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Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

Illinois looked up at the observation deck before shaking her head. She had to fight in hand-to-hand combat some day. That day was today. If Maine happened to knock her down she had to suck it up and move on. She couldn't rely on rubber bullets in a match.

"We're going to combine strategy, intelligence, and creativity. Power doesn't matter. We just gotta be quick and fluent. Meaning I have to get my baton. We're fighting hand-to-hand." She told Oregon. Alex ran out and quickly retrieved the baton from where it laid circling back around and quickly running back to the crate. "Bring Zeta online. He's going to have to interact with Sensus. I hope you're okay with getting in trouble because Carolina and the Director won't be too light about this." She sighed.

"If I shoot his knee a couple times, he might be distracted enough to where you can zap him and then I'll run out while he's busy with you.. That might work." She thought for a second. "Do you think you'll be fine with that?" She asked.

"That plan is likely to keep him busy but what if he knocks one of you aside?" Sensus asked.

"That's where you and Zeta come in. You guys gotta perfect the plan. Talk it over. Quickly please." She ordered.
"Sounds good to me. I don't mind at all," I reply. As Illinois darts around the crate, I can't help but have renewed respect for her. This obviously makes he uncomfortable, facing a huge enemy close up, but she is going to anyway. It takes strength to muster up the courage to do that. Once she is back to our side of the crate, I call for Zeta. He appears a moment later. He looks at Sensus, then glances down at me. I can feel the confusion emit from him at the thought of talking to another A.I.

"Yeah, I know the rules. But those have kind of been thrown a mile out the window right now. I need you to help us," I quickly say. Then I nod to Sensus. "And that involves you talking to Sensus. We'll make sure to take the blame for it."

Zeta looks at Sensus, almost feeling reluctant at getting in trouble. But he finally shrugs and says, "Yeah. Fine. Whatever."

"Good," I comment cheerfully. Then I school my voice back to business. "You two need to come up with a crafty, solid plan that will help beat Maine. And please make it quick. That's vital at the moment."
Sensus turned to the other AI and them to Alex. "If you are sure. Agent Illinois."

"I'm sure. Just talk to him." She replied as she peeked over the box.

"Well. Zeta. The most we can do is tell them what to do while the plan is being executed. Unless you have another idea. I'd love to hear it." The AI told the other as Alex looked around.

"Oregon, we don't have much time. We either have to find some more cover or take this time to strike. We risk getting injured either way." She spoke before ducking back behind the crate.

Luckily all AIs and armor were equipped with healing units. Some happened to be stronger than others. All they had to do was lock up their armor. That was the down side. The up side was you got healed.

"Sensus, are you guys ready yet or.." Alex narrowed her eyes.
Maine continued his steady walk, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that he was not right. The electricity had affected more then just causing a daze, for Maine every so often seemed to stop moving. The electricity was affecting his ability to armor lock, now sporadic and unnerving, Maine was left wide open for small windows of opportunity. This didn't stop Maine though, for after the women had concluded their discussion, Maine was bringing his hands up to begin his assault. Ripping the chain off of his body, Maine threw it, letting it spin in the air towards the girls. He then began to run, hoping he could catch the women when they defended.
Zeta nods, then says, "I agree. I was hoping to come up with an action plan so we could map out almost exactly what they should do, but there isn't time to do and explain that. We'll just have to deal with giving them pointers when needed."

Suddenly, Zeta's attention snaps in front of him, rather than in the direction of Sensus. I was watching him before, but this alters my attention away from looking at him. I look in the same direction as him- and find Maine about ready to hurl the damn chain at us.

At almost the same time, Zeta and I yell, "Move!" Zeta disappears from view as I dive to the side, away from the chain's path. When I roll out of my summersault and into a crouch, batons raised, I keep my eyes on the ever advancing Maine.

"Illinois!" I yell. "Get on the radio. Both us and our A.I.'s can communicate that way as we split up and advance on him." As I talk, I start up my comms link to Illinois. Zeta also talks urgently in my ear.

"Oregon, I have an idea. I am relaying this to Illinois as well as we speak." There is a split second of pause, then he continues, "The electricity is effecting Maine more than we expected. The aftermath is make his armor malfunction; it locks up every few seconds. When he is in that state, he can't exactly fight back, which will make this hell of a lot easier for you and Illinois." As Zeta explains, I listen carefully, all while taking slow steps back every few seconds and still keeping my batons raised. "I would suggest that you need to time your attacks perfectly, and attack during the seconds that he is locked up. Both of you. It isn't for more than a few seconds, but he can't defend himself during that time. If you two manage to make enough damage from different sides, you make be able to take him down and out. Both of you may have to dive in and out a lot, as one strike might not be enough, but I am confident that you can knock him down if you are craft and persistent."

I nod, understanding and liking that plan. As I watch Maine, too, I can see what Zeta is saying about his jerky movements. I can't help but smile slightly in relief at seeing this. Feeling lighter now that we seem to have some leverage, I yell to Illinois, "You hear that?" without looking completely away from Maine.
Alex looked up in time to see the chain hurling at them. "Shit!" She hissed before rolling out of the way and turning on her radio. "I'm on." She spoke before running behind another crate. As she listened to Zeta she could see what he meant. Maine's moments were jerky and he paused for a few seconds, leaving him open for a couple seconds. This was a relief.

She kept her eyes on Maine. "Sensus. Anything to say?"

"No. That sounds like a very well formulated plan. My only concern is how you will take him down. He locks up every couple seconds but that only leaves so much time to attack-" "Don't worry about it. Oregon, are you ready?" She asked as Maine locked up once more. She jumped over the crate and surged forward. When Maine was able to move again faked left and behind another crate. "We need to buy more time." She breathed before taking the risk to strike while Maine was in action.

"Oregon, we need to take a risk. If we're lucky he'll lock up before we get to him, giving us more time." She instructed.
Maine watched the two girls flee in their own directions, and decided that the one staying stationary would be best. The moment the armor lock broke, Maine sprinted to the shipping crate she was behind. He broke through it, smashing a hole in the wall and running straight through the other side. He didn't waist time, grabbing Oregon by the throat in a firm grip, but not suffocating. Maine pivoted to bring her against the wall that was left on the shipping crate, taking his time to play with his new food, feeling accomplished for the first time during this fight. After the attack though, he locked, holding up Oregon in air against the wall.

(Pleas tell mi is this ok...If not tell me quick so i can change!)

"Ho is Mi target again?"

"Main sir"

"You mean Maine....yep that is mi "Maine" Target"

"Consentrate sir i have heard he is a Though Fighter"

"Dose it look like i care?....Nope...Now lets get the Party started...Hope i Gte some Candy After this"

"For F*** Sakes sir this is serius...i heard people fear him"

"Because of how Ugly he is?...Ok will Kepp that in minde"


As the Two speack Too each Other a Little Befor a door Slides Open leading inside the place,as a Bulki Armored Spartan Colord Green would slowli Walk In,On his back a Battle Rifle,Gravity Hammer and Spartan Lazer,as on his hands was a Heavy Machin Gun,as sol Sees Holes in crates....Holy Crates...did that Guy do this shit?,as Sol was a Little blow away seeing what this Guy can do...But he dint care he only came here too assist and get the Party started,as he would see what looks like the man that was his target holding some one up,as he would whisel at that man and say "Hey! Crane!...Oh...Shit...Sorry...Maine!Is that it?"

"Yes sir you got it right"

"Oh Ok thanks.....Are you maine Correct?"

The Heveli armored man ask casually like Nothing happend or like if it was some kinde of normal life thing,as he would Look at Maine....dint seem Too Tough Honestly it will be easy....Little did he know he was geting himself in one hell of a BAD desicion.
At Illinois's response, I nod. When she dives out to Maine, I almost follow, but stop short when I see her vere away. There isn't enough time to get a running start; he unlocks before we can get to him.

"Dammit," I mutter under my breath. After Illinois says that we need to take a risk, I respond with, "I agree. If we time it just right, and start to run for him a moment before his armor locks, we sh-"

As I talk, I see Maine break from his lock and sprint for me. He looks absolutely furious, and determined to beat the living shit out of me within the minute. Fear dances down my spine and sends slight chills through my whole body, causing me to freeze for a split second, but then I snap out of it and try to move. Before I can do more than move a foot, though, he is smashing through the crate in front of me. He seems to just slam through it like it is water. I try to dodge his grab for me once he is out the other side, but to no avail.

When his fist closes around my throat, and he viciously lifts me off the ground in a quick motion, I let out a yelp. More out of surprise than anything. Then he slams me against the very crate he busted through to get me. The force from the hit rings through my body, mainly staying in the back of my head and my spine. For moment, I feel a bit dizzy, and the edges of my vision blur slightly. Especially since his hold on my throat is so damn tight. It isn't restricting my airway too badly, though, so I can still breath.

The problem is, I can't think too clearly.

One problem that I have had as an Agent is that I sometimes freeze up for a moment if I am too frightened. I have had this problem since I was little. I started to notice it the most while on the ranch that my family owned and lived on for the first 16 years of my life. My family owned a heard of beef and dairy cattle. The dairy cattle were friendly, with us always being able to walk up to them and pet them. They were like dogs. The beef cows, though, were very skittish. And some even liked to charge us. The most infamous one to do that was an Angus cow that we loved to call Crazy Cow, and for a reason. She hardly trusted us, and she had a tendency to threaten us with charging. Especially when she had her calf with her. On one of those instances that we had to round her and her calf up so we could vaccinate and tag it - that was the pits - she kind of cornered me. Her calf was no where near me, but she was pissed, so she began to charge. At that time, I was 14, and I knew enough to move since I had helped with working cows since I was 9 years old. But I just couldn't move; the fright caught too much of a hold on me. I just stood there, like a deer caught in headlights, as she raised her head above her shoulders and directed her ears right at me - sure sign that a cow is going to or thinking about charging, since their heads don't normally go above their shoulders - and couldn't think to climb the fence behind me. We were always taught to keep close to the fence, which I was, but I just couldn't get myself to turn and climb. What got me to move was my mom screeching my name. That snapped me out of my fright, and I turned to scramble over the fence. I jumped down from the opposite side a couple seconds before the cow connected with the fence. That was one of the scariest memories of my life, that I could remember. I have gotten better about dealing with that over the years, schooling myself to not give a shit in most instances, but, unfortunately, this wasn't one of them.

I freeze up in Maine's grasp, staring into his wide visor. He in turn stares up as me, all growls and menace, intimidating me. I can't seem to move, even though I still have a firm grip on both my batons. It doesn't help that I can't feel the floor under my fe-

"Oregon...Holly!" Zeta screams in my ear. That loud sound snaps me out of my fright, and clears my brain as I give myself a small shake. At the same time, Maine locks up again. With my mind clearer, I can think quicker. The back of my head is still throbbing a bit, but I can focus better.

"Oregon, I would sug-"

Ignoring Zeta, I think quickly on my own. Lifting both of my batons, I swing one at his exposed side, while I jab the other between the collar of his armor and the base of his helmet. Yes, this is near where his old wounds were. But, ya know what, I really don't give a shit at the moment. At the same time that I swing the batons hard at the two areas, I lift my legs towards my chest. Then I quickly extend them, making the sole of my feet aim for his exposed gut as fast as I can. These three movements happen in a matter of a second.

I would yell for Illinois, but I am focusing on this right now. And she will probably see this whole scene, anyway. This is a pretty frightening, unusual sight. Well, it is in my opinion. It really is. I just hope that my attempt to throw him off me will give me enough time to recover and sprint away, back to Illinois. And I also hope that this doesn't just make him even more mad, and then prompt him to choke the life out of me.

(I'm going to bed. I will hopefully be back in a few hours. Don't go too far without me.)
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Illinois froze as Oregon was lifted. "Well.." She thought for a second before running back out and shooting Maine a couple times in his arm. Of course that did nothing.

"Sensus, what do I do?" She asked.

"Help her, idiot!" Sensus scolded. Illinois thought for a second. She couldn't figure out how to move, she felt locked up. "Alex. Move already." Sensus urged. Alex shook her head and sprinted towards the large freelancer. She shot him a couple times in the throat from afar, of course no damage was done. When he locked up once more she ran forward and taxed him a couple times at the wrists so the shock would make him let go.

"Hang in there." She told Agent Oregon before stopping.

"Wait a minute, you know what? That was really bad word choice. I am so sorry." She laughed before getting serious again.

When she looked back up into the observatory the figure was still walking. They seemed either pissed or interested, quite frankly Illinois didn't want to find out.

She wondered how Alaska and the rookie were doing. They still seemed to be under a lock down which worried her.
'Suit at maximum efficiency.' 'Good. Let's use 'that'.' 'Sir... the strain on your body would be-' 'Now, Cogitatio.' He called the A.I. by his real name. It was time to get serious. '...Understood.' With that, Cogitatio floods Pinatubo's system with adrenaline, and keeps his brain from limiting his muscles. He charges, pushing off of his left leg and fracturing the bone from the sheer force. He rockets off, breaking the sound barrier and sending a right hook at Maine's temple, his fist moving at Mach 5. To any watching, one would see him pause, then blur into motion, a 'crack' being heard just before a sonic boom.
The shocks from both girls caused an unprecedented event to occur; Maine let go with ease. His hand unwrapped from Oregon's throat, heading to his own instead. The taze to the arm made his movements shaky, but he found his target. The throat that was torn apart by bullets before was now riddling with electrical cracks, affecting the device that was there to help him make any noise was now faulting. Maine raised up his other hand as an example of surrender, the pain from his throat and loss of air too much to handle. Even as he did this the bay doors opened to show doctors awaiting the exercise to end to get Maine.

The doctors were the first to note of the Rookie, who began yelling and warning. Alaska lifted up from behind the cover long ago, and he joined in trying to stop the Rookie. It was too late though, for the Rookie took off with power that should put him in the hospital for months. He barely missed Oregon and Illinois, but brought his fist full power into Maine. Maine shot through the crate from which he came in, not letting the metal affect his velocity towards the wall. Alaska wasn't within reach to catch him, but only view him embed his body into the wall.

"Match over. Point Illinois, Oregon, Alaska, and Pinatubo."

Alaska pulled Maine out of the wall, dropping him immediately putting him into the stretcher the doctor's had wheeled out for him. The doctors wheeled him out of the room with a speed of urgency, Maine's wound becoming open again from the hit causing the mesh of his armor to stain with blood. The Director would be pleased with this match, but Alaska was absolutely livid that Pinatubo would use such force on someone. The rookie had most likely broken more bones then he could count, but that was too much to use.
'Shit, overshot it...' Pinatubo hisses in pain, too mentally and physically drained to do muh more than just lie there. His arm was practically shattered, not to mention his shoulder. It was exceedingly hard to control his strength while in that state, especially considering he rarely entered it. He hears Cogitatio tut, and his body release hormones that function as morphine. 'Remind me to... get some practice with that...' He mentally wheezes, turning his head to face the prone Maine. Perhaps it was the haze around his mind, perhaps it was the stress, but Pinatubo forced himself to nod at Maine. "Good fight. Sorry about the punch." It came out as a barely audible mumble, but it came out. That done, he exhales and blacks out.
I am surprised when Maine let's go of me without more of a fight. I drop to the floor onto my hands and knees once he let's go, coughing a few times. I would have landed on my feet, but my legs hadn't really straightened out yet after my kick. So I landed on my knees. I also abandon my batons as I fall, not needing them anymore. One of my hands, that is flat to the floor, comes up to rub my throat where Maine had his grasp on it. Then it moves to the back of my head. My throat is a little tight, and my head still hurts a little, but it isn't very bad. Honestly, I'm more worried about Maine.

He crumpled to the floor in front of me right after he let go, one hand stuck to his throat and one raised in the air as a way of surrendering. The electricity sparking at his throat surprises me, as I didn't think I would cause that much of a problem in his throat. And the pain he shows in his posture suddenly makes me feel sorry for what I did to him. I know, he was close to killing me himself, but I didn't mean to return the feelings. All I meant was to push him away...maybe I should have been more careful. Dammit. I can never seem to make the right judgements in those situations.

And, tell ya what, it sure is weird to not hear a single growl coming from him at all.

I stand from my crouch as the medics rush out. My eyes travel from Maine to the medics as they run over. I take a few steps back, even though they aren't here yet, wanting to give them their room. Maine needs help.

Suddenly, I hear commotion across the ring. I look over to see the rookie, about ready to charge.

"What the hell? Is he still going to beat Maine further into the ground?" I ask Zeta.

"Appears like it," Zeta replies in my ear, not making an appearance. "He is charging up his speed unit right now."

I shake my head and mutter, "It seems like he really doesn't know what he is doing as an Agent."

I see Alaska - now up, thankfully - and some of the medics trying to stop the rookie, but he doesn't heed their warnings. He just bolts out instead, hurtling straight for Maine. I wish to stop him, but then I will just be the idiot. And probably a dead one at that. So I run out of his path. I turn to look at him once far enough away, and look at the right second to see him connect with Maine. The already injured Agent flies through the crate he pinned me against, and slams into the wall. He is stuck there for a moment, unmoving. Then Alaska comes and helps him out of the wall. After that, the medics speed out of the ring with Maine on a stretcher. Seeing the blood now at his throat makes me feel even more guilty. From where I stand towards the middle of the ring, upright and mostly unharmed, I look to the floor.

"Goddammit," I mutter to myself, clenching my fists at my sides.

"You did what you had to do, Holly," Zeta says quietly in my ear. "If you hadn't knocked him off you, that would have probably been you on that stretcher. And I doubt you would have recovered. Besides," he continues, happier, trying to make me feel better, "you did only inflicted part of the damage. Pinatubo caused the rest."

"Yes, Zeta, I know," I snap, angered at myself. "But I still caused some of it. And I don't exactly feel comfortable knowing that I contributed to the event of almost killing a fellow Agent. I don't care who it is. I don't like it, at all."

Zeta stays quiet after that, knowing his talking will not help. I stare at the floor for a moment longer, clenching my eyes shut for that moment. Not even the voice of F.I.L.S.S. above me, saying the match is over, can make me feel better. But I force myself to not feel this way, as it is only bad to do it. Then I look up from the floor. I see Alaska across the ring, then, still close to the wall. He is just standing there, still. Then he starts to walk in my direction. It is extremely obvious from his rigid posture that he is absolutely pissed. I am afraid for a moment that he is mad at me, for I am not very far from Pinatubo, and it would make sense to me. But his quick strides soon vere away from me and to the rookie. My eyes land on the rookie, knowing he is probably going to get the shit beat out of his already broken body. I am surprised to realise that I honestly don't give a shit about that. He kind of deserves it. Maybe he will learn his lesson after all.
Alaska rolled his shoulder, popping his arms many times as if another fight was about to ensue. He seemed tense, his muscle now flexing with his heartbeat. His path was directed to the Rookie, but after passing Oregon with a hand on her shoulder, it seems anger wasn't Alaska's emotions. When he reached the Rookie, Alaska put his arm around him, lifting his body to lean onto him. "You know how to make quite a scene, but tone it down next time.".

Alaska's voice was more concern then anything, trying to allowing himself to relax after the intense fight. He had let the battle get to him, and he could feel Omi mentally scolding him for showing weakness. Omi was teaching him to never restrict himself, not even against other agents, and Pinatubo had done the same. "Oregon, Illinois. I think we will be hearing an interesting AAR. Let's get up to the observatory.".

With this, Alaska carries Pinatubo into the elevator, not waiting for the girls to come.

"You aren't going to wait for them"

"They most likely need some time to compose themselves, that and putting them with Pinatubo might lead to another fight."

"If it weren't for me then that would have already happened. Praise Pinatubo, he didn't show mercy, even on his team mates."

"I guess thinking of these people as my friends is too much, but hurting them like that doesn't seem like me. I'm a gentle soul."

"I've been in your head long enough to tell you that is a lie, but I won't delve any further Mr. Temper."

Alaska chuckled before looking over Pinatubo, "I hope you don't mind the wait to the infirmary, but I think the Director would like to see us first. You did good Pinatubo, and he'll be the first to brag about it.".
When Alaska nears me, I mentally prepare myself, just in case he gets mad at me as well. He looked furious while walking over, and he seemed to be preparing himself for another fight. But his calm hand on my shoulder surprises me, and I flinch ever so slightly because of it. I unclench my hands slowly as he walks away, to the prone Pinatubo. Without moving the rest of my body, I watch him as he picks the rookie up and carries him out, now not seeming to be mad at all. In fact, I'm surprised to see this.

When Alaska tells Illinois and I to get to the observation room, I reply with a neutral, "Yes, sir," then watch as the door to the elevator closes on the two men. I stand there like that for a few more seconds, stock still except for my blinking eyes. I can't help but feel both surprise and respect towards Alaska for how he acted to Pinatubo.

"Wow," I finally utter quietly to Zeta. "That was...unexpected."

"I agree," Zeta replies. "Just like you, I thought he was going to give Pinatubo quite the licking. But, not everyone is predictable. Especially not you Agents, it seems." There is a few seconds of pause, then Zeta suggests, "Come on, Oregon. Let's get to the observatory. The others are waiting to meet you fabulous stars of the battlefield."

At that, I snort, then laugh quietly with a smile. "Sure, Zeta," I say in a calm voice, continuing his banter. "We are the new superstars. I just hope there are no cameras. I hate pictures." Then I start to make my way to the elevator, still smiling. The door opens once I press the button, and I press the button for the next floor up once inside. As the doors shut, I see Illinois out in the ring. I would wait for her, but I should just let her come up on her own. She would probably like that better.

When the doors open on the next floor, I heave a sigh. I don't know who was in the observation deck to watch our fight, and I don't know if they will appreciate or hate the turnout. But I make my way to the room anyway, knowing I need to get there some point in time.

"This is going to be interesting," I comment as I walk. I can tell through my implants that Zeta agrees.
Illinois watched him put his hand in the air and silently cheered. She took him down! With help, of course.. Before she could turn to ask If agent Oregon was alright she heard a tiny crack and she was knocked backwards. She saw the rookie racing at agent Maine, full speed. The medics yell for the rookie to stop but it's too late. He runs into Maine at a tremendous speed and knocks him back. Maine doesn't look too good. Red bleeds through the white on his armor. His visor is cracked.

She watches Alaska help the medics lift him up before Alaska lifted up and carried Pinatubo himself.

The only words exchanged between her and Alaska were about going to the observatory. Illinois nodded in agreement. She opened her mouth to talk to Oregon and him but he was gone before she knew it and Oregon had already started walking away.

"Wow. Tough crowd." She mumbled.

"Illinois, why don't you catch up?"

"We all need our privacy at the moment.. I mean Oregon just got lifted in the air by her throat." She replied before walking towards the elevators. "Im sure we are all pretty shaken." She sighed pressing the button. When the elevator finally showed up she walked inside and pressed the button to go up.

"I'm worried, Sensus. The Director will either suspend us from our mission or praise us and I don't even know if I'm ready for praise." She groaned.

"Calm down. We're almost there." "Right."

She brushed herself off as the doors opened and hurried into the observatory room where everyone else was. When she got there she saw the Director and everyone else standing at attention. She rushed to the end of the line and dusted herself off before standing at attention as well.


"I hope you understand the amount of rules you all broke today." The Dorector spoke once Illinois joined. You could hear the civil war in his voice.
As the Director talks sternly to us, I make sure to not let any reaction show. All that I do at his comment is give a slow blink, which is unseen under my helmet. But, other than that, I stay rigid and at attention. I shouldn't make him more mad than he already is.
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Illinois stood at attention. She kept her helmet on and nodded every once in a while to show she understood. Despite being chewed out the Director made sure to praise them for going up against the brute of Project Freelancer.


"Now. Rules you broke include using full force in a practice match, communication between the AI, you all broke several supply crates." The Director stood tall and confident with his hands behind his back.

"But you also took down Agent Maine. That does prove you all are something special but I'd like to see you up against Texas." He paused. "Of course, I don't want any rookies or anyone not on the charts up against one of the top three." He looked them all up and down.

"Y'all have a long ways to go till you're on the chart there. And you're being penalized for injuring one of our strongest members." He narrowed his eyes. "Is that understood?"
When the Director mentions going up against Agent Texas, I tense a little. Are you shitting me? We just went up against a really difficult Agent, yes, but he is scary, mainly, because of his creepy feel and how damn strong he is. Texas, though, is fast, strong, brilliant, fast, a great fighter, fast- I don't really want to go up against her anytime soon.

When he says, though, that he doesn't want us to go against her until we are ranked higher, I relax ever so slightly from my tenseness.

At the end of the Director's rant, I nod my head once at him, letting him know that I understand. I knew this was coming, he reprimanding, but it is still a little annoying that we are being punished. Oh, well. Such is life.
Alaska kept his right side on Pinatubo, holding him up in case he couldn't do it on his own. His left side was stood at attention, waiting for the Director to end his rant. Agent Texas, she resembled the top of the food chain in the Freelancers, besting every agent easily. Carolina was the only one who stood close to her, as they were always butting heads, but Texas always pulled first. Alaska contained a chuckle, the idea of letting them four fight Texas seemed more like a joke then a reality.

The fight with Maine seemed almost like a joke too, now that Alaska thought about it. A Rookie, well that's unrealistic to call him that now, Agent Pinatubo coming in and showing strength that the other three didn't have. Oregon and Illinois' team work, and Rookie's finisher, Hell I wasn't even there to end it. Maine was hurt, but that was the way of training. Taking it easy on the opponent was almost cheating them of a good fight, and Alaska was understanding that now.

Omicron, did I almost lose myself in that battle?

Your heartbeat was raised, breathing increased, and I nearly couldn't recover your muscles from them being so tense. You being so calm and gentle outside battle doesn't help when you get in it.

Nearly fleshed out my anger on Pinatubo, didn't I?

Yes, but I doubt he will resent you for it. I'm sure after the Director's speech you can speak with him.

Thank you, log off.
As the Director continues his ranting, I can feel hunger starting to really gnaw at my belly. It isn't too terribly annoying, but, dang it, standing there and doing nothing but listening to the Director doesn't really give me much to do, other than focus on him or my slowly growing hunger. I just hope he ends his talk soon so we can go get something to eat before we head out.
The Director let his eyes trace over all of the fighters, the look in his eyes showing a strange sadistic pleasantly in the match. "As for this penalizing, it shall be on the lines of a mission that those on the charts are too busy for." The look in his eyes turned business, an unnerving stare that seemed to pierce the visors of all there. The Director's assistant held up a large glass screen, allowing a small visual for all in the room. "While y'all were fighting, intelligence gathered that a remote laboratory has successfully completed a base that is fully operational by AI. This is nothing out of the ordinary, but what tipped us off was the fact that it is being run by more then one AI, all working together, something we haven't seen before." The Director touched the device, the screen immediately lighting up with a map of a building enclosed in a valley. Upon further inspection, the base was color coated, five different colors: red, blue, green, yellow, and white. "More detail will be presented to you during prep time, so for now I want everyone here and a few other agents to go get acquainted. You all leave in 2 hours.". The Director turned to leave, taking his assistant with him. The doors opened and the Director stepped through, but on his way down the hall he turned back to them. "I do expect this group to face Texas some time in the near future, this mission will give many opportunities to get on the board, don't make her wait.". With this the group was left to themselves in the observatory.


Alaska adjusted Pinatubo on his shoulder, trying to get comfortable with the super soldier's weight on him. "I think I promised to take you to the infirmary after this, if I remember correctly? Maybe if we are lucky we can get you a seat next to Maine." Alaska joked to Pinatubo before turning to the girls. "I'll see you two at the briefing. Weapons, armor, and Intel, all of that comes after some team introductions and such. Locker room is a good as place as ever, meet you ladies there." With that the cold and intimidating Spartan, equipped with a deep and supple voice, turned and left with Pinatubo.

It didn't take long to get to the infirmary, and although many of the doctors were busy with Maine, Pinatubo was rushed onto a stretcher. "Recovery shouldn't be too long. I'll seen you on the battlefield soon." Alaska gave his goodbye before heading towards a small room in the ship, taking a few of the small screens with him to the locker rooms.
[infirmary, Freelancer Base]

Pinatubo gives her a nod, or at least as close to one as he can manage, before settling into the bed... onlt to cringe as he is immediately set upon by Cogitatio, who chastises him.

[Area 704-A, Designation: Dock]

The ship the team is to leave on sits silently, techs working on it rapidly to have it ready in time. A cloaked freelancer seems to rise from the floor, starling the crew. "Hawaii." The man explains, cutting off the head tech's questioning. The tech promptly quiets and continues working along with his men. Hawaii, or 'Yami' as some have taken to calling him, proceeds to the main area. He had just returned from a sabotage mission, one that he had completed successfully, as always. He takes a moment to refill his ammunition reserves at the armory before stowing his customized rifle. He enters the common area, practically invisible to all but the most perceptive, even without his cloaking system. even in his half-ton armor, his steps are silent, only his movement giving off his position, and even then just barely.

He approaches the nearest agent-Oregon, if he remembers correctly- and gives a swift nod. To any watching, he seems to have simply appeared without any warning, his swift movement revealing himself. "Agent Oregon, is it? A pleasure." He extends a hand. It seems prudent to introduce himself to the other freelancers, and mingle. For all he knows, they are the squad he is to accompany on the mission to scope out an AI-managed base. His voice is crisp, clear, devoid of emotion. Calculating, but without the cold edge many would produce.
Delaware sat in a bench in the locker room, fully armored with a partially disassembled Stanchion Gauss Rifle in his hands. On his right was a box of weapon cleaning tools, and on his left, laying on the bench, were an M7 SMG and a combat knife. Mag-clamped to his back was a sheathed katana. As Delaware's nimble hands finished reassembling the Stanchion, he heard the voice of his AI, Mors, in his head.

"Delaware, it appears that Agent Alaska is heading to your position."

"Acknowledged," Delaware replied, putting his box of cleaning supplies away in his locker and placing his various weapons in their respective positions on his armor. His combat knife went into its sheath on the back of his waist, his M7 mag-clamped to his right thigh, and his Stanchion mag-clamped to his back, crossed over his katana. Assuring himself that everything was in its place and fully loaded, Delaware grabbed a few extra magazines for his weapons before rising from the bench to go meet Alaska.

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