eliade. “Do you like it? It’s the only place in the whole complex the scientists don’t come, and the only place that the cameras can’t see you.”

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