Project Genesis

From the couch, Anya's eyes flickered towards the doorway. Taking in the sight of the unfamiliar woman standing there, she waved a hand in seeming lazy dismissal, even as her eyes remained on her.

"She's too old to be a subject," she declared, though this was not at all immediately apparent; if the woman wasn't, though, it was Anya's way of insulting her. "Probably some new staff person...I'm sure we can all go out of our way to extend our warmest, most personable welcomes. Rinji's probably involves initiation by face licking or more likely, ass licking."

"No, that wouldn't be very hygienic or polite," Rinji told her seriously, frowning. "Plus I'm not really into that."

Veronica covered her face with one hand, her ears burning. She didn't know whether it was Anya or her sister she wanted to yell at more as she repeated in a mutter to the new woman, "Like I said. Welcome to hell."
The hallways seemed devoid of any sort of life, it seemed whatever staff here, they were either hiding, or there wasn’t very much of them. Again, Juno had to think that this was the company’s way of keeping the project under wraps. It must’ve been their way of screening their employees, too, as she wasn’t exactly feeling ‘welcome’ here.

In the corner of her eye, she saw movement; a further glance told her there were people actually behind the window of the room she was trailing besides. Juno’s eyes darted away upon realizing who exactly she was looking in on…these were the very same test subjects she read up on. Her eyes seemed to dart everywhere in an effort to not look back inside the room, and she tried to stay focused on getting to this…Sharen.

When someone coughs from somewhere to the left of her though, she shakily turns towards them, his name coming to her mind even before Benji spoke. “Uh-” she paused, shuffling her feet in an effort to shake off her nerves. Relax she told herself, it’s not like being here is all that new to them she reminds her psyche, finally managing to look the boy in the eye.

A voice sounds from behind him though, and as Juno cranes her neck slightly to see who it is, her mind seems to take a mental note of its own accord. She frowns at the girl’s statement…what exactly had they been doing to them here? “I guess you could say that?” she answers to both Veronica and Benjamin. She makes sure to look at them both in turn, so the joint answer in understood. There’s another call from inside the room, and Juno takes a hesitant step forward to spot Anya on the couch. Instead of saying anything, she idly tried to remember the subject’s age; non-too surprised when the blonde girl wasn’t finished. As she pointedly calls out Rinji, Juno’s own eyes look to the girl she had already spotted from her tattoos alone.

A slight altercation ensues, and when it seems to finish, Veronica reiterates her point while rubbing her face. Juno cringes slightly, but decides to confirm Anya’s suspicions, “I am technically the new nurse on duty… I can’t seem to find anybody in charge to check in with yet.” With a slight hum she looks at the party, thinking of who would probably be her best bet if she wanted a guide. The subjects might want to interact with her without having her new boss’ hand in it, though…

“My name’s Juno, by the way, Juno Piper” she introduces, smiling broadly.
He heard noise in the 'main room'. He got up and at a steady pace he walked out of the pool room and down the long hall to the main room. He looked left and right towards the tiny lights on the blank walls. He sighed and then after a bit, yawned. He finally got there to see people all staring at someone. 'Who is this?' He stared at her outfit blankly. He scanned her up and down. After a bit he laughed. She didn't know what she was doing. He walked over to a table leaned up against it and hopped on it to sit on the edge.
"I couldn't care less how much they hate us," Sharen said flatly, turning her face to meet Vadim's gaze. "They can hate us all they want. The fact of the matter is that they are under our care, which is some of the best Genesis could find, and regardless of whether or not they're here willingly, they will submit to the treatment that is given."

Her eyes flicked back over to the screen, noting for the first time the reactions of the group as a whole to the situation and cleared her throat. "Maybe some sort of behavior modification therapy would help as well," she muttered, more to herself than to Vadim. "Combine a cycle of drugs with some sort of anger management, maybe even try to find something that would cooperate with the canine DNA. Tell me something, how did he react to Anya's venom?"


Benji met Juno's smile cautiously and stuck his hands in his pockets, "Call me Benji. We've, uh... we've got a few people missing from the group. Sharen and Vadim, two of the main doctors we work with, they're off dealing with a crisis from earlier, I guess."

"More like an explosion of violence," Nova piped up, lying upside down on the couch, her hair sweeping against the floor. "Canton's out of commission for a while, I expect. No idea where the hell Hikaru and Eliade are. Elsewhere, I guess."

Lifting a hand, the redhead twitched it briefly before returning it to her stomach, "Nova. Welcome to the most boring place on earth."
"Basically, the two most irritating people in this entire place were being their usual selves and people almost died," Veronica explains to Juno flatly, not extending a hand for her to shake. Rinji, of course, does so eagerly, and even makes a move as though to hug her as she greets her.

"Juno! Like the pregnant movie girl? That's so awesome! You're not pregnant though. At least you don't look it. Do you have a hamburger phone? I want one of those. Or an ice cream one, that would be even cooler. You could lift off the ice cream part as the receiver and the cone could be the base part-"

"I would take any phone at all," Veronica interrupted her, exhaling. "Anything I could use to call someone to get me the hell out of here."

"I wouldn't say the most boring place in the world," Anya put in from the couch, still not deigning to rise up to greet the newcomer, one hand lightly splayed over her ribs. "Surely Veronica's virginal bedroom has to take the prize for that one."

As Veronica spun around fast towards her, her hair whipping out and nearly hitting Benji in the face, she took a few threatening steps towards her, pointing her finger in Anya's face. "Stop talking. For your own f***ing good."

"Whoooooa, and that was a bullseye hit, clearly," was Anya's smiling response before she inclined her head in a nod towards Juno. "Anya. Is my name."
Vadim stayed still and listened, staring intently at the screen as if he wasnt paying attention to any word she said. "He's doing rather well, considering. a normal person wouldve been killed by Anya's venom, i think, but Canton's body's gotten stronger on smaller levels as well. With the antivenom we're giving him, he should have a full recovery soon. We might gain something from studying his blood and antibodies a little closer."

Vadim glanced at her, the automatic report over with. "I didn't think you cared if they hate us, from a personal perspective," he said, finally. "I only think you underestimate how strong that hate can be. If he hates you so much, he might try to kill you, or I, and with that sort of single-minded determination, and the strength we gave him, he might manage it."

Canton didn't truly like hurting anyone, but his instincts told him to fight and survive and keep back the things he didn't want at all costs. A silence fell between Vadim and Sharen, until he finally gave a big grin and broke it, looking at her. "Can we get him a Kong? He likes throwing the bouncy ball around."
As the group introduces themselves, Juno’s smile wavers, as the memory of their names from the files also comes their history. It seemed those that actually hired here were busy, with what, exactly, she was interested in. It seemed something happened concerning Canton, as he was missing, and as Benji had mentioned ‘out of commission’. When the boy mentions Hikaru though, Juno can’t help but point idly in the boy in question’s direction, he had entered only a moment ago. It was a minor mistake, she wasn’t supposed to know his name, but she tried to guise this fact when she went to shake Rinji’s hand.

Veronica had explained the situation, sort of, before her sister had gone to shake her hand and even hug her while blabbering on. Juno realized then that Rinji was probably her best bet at a guide, what with Anya and Veronica practically biting at her, Nova lazing on the couch and Benji… Her eyes met him again, briefly before turning back to Rinji, answering her after the pause. “Yes, like the movie character…or the city in Alaska” she notes, shaking her head at the implications of pregnancy. “Nope, What about you?” she asks, jokingly, figuring by the way Rinji was talking she was probably the safest to do this too.

Anya and Veronica get into another brief verbal battle, and she wonders if she should step in, but something that Veronica said stuck with her. “Who would you call?” she asks the girl, knowing from her file that her parents had been killed in a car accident. The police, while ignorant, would probably be stopped by whoever approved this project to begin with. So she was curious. Deciding to take a step into the room, she moves to a position in which she can see everyone. Then remembering the two missing subjects (since Hikaru had come in to lean against the table) she decides to ask. “What happened to Canton?”
"Was the city in Alaska named after the movie? That's so cool!" Rinji enthused, still holding Juno's hand for several moments even after they've finished shaking. "That would be neat if a city was named after me. It's not though."

When asked if she was pregnant, Rinji actually stopped to consider, looking down at her flat stomach, as though expecting to see something else than its usual state. Veronica stiffened as she watched this, wondering if Rinji had any cause to doubt. Was she having sex in here, and if she was, with who? Sure, Rinji was years older than Veronica and more than old enough in numbers to manage her own sex life, but the last thing they needed was for her to get pregnant if they wanted any chance whatsoever of being let out of this place.

"No, I don't think so," Rinji decided. "You know what, if Juno was in Juneau I bet she wouldn't have gotten pregnant because it's so cold there why would you want to take off your snowsuits long enough to have sex?"

Anya snorts at this, and Veronica just leans back tiredly against the wall, shaking her head. "Good point, Rainbow Not-So-Brite," Anya smirks, crossing her legs on the couch. "If they're not careful over there I guess the population will just die out with all the lack of sex and the frozen lower halves."

"Maybe...that would be awful," Rinji agrees as Veronica, desperate to escape the conversation, replies to Juno.

"I would call someone we used to know...a friend, or the police. You don't think we're here because we CHOSE to be, do you?"

"Canton was feeling overly sensitive, so he tried to break my ribs," Anya said casually in response to Juno, shrugging one shoulder. "So I bit him and almost killed him. Self-defense, all the way." But as she says it her eyes are glinting, clearly enjoying even talking about it.
Hikaru yawns loudly at the boredom in the room. He looked around at the people greeting her so nicely.

'How could they be so nice to a person who works here. A person who locked them up , abused them , and ultimately killing them since they- I mean us will never get out of here . . .'

Wait. . . A way out. That's it! Hikaru could find a way out. And, and. . . But . . . how? How could he escape. He then noticed Juno's car hanging from her neck. Hikaru smiled dully. We knew what he could do.

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