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Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

"Alright sir i will make sure too Get Bones Broken and Oil Fly"He says as e would give out small chukel,as he was so ready for this,he cant wait too make People in too Pancakes and Vehicles in too scrap,he was Just whanted too be there alredy,oh he will make sure too Bring his Hammer and Lazer,as this "Captine" was the best as he allowd too Bring Big guns.....wonder if he could Gring a tank or a Mantis...Nhaaaaaa he wont allowd that...too Much,But still he could Only get Triger Happy if all gose south
When Alaska stands and begins talking, I look up and pay attention to him. As he talks, I also look at the parts of the map he gestures to, wanting to soak in all the information. I also mentally instruct Zeta to download the map, just in case I ever need it while down there. Zeta silently complies. Knowing I have that map as well makes me feel a lot more comfortable.

When Alaska instructs me about where he and I will be stationed, I nod to show that I understand. Once he is finished, I nod again, while saying, "Yes, sir." After I am sure that he is finished, I turn and walk to my locker, down towards the other end of the line. I open it up and grab my Battle Rifle from the rack inside, clipping it to my back. Then grab both of my dual Needlers and clip them to my thighs. Also, as an in case, I grab plenty of extra ammo for my three weapons. Thank goodness we found a surplus of Needler ammo on a mission a while back, or else I would never be able to use my favorite Covvie weapon. There is no such thing as too much ammo, either. I then grab my small container of tools to sharpen my knives. It is a good idea to make sure they are sharp enough for the trip, because you never know how close up we will get to the enemy.

I sit down in front of my locker and unsheathe a knife. I then pull the metal to sharpen it with out of my equipment. After running the metal down both sides of the blade's edge, and running a cloth down it to clean off the thin metal shavings, I inspect the blade. To me, it looks nice and deadly sharp. Any enemies should think the same. I sheath that knife at my thigh again, then begin on the second knife. Once satisfied with both knives, I close the case and turn, putting it away in my locker. After shutting and locking my locker, I walk out of the locker room, fully armed and prepared. I head in the direction of the mess hall, my stomach growling again now that I have nothing to distract me from it. Damn, I am hungry.
"I can take care of the two guards in the room we are to get the download done in." Hawaii replies. He moves at a steady place to the armory, looking over the available equipment. In the end, he opts for the Type-0 energy sword, as well as a silenced, ONI magnum, typically reserved for Black Ops. He then grabs several knives, all with a high voltage running through them, allowing them to incapacitate or paralyze enemies. Afterwards, he boards the ship, covering himself with his cloak and thus nigh-invisible due to a lack of movement. Anyone watching might assume he is stoically waiting, if they noticed him at all. In truth... he was napping. He had just come back from a mission, after all.
I quickly make my way to the mess hall, wanting to eat something before we all head off. Once I get there, I put an apple and a chicken wrap on my tray. Then I sit down at a table in the corner.

Once I set my tray down, I take off my helmet and set it aside. My dirty blond hair reaches just to the bottom of my shoulder blades, and I have to leave it in a braid while in armor so it doesn't get in the way. Since the hair around my temples is finer than the rest if my hair, that hair always wants to come out of my damn braid. So, out of habit, I take out my hair tie and run a hand through my hair. Then I begin to braid it down my back quickly again. My hair is naturally straight as nails, with just the tips curling up a bit. When I have it in a braid for a while, though, it comes out very wavy and frizzy. I have to wash it to get it to look straight again. That is one thing I hate about wearing my hair in a braid. But I think it looks nicer than a ponytail, so I still do it.

Once done with that, my blue-gray eyes land on my meal. I have never been a fan of eating with my armored gloves on. Its..weird. So I take both of my gloves off, grab my wrap, and dig in. Taking off my gloves reveals a tattoo on the back of my right hand. Its nothing too intricate; just a wolf paw print. But it is special to me, since the wolf is my favorite animal. And it reminds me of my younger days, when I fought for wolves with a passion. I still do now, and defend them when needed, but I did it a lot more when I was younger since I had more time to do it. Now that I'm older, I just leave it to this. Its enough to me; its all I need to prove my love for them.

I finish my wrap in a few minutes. I have never been a person to eat very fast, but I am on a timetable right now. So I finish it quickly. Then I move to my apple, taking a bite and munching on it.
Delaware watched Hawaii and Oregon leave, before turning to Alaska. "Alaska, I'm going to quickly grab some food and then meet you on the ship," he said, leaving the locker room.

Arriving at the mess hall, Delaware grabbed a sandwich before sitting down across from Oregon. Might as well get to know his teammates. Taking off his helmet and setting it on the table, he looked at her with his different-colored eyes, moving his white hair out of his face. "How do you do, Agent Oregon?" He asked, taking a bite from his sandwich.
As I take the first bite of my apple, I see Delaware walk into the mess hall. By the time I am taking my second bite, he is sitting in front of me and taking off his helmet. I look at his face as he does this, and find it not like I thought it was going to be. That's another interesting thing about being an Agent; you get so used to your teammate's helmets, that you start to think if them as their actual faces. With their visors being their eyes. So seeing an Agents real face is always a little odd, unless you are really used to another Agent. I haven't had the opportunity to do that yet. But, nonetheless, that just shows how sane us Agents truly are. Or aren't, for that matter.

When Delaware gives his greeting, I force myself to make eye contact and nod my head. Once my mouth is cleared, I reply with, "Hello, Agent Delaware. I'm fine, just hungry. You?" While I talk, I keep having to force myself to sustain eye contact with the man. For some reason, I have always had some difficulty with making eye contact with people I am not used to, mainly when I am not wearing a helmet. It's really annoying that I can't, but it also bugs me to actually make eye contact. But I still force myself to do it anyway, and make sure I betray absolutely nothing of my slight discomfort as I look at and greet him. I take another bite of my apple after I respond, then cover my hand with my mouth. I need to get done with this apple quickly, but I'm not going to appear as a sloppy hog as I do so. I do have at least some dignity.
Illinois listened to the plan attentively up until she heard she had to work with Sol. She was only 4'9 and he was no gentle giant. Illinois blinked underneath her helmet and looked around. "Uh, arrangement of teams? I know I'm weak but are you sure I'll be able to work with him? I'm tiny and fragile. He's very big and.. Violent." She sighed before turning to him. "No offense." She turned back to Alaska. "Uh..just never mind, we'll make it work." She smiled underneath her helmet. "Make it work as best as we can." With that she walked back to the locker rooms to get ready for the mission

She placed all her larger weapons in her locker; only keeping a pistol, knife, and shotgun. She sighed deeply and closed the locker before turning to exit the locker room.
Sol would see the Mental Miget he is working with as hey if she Blows stuff up that is Cool and well he is a defender and his post was clearly A.Take anything and everything that comes too sight if all gose too shit B.Protect her till the power is out.He dint minde ho he work with as if they are good with a Gun...Good...as he would Goo too his Locker as it was not a Locker but a Dual Door one,as he would Open it and see his Hammer,Battle Rifle,Spartan lazer and his Big Noise maker,as he would smile and equip his stuff his Battle Rifle on his back and so his Lazer,As he hold his Minigun on one hand and his Hammer on the Other as he whanted too Crush some Skulls,as he would pass his Team mate and would Look down at her and say "Make sure you stay behinde me....dont whant too get Friendly Fire on me Record"he says as he Chukels and continue his way towards the ship ready for some action.
Delaware looked at Oregon as he took a bite from his sandwich, his purple eye slightly squinted due to the long scar running through it. Anyone else may have perceived his look as one of boredom, but in reality he was staring into her eyes. You can tell a lot about someone from just their eyes. "I am doing well, Agent Oregon," he replied, before taking another bite from his sandwich. "You may want to take your apple with you. We are on a schedule," he said calmly, before putting his helmet back on. "It was nice talking to you," he said, rising from the table and walking out of the mess hall, tossing his half-eaten sandwich into a trash bin as he left.

Once arriving at the pelican, Delaware saw that Hawaii was already there. Not saying a word, he silently sat down across from the sleeping Hawaii.
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Illinois jumped at the voice but chuckled. "Good one. Make sure not to get in my way while I'm figuring out the controls. And by the way, don't worry about me too much, I can handle myself." She crossed her arms.

Sensus appeared over her shoulder. "Don't get cocky. You need more defense due to your size and ability. It is not personal. Everyone just wants to keeps each other safe." Illinois rolled her eyes before nodding. "Alright, Sol, don't shoot me andwe're good." She walked out of the locker room and headed towards the transport.
Sol Chukeld as he walk or better said stomp his way towards the transport as wen he got too the transport Bay he would starts too make sure his Minigun is Fully loded and ready,as there is no reson geting a None Working Vulcan,as he would Look at Illonois and said "Dont worry,i wont put a Bullet in you Illi....You dont minde me calling you That?"he sayd as he Got a Nickname for her alredy as he is Good at making nicknames,but somtimes people dint like them so he ask if they like it so he could call them like that,as he would sit down on a Crate that was on the Transport Bay and would starts Tinkering with his wepons.
I watch Delaware as he seems to glare at me, waiting for a response from him. Its always interesting to see people with eyes that are different colors from normal. It is even more interesting when you see eyes that have scars through them. That isn't something you see everyday, not even in our line of work.

When he gives his reply, I don't say anything. I do nod, though, when he says we need to get going. After he has walked away, I take another bite from my apple. I then quickly toss it in the trash, put my gloves and helmet back on, and then walk out and toward to Pelican bay.

When I get there, I quickly find the Pelican we will be taking. After checking to make sure I have everything with me, I climb aboard and sit down, waiting to leave.
Illinois crossed her arms before taking out her pistol and checking the ammo. "You can call me anything. I'd prefer Illi over some others." She had people call her a lot of things. Whether it was too careful or a bitch. Did she care? Not really. It wasn't like nicknames were distracting. She loaded her pistol and stuck it back in the holster before removing her knife and quickly sharpening it.

When she was sure she had everything she walked into the Pelican and sat across from Oregon. "Hey, how do you feel about this mission?" She asked with a smile, although it could not be seen through her visor.
Alaska finished packing his things, not forgetting any of his usual load out. His SAW was on his back, the many attachments including a silencer, red dot sight, and an front grip. Alaska's two SMG's were attached to his thighs, equally fitted with silencers and extended mags, not to mention two bayonets on the ends of either of the guns. The last part of his equipment was on his gloves, the knuckles now studded with fierce looking ends that reached a fine point on each finger. Weapons, ammo, armor, enhancements, and armaments, think I'm ready. Omi, wake up.

Do I look nice Omi?

Nice is a very broad term, I think you look deadly.

You do believe this is a good plan?

I wish we had some more muscle, maybe a sniper. I don't see flaws if the plan goes to plan, but if we run into resistance... I feel as if it will run short.

But you would like to see that though, me lose my cool and all.

It would be a good start to get rid of this block you have on it. Without your inhibitions of using your anger, imagine what you could do!

I know you mean well Omi, but really contemplate what I would be if I was angry all the time.... You would miss all my jokes and such, right?

I'll think logically about my side, but think reasonably about yours. Good luck, see you when we hit the battlefield.

Talk to you in a bit, Omicron.

With that the voice in his head disappeared, along with the small figure on his shoulder, Alaska walked into the pelican. He walked past the two girls, putting his hand on Oregon's shoulder for a moment before walking to the cockpit. Alaska exchanged the details of the flight with the pilot, giving the directions for the drop off point on the beach and the pick up point in the forest. After a few moments of speaking to the ODST, Alaska went back to the back of the pelican.

"I hope no one is nervous, you all have a good partner with you. Delaware and Hawaii, I know you will watch each other's back. Be warned Hawaii, he will most likely mess up." Alaska looked towards Delaware, giving him a slight chuckle. "I promise to cover yours Oregon, even if I'm sure you'll stick me once of twice with that needler." With this his head turned towards Oregon, giving his cocked head to her once more. "And Illinois, you're probably safest of us all considering your partner. He's big, he's strong, and he's dangerous. That plus he has you as a friendly... My god you're invincible." Again a louder chuckle came from Alaska as he looked at Illinois.

After the chuckle, Alaska walked over to Oregon, sitting next to her and crossing his legs in front of himself. "We will be leaving in ten minutes, upon which we will have a fifteen minute flight. Everyone get comfy and get ready, the moment we hit the beach it's mission start.".
Sol would see Alaska enter the Pelican,as he would get up and would strech a Little,as he would walk in with his heavy equipment,as he would stay standing as siting would not let him get up,as he would attach his Minigun and Hammer on the wepon Holder in the pelican too get some weight off him,as he would rais his hand and Grab on one of the Pipes,as he would Look at the Grupe seeing that this might go well,as dam.....wishes he had a Mantis would make lots More fun...But still it was not needed really as that would make too much noise and aswell No need for extra armore as Sol had plenty allredy....All he needed was a target and that is all he needs too get a Party started,and aswell having more spartans made the party much better....well...Time too get a bath of Oil.
As I sit and wait, Illinois walks into the Pelican as well. Its odd to see her now, in a calm place outside of an arena where we may be killed. But also nice.

In response to her question, I shrug and reply with, "I think its well thought out. And I bet we will be able to get it done quick and easy. I do wonder, though, about why it is needed. It doesn't seem important. But, I guess the Director has other ideas." I lean back with a shrug as I say the last sentence, then nod at Illinois and say, "What about you?"

As I ask the question, Alaska walks in. I glance at him when he does, then look back to Illinois. My attention goes straight to him, though, when he places a hand on my shoulder before walking to the cockpit. I watch him as he does it, surprised. And curious about why he keeps doing that? Whatever. Probably nothing. I watch him, though, as he goes to the cockpit, still wondering. Then my attention is pulled away as more Agents enter.

As I sit there, the rest of Agents pile in. I look back to Alaska once he leaves the cockpit, knowing he is going to give us one more speech before the mission. At his comment about my Needlers, I chuckle and shake my head as I lean back and cross my arms across my chest. When he sits down next to me, I lean in and say quietly to him, "I've used these things plenty of times. I'm used to them." My voice then picks up a more joking feel to it as I continue, "But, just know if I do accidentally stick you, I will stick you with enough to make you go out with a bang. Because enough of these in one target causes the same power as a sticky grenade..which are also awesome. So your death would at least make quite the show." I give an amused smirk to no one under my helmet, then lean back in my seat again and prepare for the ride. Zeta pricks at my mind as we lift off, also confused about Alaska's..interesting actions. I just mentally shrug it off and tell him it is nothing. Well, probably nothing more than nerves, or him getting used to me for the mission. We are paired up together for it, anyway. By the time we are leaving, our thoughts are dropped. I instead move back to thinking about the mission.
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Illinois smiled and went to reply when Alaska walked in, she glanced up at him then to Oregon. He had an awful bad habit of putting his hand on her shoulder. Then again, most of the members teased her. His interaction with her was interesting but none of Illinois' business. Nothing for her to dwell on.

She looked up at the roof of the pelican, waiting for the rest of the crew. She blinked when Alaska spoke to her and shrugged. "Yeah. I really like knowing I'm protected. Takes away from the terror of war."' She joked, crossing her arms over her chest. She watched as all the other agents piled in and sighed deeply.
Soon after the mission briefing was over, a silence settled over the pelican. It wasn't long before the shake of the plane lifting could be felt, making it apparent to everyone that the ten minutes was up. Another wave of thrust shook the plane, but this time in the direction of the bay doors. The ship left the bay, heading to the planet below.

Alaska settled into his seat, reaching up to take his helmet off, but removed his hands from the base of the helmet when he remembered who's company he was in. He looked up at Illinois, attempting to shake off the awkward moment he had with himself. "Illinois, I will be leaving Sol under your command, will you be able to handle that?" Alaska's voice was sincere, not attempting to diminish Illinois' feelings. Putting her in charge of Sol wasn't a joke, for she was more able to command then the hulk of their group was. In fact, Alaska will probably be calling upon her for advice every second of the mission now that he thought about it.

Omi, ETA?

Ten minutes. The run from the beach to the forest will take one minute. And then it shall be a ten minute hike to everyone's positions.

I would ask for the success rate, but you're usually a little too blunt for my taste.

Have a little more faith Agent Alaska, worst comes to worst and it just means getting your hand dirty, nothing you can't handle.

Always reassuring, especially when you always refer to going in head strong. Tell me when the timer hits one minute, then begin the countdown.

Yes sir.

Alaska then looked to Oregon next to him, trying his best to ignore the helmet that was beginning to suffocate him. Alaska wasn't always a fan of the helmet, but identity was hard to hide without a helmet. Bringing his hands up, Alaska shifted his helmet again, adjusting the helmet. "Any comments before we get on the ground?".
The feeling of the Pelican lifting and leaving always makes my stomach do summersaults, but I am used to it by now. It all seems like a natural, healthy occurrence. As I sit there, I quietly talk to Zeta.

"Hey, Zeta. Got a minute?"

"I'm a computer program that can multitask like a genius," he replies in an instant, talking only into my ear. "Of course I've got a minute."

"Uh..okay. Could you make sure the map of the facility is in easy reach for me? I want to have access to it at all times, just in case."

After a moment, a light pops up in the corner of my HUD. I look at it and lock eyes on it. It then blinks once, and the map appears in the corner, small but detailed. The compound, entry point, surrounding area, each team's position, etc. Everything there and easy to read.

"Does that meet your needs?" he asks, sounding mighty pleased with himself.

With a slight smile on under my helmet, I say, "Yeah, Zeta. That does."

He seems to smile through my implants, then goes quiet. I shake my head, laughing inwardly at how odd Zeta can be sometimes. Then I lock my eyes back on a corner of the map, and it minimizes back to the little light.

I settle back in my seat after that, thinking about the mission. But those thoughts are arrested as I see Alaska fidget with his helmet. He reaches up and rotates it multiple times. Alaska even almost takes it off more than once. I look partially in his direction, eyebrow raised under my helmet. When he asks his question, I reply with, "Yeah. Something wrong with your helmet? You keep messing with it."
Alaska finally removes his hands completely from his helmet, showing his disinterest with messing with it anymore. "Could be a lot of things, maybe I'm nervous? Couldn't be that though, I designed the plan, how could I be nervous about my own ideas and concepts? Nope, I'm too confident for that. I probably just needed something to do with my hands is all." Alaska smiled under his helmet, cocking his head at Oregon. "A little nervous?".

Maybe he wasn't nervous, but Alaska was definitely feeling the pressure of being in charge. Regardless of the rewards and extra points on the board, being in charge was more of a mental practice phase, Alaska still had to deal with making sure the mission is just, productive, and morally right.
I turn my visor to fully face Alaska once he starts talking, and watch him as he talks. He claims to not be nervous, but I can tell that he is at least a bit nervous. Ya know, just a bit. By the time he is done talking, I am just staring at him through my visor, unmoving and my eyebrow still raised as if to say, "You're not nervous? Yeah, okay. I'll try to believe that." When he cocks his head at me, I can hear the smile obviously in his voice. I narrow my eyes at that, thinking about how odd he has been acting lately. Touching me on the shoulder a lot, cocking his head a lot, talking like that, etc. I'm not used to people touching me, and I'm also not used to weird gestures. It certainly is all weird to me. But..I'm sure its nothing. It can't be anything, right?

I cock my head as well after a moment, mocking him without really meaning to.

Then I say in a measured voice, "About as nervous as I always am." I then smile slightly under my helmet and move my head, looking forwards again and leaning back.
Illinois nodded. "Top. As long as the plan runs smoothly then orders are no problem." She confirmed with a nod. "Don't be nervous. It's a good plan, I'm sure it'll work out." She added shortly after.

"Sensus, I need you to work out a route to the control room. If things go to shit, we'll need it." When she saw a small file pop up on her helmet she had Sensus access the file, in it were directions to the control panel and the easiest way to get in. "Thank you, Sensus." She smiled before turning to Alaska.

"If the plan doesn't work do you have a backup?" She asked him as he messed with his helmet, she put no thought to it.
As Illinois puts in her two cents, I nod my head silently a couple time, agreeing. What she says makes perfect sense, and I can't help but agree. I keep to myself, though, and don't offer a comment.

When she asks Alaska the question, I actually realise that the answer would be a good thing to know. I glance at Alaska, waiting for the answer silently as well.
Alaska gives a nervous chuckle, the question of a backup plan giving me nothing but more anxiety. "Backup plan? I mean, it's nothing too complicated. Right Omi?" Alaska looks away from the girls, glancing to his shoulder and awaiting Omicron to appear. Course, she doesn't, leaving Alaska attempt to salvage this plan as she laughed in his head. "If any team is compromised then we are allowed any force to complete the task, which means weapons free. That being said, if we can't get the data for any reason then the mission is aborted, meet at the rendezvous and get the heck out of there.". A straightforward plan, but Alaska wasn't the person to beat around the bush.
"Im thinking....If somthing happens what if we set up a distraction team....like the two teams outside would try too get the enemys attention so team one could exit the building or give enxtra time.....maybe....im only saying"sol says as he standing holding from the pipe of the pelican as he was not a planer but if somthing happens we gota get team one out safe,so the two outside would go loud or making a giant explosion or somthing too get the enemys attention so team one could have a chance too escape or give more time for the data and even make the operation easy for them if somthing happens,for sol sounded like a back up plan.....but he was not that smart wen it comes too tactics.

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